Community > Posts By > miko1960

miko1960's photo
Tue 07/14/09 01:12 PM
Jesus is my savior,my protector,my confessor,my greatest friend,that will never forsake me. He is life everlasting,he is the cleansing fire of the holy ghost.He died for me,then arisen to save me,he is long suffering,he is patience,he is my provider he is lord the creator of the heavens and the earth,he brings to me peace and love and forgiveness though I am weak he is my strength in all things he created me because he loved me. He is my king,my lord and my god,blessed be his holy name Lord Jesus Christ and may he reign forever and forever.And all of gods children say Amen:smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:

miko1960's photo
Mon 06/29/09 12:49 PM
All of us have different beliefs and we should respect others beliefs as well Christ never married according to the bible,Mary Magdalene was a perfect example of gods forgiveness that Christ would except a woman as one as his followers that had once been as the bible states a harlot.

I am truly sorry for those of you who can't see the depth of gods patience and the great love he has for his children.
Yes god created the world but it was man that created the problems of this world,it has always seem funny to me how people that claim not to believe in god yet blame god for all the ills of the world,just maybe we can stop disagreeing an arguing with each other long enough and make the world a better place,you don't have to agree with a person on their beliefs but you should not insult or try to disprove their beliefs either,don't have to agree but respect others beliefs we are after all a country that has freedom of religion,that includes also if one is an atheist,I respect your views if you choose not to believe in the bible or god,I will not insult your beliefs why would you won't to insult mine.

miko1960's photo
Mon 06/29/09 11:37 AM
I couldn't help to notice most of the quotes from the bible on here are from the old testament,the time before Christ there was no way other then the law to be close to god,times were very harsh in this period of scripture,but if you were to read on to the new testament you will find that we are no longer to have more than one wife,having several wives was at a time when the earth was being populated.

Also according to the new testament on marriage woman are help in a much higher regard as one of Christs greatest followers was a woman.

miko1960's photo
Mon 06/29/09 11:28 AM
Here I am over here can't you see me.

miko1960's photo
Mon 06/29/09 11:20 AM
Will never happen.

miko1960's photo
Mon 06/29/09 11:17 AM
The time I had my back jumped on was over me and my friends going to a home football game in our city I was a season pass ticket holder with two seats that I would sell at a discounted rate to a friend of mine.

She knew this was a tradition I had during football season,that it was the guys day out,I had been going to the games with 2 of my friends since I was a kid.

2 days before the game she insisted I be with her or take her to the game,when I reminded her of our agreement over the games that I was allowed this by her,and besides this would have hurt my friend by telling him he couldn't go to the game with me,by the way this was a playoff game between the Houston Oilers and Cleveland Browns and there were no other tickets left to buy for the game.

So I stood my ground and told her that she was going back on her word to me about the game and there was an issue of trus involved as well by her going back on her word to me.

Needless to say she became very upset even though I offered to take her out to dinner and dancing after the game.

miko1960's photo
Mon 06/29/09 10:52 AM

miko1960's photo
Mon 06/29/09 10:46 AM

miko1960's photo
Mon 06/29/09 10:44 AM
I cried over a woman once,never let that happen again though my friend really ribbed me about it.

miko1960's photo
Mon 06/29/09 10:36 AM
Ya just can't let things gotears tears tears tears

miko1960's photo
Mon 06/29/09 10:31 AM
Why can we never win an argument with a woman,maybe because us men would rather diffuse the situation before something is said that can't be taken back,maybe we are trying to be the peacemakers in a relationship.

Woman however just can't seem to let go when arguing with a man,I just can't see anything constructive in arguing having a serious discussion however is another matter,when voices become raised and anger crops into the picture this would be a good time for both parties to back away from one another.

At times when I have been in arguments with girlfriends,they will follow me out the door and would not let me leave by standing in front of my cars door or even taking my car keys away from me,one even jumped on my back,because I was trying to leave in the middle of a discussion we were having where she was becoming angry.

A lot of times arguments start over something about the relationship,I realize a woman can become frustrated when discussing these matters with us,since we don't like to talk about these things,we feel if it ain't broke why try to fix it.

miko1960's photo
Mon 06/29/09 09:58 AM
No we should not have sex before marriage,the bible says it is a sin to have sexual relations outside of marriage,it is better to marry then to burn(burn with desire).However mankind sins on a daily basis even Christians,god expects us to try not to sin.

If we happen to fall we can repent then all is made new with the lord,Christ said all forgiven sins are wiped clean.

This does not give us a license to sin however,we must strive to perfection,god knows we will never be perfect this is why his son died on the cross,because of man kinds sinful nature.If one must have sexual relations outside of marriage,then one must also repent of said sin and seek gods forgiveness,he only expects us to try or best to live in his holy word.

miko1960's photo
Sat 06/27/09 10:34 AM
I can't concentrate while your talking to mefrustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated

miko1960's photo
Sat 06/27/09 10:27 AM

miko1960's photo
Sat 06/27/09 10:16 AM
I never pushed anyones head under the covers,did think it was funny though when I would rip a good one,and besides woman also do the same thing to men.

miko1960's photo
Sat 06/27/09 10:06 AM
I know this has happened to other men I myself have never actually lived with any of my girlfriends but we have stayed at each others places for periods of time,I have heard of this occurring with most of my married friends. What I am referring to is when us men are in the bathroom and with the door closed why is it woman pick that time to hold a conversation on the other side of the bathroom door or worse yet insist on coming inside the bathroom when we are doing our business.I think this is for one an invasion of privacy and also very rude.I know all woman don't do this,but a lot of you are doing it,some things are just private even if you are married or living together and some men this does not bother them as well. My former girlfriend would always do this even after I had told her that it makes me uncomfortable ,if the door is closed and locked it means to stay out and give some privacy to the one using it,also if we take more than ten minutes in there they won't to know why we are taking so long,sometimes men like to read and or think while we are in the bathroom.

miko1960's photo
Sat 06/27/09 09:43 AM
The word of God was written in such a fashion so as to teach Gods children to seek and learn,God never intended for things to be easy,one of the problems with todays society is everybody wants things spelled out and just given to us,but life is not easy we have made it hard,now we see the word of God as to much work.

miko1960's photo
Sat 06/27/09 09:28 AM
Amen Sister:smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:

miko1960's photo
Sat 06/27/09 08:51 AM
According to the word of God marriage is a Holy Union between a man and a woman,god looks upon marriage in importance 2nd only to him and the son of man.Marriage is looked upon by our creator as an expression of gods love for his children,also so as not to break gods laws on having relations outside of marriage.
There are only 2 reasons for a marriage to end,one of coarse is death,the other is adultery,there are no other reasons mention in the bible for ending a marriage.
The roles of a husband and wife are described in the bible for the husband to become both leader of his household and spiritual leader of his household as well,the wifes role is to give advice to her husband,and tend to the day to day care of her family,a mans role is also to be the primary breadwinner of the family,also the husband should shoulder most of the families hardships,to be both a godly and wise leader of his household.
This does not however mean a husband has total control of the home,that was why God gave Adam a helpmate,first part to be a helper to the man and 2nd part to be the mans mate.God looks upon all of his children as equals,both male and female,god holds his daughters up just as high as his sons
Even though the husband has been given authority over his household,God retains authority over the husband and all that dwell in the husbands household.For the word of god states that a husband is held accountable for the welfare and happiness of his spouse,god will count every tear she sheds over the husband.Furthermore a wife must also have authority in her household,both over her children and the day to day care of the family.
Husband and wife are intended by god to be partners not to be lord and servant,the wife is not the husbands servant,the wife is only a servant unto god.God commands that a husband must at all times listen to the advice of his wife,to show both respect and gratitude to the wife for the day to day care she gives to her family.

miko1960's photo
Fri 06/26/09 05:06 PM
I have a crush on Gypsy,but I think she mad at me:cry: :cry: