Community > Posts By > Charles1962150

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Fri 06/28/19 07:22 PM
Trump says he could meet North Korea's Kim at DMZ

"OSAKA, Japan (AP) — President Donald Trump on Saturday invited North Korea's Kim Jong Un to shake hands during a visit by Trump to the demilitarized zone with South Korea.

Will Trump and Kim get a room after that beautiful love letter?

Jimmy Carter says full Russia investigation would show Trump did not win 2016 election

"Jimmy Carter told a crowd Friday that a full investigation into Russian election interference would show President Donald Trump did not win the 2016 election and that he ascended to the presidency by way of the Russians".;_ylt=AwrC0wxkyBZdCV0AojLQtDMD;_ylu=X3oDMTEyODAwZXF2BGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDQjc1MDZfMQRzZWMDc3I-

Trump has avoided talking about Kamala Harris. Will, that change after her debate performance?

"WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump seldom passes up an opportunity to trash-talk Democratic presidential hopefuls Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders, or, as he calls them, "Sleepy Joe” and “Crazy Bernie".

Trump already can't stand it because America's first black president is better thought of than he is. If he got beat by a black female, he would never get over it. He would whine and cry for the rest of his life. He wouldn't be able to accept it. He would cry fake news or any other lie he could come up with.

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Fri 06/28/19 07:02 PM
The Democrats need better villains

"Whose fault is everything that’s wrong?

The Democrats don’t have convincing answers. They assail President Trump, of course—but worsening income inequality, a stagnant middle class, and unaffordable health care were problems well before Trump came on the scene. In some ways, Trump got elected in 2016 because he addressed those issues more persuasively than other candidates".

Correction: Election 2020-Debate story

"MIAMI (AP) — In a story June 27 about the Democratic presidential debate, The Associated Press reported erroneously in some versions that former Vice President Joe Biden worked with Republican segregationist senators. In fact, the senators were Democrats".

For those who haven't seen it,

Democrats take to stage for 1st debate

2020 Vision: Kamala Harris takes a victory lap

"The ratings for Thursday night's debate New York were the highest for any Democratic debate in Nielsen ratings history, NBC said Friday. The event, which was broadcast on NBC, MSNBC and Telemundo, averaged 18.1 million television viewers, eclipsing the record 15.5 million viewers who watched the first Democratic primary debate between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders in 2015. Wednesday night's debate drew 15.3 million viewers".

LetYangSpeak: Andrew Yang accuses NBC of cutting off his mic

"White House hopeful Andrew Yang was largely a nonfactor at Thursday’s presidential debate, but the political novice afterward blamed his scant airtime on technical difficulties.

Speaking to supporters following the debate, the Silicon Valley businessman leveled an accusation that the debate’s producers had cut off his mic when he wasn’t speaking, thus robbing him of the chance to interject as other candidates continuously did throughout the night".

Marianne Williamson gets her Twitter moment by standing up for love

"Marianne Williamson stood on the far edge on the debate stage Thursday night and spoke for less than five minutes, but she set social media abuzz".

Democratic debate result: Kamala Harris comes off above the 'food fight' as Biden and Sanders disappoint

"The second Democrat debate on the road to the 2020 presidential election was much more combative than the first debate on Wednesday.

The candidates taking part tonight were Marianne Williamson, John Hickenlooper​, Andrew Yang, Pete Buttigieg​, Joe Biden​, Bernie Sanders, Kamala Harris, Kirsten Gillibrand, Michael Bennet and Eric Swalwell.

The debate produced a number of powerful moments, particularly from one candidate.

Here are the winners and losers.

Sparks fly as Kamala Harris challenges Joe Biden's record on race

"Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., attacked former Vice President Joe Biden over his record on race during Thursday night's Democratic debate, sharply criticizing him for his fond recollection of serving with “civility” in the Senate with two segregationist senators".

Kamala Harris Shows She’s Here to Capture the Crown

"The pace was faster and the barbs sharper at the second Democratic primary debate.

But while several candidates landed blows on the frontrunner, former Vice President Joe Biden, only one slayed: Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA). "

Bernie Sanders Says He Would ‘Rotate’ Conservative Judges Off the Supreme Court

"During the second Democratic primary debate Thursday night, Senator Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.) raised the possibility of rotating justices off of the Supreme Court so that they could be replaced with jurists whose philosophy aligns more closely with his own. "

Harris's confrontation with Biden a defining moment for first debates

"MIAMI — It was supposed to be an introductory affair.

But at the halfway mark of Thursday night’s debate, Sen. Kamala Harris went for Joe Biden’s jugular.

“I do not believe you are a racist,” Harris, a Democratic senator from California, told the former vice president.

But with that faint praise, she then launched into a clearly premeditated criticism of Biden for comments he made recently about working in the Senate with former Mississippi Sen. James Eastland, a notorious segregationist".

Joe Biden speaks at Rainbow PUSH convention, addresses debate comment on busing

Joe Biden Defends Civil Rights Record After Heated Debate Exchange

Former Vice President Joe Biden reiterated his commitment to civil rights a day after playing defense at Thursday’s Democratic primary debate when Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) challenged his record."

Joe Biden knew his time was up when he debated with Kamala Harris. He even said it himself

"After tonight, we have to ask ourselves: does Biden really have that 'electability factor' his competition supposedly doesn't? " Joe Biden was presumably prepared to answer for his recent fond invocation of working with the segregationist James Eastland, but he was not ready for the specific challenge Kamala Harris would pose to whatever excuse he was ready to share.

5 takeaways from Thursday night’s Democratic debate

"The biggest moment of the night and the one that could reverberate through the rest of the campaign was Harris confronting Biden over his nostalgic remarks about working with segregationist colleagues when he was a young senator in the 1970s. Harris, who is black, recalled being bused to school as a child in Berkeley, and charged Biden with opposing busing for integration".

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Fri 06/28/19 04:59 PM

I give you CDC scientists and you give me some cheesy fact finding site...laugh

And by the way chemtrails is also known as stratospheric aerosol injection which it appears your cheesy site even though this is an Alex Jones video..on the first video is none other than ex CIA Director John Brennan talking about stratospheric aerosol injections..not to mention all one has to do is go on youtube and they would be able to find "COUNTLESS" videos on chemtrails/stratospheric aerosol injections..and I'll even make it easy for is a video showing on the instrument panel of a plane the words "chemtrail mix" while in know that which your "CHEESY" fact finding site says doesn't exist..

Pick which ever one you want to view first...first one start at the 3:25 mark

on the second one below check out the instrument panel on the plane its marked "CHEMTRAIL MIX"

Want to know what's in them..LOL..about those fact finding sites Charles really need to find better sources..smile2

There are far too many videos on chemtrails to dispute..just go to youtube and type it in and watch..too easy..what else ya got?..spock

You all really have no idea the evil you are up against...

follow the rabbit..

Not only is your post off topic. It's another lie.

Health Impact News

"Sources in the Conspiracy-Pseudoscience category may publish unverifiable information that is not always supported by evidence. These sources may be untrustworthy for credible/verifiable information, therefore fact checking and further investigation is recommended on a per article basis when obtaining information from these sources.

"Factual Reporting: LOW
Country: USA
World Press Freedom Rank: USA 45/180


Founded in 2011, Health Impact News is an alternative medicine, holistic, and nutrition website. They are published by Sophia Media and Brian Shilhavy is the Managing Editor. According to their about page they “cover stories that impact your health, but that the mainstream media seldom covers.”

Funded by / Ownership

Health Impact News does not specify ownership, however Sophia Media is listed as the publisher. Revenue is derived from online advertising.

Analysis / Bias

In review, Health Impact News publishes health related news stories that they state are alternative. Our analysis concurs that they are certainly alternative to conventional science and medicine. They are fiercely anti-vaccine with articles such as this: Dangerous Vaccines Found to Cause Symptoms of Shaken Baby Syndrome. This story comes from the discredited VacTruth website. They also routinely publish anti-GMO propaganda such as this. They are also purveyors of misinformation regarding Chemtrails and Geoengineering such as this

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Fri 06/28/19 03:24 PM
Edited by Charles1962150 on Fri 06/28/19 03:24 PM
More far right lies.

Health Impact News

"Sources in the Conspiracy-Pseudoscience category may publish unverifiable information that is not always supported by evidence. These sources may be untrustworthy for credible/verifiable information, therefore fact checking and further investigation is recommended on a per article basis when obtaining information from these sources".

"Factual Reporting: LOW
Country: USA
World Press Freedom Rank: USA 45/180


Founded in 2011, Health Impact News is an alternative medicine, holistic, and nutrition website. They are published by Sophia Media and Brian Shilhavy is the Managing Editor. According to their about page they “cover stories that impact your health, but that the mainstream media seldom covers.”

Funded by / Ownership

Health Impact News does not specify ownership, however Sophia Media is listed as the publisher. Revenue is derived from online advertising.

Analysis / Bias

In review, Health Impact News publishes health related news stories that they state are alternative. Our analysis concurs that they are certainly alternative to conventional science and medicine. They are fiercely anti-vaccine with articles such as this: Dangerous Vaccines Found to Cause Symptoms of Shaken Baby Syndrome. This story comes from the discredited VacTruth website. They also routinely publish anti-GMO propaganda such as this. They are also purveyors of misinformation regarding Chemtrails and Geoengineering such as this: Covert Chemical Geoengineering Programs – A Real Threat to Public Health".

A factual search reveals an abysmal fact-checking record with IFCN fact checkers. There are too many failed fact checks to list. Follow the factual search link for all of them

Overall, we rate Health Impact News a Quackery level pseudoscience website for the promotion of anti-vaccination propaganda as well as chemtrails, geoengineering and false information regarding GMO’s. (D. Van Zandt 8/10/2016) Updated (4/10/2019)

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Fri 06/28/19 02:51 PM
Edited by Charles1962150 on Fri 06/28/19 03:17 PM
Trump’s prisons for migrant children are “torture chambers” – shut them down

"In the wake of Trump’s threat to begin massive deportation sweeps of migrant families, the inhuman conditions at facilities holding refugee children were brought to light just this past weekend. These nightmarish conditions are far worse, in fact, more atrocious in many respects than previously reported".

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Fri 06/28/19 02:37 PM
Edited by Charles1962150 on Fri 06/28/19 02:39 PM

well here's a case I as looking at

One example of an MMR vaccine injury claim awarded compensation in the VICP is the case of O.R. On February 13, 2013, O.R. received the MMR, Haemophilus Influenzae type B, Pneumococcal (Prevnar 13), Hepatitis A, and Varicella vaccines. That evening, following vaccination, she became feverish and irritable prompting her mother to contact the doctor. The doctor advised O.R.’s mom to administer Benadryl and Tylenol for her symptoms. The fever persisted for several days and was followed by a severe seizure resulting in cardiac and respiratory arrest. The cardiac arrest and seizures caused O.R. to develop encephalopathy, kidney failure, severe brain injury, low muscle tone and cortical vision impairment. After several months of inpatient hospitalization, O.R. was discharged home with 24-hour supervised medical care.23 On November 20, 2017, the court conceded that the MMR vaccine caused her encephalopathy and O.R. was awarded a $101 million dollar settlement to cover medical expenses for the rest of her life.24 25

..and then of course there is this:andhere's that link

**** National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP), in almost 15 years.
As I noted above, Congress gave the pharmaceutical companies immunity against lawsuits for injuries or deaths resulting in vaccines in 1986. Prior to this time, there were so many lawsuits pending against pharmaceutical companies for injuries and deaths due to vaccines, that the pharmaceutical industry basically blackmailed congress and told them that if they did not grant them legal immunity against the liabilities of vaccines, that they would quit making them. These vaccine products cannot survive in a free market, they are so bad.*****

..and then of course there is the "acceptable"

But I better get back on topic..there are a whole host of other sites as well

Just more of your far right

Vaccines News

"Sources in the Conspiracy-Pseudoscience category may publish unverifiable information that is not always supported by evidence. These sources may be untrustworthy for credible/verifiable information, therefore fact checking and further investigation is recommended on a per article basis when obtaining information from these sources".

"Factual Reporting: LOW
Country: USA
World Press Freedom Rank: USA 45/180


Like most questionable sources Vaccines News does not have an about page or a disclaimer. A whois search reveals the domain was purchased in 2015 and is redacted for privacy. The domain is registered in the United States.

Funded by / Ownership

While the website does not reveal an owner the copyright points to Vaccines News Features, LLC. The website also does not disclose funding as there is not ads nor a donate link.

Analysis / Bias

In review, Vaccines News is an anti-Vaxx website. I could make this a long winded review with example after example, but really, simply clicking on the link below should provide enough evidence to those who support science. Vaccines News promotes extreme conspiracies and pseudoscience as it relates to vaccinations. They also link to very poor sources such as Natural News, which we rate a conspiracy-pseudoscience website that has failed numerous fact checks.

Overall, this is a tin foil hat and quackery level pseudoscience website based on the promotion of anti-vaccine propaganda and numerous failed fact checks.

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Fri 06/28/19 12:54 AM

He refuses to face facts. He isn't as popular as he thinks he is. Right now, every Democrat running is ahead in the poles. Trump's own internal polling showed that. And what did Trump do when he found out? He fired all his internal posters. Saying they were wrong. Again, not wanting to face facts. Just the other day he was blowing off his mouth about how he may not accept the 2020 election results if it turns out to be against him. He may not want to leave the White House.

Personally I find that very scary. If he is elected as POTUS next year his twitter feed will be full of how wonderful the electoral system is in the USA because they 'got it right' and put him back in the White House. But if he is defeated by a Democrat, then his twitter feed will be just the opposite and full of accusations of illegal voting and any other means to kick him out. He clearly believes that he belongs in the White House and that if he is not elected the citizens of his country got it wrong' either by incompetance or by illegal means, and that if he is reutrned the US citizens 'got it right'.

As I said, very scary that such a man should have such importance.

Sir, this is past scary. Especially for thinking people. Just the other day Trump came close to starting WW3. For him to even consider any kind of military strike against these people, it's crazy and suicidal. You can tell that this man doesn't think. He just "knee jerk" reacts.

His actions are absolutely uncalled for. He seems to be such an idiot that he believes that we will go over there and start a fight and come out of it unscathed. As I said in another post, these people have biological weapons. Germ warfare. And these people are not one bit afraid to use it.

They are not afraid of dying themselves. If it came down to it, they would find a way to hit us biologically. They will find a way to get to us on our own soil. They have the means to kill millions of Americans. And this orange idiot wants to keep poking the bear. One thing I am afraid of, He will do something really stupid before we can get rid of him.

In my eyes, Congress is moving too slow. They are building an obstruction case against him. It will eventually go to a federal court. And when it does things will happen fast. The court will stand firm on our Constitution. New York is waiting there turn. As I said, I'm afraid he will do something really stupid before we can be rid of him.

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Fri 06/28/19 12:33 AM
Edited by Charles1962150 on Fri 06/28/19 12:36 AM
Eric Trump's Hot Takes On Democratic 2020 Debate Blow Up In His Face

Eric Trump tried his hand at political punditry during Wednesday’s Democratic presidential debate, but his childish takes did not go over well.

President Donald Trump’s son began by tweeting that he was “already bored".

Iran warns U.S. of stronger reaction if its borders violated again: Tasnim

"DUBAI (Reuters) - Iran warned the United States against violating its borders, with parliament speaker Ali Larijani threatening a stronger reaction, the Tasnim news agency said on Thursday, a week after Tehran shot down a U.S. drone, spiking tension between them.

"The downing of their drone was a good experience for them to avoid any aggression against our borders," the semi-official agency quoted Larijani as saying late on Wednesday"

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Fri 06/28/19 12:21 AM
Edited by Charles1962150 on Fri 06/28/19 12:21 AM

Julian Castro slaps O'Rourke

It's a beautiful day in TrumpLand.

Your link is kinda worthless. But for those that would like to read the REAL story, Here it is. Of course, it's not what you're trying to make it sound like. JULIAN CASTRO, A Democrat made a good showing during the debate.


"n the run-up to the first Democratic debate, Julian Castro barely registered in the national consciousness. But the former Housing and Urban Development secretary broke from the pack Wednesday night, turning in a strong performance and owning the immigration issue—a matter that’s dominated the news cycle amid a furor over Donald Trump’s draconian policies. And while he still has a steep uphill climb, Castro’s strong showing will likely inject some much-needed energy into his six-month-old campaign.

Castro’s standout moment came during a testy exchange with fellow Texan Beto O’Rourke as the latter laid out his immigration agenda—a broad-strokes plan that would involve protecting DREAMers, “invest[ing] in solutions in Central America” to target issues that lead to undocumented migration, and reversing Trump’s cruel treatment of migrant kids and asylum seekers. “We would not turn back Valeria and her father Oscar,” O’Rourke said, referring to the El Salvadorian migrant and his 23-month-old daughter whose drowning deaths while attempting to cross the Rio Grande have become a flashpoint in the immigration debate. “We would accept them into this country and follow our own asylum laws. We would not build walls. We would not put kids in cages".


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Fri 06/28/19 12:03 AM
More far right made up as you go lie. Fake news.

The Gateway Pundit

"A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for the purpose of profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact-checked on a per article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the reasoning section for that source. See all Questionable sources.

Reasoning: Extreme Right, Propaganda, Conspiracy, Nationalism, Some Fake News
Country: USA
World Press Freedom Rank: USA 45/180


The Gateway Pundit is extreme right news and opinion website that is not afraid of conspiracy theories and the occasional publication of falsehoods (see analysis). The website was founded by Jim Hoft in 2004 to “speak the truth” and to “expose the wickedness of the left.”

According to their about page “The Gateway Pundit is one of the top political websites. It is consistently ranked as one of the top political blogs in the nation. TGP has been cited by Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, The Drudge Report, The Blaze, Mark Levin, FOX Nation and by several international news organizations.”

Funded by / Ownership

The Gateway Pundit is owned by Jim Hoft and funded primarily through online advertising.

Analysis / Bias

In review, The Gateway Pundit demonstrates extreme right wing bias in story selection that always favors the right and denigrates the left. There is significant use of loaded emotional language in headlines such as this: President Trump RIPS INTO Peter Strzok After He’s Fired – Calls For Hillary ‘Sham Investigation’ to be ‘Properly Redone’. The Gateway Pundit is also fiercely dedicated to the promotion of Donald Trump. TGP always sources their information, but sometimes utilizes questionable sources such as Breitbart and Mike Cernovich, who both a have terrible track records with fact checkers.

The Gateway Pundit has published numerous false or conspiracy stories such as Hillary Clinton having a seizure, identifying an innocent person in the Las Vegas mass shooting and again identifying the wrong person after the motor vehicle homicide at the White Supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. Further, TGP claimed the “FBI received tips well in advance of the Florida school shooting and decided, for whatever reason, not to act.” Finally, based on publishing false information, TGP has faced lawsuits for defamation and damages to innocent individuals".

And here,

The Gateway Pundit

"The Gateway Pundit tends to care primarily about riling up its right-wing base over actually doing any journalism, such as fact-checking. As such, they have published a number of false stories. These include such claims as Hillary Clinton taking Algeria off the terror watch list, with their "proof" being a PolitiFact story that debunks the claim".

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Thu 06/27/19 08:27 PM
Edited by Charles1962150 on Thu 06/27/19 08:28 PM
Republicans demand Trump face rape investigation

"Two Republican senators have split from their colleagues in calling for Donald Trump’s alleged rape of the author E. Jean Carroll to be investigated.

Carrol, an advice columnist for Elle magazine, claims in an upcoming book about “hideous men” in her life that the US president forced himself on her in a changing room at New York’s Bergdorf Goodman department store in 1995 or 1996.

She describes a “colossal struggle” in which Mr. Trump entered her “halfway – or completely, I’m not certain".

She doesn't know if it was all or half? if he had enough she would know. And you can bet she would have remembered it. Things like that a woman remembers.

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Thu 06/27/19 08:13 PM
Elijah Cummings Drops the HAMMER on Kellyanne Conway's Dirty LIES at House Hearing

This is really more about Kelly Ann Conway. The talking head that just doesn't seem to get it that she has violated the Hatch Act.

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Thu 06/27/19 06:10 PM
Edited by Charles1962150 on Thu 06/27/19 06:12 PM
This one will not fly very far.

Meet Andrew Yang, the Democratic Candidate Who Wants to Give You $1,000 Each Month

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Thu 06/27/19 05:48 PM
Edited by Charles1962150 on Thu 06/27/19 05:53 PM

Good to know Charles..just not good for us..seems like we were damned if we did and damned if we didn't..not good..check this out..this isn't good either..seems like all we're getting these days is BAD NEWS..


This is from Judicial Watch..

Just more of your lies.

Judicial Watch

"A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for the purpose of profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact checked on a per article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the reasoning section for that source".
Detailed Report
Reasoning: Extreme Right, Conspiracy, Propaganda, Some Fake News
Country: USA
World Press Freedom Rank: USA 45/180


Founded in 1994 by Larry Klayman, Judicial Watch (JW) is an American conservative activist group that files Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuits to investigate alleged misconduct by government officials. They primarily target Democrats such as the Clinton’s, Obama and climate scientists as they label climate science, “fraud science.” Judicial Watch has made numerous false and unsubstantiated claims, with a “vast majority” of their lawsuits dismissed. They describe themselves as “a conservative, non-partisan educational foundation, promotes transparency, accountability and integrity in government, politics and the law.” The current President of JW is Tom Fitton.

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Thu 06/27/19 05:32 PM
Some more far right wing that you can't believe. If they leaned any further to the right they would fall over.

"Conservative Daily News "

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Thu 06/27/19 05:10 PM
Edited by Charles1962150 on Thu 06/27/19 05:39 PM

Of course the article leans both ways it depends on one's views as to how they would perceive..but it's not uncommon
Back-channel talks have been common in U.S. diplomacy, especially when Washington lacks formal ties with another government it wants to speak with.
The Obama administration, for example, approved months of secret meetings between U.S. and Iranian officials to clinch an interim 2013 nuclear deal.
When the deal was done, President Barack Obama said the early informal talks explored “how much room” existed to get something done. Once the work became more technical, they merged into public talks with world powers.
U.S. back-channel diplomacy with Cuba has its own long history. It spans the secret talks leading to Obama’s 2014 agreement to re-establish diplomatic ties back a half-century to the 1962 Cuban missile crisis, when President John Kennedy used his brother, Attorney General Robert Kennedy, to help defuse the crisis. President Richard Nixon used multiple back channels to interact with the Soviet Union.

Back-channel talks during a presidential transition period can be particularly sensitive, as an incoming administration looks to get a head start on diplomacy while the current president still holds power. That’s one reason the Kushner overtures are getting so much attention. But even transition back channels aren’t unprecedented.

Also because it was Russia some have a problem with it..but they said that Russia doesn't have the same global interest as we do..after listening to a short segment from might be surprised there are similar interest..especially when it comes to nuclear arms deals..I will give you that site as well if you wish..Vlad is speaking

and this article might give you more insight as to why Flynn was targeted..also I heard that there was a seal team close to the embassy in Benghazi..that was told to stand down

Hillary Clinton Ran Weapons into Libya for Obama; Flynn Was Targeted Because He Knew

I know the Benghazi story because I remember hearing one of the seal team members talking about it

**** Also one of my sources has revealed that ISIS has threatened to bomb New York and London and attack a plane ahead of July 4th and has even made a propaganda poster depicting it..of course no news of this on the MSM***

Check this site out on Bit Chute..she (Lisa Haven) has the ISIS propaganda posters around the 6 min mark first link.. Putin on the second link...

On the first video of Lisa Haven's..if you don't listen to all of it ..then listen to it from the 6 minute mark..seems that the socialist want our guns..and consider a buy back not gun confiscation what word smithers they be..not ..they are banning Trump on twitter..and in the UK they may be arresting hate speech..and that would be those who are standing up to their government over all this BS immigration..the yellow appears these socialist will try the same thing here..DO NOT VOTE DEMOCRAT..they are traitors to the constitution...Time for Trump to lay the smack down on Google..2020 is gonna be a helluva ride..Lock and Load..

A few of my sources were talking about something major happening around the 4th..not just her..head on a swivel folks..smokin

More of your half-truths and whole lies. And the link to news punch, Is a known scam site. Now I have proven that not only do you lie and mislead people, You also try to send them to a site where their computer could be compromised. And, or they could get scammed. That's being malicious. And bit cute? That's the best you can do? Why not just stick to YouTube. That way those few that are looking at your video can at least get their lies and half-truths in one place. A place where they don't have to worry about getting their computer or identity compromised.

WikiLeaks Confirms Hillary Clinton Sold Weapons to ISIS?

"What's True

In a July 2016 interview, Julian Assange (founder of WikiLeaks) contended that leaked e-mails painted a "rich picture" of Hillary Clinton's hawkish tendencies with respect to the Libyan intervention and referenced ISIS as the eventual beneficiary of weapons provided for that intervention.

What's False

No WikiLeaks e-mails confirm that Hillary Clinton directly and knowingly "sold weapons to ISIS".

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Thu 06/27/19 04:55 PM
Rex Tillerson to Congress: I Tried to Educate Trump on Immigration Law, But He Wouldn’t Read

"In the early days of the administration, President Donald Trump and the White House began working on a new approach to immigration—one that would eventually lead to the “zero tolerance” policy and the separation of thousands of families along the U.S. southern border.

In the process of concocting new strategies for dealing with the influx of migrants, Trump often tried to push forward plans that were legally dicey, according to former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson in an interview with the House Foreign Affairs Committee last month about his year-long tenure in the administration".

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Thu 06/27/19 03:01 PM
Edited by Charles1962150 on Thu 06/27/19 03:03 PM

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez the bartender for president.

Whats wrong with being a bartender ? whoa . Or is that all your mind can come up with ? rofl
Pathetic slaphead

The job was handed to one inexperienced idiot and look what kind of crook he is turning out to be. This inexperienced X bartender has more sense in her little pinky finger than Trump has all over his body. Trump has never worked a day in his life. He's never had to go out and get a job to pay his bills and put a roof over his head. At least this one knows what work is. At least her money was earned honestly. Don the con can't say that.

I don't want this thread to turn into another Trump thread. So I will leave it there. My point has been made.

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Thu 06/27/19 02:53 PM
Double jeopardy fight looms after Manafort pleads not guilty

"Double jeopardy fight looms after Manafort pleads not guilty
Associated Press MICHAEL R. SISAK and TOM HAYS,Associated Press 10 minutes ago
Reactions Reblog on Tumblr Share Tweet Email
NEW YORK (AP) — A frail Paul Manafort shuffled into court Thursday in handcuffs and prison garb and pleaded not guilty to New York state mortgage fraud charges that could keep him behind bars even if President Donald Trump pardons him for federal crimes uncovered during the probe of Russian election meddling".

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Thu 06/27/19 02:49 PM
‘Angry’ Rex Tillerson Says Jared Kushner Hijacked U.S. Foreign Policy

"Former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson claims the State Department was kept in the dark about key U.S. foreign-policy decisions during his time in the Trump administration because the president’s son-in-law had effectively set up his own shadow operation".

Jared Kushner and Russia’s ambassador to Washington discussed the possibility of setting up a secret and secure communications channel between Trump’s transition team and the Kremlin, using Russian diplomatic facilities in an apparent move to shield their pre-inauguration discussions from monitoring, according to U.S. officials briefed on intelligence reports.

Ambassador Sergey Kislyak reported to his superiors in Moscow that Kushner, son-in-law and confidant to then-President-elect Trump, made the proposal during a meeting on Dec. 1 or 2 at Trump Tower, according to intercepts of Russian communications that were reviewed by U.S. officials. Kislyak said Kushner suggested using Russian diplomatic facilities in the United States for the communications.

The meeting also was attended by Michael Flynn, Trump’s first national security adviser."

Hum?, So there IS a "deep state!" But it is in Trump's own family!

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