Community > Posts By > SalvationJane

SalvationJane's photo
Tue 10/03/06 03:34 PM

SalvationJane's photo
Tue 10/03/06 03:30 PM
I agree Chica, but they can only play you if you let them. If you put
out a doormat for them you may as well write "Welcome" on your
forehead!! That kind of shit can really f*uck with your mind and end up
making you feel like shit about yourself. No way I'm sticking around
for that kind of crap, I don't care how much I might think I care about
a guy!


SalvationJane's photo
Tue 10/03/06 03:16 PM
What would really be cool is if you could do a "search" by topic...


SalvationJane's photo
Tue 10/03/06 03:14 PM
I love it...I'll have to show this one to my daughter Holly, she likes
to imatate Homer...she sounds just like him!!


SalvationJane's photo
Tue 10/03/06 03:12 PM

SalvationJane's photo
Tue 10/03/06 03:11 PM're just too much...


SalvationJane's photo
Tue 10/03/06 12:28 PM

You watch too much TV Recon!!


SalvationJane's photo
Tue 10/03/06 10:28 AM
Kids are curious and presistant, and if they want it bad enough, they
will find a way to get it unfortunately. I am not opposed to the right
to have fire arms at all, I just don't like the idea of them being in a
home with children, regardless of the safety precautions taken to keep
them unobtainable and I wouldn't have it.


SalvationJane's photo
Tue 10/03/06 10:22 AM
I had coolest Science Teacher in College, and he put like this. There
is too much proof to support evolution; however there is no reason that
evolution and Christian beliefs could not coincide. Perhaps evolution
was the means that God used in creating all living things and that we
have no way of truly knowing what "seven days" actually stood for as a
measurement of time. That's what I've come to embrace as true.


SalvationJane's photo
Tue 10/03/06 10:02 AM
Being a Veteran of the Army I learned respect weapons, (it's a cardinal
sin to call them guns in the military) I even became a sharpshooter with
an M-16, but guns in the home, especailly one with children scares the
shit outta me. I don't care what part of town you live in...

When my brother and his wife first got married, at the time, her son,
rest his soul, was only thirteen. During a visit with his father, he
come across one of his father's guns, and his bullets in a closet...need
I say more?

RIP Virgil


SalvationJane's photo
Tue 10/03/06 09:29 AM
"Your friends are Gods way of apologizing for your family."

I like that Recon!! you're good!

Personally I don't know what I would do without my friends, they have
been there at times when my own family hasn't. Friends don't come
easy for me as I am very strong willed and outspoken. I think at times
that can make some people "standoffish". Some of my dearest friends are
people that I couldn't stand and they couldn't stand me....
Given time, when they get to know me and found that I'm one of the most
honest, trustworthy, loyal, compassionate individuals they've met, I
would give a stranger the shirt off my back - I was able to form very
strong and lasting bonds with them. I'm lucky in that I have a lot of
friends who love me because they really know me! When I stumble, it
seems their hands are always the first to help pick me up. They've got
me through some shit and I have always done my best to do the same, I'm
usually the first person they come to for support. I love em all! Big
and small!! A true friend is a gift!


SalvationJane's photo
Tue 10/03/06 09:08 AM
Q: What did the blind guy say when he walked by the fish market?

A: "Excuse Me Ladies!"

Q: What did the woman say when she saw her husband walk through the
house naked?

A: "I always thought you were crazy, but now I see your nuts!!"


SalvationJane's photo
Mon 10/02/06 07:52 PM
I definately agree 100% that most are covering up for their own
inadequacies. Unfortuantely it is the person on the receiving end, that
may have issues with esteem, who ends up feeling as if the problem lies
within them. It's truly a blessing to have a strong sense of self worth
in these types of situations.

A lot of good and useful things said here in this topic. Thanks for the


SalvationJane's photo
Mon 10/02/06 07:31 PM
How did you get so smart in only thirty years KB?

"they are looking for a completely self conscious, untrusting doormat
with low self esteem."

Very profound, and so true, but what do "users" really hope to the end, they will wind with nothing. They will probably
die alone and miserable.


SalvationJane's photo
Mon 10/02/06 07:19 PM
I really like this one Jimi, It's very special.

Thanks for sharing.


SalvationJane's photo
Mon 10/02/06 07:15 PM
Pictures of your privates are private, thanks for clearing that up
Vanchua and for being so quick to respond. I have noticed the site is
being to generate some members in an older age range. I'm sure the
majority of them wouldn't find it appealing. It was offensive to me as
well to do a search and see a stranger's stiff one eye on the first


SalvationJane's photo
Mon 10/02/06 04:34 PM
Is it acceptable to post pictures of your penis on justsayhi? Talking
about it is one thing posting pics like that in my opinion is way
extreme. I would think there are more
appropriate dating websites for those. Please check out letsf*ck...real
classy stuff. If that's the way the website is going we may lose
members, myself included.



SalvationJane's photo
Mon 10/02/06 02:17 PM
Q: Two potatoes are walking down the street, how do you know which one
is a hooker?

A: It's the one saying "Idaho, Idaho!!"


SalvationJane's photo
Mon 10/02/06 01:33 PM
There is some damn good looking brothers out there!! I get off on the
way some pride themselves on how the dress....lots of class, can put a
white boy to shame!!

My is skin, it holds your insides in!!


SalvationJane's photo
Mon 10/02/06 06:52 AM
Gimmie Shelter! Luv the Stones, seen em 5x! You would die if you heard
Mic sing that with a Symphony!! (Symphonic Rolling Stones) check it out


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