Community > Posts By > ChinchillaZilla

ChinchillaZilla's photo
Mon 04/15/13 07:43 PM
hahahaha! did you just say get faded? awesome ^-^

ChinchillaZilla's photo
Mon 04/15/13 02:11 AM
i have a cyberlink youcam webcam built into my HP Pavilion dv7 notbook and one day my webcam just stopped working.. every time i try to use it its says that no webcam is detected on my computer...:( not sure how to fix it! if anyone could help me fix it id be super happy!!!

ChinchillaZilla's photo
Mon 04/15/13 02:04 AM
that hecka! sucks :/ atleast you guys have a magical kingdom! :D

ChinchillaZilla's photo
Thu 04/04/13 06:43 AM
moving there in about a year and wanted to maybe talk to some one around there. whatcha guys got goin on over there???

ChinchillaZilla's photo
Thu 04/04/13 06:39 AM
im under 30 so..yeah. i guess they do

ChinchillaZilla's photo
Thu 11/08/12 09:13 PM
thakyou everyone for your advice. its my grandfather he isnt on his deathbed or anything hes just sick. it might be his heart but i wont know untill he has some tests done so he might get better but ive always known my time was limited and thinking about that scared me to death. hes the only father ive ever known and noone in the world could have been a better father figure than he is. im not an emotional person and death isnt somthing that seems impossable to deal with. its only when it comes to him..just the thought of it always makes me break down in tears. its just that he was always my superman

ChinchillaZilla's photo
Wed 11/07/12 04:58 PM
icecream and coffee..just cant get enough of the crap. i solved my icecreal problem by not bying it but i kind of need coffe to kickstart my brain lol

ChinchillaZilla's photo
Wed 11/07/12 04:51 PM
just finished packing my things and have some time to kill and a lot on my mind so thought id put this out there. im going to be staying with a family member because they need to be taken care of and since no one wants to step up im doing it. i dont mind its just that i dont know how to deal with this. their health is declining fast and i feel like im watching them die. i love this person with all my heart and would gladly take a bullet for them but my hands are not sure what im asking..i dont think there is advice to dealing with this. i guess im just afraid of them being out of my life. the rock that protected me all my life is crumbling and i dont know what to do

ChinchillaZilla's photo
Tue 10/30/12 10:13 AM
it got my attention...and the **** scratched my pulp fiction dvd damn it >:/

ChinchillaZilla's photo
Tue 10/30/12 10:09 AM
seems pretty good to me :)

ChinchillaZilla's photo
Sat 10/20/12 01:23 AM
homemade pizza :D was the best ^-^

ChinchillaZilla's photo
Sat 10/20/12 01:15 AM

Yay the ghosts didn't get you! :)

I have heard of people being haunted, think it's their house, they move, and still experience it...or maybe it's something you own?

i dont think so stuff like this has been happening to me on and off since i was a kid. i got used to it but sometimes things happen that freak me out

ChinchillaZilla's photo
Fri 10/19/12 02:38 PM
how much did you miss me? lol :P

ChinchillaZilla's photo
Fri 10/19/12 02:36 PM
A+ for the foot and back rubs but im the one that can throw down in the kitchen :P

ChinchillaZilla's photo
Fri 10/19/12 02:33 PM
i think im the one thats haunted not my house :/

ChinchillaZilla's photo
Fri 10/19/12 02:32 PM
yeah i dont think so 0_0 if there is creepy **** going on i dont wanna see it. ignoring it seems to be working

ChinchillaZilla's photo
Fri 10/19/12 02:30 PM
nope im here! :) feels like i havent posted in a few months :P what happend was i walked into my room and a stack of DVD'd/CD's went flyng off of my tv as if someone smacked them as hard as they could. window wasnt open fan was off..thats about it. not much else is going on other than noises and shadows from the corner of my eye ya know. the normal stuff lol ive just been ignoring it. i have school and work so im not home that often anyway

ChinchillaZilla's photo
Sun 09/16/12 11:53 AM

ChinchillaZilla's photo
Sun 09/02/12 12:40 PM
thanks for the advice everyone! im gunna hit a gallery opening tonight so maybe getting out of the studio and just checking out others art will help smokin

ChinchillaZilla's photo
Fri 08/31/12 10:59 PM
the ideas are there awaiting my canvas yet i can not seem to find that passion that guides my brush! any other artists out there have any tips for me?...i think part of the problem is that i dont really know any other artists :P