Community > Posts By > JustDukkyMkII

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Fri 11/01/13 10:40 AM

The real problem, on my view at least, is the overwhelmingly popular idea that it is ok for those with power over the people to be allowed to and/or get away with spreading lies, and/or saying things that quite simply are not true.

It was all part of the deliberate conditioning and gradual dumbing down of the people over the last hundred years in particular. Sometimes, it was hard for me to even respect people for being so damn dumb, but I knew deep down it wasn't really their fault, so I kept in there sluggin' on their behalf, and even though the very people I tried to help turned on me, I never wavered in my caring for the common man.

What I learned was that the rule of law still exists (it's just hidden by the veil of legal fictions), and that the whole world really is a free republic of free men & women who care about one another. It's a world that is also hidden by the same veil.

All that remains to be done is to clear away the (cob)web of lies & deception that had everyone fooled. That is being done as we speak.

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Fri 11/01/13 10:29 AM
Edited by JustDukkyMkII on Fri 11/01/13 10:31 AM

don't forget the Soma and Soylent Green!

Why would I do that?...The elite hasn't. We've had Soma for ages now and are now on the verge of eating soylent green thanks to them...That was part of the plan all along and forms the original intent of the recycling movement.

We been thinking of relocating the BIS to Ottawa!

Capitol idea!!...being that close I can watch as the Tower of Babel is struck down by G-d Almighty...I must remember to bring popcorn for the show.

So,you really think that Referendum has a Snowball's chance in Hell?

YUP!...That's what we've got planned for Canada too!

Got a Bridge in Venice I can let you have cheap!

I'll think it over, but I'll need some verification that the deal's legitimate this time...I ordered the Brooklyn Bridge ages ago and it STILL hasn't been delivered!...I'm plum fed up with being ripped off like that and if I can find that guy in a trenchcoat I met in the alley that day, I'm gonna demand a refund and then some!

Your remarks just show me how little you really know about the inner workings of the Swiss Federation!

Natch. I find as I age I know less & less all the time. I figure by the time I'm dead I'll know nothing at all...which will make me the wisest duck on earth...for about a millisecond.

It's nothing more than stirring the Poop what you are doing!

Good!...That means I'm doing my proper job. If you ever bothered to read my profile, you'd know that.

No working System in your Corner!

*beep*...wrong presumption. Do not pass "Go"; do not collect $200.

All Talk!

*beep*...wrong presumption. Do not pass "Go"; do not collect $200.

None of your Utopian Schemes have ever worked!
BTW,that Bridge is a Masonry Bridge!

Correction...None of my "utopian schemes" have ever been ALLOWED to work for long...I think this time the people are a lot smarter...They've bought too many bridges that the Masons never delivered...Talk about breach of promise!...Yeow!

And how will they ensure that the People don't vote for the measure?

You can just thank your lucky stars you live in Switzerland and not lIbya, or I think you'd know how they'd like to stop you.

More intricate Knowledge of our political System?

*ding ding*...correct answer...You pass "Go" and get $200...ROTFLMAOPMP

Well,why don't you get some People together in the Canadian Wilderness,and build your Utopia then?
What you are scared of?laugh

Been there, done that...It doesn't work...I'm currently engaged in getting them out of jail. Since people can't seem to get away from oppressive de facto government, trying to enslave them to a fraudulent commercial system, I guess the only recourse is replacing the government with a decent one, which is my current master plan already in progress...I figure it'll take me about six months to finish the job.

I'll be out of work after that, so if you need anybody to straighten out the few kinks that Switzerland might have left, just let me know and I'll give you a hand with it.

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Fri 11/01/13 10:24 AM

Yup... some folk don't want(or don't know how) to do the work it takes to find out the way things are, what is the case, etc...

Easier to find another 'expert' opinion which agrees with our own.


...and there is no shortage of "experts" lying in the wings, waiting to feed some steaming fresh bull$hit to a hungry people who are fed up with the old, stale, "same old" bull$hit.

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Fri 11/01/13 10:20 AM

I get the news from the Internet a day or two before I see it on televisions usually.

...IF you see it on TV at all. About the only thing notable about the MSM is that it won't be feeding you the real news...Like for instance Israel's recent act of war; another aggressive and unprovoked bombing of Syria, ...or the results of the upcoming Swiss referendum. (Switzerland might be "disappeared" from the news altogether if the people get a decent guaranteed annual income)

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Fri 11/01/13 10:11 AM

It's a drawback of freedom of speech, a ncessary evil as it were. Problem is that other dumbarses will believe it. There are a lot of those.

Kinda sad, but true nonetheless. As voltaire is alleged to have said:

"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

...and as he definitely did say:

"Those who believe absurdities can be made to commit atrocities."

...which most unfortunately, is also very true.

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Fri 11/01/13 10:04 AM

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Fri 11/01/13 09:58 AM
Is that the real Obumma in that pic or just one of those "Illuminati Manchurian clones" I read about on the CP sites?...Oh well...It sure LOOKS like him anyway.

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Fri 11/01/13 09:54 AM

Entire thread, save a few points, looks like unjustifiable spewing of ignorance based opinion.

Aww...Go easier on them...They can't help it....give 'em a break.

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Fri 11/01/13 09:45 AM

Did I miss something when I was looking at the concept that having all people covered; especially that explodeing percentage of people with expensive chronic pre-existing health issues at least in part financially responsible for their own care makes sense?

I personally believe if the only care and coverage a large percentage of people would have as they age is Medicare we are all screwed. 20% of Senior care will bankrupt most families. Yea you might thin the ranks of people competing for jobs by forcing caregiving on families but they will be too poor to buy anything but necessities.

As it stands up until when people accept uninsured patients are an absolute drain on medical resources as they grow substantially more expensive as their conditions were only treated when they reached crisis stage not death and went to free indigent care.

Care that is driving more and more medical practices and services out of business. Making "care" so expensive that only those that can afford to fly out of country where competition, less malpractice, and reasonable pharma profits make it not only affordable but less of a "stop, drop, chop, and curb" patients system and the focus is on education, quality nursing, choices, and actual comfortable care. All the rest who can't can count of rationed care if any care at all regardless of their age.

Will insurance companies and tax payers have to wake up and make sure the "expensive" especially self inflicted patients actually don't drive up premiums yes but I don't see how that is a bad thing.

Free, unlimited medical care all around for everyone says I!

I CARE about my fellow human beings and wouldn't even wince at whatever "taxes" I had to pay to help my friends & neighbours. I consider it part of my DUTY TO CARE!...Tell you what I DON"T care for though...illicit corporate profits, wars for profit, murder for profit, avarice, apathy, and the self-serving self-centredness of people who for whatever reason refuse to recognize their own duty to care!

There is simply NO LOGICAL REASON that the wealthiest society in human history should have people starving & dying in the streets, while it's "leaders" squander the people's wealth on new & efficient ways of killing people.

Who will provide it?

Hahaha!!..That was a joke, right?....You don't really expect an answer, do you? laugh

I'll ask him again after he's finished building his Nightmaristan!

Good plan!:thumbsup:

not gonna hold my Breath,though!bigsmile

Geeze!...What happened?...I thought I already responded...Oh well, whatever...You guys have me all wrong...I'm not trying to build another Nightmaristan, I'm going to replace it with Everybodyshappystan (whoever in hell Stan is).

If you don't give me a hand with it, I can only presume it's because you don't care about your fellow men & women on the plantation. I can only guess it's because you have a cushy job as overseers keeping people stupid, confused & whipped. Better check your operations manual because I think it's in desperate need of revision....You'd better look for a new job too, because I think you are now in danger of being laid off at any moment.

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Fri 11/01/13 09:26 AM
Edited by JustDukkyMkII on Fri 11/01/13 09:32 AM

don't forget the Soma and Soylent Green!

Why would I do that?...The elite hasn't. We've had Soma for ages now and are now on the verge of eating soylent green thanks to them...That was part of the plan all along and forms the original intent of the recycling movement.

We been thinking of relocating the BIS to Ottawa!

Capitol idea!!...being that close I can watch as the Tower of Babel is struck down by G-d Almighty...I must remember to bring popcorn for the show.

So,you really think that Referendum has a Snowball's chance in Hell?

YUP!...That's what we've got planned for Canada too!

Got a Bridge in Venice I can let you have cheap!

I'll think it over, but I'll need some verification that the deal's legitimate this time...I ordered the Brooklyn Bridge ages ago and it STILL hasn't been delivered!...I'm plum fed up with being ripped off like that and if I can find that guy in a trenchcoat I met in the alley that day, I'm gonna demand a refund and then some!

Your remarks just show me how little you really know about the inner workings of the Swiss Federation!

Natch. I find as I age I know less & less all the time. I figure by the time I'm dead I'll know nothing at all...which will make me the wisest duck on earth...for about a millisecond.

It's nothing more than stirring the Poop what you are doing!

Good!...That means I'm doing my proper job. If you ever bothered to read my profile, you'd know that.

No working System in your Corner!

*beep*...wrong presumption. Do not pass "Go"; do not collect $200.

All Talk!

*beep*...wrong presumption. Do not pass "Go"; do not collect $200.

None of your Utopian Schemes have ever worked!
BTW,that Bridge is a Masonry Bridge!

Correction...None of my "utopian schemes" have ever been ALLOWED to work for long...I think this time the people are a lot smarter...They've bought too many bridges that the Masons never delivered...Talk about breach of promise!...Yeow!

And how will they ensure that the People don't vote for the measure?

You can just thank your lucky stars you live in Switzerland and not lIbya, or I think you'd know how they'd like to stop you.

More intricate Knowledge of our political System?

*ding ding*...correct answer...You pass "Go" and get $200...ROTFLMAOPMP

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Fri 11/01/13 09:00 AM

The worst of all worlds is replacing Barry with somebody worse...The same way he replaced the shrub in 2008.

IMO he should be either impeached and a whole new election held immediately (to prevent martial law), or FORCED to do the right thing at gunpoint until the next election.

Better yet...Burn down the Fed and imprison the banksters...He'll be good after that I'm sure.

It would be nice of people would learn what an impeachment is before calling for one.

Bill Clinton was impeached, but he remained POTUS.

Simple (not really so simple but limited in scope) impeachment would do nothing but put still another finger in a breaking dyke, and cost taxpayers millions more we don't have.

The imposition would tell the tale. It would depend on how far measures were taken or ruled on as to how it would be applied.

Like Nixon, he could resign keeping all his presidential bennies, avoiding a possible trial, investigation (which could still be done), and possible criminal charges (but that would take an act or ruling of congress to impose any judgement), or like Clinton and simply have some powers reined in, but still hold his office.

It does need to be done tho and would start the ball rolling. As low as his credibility/favorability is at present it would go a long way at waking people up and getting their attention to his deeds for once.

Biden, as VP and the heir to the throne, pretty much insures he won't be removed.... NOBODY wants that idiot at the wheel, not even the Dems!

Charges brought against the entire admin would be the only good action, but, Obozo and Biden, by the privileges of their office, would be brought down, but untouchable. Unless treason could be proven beyond the shadow of a doubt, that will never happen tho because of all the dirty laundry in the whole of the capital hill cesspool.

Why don't "the people" get together and conduct a Grand Jury investigation of the entire government?...I'm sure the investigation would reveal more than enough evidence of wrongdoing to constitute a prima facie case against the entire governmental apparatus.

That leaves two options once that is done:
1) prosecute the works in the Supreme court (or if the supreme court is crooked too...)
2) a NATIONAL REFERENDUM on impeaching the entire government and starting from scratch with a new Constitution (Have a look at Iceland's...the people actually had a hand in drafting it...IMO (and just a guess on my part), it's probably better than your original one!)

It's high time these slugs finally learned just who's really in charge!...the people!!!!
yep,a National Referendum,called by the same People you want to impeach!
That will work!:laughing:
Besides,there is nothing wrong with the US Constitution!
It's the People who violate it!

Why would the people want the crooks to call a referendum?...That's the last thing the crooks want, or one would have been called long ago!...I'm afraid it is up to the American people to get together, call their friends and neighbours and start THEIR OWN REFERENDUM to decide the fate of THEIR OWN COUNTRY...The country belongs to them (as property); they don't belong to their country (as slaves)!

On the subject of the American Constitution and the founding of that great Nation I feel I should point out that as well-intentioned as the founding fathers were, they kept to the British common law traditions (originally) and allowed slaves...They also believed only "Men of property" should be the only ones allowed to vote. This was logical, because a lot of them still had slaves. The government thus formed by the Constition also adhered to the "Doctrine of Discovery" (Thankfully outlawed now), which allowed the taking and claiming of "their" new land (by force) from the native people who lived there for the last 12 thousand years or so and had legitimate claim to it.

Nobody will ever convince me that what was done to the Red Man was in any way fair or lawful!...It looks too much like what the newcomers are doing to the natives of Palestine.

I think the people should have a hand in going over the American constitution at least and deciding what changes they might want to make in the same way that the people of Iceland are. With all the amendments to the original, made by the moneyed elite instead of the people thwmselves, I think a lot of the existing amendments might be in need of amending...Like the 14th & 16th for instance...It might not hurt to dig up the original thirteenth and see whether or not it was actually ratified before being replaced with the new 13th.

There are a few things in the constitution the American people should be going over with a fine-toothed comb, if only to make it better and to prevent another slow rise of tyranny.

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Fri 11/01/13 08:01 AM
Edited by JustDukkyMkII on Fri 11/01/13 08:03 AM

Everything has a price in a capitalist society, even freedom.

The problem stems from millionaire legislators imposing laws, regulations, and taxes on a population with no concept of the impact to it.

Think about it. The majority of the career politicians now in service (isn't that a joke) in congress are former lawyers, CEOs, Harvard or Columbia grads that have never "worked" or missed a meal in their lives.

What do you expect from them but misrepresentation, excuses, lies, finger pointing, or control?

The buck stops here.....not at the top!

I wish my javascript was working so I could give your post about a dozen "thumbs up.", but I'm afraid it isn't, so you'll just have to imagine they're here.

On the subject in your other post about our forgetting history such that we are doomed to repeat it, it should be obvious by now that Ptolemy was right about his "epicycles", not for planets, but for history...endless repeating cycles within endlessly repeating cycles of...and so on, ad infinitum.

This time is different...There are some of us (besides the "elite" "Massa's" of the world) who DO remember our history and (if I can get biblical for a minute) have scripted a different ending for Revelation than the one everyone's expecting. Time is not linear as most people think, but actually circles back on itself in an infinite loop not unlike a Mobius strip or the indigenous peoples' "wheel of life"...Alpha is the letter that follows Omega and THAT is the nature of God. The end of Revelation is only a prelude to a New Genesis, one written by the Hand of God (us)...THIS TIME, all the Adams and Eves are gonna live happily ever after in the Garden and enjoy ALL the fruits of the Garden!...That is the New Genesis that awaits us!

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Fri 11/01/13 07:27 AM
Edited by JustDukkyMkII on Fri 11/01/13 07:29 AM

The worst of all worlds is replacing Barry with somebody worse...The same way he replaced the shrub in 2008.

IMO he should be either impeached and a whole new election held immediately (to prevent martial law), or FORCED to do the right thing at gunpoint until the next election.

Better yet...Burn down the Fed and imprison the banksters...He'll be good after that I'm sure.

It would be nice of people would learn what an impeachment is before calling for one.

Bill Clinton was impeached, but he remained POTUS.

Simple (not really so simple but limited in scope) impeachment would do nothing but put still another finger in a breaking dyke, and cost taxpayers millions more we don't have.

The imposition would tell the tale. It would depend on how far measures were taken or ruled on as to how it would be applied.

Like Nixon, he could resign keeping all his presidential bennies, avoiding a possible trial, investigation (which could still be done), and possible criminal charges (but that would take an act or ruling of congress to impose any judgement), or like Clinton and simply have some powers reined in, but still hold his office.

It does need to be done tho and would start the ball rolling. As low as his credibility/favorability is at present it would go a long way at waking people up and getting their attention to his deeds for once.

Biden, as VP and the heir to the throne, pretty much insures he won't be removed.... NOBODY wants that idiot at the wheel, not even the Dems!

Charges brought against the entire admin would be the only good action, but, Obozo and Biden, by the privileges of their office, would be brought down, but untouchable. Unless treason could be proven beyond the shadow of a doubt, that will never happen tho because of all the dirty laundry in the whole of the capital hill cesspool.

Why don't "the people" get together and conduct a Grand Jury investigation of the entire government?...I'm sure the investigation would reveal more than enough evidence of wrongdoing to constitute a prima facie case against the entire governmental apparatus.

That leaves two options once that is done:
1) prosecute the works in the Supreme court (or if the supreme court is crooked too...)
2) a NATIONAL REFERENDUM on impeaching the entire government and starting from scratch with a new Constitution (Have a look at Iceland's...the people actually had a hand in drafting it...IMO (and just a guess on my part), it's probably better than your original one!)

It's high time these slugs finally learned just who's really in charge!...the people!!!!

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Fri 11/01/13 07:05 AM
Edited by JustDukkyMkII on Fri 11/01/13 07:19 AM

In case anyone is curious, here is an EXCELLENT movie about money and it's history. It illustrates quite clearly that trading gold isn't the answer. It might help to free us from the banksters, but we'd better wean ourselves from it ASAP or they'll just enslave us again.

A social credit monetary system is the future.

Now here's "The Secret of Oz.":

Who gonna pay for it,Sunshine?laugh

You are, aren't you?...or don't you care about anybody but yourself?

That this is happening in the same country that houses the BIS is no end of amusement to me! THey must be absolutely beside themselves and pulling out all stops to try to ensure the people don't vote themselves a guaranteed annual income...One thing you can know for certain...If they do vote it in, Switzerland will virtually disappear from the MSM as though it never even existed...The LAST thing they'll want is for anyone else to know...It might make "the people" elsewhere kinda "uppity", and turn them into self-serving, selfish "layabouts", who just sit on their "assets", instead of remaining the poor but thrifty "working class", serving the banks & paying their "taxes" (interest) as they ought to...

Boy...the more I think about it, we should be issuing arrest warrants for anyone who looks like "Mr. Potter" from "It's a Wonderful Life."...Some of them are BOUND to be the hidden principals of the BIS.

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Fri 11/01/13 06:56 AM

The worst of all worlds is replacing Barry with somebody worse...The same way he replaced the shrub in 2008.

IMO he should be either impeached and a whole new election held immediately (to prevent martial law), or FORCED to do the right thing at gunpoint until the next election.

Better yet...Burn down the Fed and imprison the banksters...He'll be good after that I'm sure.

It would be nice of people would learn what an impeachment is before calling for one.

Bill Clinton was impeached, but he remained POTUS.

I wonder why they always forget that the Trial in the Senate determines whether POTUS will be removed from Office or not!laugh

That system doesn't work very well when the congress and the senate are ALSO standing trial along with the President and his executive branch...And if the supreme court and the military won't play ball, THEY could easily find themselves on trial along with the other traitors.

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Thu 10/31/13 11:32 PM
In case anyone is curious, here is an EXCELLENT movie about money and it's history. It illustrates quite clearly that trading gold isn't the answer. It might help to free us from the banksters, but we'd better wean ourselves from it ASAP or they'll just enslave us again.

A social credit monetary system is the future.

Now here's "The Secret of Oz.":

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Thu 10/31/13 09:40 PM
Edited by JustDukkyMkII on Thu 10/31/13 09:42 PM

The trick is not to fight the system but to use it against them.

Now ya got it! It's a commercial system and the only real freedom in it is your RIGHT to FREELY conduct commerce...If they try to deny you that right, they are heinously breaking their own commercial law and the entire system falls apart/

You have a right to conduct commerce...USE IT!

On the jury duty thing, I can only say that I consider it my duty to serve my community when called and to be as fair-minded as possible, so I would NEVER charge for jury duty, considering it an honour to help serve Lady Justice.

That said, I'm fully aware of two things:

1) The TRUE power of a jury (to spite the bull$hit a judge lays out when instructing it)

2) The fact that most people have been dumbed down to the point that they don't generally think logically or fairly and usually convict long before the defendent even appears at the trial based on the charges alone. Somebody accused of child molesting is gonna hang even if he can prove he was 10,000 miles away from the scene of the crime...Meanwhile someone only accused of ripping off widows & orphans for everything they're worth was probably only making a few errors in his bookkeeping (to hear his lawyer tell it) and is a good family man and a pillar of the community. He'll be lucky if he gets off with only a humanitarian award....The only thing worse than a kangaroo court these days is a kangaroo court with a jury.

Okay, thanks. If I tell them I am proud to serve on the jury (for free,) they will probably not put me on it.

Now would you please tell me why you would charge to give out your name but you would not charge to serve on a jury? How do you decide what you might charge a fee for?

I'm a loving & giving li'l dukky who likes to give of myself completely for nothing out of the goodness of my heart. I also despise the current crooked & fraudulent commercial system that screws & enslaves everybody. So if I'm doing a favour for my fellow ducks (or even humans) I work for nothing. If some corporation wants something from me for nothing, well...That's a whole 'nother story...I charge whatever the traffic will bear and sometimes even more than it can bear to pay!

I'm a barometer of the society you live in...I will not turn to begging or crime even to survive, so if nobody ever comes by the pond to feed the ducks, I will literally starve to death. I figure if there isn't enough kindness and generosity to keep me alive, then the human race has pronounced its own death sentence, and if there is enough, then there is hope for humanity.

There was once a man who hated capital punishment, who, when he saw an execution said "There but for the Grace of God go I."...He must have fallen from grace in the eyes of God, because one day he himself was burned at the stake. That was hundreds of years ago, and I know damn well he never fell from grace!...The human race is damn lucky it wasn't reduced to ashes that very day!...Since then, it's only the innocent of the world that have forestalled final judgment...I do what I do for the innocent...The only ones who don't deserve the $hitty world we've given them. I will NEVER abandon them...EVER!!!

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Thu 10/31/13 08:50 PM
Edited by JustDukkyMkII on Thu 10/31/13 09:26 PM
...The WRONG people!!

Still, it was nice(?) of him to agree to stop the NSA spying on some people...even if it's the wrong ones.

By now I'm sure the NSA knows the identities of the principals of the BIS, so there should be no problem with stopping the long as the bum gives us their names!...They are wanted worldwide for Fraud, and crimes against humanity. It would sure be nice to issue named warrants for their arrest!!

This would be a good time for a couple of the "angels in the system" in the NSA to come forward and give us those names in sworn affidavits so the "hidden" principals could be made known and brought before the ICC. Failing that I guess we have no choice but to charge the board of the BIS (the 57 central bankers who control most of the world economy)

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Thu 10/31/13 08:26 PM
Edited by JustDukkyMkII on Thu 10/31/13 08:29 PM

Money is a great power,because, in a free or even a semi-free society, it is a frozen form of productive energy. And, therefore, the spending of money is a grave responsibility. Contrary to the altruists and the advocates of the so-called academic freedom, it is a moral crime to give money to support ideas with which you disagree; it means: ideas which you consider wrong, false, evil. It is a moral crime to give money to support your own destroyers.

The Voice of Reason

The Sanction of the Victims,

Most people lump together into the same category all men who become rich, refusing to consider the essential question: the source of the riches, the means by which the wealth was acquired.

Money is a tool of exchange; it represents wealth only so long as it can be traded for material goods and services. Wealth does not grow in nature; it has to be produced by men. Nature gives us only the raw materials, but it is man's mind that has to discover the knowledge of how to use them. It is man's thinking and labor that transform the materials into food, clothing, shelter or television sets into all the goods that men require for their survival, comfort and pleasure.

Behind every step of humanity's long climb from the cave to New York City, there is the man who took that step for the first time the man who discovered how to make a fire or a wheel or an airplane or an electric light.

When people refuse to consider the source of wealth, what they refuse to recognize is the fact that wealth is the product of man's intellect, of his creative ability, fully as much as is art, science, philosophy or any other human value.

The Objectivist Forum

The Money-Making Personality

So long as men live together on earth and need means to deal with one another,their only substitute, if they abandon money, is the muzzle of a gun.

For the New Intellectual

The Meaning of Money

Money rests on the axiom that every man is the owner of his mind and his effort. Money allows no power to prescribe the value of your effort except the voluntary choice of the man who is willing to trade you his effort in return. Money permits you to obtain for your goods and your labor that which they are worth to the men who buy them, but no more. Money permits no deals except those to mutual benefit by the unforced judgment of the traders.

For the New Intellectual

The Meaning of Money

So you think that money is the root of all evil? . . . Have you ever asked what is the root of money? Money is a tool of exchange, which can't exist unless there are goods produced and men able to produce them. Money is the material shape of the principle that men who wish to deal with one another must deal by trade and give value for value. Money is not the tool of the moochers, who claim your product by tears, or of the looters, who take it from you by force. Money is made possible only by the men who produce. Is this what you consider evil?

When you accept money in payment for your effort, you do so only on the conviction that you will exchange it for the product of the effort of others. It is not the moochers or the looters who give value to money. Not an ocean of tears nor all the guns in the world can transform those pieces of paper in your wallet into the bread you will need to survive tomorrow. Those pieces of paper, which should have been gold, are a token of honor,your claim upon the energy of the men who produce. Your wallet is your statement of hope that somewhere in the world around you there are men who will not default on that moral principle which is the root of money. Is this what you consider evil?

Have you ever looked for the root of production? Take a look at an electric generator and dare tell yourself that it was created by the muscular effort of unthinking brutes. Try to grow a seed of wheat without the knowledge left to you by men who had to discover it for the first time. Try to obtain your food by means of nothing but physical motions and you'll learn that man's mind is the root of all the goods produced and of all the wealth that has ever existed on earth.

But you say that money is made by the strong at the expense of the weak? What strength do you mean? It is not the strength of guns or muscles. Wealth is the product of man's capacity to think. Then is money made by the man who invents a motor at the expense of those who did not invent it? Is money made by the intelligent at the expense of the fools? By the able at the expense of the incompetent? By the ambitious at the expense of the lazy? Money is made before it can be looted or mooched,made by the effort of every honest man, each to the extent of his ability. An honest man is one who knows that he can't consume more than he has produced.

For the New Intellectual

The Meaning of Money

I believe the Libertarians have a similar Idea about it!

No,Rand is not talking about Federal Reserve-Money!laugh

Rand was two dimensional in more ways than the characters she wrote about. While I enjoyed some of her stories, I could see the flaws in her characters were born by the flaws in her philosophy of objectivism. To put it simply, it is logically inconsistent, period.

That is not to say all of her stuff is rubbish, but some of it is, and most people can't seem to separate the wheat from the chaff.

The biggest flaw I find in the Austrian School I once subscribed to is the philosophy of capitalism itself, since in it's current incarnation, it developed as the child of feudalism, with "inheritance" figuring quite prominently.

To put it simply, if someone's wealth can be passed down thu generations there is a tendency for the wealthy family to continue to accrete capital not by merit, but by the simple hoarding of it, forcing the slaves & tenant serfs liberated from feudalism into unconscionable labour contracts with the rich for severe want of their own "startup" capital.

No...I'm afraid capitalism isn't gonna work. These days capital is used in the same way that land was used by the lords in a feudal system. Hire some slaves to work for you and keep them too poor to advance to the next social strata. Modern capitalism is all about the transfer of wealth from the poor to the rich, as we see quite clearly today with the impoverishment of the middle class and the hunger and want of the poor, who are now even too poor to provide themselves with enough to eat, since the industrial robots & production efficiencies (more "capital) put them out of work.

To make things real simple, it is absolutely true that one man's profit is another man's loss, period. Don't even try to make the argument that the worker contracts freely for his labour at a given price. the worker has NO CHOICE but to accept what is offered and what is offered isn't enough to keep the now "useless eater" going.

I see trends in evolutionary terms. Over the course of history we've had:
1) Rule of kings (some nice, some tyrants...all with the power to take your head if they felt like it)
2) Rule of capital (banksters & corporations; nuff said)
3) Rule of law (Human beings finally take charge!!)

Put another way:
1) tribalism/humanism (approx 100 per tribe..."outsiders are not to be trusted and wars are common, but mercifally small mostly occurring only in times of resource scarcity)
2) Feudalism
3) Capitalism
4) Tribalism/Humanism (approx 100 per node in a globally united "tribe" of 7 billion human beings thanks to the more "outsiders" or wars and a philosophy of sustainable living in harmony with a world of abundance we call our planet)

We are currently moving into stage 4...get with the program.

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Thu 10/31/13 07:44 PM

The trick is not to fight the system but to use it against them.

Now ya got it! It's a commercial system and the only real freedom in it is your RIGHT to FREELY conduct commerce...If they try to deny you that right, they are heinously breaking their own commercial law and the entire system falls apart/

You have a right to conduct commerce...USE IT!

On the jury duty thing, I can only say that I consider it my duty to serve my community when called and to be as fair-minded as possible, so I would NEVER charge for jury duty, considering it an honour to help serve Lady Justice.

That said, I'm fully aware of two things:

1) The TRUE power of a jury (to spite the bull$hit a judge lays out when instructing it)

2) The fact that most people have been dumbed down to the point that they don't generally think logically or fairly and usually convict long before the defendent even appears at the trial based on the charges alone. Somebody accused of child molesting is gonna hang even if he can prove he was 10,000 miles away from the scene of the crime...Meanwhile someone only accused of ripping off widows & orphans for everything they're worth was probably only making a few errors in his bookkeeping (to hear his lawyer tell it) and is a good family man and a pillar of the community. He'll be lucky if he gets off with only a humanitarian award....The only thing worse than a kangaroo court these days is a kangaroo court with a jury.

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