Community > Posts By > TonkaTruck3

TonkaTruck3's photo
Wed 09/01/10 08:39 PM
Long LIVE the Texas death penalty!!

TonkaTruck3's photo
Wed 09/01/10 08:03 PM
Obviously it was a big enough deal for Oblowme to go on national TV to announce it.
But I guess thats just a "Molehill" to most Americans!!

TonkaTruck3's photo
Wed 09/01/10 08:01 PM
This is good news. Nazi Pelosi is going to be a thing of the past.

TonkaTruck3's photo
Wed 09/01/10 07:58 PM
Like I said, if you are going to tolerate the hate and bigotry of Islam, then you must tolerate the hate and bigotry of Christianity too.

The Constitution does indeed provide for the equal allowance for all religions, but not one that its sole purpose is to take over and destroy the nation. The Constitution does not protect against treason or acts of war against the people of the USA...look it up for yourself!!

It seems as though several people in here only want Christianity removed or replaced by Islam in the U.S.
Not gonna happen.

We must put up with all the hateful, bigoted Christians as much as we must put up with the Islamics.

So trying to use the worthless arguement of "Separation of Church and State" is not working in the leftist liberals favor, its backfiring right in their faces.

They cant have it both ways, which is what they want. They want to exclude one particular religion, and allow another to dominate, and the Constitution does'nt work that way.

TonkaTruck3's photo
Wed 09/01/10 07:47 PM
Muslims dont stop wars...they start them.

TonkaTruck3's photo
Wed 09/01/10 05:00 AM

So now you dont like the idea of oulawing all religions??
If it was only Christianity to be outlawed, you'd approve of it??

But since Islam is included, you are against it?? LOL....cant have your cake and eat it too.

That 200 year old document has guided this country through thick and thin....but Oblowme has'nt.

At no time did I state that I was for banning all religions. I did point out religion and government are intertwined and that it is not possible or feasible to have Complete separation of the two. The very method you suggest of outlawing just the one goes against the very Documents you say you support.

Support the ideas, documents and guides of the Founding Fathers and ALL RELIGIONS / BELIEFS ARE PROTECTED. The very thing you would want to see done is in of itself against what the Founding Fathers laid as a path for the nation.

But you seem to follow that ideal. So now you want to keep an adherance to the documents the Founding Fathers drafted?? You cant have it both ways.
As long as there will never be complete separation of church and state, then you must allow Christianity to remain as the main religion of this country, as its always been. Islam does not overtake it in any way.

So you either ban them all, or quit trying.

TonkaTruck3's photo
Wed 09/01/10 04:55 AM

tell me how do you BAN a religion,, what will be the punishment for choosing to keep religious beliefs ? How can such a ban be executed without WILLFUL disregard to civil liberties?

Thats simple, just follow the way Islam does it. Do they have any regard for anyones civil liberties?? Are'nt they an "all or nothing" religion??

TonkaTruck3's photo
Tue 08/31/10 11:50 PM
No big surprise there.

TonkaTruck3's photo
Tue 08/31/10 11:49 PM
So now you dont like the idea of oulawing all religions??
If it was only Christianity to be outlawed, you'd approve of it??

But since Islam is included, you are against it?? LOL....cant have your cake and eat it too.

That 200 year old document has guided this country through thick and thin....but Oblowme has'nt.

TonkaTruck3's photo
Tue 08/31/10 11:46 PM
I would'nt buy a car like that, even if I could afford one.
I like them simple. Give me a 1970 Dodge Challenger R/T any day!!

TonkaTruck3's photo
Tue 08/31/10 11:41 PM
Yes, the left just hangs on to the name calling and accusations.
They have no viable platform to base any kind of truth off of.

They hate America so badly, they'll do anything to bring it down.
They seem to be two-faced. They say they want to honor and/or pay respects to the victims of 9/11 but they are clearly on the side of those who were responsible.

Even their beloved Messiah said he'd stand with the Muslims, and true to his word (which is about the only time he's been true to his word), he's doing exactly that!!

The leftist liberals are desparately holding onto the last grasp of "hope & change" that they were promised, and that they bought hook, line, and sinker from their beloved leader.

They cant stand the fact that the majority of true Americans can see right thru the lies and BS that was in the kool-aid they drank when they voted for this fraud of a president and his criminal co-horts.

The liberals just dont want to admit what a mistake they made, so in order to hide their shame, they simply resort to name calling and false accusations against those they dont agree with.

TonkaTruck3's photo
Tue 08/31/10 11:33 PM
Funny, thats the same way we see Al Sharpton!!

TonkaTruck3's photo
Tue 08/31/10 11:31 PM
Good idea. But I still want MY oil. You can F yours, but I'll kee p mine thank you!!

TonkaTruck3's photo
Tue 08/31/10 11:30 PM
Well, Dragoness is onto something...ban all religions. If we have to ban them all just to get rid of Islam, then its a good idea.

TonkaTruck3's photo
Tue 08/31/10 08:23 PM
I hear the sounds of the Islamic appologists running over here to cover up for them!!

TonkaTruck3's photo
Tue 08/31/10 08:21 PM
Let the Iraqi's fight each other, who cares??

TonkaTruck3's photo
Tue 08/31/10 08:20 PM

Im talking about inside the U.S.

In the U.S., if we have the Separation of Church and State, then Islam is outlawed because their religion is the same as their politics, they do not separate them.

Yet even in the U.S. there is not a true separation of Church and State. So would the following documents also become illegal because of their religious references? I doubt it since these are the basis for the United States. Yet if all man made religion is to be removed and a course as you suggest taken then you lose the very documents that created your nation.

From Declaration of Independence

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

Independent States may of right do. — And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.

From the Constitution

done in Convention by the Unanimous Consent of the States present the Seventeenth Day of September in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Eighty seven and of the Independence of the United States of America the Twelfth In witness whereof We have hereunto subscribed our Names,

From United States Articles of Confederation

In Witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands in Congress. Done at Philadelphia in the State of Pennsylvania the ninth Day of July in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven Hundred and Seventy-eight, and in the Third Year of the independence of America.

On your currency

In God we trust


Separation of Church and State means that the Church shall not interfere in matters of State and State shall not interfere in matters of Church. The Church of England, The Vatican nor any other religious body is NOT allowed to chose the path of the nation. Yet this basic concept is broken everytime a religious leader from simple priest talking to congregation and up uses his / her sermon / speech to sway people in their decisions regarding the future of their nation. There is and cannot ever be true separation of Church and State. Because one group of people chose to use the basic tenets of their belief to form the basis of their system of self rule does not make it wrong ..... just different.

So by your very own post, you are now saying that this country was indeed founded on Christian principles...yet your beloved leader says it was not. Who do you believe??...a document that has been around for over 200 years, or a blowhard politician who recently emerged on the scene and set himself up as the Messiah??

And, as its been pointed out, the Separation of Church and State would negate everything Islamic!!
They would not be allowed, under such a law to practice their religion, or participate in U.S. politics.

TonkaTruck3's photo
Tue 08/31/10 08:11 PM
Funny, I did'nt hear Beck badmouthing MLK at all in any of his speech.
On the other hand, I heard Al Sharpton repeadedly claim everyone there was a racist and a bigot.
Seems as though "Reverand" Sharpton was not there to celebrate the legacy of MLK....instead he was there, as usual, to spew his racial hatred towards others.

TonkaTruck3's photo
Tue 08/31/10 04:57 AM
They'll be along shortly!!

TonkaTruck3's photo
Tue 08/31/10 04:55 AM
Im talking about inside the U.S.

In the U.S., if we have the Separation of Church and State, then Islam is outlawed because their religion is the same as their politics, they do not separate them.

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