Community > Posts By > Robxbox73

Robxbox73's photo
Sun 03/04/18 03:25 AM

Don't you all think it may be Karma ?

Who used guns and poisons and diseases to try to genocide to extinction the Native American first Nations Peoples, Who were unfortunately in the way of greedy european psychopaths, of which many of you are descendents.

It was OK to kill as many Native Americans as possible in your collective european genocidal land theft, and environmental destruction campaigns, over a huge part of the continent, (if not all of it).

NOW YOUR GUNS ARE BEING USED ON/AGAINST YOU, YOU DON'T SEEM TO LIKE GUNS ANYMORE ! One rule for you, and another rule for everyone else !

Understand your sick history; understand why 'north america is the greatest country in the whole of the USA' !! You are stuck in a greedy pro-criminal culture of gimme gimme gimme - we got lots of stuff - aren't we great !

Your culture is sick to the core, thanks to roman, viking, british and european values of: our weapons are stronger than yours, so give us everything or die.

Same goes for canada, south (or all of) africa, australia, new zealand, and anywhere else sick greedy demented europeans arrived with battleships, guns, bombs, diseases, and copious criminal detritis and mental patients which the europeans were only too happy to 'transport' away, to do the dirty work.

Violence engenders violence, cultures and children have long memories, your miss deeds in the name of capitalism, comunism, and fascism will forever continue to dog you, unless you change your culture to a more caring one.

Laws only affect the people who adhere to them; most criminals, be they government/corporate, or private individuals will always try to get away with whatever they can. And if they have money or influence or something to blackmail with, they WILL get away with it.

Truth, justice, and the american way of subverting truth and justice !laugh

You know its funny.... how hypocritical some countries can be. Your rant about Native Americans is quite comical, considering Australia's history with its own Genocide of its First People the Aboriginal tribes. Driving them from their lands and over high cliffs to their deaths??? Didnt even spare the women and children.

You preach to us??? Excuse me but the same histroy you talk about is exactly the same history that happended "down Under". Your just like all the "do nothing" countries that laugh and point at America and pretend that we DON'T know your history. European Pshycos??? Where do you think Australia came from??? Heaven???
You guys were the British scumbags of Europe! A prison country!!! So messed up, that they had to ship you to the bottom of the world! Just to keep you vermin away from Merry old England. Guess thats why your such a joke!rofl

So spare me your self-righteous swamp gas.....Your no different. Actually like all do nothing countries, you just come off as jealous....

Robxbox73's photo
Sun 03/04/18 03:08 AM
Whats another Scar????
Thats the poem????
Downtown is right....keep flipping burgers...
Wheres the beef? I mean poem???

Robxbox73's photo
Sun 03/04/18 03:05 AM
Um...yea 7 feet...
Well, I'm sure!!!
So good luck. And Welcome!

Robxbox73's photo
Sun 03/04/18 03:02 AM
Wow Rob!
Awsome concert!!! JayKay looks Chubby and the backgroung vocalists were out of tune...But the Chiles lived the !@$% out of the experience!!!

Robxbox73's photo
Sun 03/04/18 02:59 AM

I can totally relate. But I think there is a redeemer quality in us, that might make leaving someone in trouble or a bad hard. The problem now is when I date, its once and thats it. Lately I've gotten replies of why? I don't want to explaing that I might carry the date beyond the freshness date...if ya know what i mean.
This could lead to a cold blooded cutoff or a dull dinner only doldrum of boring conversations.... its a kicker...

Robxbox73's photo
Sun 03/04/18 02:52 AM

I'm Scorpio. Sexy and magnetic apparently! Do I relate to that? Most definitely not. I used to be interested in astrology but not so much now.

Hi D!

Scorpio women are such great dancers! Some of my best disco partners were Scorpios! Lots of fun!!!

Funny you should mention dancing. I used to go to dancing lessons when I was in my teens and loved it. I was once invited to dance for a store opening (disco dance) but turned it down as I was too shy back then :relaxed:

Oh, yes Scorpios are great on the dancefloor, once they let their inhibitions down. I'll bet you cut a mean rug, Delightful!!!

Robxbox73's photo
Sun 03/04/18 02:49 AM

I sure do!
I'm Taurus and I really don't compute with some other signs. With some there is a more platonic vibe, not one for a love relationship.
Some of the signs that are supposed to be a great match for Taurus aren't for me at all. Like Cancer. I need someone stronger lest I don't walk all over them. Virgo and I don't work out, although it should, and Capricorn... no idea. I doubt it. The only male Capri I know is my son. I would've known more had there been a buzz between me and them. Besides, Capris are so stubborn, I doubt I could live with one. They say Taurus is stubborn (I don't agree with that tongue2 ) then try a Capri surprised
My best friends usually are Capricorns, so we do get along really well. But I don't think it'd work for love.

My last partner was a Leo and he was the best match I've ever had.

Wow, thats interesting. I read a book that says there are 3 types to a sign. 1,2 and 3.
1 being the hardcore definition of the sign. The last two are lighter versions. I'm a T3. My love intrests are Cancer, Pieces, Scorpio, Leo, Capricorn and Gemini! I know...not standard fare for the Earth sign Bull. I seem to gravitate toward the unique, intelligent and true. Thanks Crystal Fairy!!!

Robxbox73's photo
Sun 03/04/18 02:40 AM
Working on a friends electronic Metronome... left the batteries in too long.. serious acid burns on everything....going to have to rebuild the circuitry. Maybe a comlimentry bang bang flip flop amp setup. With a rheostat to set the time.
Well back to the drawingboard...

Robxbox73's photo
Sun 03/04/18 02:29 AM
Edited by Robxbox73 on Sun 03/04/18 02:30 AM

cMNi Breakthru!

Spokesperson from Pioneer/BASF Laboratories has announced IsoFilm.
This flexible spray can be used to isolate MN effects on a variety of surfaces
including liquids and some gasses.
With its low cost and adaptive materials we will see wide-spread use within the year.

As you already know, Sandia National Laboratories developed the Mass Nullification Field during the mid 21st century. Over the 72 years of testing; Twice, Thrice and Quatra elements were made from Core Elements and are now in wide use around the globe. The main problem with MN technology has been that it can only be used in a controlled vacuum environment as evident from the many MN Element factories worldwide.

Mankind has been dreaming of anti-gravity technology for hundreds of years. Pioneer/BASF Labs has brought those dreams to a reality with IsoFilm. It is impossible to control gravity but with MN fields we can remove the mass from a substance within that field. Till now, there has never been a way to isolate the effect from other objects nearby. cMNi stands for Controlled Mass Nullification Isolation. IsoFilm is a spray that is flexible and creates a barrier to the MN Field. It applies like paint and can be added to manufacturing processes like pigments.

The mixture contains both core and thrice elements with a quatra activator. The precise mixture ratios and process is secret. Remember that Thrice elements are core elements like carbon that has been subjected to MN fields and displaced during deactivation sequence three times; Carbon3 (C3), Tungsten2 (W2), Lead4 (Pb4) and so on. Your ocular implants are constructed from quatra elements.

Light-Lift Corporation, a subsidy of Sandia National Laboratories, has developed a portable field unit. Printing sequences will be available online later this year. Using Light-Lift's PFU and IsoFilm you will be able to effectively render nearly any object weightless. You attach the PFU to a sled, spray the IsoFilm on it all and activate the field using a remote. Levitation fans allow you to set the desired height and control direction. There is no weight limit.

NTA (National Transportation Association) has already approved both commercial and private conveyance construction. Plans are being drawn for a city platform (our first ever floating city).

Fantrastic Post Tom!!!!

Maybe the breakthru is on a molecular level? You know, like the transporter research, that can teleport a molecule from one side of the petri dish to the other....

The steps to great science always start small.

This breakthrough would be huge not just for floating things...
If you can cancel out terrestrial gravity the next step should be the eternaly undoable, EM field, or electromagnetic field. We could spray this stuff on and walk into a nuclear reactor, fix it and wash off the suit later. I worked at Intel Corporation in Rio Rancho, New Mexico. We used to have Sandia retired engineers working in our plant with our robotics team. They are the most out of this world individuals you will ever meet. I had a friend from Sandia, who used to kid that he was an alien human hybrid...I belived him!

Robxbox73's photo
Sun 03/04/18 02:10 AM
Working graveyard shift really messes me up. So I'm constantly asking...Is it time for Breakfast or Dinner???

Robxbox73's photo
Sun 03/04/18 02:08 AM
Edited by Robxbox73 on Sun 03/04/18 02:08 AM

I’m an Aries Rob , a fire sign and stubborn too slaphead I used to read horoscopes till I got tired of them not being accurate. The character definitions of the zodiac signs though is quite near the truth.

Aries! Yes.. smart and creative. I don't follow the signs like i did when I was young. I can usually meet someone face to face and guess their sign from their mannerisms and conversation. I used to make it a first date game. By the end we would try to guess our signs...Lots of fun with wrong answers!

Robxbox73's photo
Sun 03/04/18 02:03 AM
Edited by Robxbox73 on Sun 03/04/18 02:12 AM
In bed with Insomnia! And this woman won't let me sleep........

Robxbox73's photo
Sun 03/04/18 02:00 AM
Well your young and full track thinking..
So...I was thinking you need a lesson on the word Love via the Greek translation..

1Agape.....The love of humans for God.
2 Storge....The love of family.
3 Philia......The love of close friends.
4 Eros........The love of the physical, sensual and down right hony...
I'm thinking your stuck in Eros land...
Well your only young once!

Robxbox73's photo
Sun 03/04/18 01:51 AM

Rooster ma man?

Robxbox73's photo
Sun 03/04/18 01:49 AM

I'm Scorpio. Sexy and magnetic apparently! Do I relate to that? Most definitely not. I used to be interested in astrology but not so much now.

Hi D!

Scorpio women are such great dancers! Some of my best disco partners were Scorpios! Lots of fun!!!

Robxbox73's photo
Sun 03/04/18 01:30 AM
Very popular ice breaker in the 70s. Does anyone still use this to gauge compatibility?
I do. Being a Taurus, I have many signs I'm compatible with. I'm a type 3 Taurus which is cusping. Not as hardcore as a type 1.

Sooooo what is your sign?

Robxbox73's photo
Sun 03/04/18 01:24 AM
Edited by Robxbox73 on Sun 03/04/18 01:25 AM

I think we all have some regrets somewhere, wishing we'd said or done something, or were given the opportunity to do so.

As for your topic question, regret for having dumped someone, nope. Never.
I don't easily 'dump' someone. I'm a Taurus, I tend to stay with a person too long, even when the relationship has past its sell-by date. So if I do decide to cut someone out of my life, I am 100% certain about it. That doesn't mean, however, it doesn't hurt to do so.
Usually people think that when you end a relationship you're fine and not hurting, but that is not necessarily the case. The fact you had to end a relationship, means that something you wanted, had hopes for and dreams, went down the tubes. And that is always painful, even when you were the one who decided it couldn't go on any longer.

Wow, Crystal...I'm the same way. Too long, then when i break up, I NEVER go back to an Ex, not even once. To me its like, well we tried our best, lets move on. I live happier this way. Fellow Minotaur!

Robxbox73's photo
Sun 03/04/18 01:20 AM
Having a beer with my 3 sons and they all said....Thanks for the beer!

Robxbox73's photo
Sun 03/04/18 01:17 AM
JayKay released his first album in 6 years called Automaton! The London based Funkadelik group has been busy on the world tour since November 2017, supportung the album.
This concert is over an hour long on YouTube. Dated Feb 28 2018 in Chile.

Robxbox73's photo
Sun 03/04/18 01:11 AM

sihs llac ew llahS !remraF sknahT

!yaw siht ynnuf skool .....gniddik tusJ !eep I nehw struh tI

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