Community > Posts By > honeyrobber

no photo
Thu 09/14/06 07:18 PM

I gave all the reasons I did not post one. Well it is finally up as I
got some photos taken and had the photos developed with pictures on cd
so I could load them up. To bad only one of the 8-10 I had took of me
was any good.

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Thu 09/14/06 07:10 PM

Well all here is the only picture that turned out worth a darn. I will
try to get more photos taken in the next week or so.

Suggestions to get the photos to come out better? I used the disposable
camera with flash as our walmart did not have any without flash. I took
the photos at different distances. Some of the close up of the kids
turned out great but the close ups of me did not even when took at the
same location it just had a different person behind the camera.

no photo
Thu 09/14/06 04:40 AM

Thank you. You seem to be good at writing the english language. And you
may even be better at it than me. Most around here learn "how much" and
dollar amounts and that is it.

Glad to have yah here. Learn, work, and enjoy this great nation.

no photo
Thu 09/14/06 04:32 AM

No coffee for me. I drink hot tea, tea, and some hot chocolate. Oh and
did I say tea. I drink atleast a gallon of iced tea(cold no ice when
possible) every day and when working make that 2 or 3(I got a gallon
packed to go with me today and another in the fridge for tonight). Of a
morning before the coffee pot got broke I would normally enjoy a hot cup
of tea sweetened with honey.

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Thu 09/14/06 04:23 AM

I married my girlfriend soon to be exwife the week before I left for
college. Then we lived apart for the first semester. I visited her at
our home town on weekends. The reason is she refused to move as she
wanted to finish high school here. Well being married she could do what
she wanted and ended up missing to many days and automatically
failed(stupided rule I ever saw as she had good grades). Money should
never come before love so you did the right thing. Living apart can work
and does work as well. The farther you are apart just means you get to
see each other less often. I was only 60 miles from home, yet I missed a
weekend or 2 because of lack of money for gas.

no photo
Wed 09/13/06 02:44 PM

I hope who ever was bugging you leaves you alone.

no photo
Wed 09/13/06 02:27 PM

Best song ever is simple, Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody.

I most types of music from classical to heavy metal. I just do not like
rap and most hip hop. I prefer heavy metal, classic rock and hillbilly
rock(rocking country like Hank Jr.).

no photo
Wed 09/13/06 08:26 AM

BTW I have the pain pills and sleeping pills but to often the pain is
still enough to wake me up.

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Wed 09/13/06 08:25 AM

I have been on the run and because of this my back pain is real bad. My
problem is getting good quality sleep. I sleep in short naps. Like last
night I went to bed at 1am and got up at 3am. I went back to bed about
4am and got up and 5:30am to get the kids off to school. Then back to
bed at 6:20am and my youngest daughter got up at 7:30. So now I will be
up till nap time which is at 1pm and I may get a 2 hour nap at best.
Thank God I got a day of rain so I can sit at home and atleast rest.

no photo
Wed 09/13/06 08:17 AM

Brick House and concidered to be the perfect womans measurements.

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Wed 09/13/06 08:15 AM

Full details I will not give. But I was only 9 and she was 15. I asked
for something that I thought I knew what was and got it. It was a pure
sex act without any emotion. I am sure that is why it felt so empty. But
I started seeing a 14yr about 6 month later and had a much better time.
I had some good time but this is part of my life which I wish had not
happened until I was much older. That is why when I got to high school I
was ready to settle down. I lived life way to fast to soon.

no photo
Wed 09/13/06 08:00 AM

Bikes have to be respected by the rider and those on the road with you.
Part of the reason the people on the road do not respect them is the way
people that ride them do not respect them. The crotch rockets are just
furthering the bad name of bikes. I was going down the interstate
yesterday morning and I was stuck behind a semi passing another semi
going up a mountain. So yes these trucks were going slow. The one in the
fast/passing lane was going about 40mph in a 70mph zone. This idiot on a
crotch rocket blows by me on the white line and goes on between these 2
trucks nearly loosing the bike in the turblance once. I just knew he was
getting ready to come out the back under the wheels of the trailer. He
did bump the side of the one trailer. Just because a bike will fit down
the emergency lane and such does not give us any right to do so.

Bikes being respected by other drivers to give us a bit more space kind
of like people giving semis a bit more space is needed. Bikes being
lighter can stop much faster than cars. So do not tailgate a bike. On
the other hand riders please give turn signals in advance. I hope you
get these points I tried to get across. Bikes are alot of fun but misuse
can be deadly.

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Wed 09/13/06 07:50 AM

Jumping train tracks is fun. I rather use an ATV for mudding. Trucks
are for work, ATVs for play. All auto sports from truck and tractor
pulls, demolition derbies, rally, drag racing, and even that redneck
thing about only making left turns, LOL.

no photo
Wed 09/13/06 07:46 AM

Mechanicly it should be easy to do. It is something that I wonder why
it is not being done. Yes I has seen many of the pop up back rest for
the second rider. And many seats will a back made for the second rider.

The bikes in dad's basement are in great shape but all of them have
locked up. It maybe as simple as using the solvent poured through the
spark plug hole to release them or it may require tearing the engine
down and rebuilding it. I treated the leather seats of the 3 with real
leather a few times over the years. The 750 and one of the 550s has
custom paint jobs. I think the 550 is ugly but the 750 is nice.

no photo
Wed 09/13/06 07:30 AM

I liked the comments about Iraq being the center of the world, so to
speak. Babylon has been rebuilt. The 2 great sides to the final battle
are being drawn. Babylon vs. Jeruselam(spell check). This battle has
been going on since Kaine killied Able.

no photo
Wed 09/13/06 07:24 AM

WAR IS HELL! There is no other way to get any fraction of a way to
explain it to those of us who have not went. I have 2 horror stories
from being around 2 different veitnam vets. One involved the pot
spotting chopper(old military chopper) flying slow and low right over us
while we was riding horses. The other was while I was in college and we
were standing against a wall/rail over looking a court yard type place
when he say a baby in a carrier that the mother had walked away from.

The first one mentioned was the second time I saw a reaction but it
was more of what I expected from someone who was in war and why I
mention it first. He jumped off the horse and used the riding crop sort
of like a make shift rifle. I had been warned about him spacing out at
times so I just went after the horse he had been riding. He has no
memory of nam and has no memory of these spells. It is a mental
condition where his brain will not access these memories yet the
conditioning still shows through.

The second one mentioned and my first time seeing a nam vet react was
very different. The gent was a friend of mine boyfriend(I tutored her in
Algebra is how we met). It was just a chance meeting near the book
store/post office. Like any friend would you stop and say hello. I have
no idea what we were talking about but the talk that followed I will
never forget. I found out he was a baby killer. I knew he had been in
the military but never heard him talk about anything other than training
and the time he spend in Germany. He was a sniper. He said it was a
weakly or so occurance for a baby to be brought to the gate and left in
a basket. It was also common for babies to just be laid down with no
basket. The difference was that all but one of the babies in the baskets
had bombs under them and when you removed the baby the bomb would
explode. The babies laid at the gate without baskets where picked up and
given medical checks and taken care of properly. It was his job to shoot
through the baby and hit the bomb. He said the ones with the bombs where
going to die by the hands of their own people and he kind of saw them as
mercy killings. But he is haunted to this very day by the baby in the
basket with no bomb. He took aim and shot in the middle of the basket to
hit the bomb like he had been taught. The baby screamed and there was no
explosion. He was ordered to shoot again. And again no bomb went off.
They then sent someone out to the child but it was dead.

I never served. I want to thank those that have served. I go to vet
cemetaries and remember these 2 items. I never want any soldier forgot
for what they paided for my freedoms. Just this glimps into what real
war is like changed me forever. Maybe it will help change the ideas of
some anti military people.

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Wed 09/13/06 06:25 AM
A custom made seat may solve the problem but it would be pricey. I know
where there is an 81 honda 400 SS. The engine has locked up from being
stored so long(22 years). I rode it as a kid with my dad. I thing it
would be light weight enough, low enough for me to get my leg over even
if I had to mount it from behind, and I know it has a smooth ride. Dad
has a couple 550s, the 400 above, and a 750. They are all honda super
sports except one of the 550s. It is a shame they have been parked in
his basement for 20+ years.

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Wed 09/13/06 06:07 AM

I always wanted a street bike but bills and other things came
first(like my horses). I ride a 4 wheeler often, but it is just a way
around the farm. I have taken the kids out for a ride through the
nursery roads/paths. With this bad back I can no longer ride trails
through the mountains as they are to rough. So IF I can ever get a bike
it will have to have good shocks and it will only be good for short
rides as my back would give out without a back rest.

no photo
Tue 09/12/06 06:50 PM
Longest I had went was about a year and a half. I am now upto 6 months
and counting after being married and getting it regularly for 16 year.

no photo
Tue 09/12/06 03:21 PM

Fat bottomed girls make this rocking world go round, as queen said.
Curves I want rolls of fat I do not or the bones sticking through the

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