lookingformrright8's photo
Mon 03/10/08 12:49 AM
i'd be your friend if you didnt smoke umm 9

lookingformrright8's photo
Mon 03/10/08 12:48 AM
wow i :heart: ed that good points made

lookingformrright8's photo
Mon 03/10/08 12:46 AM
haha i wont we 20 for like 2 years and bad for me 21 for 3 oh sometimes i hate being the youngest

lookingformrright8's photo
Sun 03/09/08 11:03 PM
haha, thankfully i havent done that and hopefully i dont have the flu but I can tell I have something. I would be orange b/c my brain is very excite and I'm thinking about so many things.

lookingformrright8's photo
Sun 03/09/08 09:58 PM
lol very philosophical people it's nice to know there are some brighter crayons in the box after all!!

lookingformrright8's photo
Sun 03/09/08 09:54 PM
lol yeah

lookingformrright8's photo
Sun 03/09/08 09:52 PM
thanks and i shall after i write this darned paper. haha and they said college is fun, i don't necessarily think scraping a paper together late at night is superbly fun unless i pull out a good grade. everything but the homework is fun. goodnite and off to that homework I go.

lookingformrright8's photo
Sun 03/09/08 09:44 PM
yeah i know i did a report on it i was just really wondering if anyone else got headaches. i avoid the regular soda b/c of the sugar b/c i am a borderline diabetic and in return i get a marvelous headache.

lookingformrright8's photo
Sun 03/09/08 09:38 PM
Get a headache from diet soda? I mean from the sugar substitute in them. Because I think I have one b/c it's the only thing different I've had tonight. Grr i hate headaches. and what's worse i can never get to sleep with them

lookingformrright8's photo
Sun 03/09/08 07:50 PM
hmm... should that question even be asked? haha. no. because he had to cheat to get to the top. i play softball and i put a lot of hardwork to get to where I am now, in a private college playing. i mean for cripes sake hes such a cop out and doesnt deserve the title he got especially for the way he got it.

lookingformrright8's photo
Sat 03/08/08 11:42 PM
With my one wish i would wish for 15 more wishes and wish for:
financial success
to see the world
to get married
have a family
know that i did my best to serve Christ
Be bikini skinny
have the most homeruns in softball history
change some things that i have messed up with
read every book at least once
live at the beach
own a mansion
a nicer car
medical problems erased ( ie this i know will come when God takes me to his promiseland)
have premonitions

lookingformrright8's photo
Sat 03/08/08 11:36 PM
its more logical than a stick of deoderant. like someone did from my sports locker in highschool.

lookingformrright8's photo
Sat 03/08/08 09:31 PM
i didnt say half tho did I haha i just said most and I meant there were more boy related ones than any other.

lookingformrright8's photo
Sat 03/08/08 09:23 PM

lookingformrright8's photo
Sat 03/08/08 09:22 PM
should be the teacher is stupid b/c the teacher has to be able to teach all abilities and not just those who are able to excell on learning type.

lookingformrright8's photo
Sat 03/08/08 09:21 PM
what a shame. sad how most of them were boys that were bing talked about

lookingformrright8's photo
Sat 03/08/08 09:07 PM
I could agree only if they weren't the ones asking me to be their friends

lookingformrright8's photo
Sat 03/08/08 08:37 PM
Thanks for all the advice gals and guys. If only it were easier said than done. But I will do my best.

lookingformrright8's photo
Sat 03/08/08 08:31 PM

lookingformrright8's photo
Sat 03/08/08 08:29 PM
sorry i thought no one was answering so i decided to jump in my bad!

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