Community > Posts By > megforhire

megforhire's photo
Fri 05/18/07 06:16 PM
Before I go to bed ill be honest and admit that I masturbate before
going to bed . Its usually around 4-5am shower , brush teeth ,
masturbate , sleep . yawn

megforhire's photo
Fri 05/18/07 03:21 PM
I like how he said "i haven't had any responses at not
unattractive" noway

megforhire's photo
Thu 05/17/07 09:41 PM
I would relocate and am on the 29th of this month . :heart:

megforhire's photo
Thu 05/17/07 09:09 PM
Talkative- non-stop motor mouth even when you ask them to change
subjects .

It would be nice to find someone to out talk me . happy

megforhire's photo
Thu 05/17/07 07:37 PM
My bad habits --- nail biting , pulling my hair out . I can be really
rude and nasty when im really drunk . I throw my dirty clothes on the
floor . I think thats all .

megforhire's photo
Thu 05/17/07 10:43 AM

My mother is Italian and thus trys to make everything traditionally
american in her own special italian way ..... she makes the best italian
meatloaf which consists of ground beef , minced garlic , onion , green
bell pepper , grated parmesan cheese , italian bread crumbs , 2 eggs ,
oregano , pepper , thyme , salt , and then covers it with marinara sauce
while cooking . Basicly a huge meat ball but its really good .

megforhire's photo
Wed 05/16/07 07:24 PM
how many times have you flown?

30+ times .

Same Q how many times have you flown?

megforhire's photo
Wed 05/16/07 07:18 PM
Dream vacation = Iguazu Falls in Argentina

Same question ?

megforhire's photo
Wed 05/16/07 07:15 PM
Do you love the summer?

I do not love the summer . Toooo HOT and I am HOT enough . I do like the
parties though . happy

Whats your favorite pass time ?

megforhire's photo
Wed 05/16/07 06:17 PM
what's your favorite time of day?

I am a night time person so usually between 11pm and 3am .

Do you ever just want to SCREAM !?!?!?!??

megforhire's photo
Tue 05/15/07 06:26 PM
I just had some fried potatoes w/bell pepper and onion and a brownie for
dessert .
Healthy ... yeah I know .laugh

megforhire's photo
Sun 05/13/07 10:45 PM
I got this aswell . Actually ive been getting alot of these kind of
messages lately .

megforhire's photo
Sun 05/13/07 10:41 PM
Some of my favorites .

"Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can
- Mark Twain

"Faith is the strength by which a shattered world shall emerge into the
- Helen Keller

"Pride is concerned with who is right. Humility is concerned with what
is right."
- Ezra Taft Benson

"Forgiveness is the answer to the child's dream of a miracle by which
what is broken is made whole again, what is soiled is again made clean."
- Dag Hammarskjold

"We must come to see that peace is not merely a distant goal we seek,
but it is a means by which we arrive at that goal. We must pursue
peaceful ends through peaceful means."
- Martin Luther King, Jr.

“The real hope lies in changing the minds of people. People won’t change
their minds if they never face the truth.”
-Tyree Guyton

"Midway upon the journey of my life I found myself within a forest dark,
For the straightforward pathway had been lost."
-Dante , The Divine Comedy

megforhire's photo
Sun 05/13/07 03:19 PM

megforhire's photo
Sun 05/13/07 03:17 PM
Stacey is Greek and means Ressurection .

megforhire's photo
Sun 05/13/07 03:15 PM
I like Sarah it means Princess .
Ethan is my nephews name which means Strong One and I like that too .
If I ever have children I would name a girl Talulah or Lola and a boy
Gabriel or Avory .

megforhire's photo
Sun 05/13/07 02:31 PM
Im not a Mom but I can tell you what I got mine . We each chipped in
$100 for a Zales gift card . There are 5 of us . She actually cried when
she opened it . Then she went out to lunch with my Father .

megforhire's photo
Sun 05/13/07 02:27 PM
Megan . :smile:

megforhire's photo
Sun 05/13/07 09:55 AM
To speed up your computer when it boots up or shutsdown you just need to
turn off some startup items . This is all those little icons that load
on the toolbar in the lower right hand corner .

To do this go to your start menu and click run .
type in msconfig and hit enter .
On the window that opens click the start up tab on the right . If you
are running Windows XP or Vista it is SAFE to disable all but you may
want to recheck your anti-virus software if you run any . If you are
running any a version of Windows previous to XP you must leave
ScanRegistry , TaskMonitor , SystemTray & LoadPowerProfile checked in
order to boot . Anything you uncheck can be reached through the start
menu if you want to run it . This just prevents the program from booting
on start up . After you disable everything you want to disable click ok
and you will be prompted to restart the computer . Once you reboot a
window will pop up put a check in the box so that MSCONFIG wont load
everytime you reboot and click ok . This should make things load alot
faster . You can also enable the stuff you just turned off again by
going back to msconfig and rechecking it .

megforhire's photo
Sat 05/12/07 05:14 AM

1. If you are choking on an ice cube, don't panic.
Simply pour a cup of boiling water down your throat and
presto, the blockage will be almost instantly removed.

2. Clumsy? Avoid cutting yourself while slicing
vegetables by getting someone else to hold them while
you chop away.

3. You can avoid arguments with the Mrs. about lifting
the toilet seat just by using the sink.

4. For high blood pressure sufferers: simply cut
yourself and bleed for a few minutes, thus reducing the
pressure in your veins. Remember to use an egg timer.

5. A mouse trap placed on top of your alarm clock will
prevent you from rolling over and going back to sleep
after you hit the snooze button.

6. If you have a bad cough, take a large dose of
laxatives. Then you will be afraid to cough.

7. Have a bad toothache? Smash your thumb with a
hammer and you will forget all about the toothache.

8. Sometimes, we just need to remember what the rules
of life really are:
In life, you only need two tools - WD-40 and Duct Tape.
If it doesn't move but should, use the WD-40.
If it should not move and does, use the duct tape.

9. Remember: Everyone seems normal until you get to
know them.

10. Never pass up an opportunity to go to the bathroom.