IgorFrankensteen's photo
Sun 06/02/19 02:29 PM

How to safe Sex

Hold one between your knees.

Hmmm. That would work for SOME "techniques."

Just saying.

Of course it depends on what you want to be safe FROM.

IgorFrankensteen's photo
Sun 06/02/19 02:27 PM

Where does everyone think the best pizza is from?

Somewhere close enough that it isn't stale by the time it gets here.

Best pizza I've had, was from a place in Richmond Virginia. No longer exists, unfortunately. Something about their unique cheese blend.

My sense is that I've never had the BEST pizza. I like the sauces some places use, but not the crust; the crust some places use, but not the spices; the spices some places use, but not the cheese, and so on.

If I weren't cursed as a cook, I'd try to make my own.

IgorFrankensteen's photo
Mon 05/27/19 02:24 PM
One of the things that makes all aspects of living tricky, while dealing with other people, is that we can (almost) all think.

That has a side effect, that some people end up thinking things through ahead of time, and when they imagine that things wont go their way if they are honest and open, they might decide to try saying not the truth.

Even some mostly honest people who mean well, will say things other than the truth, if nothing else, to avoid tension or friction that they fear might come if they WERE entirely honest.

And of course, especially here in "relationshipland," it's common for people to believe that a little bit of lying at the beginning is all but imperative. The most common lie told, I suspect, is saying that they don't mind something, when actually they very much do. But they hope that they'll be able to put up with it until they like you enough that it stops bothering them, or that they can eventually convince you to change for them.

I end up forgiving some kinds of lies, almost without another thought, but some others are the kind that make any continued relating impossible.

Take them one at a time.

IgorFrankensteen's photo
Mon 05/27/19 02:12 PM
Actually, I'm not really sure, since all I've tried so far IS life.

IgorFrankensteen's photo
Mon 05/27/19 02:05 PM
This is why I have long thought that no one who can afford to travel on a vacation, should be allowed to do so.

IgorFrankensteen's photo
Wed 05/22/19 03:30 AM
Something I had to deal with, due to various things (primarily mental illness).

The "negotiations" themselves matter. In my case, they were fairly mundane, since neither of us were cheating, or doing any other such tawdry things.

I tend to react very badly to such things. Had I not been married by the time it happened, I would probably have responded by ending the relationship permanently, though again, it depends on details.

I have been with people suffering extreme stresses of various kinds, such as families in strife and danger, and I don't hold people who are under such deeply disturbing stress to the same standards. Someone who is dealing with death of a loved one, that sort of thing. Temporarily insanity is understandable as well.

But if my sense is that the woman thinks that striking me is a logical and acceptable thing to do, in the common course of a "negotiation," it proves that we are philosophically incompatible in the extreme.

IgorFrankensteen's photo
Mon 05/20/19 04:00 AM

There is a missing child from my area from about 4 years years. There are no leads, but I'm kind of good at reading people and doing a search. What does everyone think?

Not much to go on, just from this, but I am hugely in favor of applying logic to solve any situation.

The main danger I have some people get into taking on something like this themselves, is in overstepping legal boundaries in overeagerness.

There was a local mystery here many years ago, that I had a sort of instant suspicion about, which later turned out to be correct. I wish I had followed up on it when I had it, since it was over five years before the authorities worked things out.

IgorFrankensteen's photo
Mon 05/20/19 03:49 AM
Yes of course.

Just not a REproductive life.

IgorFrankensteen's photo
Sun 05/19/19 08:43 AM

I think China will win this trade 'war' because their leader, unlike Trump, does not have to stand again for election. All they have to do is wait for the next US government which will, of course, be democrat, who will no doubt have different policies on trade.

PBS Frontline did a show "Trumps trade war" the other day if anyone has interest in nonbias reporting. Their thought is China is looking to be a world super power like the USA, and like USSR or Russia used to be and if the "trade war" continues it will turn into a "cold war" that could last for years. Yes tariffs hurt the US economy and bussiness's short term, but long term it could possible lower the US debt by keeping more money inside the US and if tariffs are used to pay down debt (highly unlikely) it would do good for both the US and China. Another thing people don't look at is the tariff is on wholesale price, not retail. So lets say there is a 25% tariff on a washing machine. That is 25% that the seller pays on the $120 they paid for the machine, not the $1200 retail that you pay as a consumer, so an extra $30 on a $1200 purchase probably isn't going to make or break anyone. If you think about the tariffs as a "Sin Tax" like you would pay on cigarettes or alcohol or gambling you can just pay it and get over it, or you can look else where for other options.

Well, your math is wrong, but I don't disagree with most of your reasoning.

Retail prices are calculated using a TOTAL COST to the seller, not on a base cost, with all additional costs passed on as is. So a thirty dollar cost rise wont be passed on as a thirty dollar retail rise, in most cases.

In addition, there is a difference between a tariff on specific final products, and the kind of across the board tariffs being applied in this case. The AGGREGATE cost to domestic consumers when tariffs are applied to a wide swath of products, means that the overall cost of living for anyone who requires those products will take place.

I see that Trump backed off for now, on the tariff affecting automobile parts manufactured overseas, so that's one industry here that wont be AS damaged as others will be.

Again, I come back to the main thing, which is that these tariffs are not supposed to be permanent, they are supposed to cause China to change their trading ways. If China DOES change as desired, these tariffs will go away, and that's why no large businesses are moving to rebuild American industries here because of them.

It's not clear yet what changes Trump and the GOP want China to make, and it is especially unclear whether those changes would make American industrial jobs again pay in the middle class range, as Trump seems to imply he favors.

IgorFrankensteen's photo
Fri 05/17/19 01:29 PM

It is expected that Trumps & Putin will be meeting on the sidelines of the G20 meeting in Japan next month. This was confirmed during Pompeo's visit to Russia where he discussed Syria, Afghanistan and Venezuela with his counterpart but significantly left out Russian annexation of Crimea - the main sore point of Europe.

In a subsequent meeting, Putin made it clear that the sanctions must go.

With the dice loaded against any such meeting due to:
a) Communism an ever present threat and so
b) the needs to maintain the military-industry complex and
c) the politics of oil (Russian reserve is as large as Saudi Arabia's)

what can we expect from the Trump and Putin meeting?

Somethings that promptly come to mind apart from a more enduring world peace, are:
a) Oil prices stable for next two decades giving the much needed time to develop the technology for alternate energy.
b) Joint ventures in Space

Any other compelling reasons that may roll the dice favorably?

Since Trump and the Republicans are both strongly OPPOSED to alternative energy development, and only support ONE "solution" to oil prices (increasing domestic production), the "compelling reasons" you like wouldn't be on their agenda.

IgorFrankensteen's photo
Fri 05/17/19 11:51 AM

Apparently the woman doesn't think it is wrong for her.
Yea I figured that much out :laughing: oh well I moved out and she's asking me to come back. So pretty much I asked how exactly she that she would be trusted again (smh)

According to what you've posted here about this, it doesn't appear that TRUST is the right or accurate word to use.

In your setup post, you say "Your not officially together." As in, you describe a situation where, without any discussion about commitment or of what kind of relationship you are in, you started regularly having sex with the woman.

Apparently from this "I moved out", you actually MOVED INTO HER PLACE at some point. Again, still without agreeing even on any vague guidelines. At least, so far as you've told us, you never even once brought up the idea of monogamy.

Logically, therefore, this doesn't have anything at all to do with TRUST, it has to do only with what YOU chanced to ASSUME, and what she did not.

The logical question is, do you think she WILL live up to a vow of monogamy, if you elicit one from her, and before that, are you capable of setting aside your emotional upset at realizing that you were just one of many guys she was "enjoying?"

If either of those answers is "no," then obviously the discussion is over.

IgorFrankensteen's photo
Wed 05/15/19 11:01 AM

The problem with the logic behind having a "test period" living together, is that it doesn't allow for the number one most significant phenomenon that happens with marriage.

That is, that a person's entire perception of life and the world and themselves, functionally changes as soon as they say their "I do's."

The main thing about it, that most people don't recognize until their first serious argument, is what your options are, when there's a problem.

The first time you walk out the door in a huff, and realize that you HAVE TO GO BACK BECAUSE YOU'RE MARRIED, everything changes.

When you're "just testing," somewhere in the back of your mind, you know that. And that invalidates the bulk of the test, unfortunately.

I'm not saying don't do it, I'm just saying don't expect the test to protect you from finding out that you aren't as lifestyle compatible LONG term, as you think it will.

IgorFrankensteen's photo
Tue 05/14/19 07:41 AM

I think China will win this trade 'war' because their leader, unlike Trump, does not have to stand again for election. All they have to do is wait for the next US government which will, of course, be democrat, who will no doubt have different policies on trade.

Highly doubtful. Dems are running on nothing. Add to it, they're not getting anything done in congress. Toss in the collusion that is going to come back to haunt them. Don't stand on what the lib media is pushing.

Although I sharply disagree with your obvious prejudices and much of your reasoning, I think your prediction is accidentally accurate. And you are correct that so far, there is no cohesive leadership message coming from the Democrats, and hasn't been for some time.

Which is a shame, because the Republicans are intent on ignoring certain serious problems, and so there is no balance to the nation going forward.

I've always fixed machines for my living, and one thing I have seen repeated again and again, is that when machines break down for one reason, and that reason alone is addressed at the expense of another important part of the machine, there will be a brief time during which everything will seem to improve a lot...but it will be followed by an even worse breakdown later.

That happens in processes as well. Classic example, are companies that decide to balance their internal budgets and increase profits, by reducing or eliminating thorough training of employees, and by eliminating safety tests. At first, the lower cost of doing business seems to bouy the company up, and make them more successful; until the lack of proper training and safety leads to a tragedy.

IgorFrankensteen's photo
Mon 05/13/19 06:24 AM
My biggest problem with the Trump instigated tariffs, is primarily that his stated reasoning for applying them, is dead false.

I strongly support action against China's VERY long standing and ongoing trade abuses.

But the President keeps speaking falsely, and claiming that CHINA pays the tariffs we place on them, and that billions of dollars are already flowing FROM CHINA, into American pockets, because of them. That is NOT happening, and never will.

That doesn't mean I oppose all tariffs. It just means that when a leader LIES to me about what they are doing, I learn to distrust their goals and their competence.

The idea of tariffs has always been to do one or both of two things: bring in revenue to the host government; that is, to add another TAX on their OWN CITIZENS, while pretending it is a penalty against another country; and to punish the buyers of foreign goods, for refusing to buy competing domestic goods instead.

It's possible that one or both of those goals can be an overall good idea, in the long term best interests of the host country. But LYING about tariffs as they are instigated, suggests another motivation entirely.

IgorFrankensteen's photo
Sun 05/12/19 09:43 AM

I was going to post this in dating about break ups, but it really applies to any hardship, trauma, or loss.

Often times, during our lows, others will either tell us to get over it or that we can get through it.

Beyond maybe the different intent behind such words, do you think these are the same?

I think getting over, for me, implies mentally and emotionally erasing something as if it didn't happen or didn't matter.

I think getting through implies learning from something that gives you tools to use on the other side of it.

I agree, especially in that many people do use "get over it" as a disparaging statement.

As for the challenge itself, the death, the loss, the upset, the recovery or response can be essentially "immune" to any hope of leaving it in the past. In most cases, what we suffer, becomes an inherent part of us going forward. Thus in a real way, we can neither "get over," OR "get through" it.

And sometimes even people with the best intentions, who suggest that we "get over" or "get through" something (especially if they haven't had such an experience themselves), only really want to be able THEMSELVES, to go back to behaving and doing whatever they were doing with the sufferer before. It's usually not really selfishness, just ignorance.

IgorFrankensteen's photo
Wed 05/08/19 03:17 PM

Is it better to live together before marriage or to wait?

This only matters, if you don't really want to be married.

What I mean is, that REAL marriage means that you decide that your life adventure isn't going to be about how you like your home, it is going to be about whatever it takes to live together.

If what you really want, is a compatible roommate, who has sex with you on occasion, don't get married at all.

IgorFrankensteen's photo
Wed 05/08/19 03:07 PM

Well in order to make the US competitive we would have to lower wages to about $3.00 an hour and do away with all environmental protection and do away with many safety measures too. So far the tariffs have mostly hurt the US more then its helped. And people need to understand that tariff is just a fancy word for tax. In other words it just taxes the goods coming from China, and as everyone knows that just gets pushed on to the consumer. The US government collects the tax, this could be good if they used it wisely, but by now we all know you give ungreatful people money and the just end up wasting it instead of respecting it, just as the welfare system does.

But if an American well made product is the same price as the crappy one made in China, which one do you think will be purchased it even the playing field.

What you are missing in this silliness, is that the tariffs aren't doing what you think they are.

There IS NO struggling US industry that will take off because the Chinese imports will now be more expensive. The industries involved were moved elsewhere a long time ago.

You probably didn't notice, because the news industry in the US stopped investigating anything decades ago, and now only reports whatever they are told, usually by the government...but the tariffs that were ALREADY enacted, accomplished NOTHING of what was promised. No return of any manufacturing to the US; no increase in American desire to buy American made goods (because there are so few).

And certainly no change in Chinese trade practices.

Some American manufacturing businesses have actually been KILLED by the tariffs, because they were dependent on imported resources to be competitive.

That means more American working class incomes left the country.

IgorFrankensteen's photo
Wed 05/08/19 12:48 PM
Why do I get the feeling that the op has seen a secret report saying we will soon all have to eat nothing but kale and unbuttered broccoli, in order to be physically able to have sex?

IgorFrankensteen's photo
Sat 05/04/19 06:08 PM

Looking for someone to complete you...

OR, are you just so perfectly rocking this world that you just want someone around to see you making life your *****?

Or.. are you somewhere in between?

Well, for sure, I have no interest whatsoever in being around someone who thinks that "making life their five asterisks" is a positive way to look at anything.

And as with others here, I saw a long while ago, that the whole idea of looking for someone else to "complete" you is a mistake.

What I've been after with no success, for half a century now, is someone who like me, views life as pretty much whatever happens (like the John Lennon quote), and that the point is to have someone to deal with it all, side by side.

Just for the sake of enjoying each other as we do whatever we do.

IgorFrankensteen's photo
Tue 04/30/19 04:01 PM

How good are you at flirting?
Now there are as I see it different levels of flirting, for instance
- flirting when you haven't a love interest in the person
- flirting when you do have a love interest in the person
- "forced" flirting, like on a dating site, wanting to come across as fun/interesting
- flirting that goes too far (sexual intent)

Personally I find flirting difficult, unless it happens by itself. Now if you want to date it usually doesn't (yet).
Now I realize that it isn't interesting to talk about boring chit like "Oh, I put the bin out today and work was horrible." Nobody cares about that.
I've got plenty of interesting things to talk about, but with a new person I find it difficult.

I can be very lighthearted & playful, flirty, but usually once I've gotten to know someone at least a little bit, so there's a level of comfort.

How is this for you? Does it come easy for you? Don't you do it at all, and if so, how does that pan out with dating? And so on...


It looks to me from this, that you don't differentiate between "flirting" and "chatting."

I do. I don't think of "flirting" as anything other than showing interest in another person for more than just passing the time.

Since I work with strangers all day for my (rudimentary) living, I've become very good at amiable chatting, and can usually carry on some sort of conversation about almost anything, without much difficulty.

But for all my life, I've been entirely unable to recognize when someone is actively flirting with me, and showing interest. Possibly because most people DO "chat" in meaningless ways when they are flirting, and so there's no easy way to tell the difference.

I'm also terribly shy, when it comes to any serious attempts to pursue interest in someone, despite the ability to "chat" easily. Possibly because of all the times when I thought I identified "flirting," only to be very embarrassed when I learn that no, it was just aimless chat after all.

I'm only good at conversation when I force myself NOT to gain any serious interest in someone.

Though, since it has been a VERY long time since I seriously tried, as some others have said as well, who knows.

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