Community > Posts By > NomDiPlume

NomDiPlume's photo
Wed 05/02/07 09:15 AM
Yeah, it's alright.

Given a choice between the two, you'd pick up in a bar:
The suave brainy dude/witty, brainy girl
The built surfer dude/stacked surfer girl

LAmom - Woot! Go on with your bad self. Elegant Universe?

NomDiPlume's photo
Tue 05/01/07 02:11 PM
"Work is the curse of the drinking man." - Popularly attributed to Oscar

NomDiPlume's photo
Tue 05/01/07 01:59 PM
"What is a wise man? One who teaches a fool. What is a fool? One who
has a wise man for a teacher." - Zen Koan

NomDiPlume's photo
Tue 05/01/07 01:56 PM
Thanks invisible. Massively bored at the office today. A nice drink
would hit the spot.

How about an orange starburst (50/50 coconut rum/OJ)?

NomDiPlume's photo
Tue 05/01/07 01:28 PM

If you were at Mardi Gras, would you sell clothing for beads?

NomDiPlume's photo
Tue 05/01/07 01:24 PM
"Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy." - Benjamin

NomDiPlume's photo
Tue 05/01/07 01:23 PM
"Answering violence with violence only multiplies violence, adding
deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars." - Dr. King

NomDiPlume's photo
Tue 05/01/07 01:21 PM
"I saw a squirrel! It was doing like this ...!" - Grr (Zim, by Johnen

NomDiPlume's photo
Tue 05/01/07 01:20 PM
When asked to sum up his philosophy in three words or less:
"Yes, but ..." - John Updike

NomDiPlume's photo
Tue 05/01/07 01:17 PM
Attended a pair of fairly tame orgies in college which were centered
around a game called "StripMac". At least, that's probably the worst.

Ever performed a striptease?

NomDiPlume's photo
Tue 05/01/07 01:13 PM
Interesting dialogue. I was actually invited into a polyamorous
relationship recently, though I have thus far politely declined. The
guy and the girl are both friends of mine. She's asked me for a
relationship, and he met me privately to give me his ok.

Very weird. Kind of tempting, if only because I'm lonely and she's hot,
but I'd hate to end up in the middle. Still, it's tempting on occasion.

NomDiPlume's photo
Tue 05/01/07 01:09 PM
Once saw a great German fan-dub of Tarzan. They even dubbed Cheetah.
Imagine the monkey speaking in an uber-deep male German voice instead of
ooking. Rather amusing.

Anyways, no correcting the typing. If you convince the "Id went sayling
yeterdey" folks to type proper English you just take away one more thing
we can learn from their profile. Strategy, my friend, strategy!

NomDiPlume's photo
Tue 05/01/07 01:01 PM
I once dated a girl who was well over 6' in college. I'm only 5'6", so
I pretty much had to pick her up and turn her sideways to kiss her. So
yes, I generally date short girls. I'm not sure that's been mostly my
doing, though. Tall women just aren't interested in dating shorter guys,

NomDiPlume's photo
Tue 05/01/07 12:55 PM
Looks like the place is a hit, Glen. Though I think the ladies may have
taken over ...

Nice to see you all. Ummm, I think I'll wait to take my runway walk -
I'm not too keen on following whatever muffin just fetched 200K for his
abs. ( c;


NomDiPlume's photo
Tue 05/01/07 12:44 PM
OK, I'm adding GreenEyes to my list. Not local and older than me,
admittedly, but who could resist? ( c;

NomDiPlume's photo
Tue 05/01/07 12:42 PM
50/50. Shy about approaching women I'm interested in, definitely.
Awkward when I do manage to do it.

NomDiPlume's photo
Tue 05/01/07 12:40 PM
Sorry for posting on the wrong side, just thought I'd point out that
this thread does exist.

NomDiPlume's photo
Tue 05/01/07 12:19 PM
Sorry, should have read more before commenting. Still, very skeevy.
Definitely a no-go.

NomDiPlume's photo
Tue 05/01/07 12:17 PM
A couple, one ear, nipples.

Ever had a homosexual fantasy/experience?

NomDiPlume's photo
Tue 05/01/07 12:13 PM
The problem with fiction love is that the characters are ideals and
don't know it. Frankly, finding someone that "perfect" usually means
finding an unbearable ego, and finding a love that "selfless" usually
means that someone is being a very selfish partner.

Real love is about communication, compromise, and understanding. But
here's the upside - it's even better. At the end of the day, romance
novel love is hollow. It's empty like only love between characters can
be. Between people love is an organic, constantly-changing,
hair-raising adventure that will defy definition every second that it
is. Perfection is over-rated. Life is where it's at.