Community > Posts By > Michael

Michael's photo
Tue 09/07/21 12:05 PM
Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds. Beautiful woman, I wish you could fly away to America. Then I could take you out to a wonderful dinner and would offer you an enchanting evening as well.

Michael's photo
Fri 08/27/21 12:18 AM
 "No sympathy for the devil; keep that in mind. Buy the ticket, take the ride...and if it occasionally gets a little heavier than what you had in mind, well...maybe chalk it up to forced consciousness expansion: Tune in, freak out, get beaten.". ― Hunter S. Thompson, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.

Michael's photo
Fri 08/27/21 12:16 AM
Well, whoever that Hunter dude may be... I still don't understand the meaning of the title you chose.
You don't reply for days, then go for the a-hole approach. Suit yourself.

Sorry if you're not versed in literature, and I don't spend every day here, especially I sometimes forget that this is one of the only sites that has a message board. Please be kind - I don't know what kind, but be nice.

Michael's photo
Tue 08/24/21 10:15 AM
I thought that maybe this thread was some kind of magical mystery tour.

ps, I had a cat just like that one with the two different face colors.

called him harlequin.

I haven't seen the plasticine porter lately, but the Hendersons will all be there. Splendid.

Michael's photo
Tue 08/24/21 10:14 AM
I'm still waiting on info concerning the ticket we allegedly bought?
When's the show? Where? What time?

I think it has something to do with Hunter S Thompson and his amazing wisdom of biting sarcasm in the midst of total seriousness. Enjoy the ride, you're on it right now!

Michael's photo
Sun 08/15/21 05:02 PM
And remember, it was the previous administration that started the whole ball rolling with their agreement in early 2020 with the Taliban.....

Michael's photo
Sun 08/15/21 05:01 PM
Yes, but if you were a girl, would you ask me out based on my profile? :)

Michael's photo
Sun 08/15/21 04:58 PM
You've got some great photos there, but what in Hades are you trying to say? Stalker, say what???

Also, lose the smileys and emoticons, we're all adults here.



Michael's photo
Sun 08/15/21 04:55 PM
First, you need more than one picture, at least three. Second, lose the emoticons and smileys, we're all adults here. Finally if English isn't your first language, it it shows in your phrasing.

I'm sure if you post what you want to say and ask nicely, some of us English speakers will critique and correct your text for you, and maybe offer suggestions as well.



Michael's photo
Sun 08/15/21 04:50 PM
Forgot to mention if you're new to these apps. 80% of the people that will contact you are scammers! Do some Google research, there's some ways to tell who's the scammer. Most are pretty obvious, but some will damn well suck you in deep. Just telling you from personal experience, I let one get into me for about 7 days. I stuck to my guns - my first and only policy online is: Never send money to anybody for any reason.

And, pictures of your driver's license, pictures of your Social Security card, your license plate or your vaccination card....


Michael's photo
Sun 08/15/21 04:45 PM
Actually not as bad as I expected! Pictures are good but - dude lose the sunglasses! (at least for two or three of the pictures), how about an evening shot? Backgrounds are little distracting but not bad. Text is short, sweet and simple, I'd say it's acceptable. Personally I'd add a little bit more color to it, a little more information. I'd give you 70%; lose the sunglasses and it goes to 85%.


Michael's photo
Sun 08/15/21 04:41 PM
Man, sorry but these days, spell check and grammar check come built in. Definitely want to run that through one of those first. Camera is out of focus horribly. Use the best settings possible and make sure there's no fingerprints on the lens.

Two big negatives right off the bat; as I see it now, I'd give it about a 25%

Do some tweaking and ask again! Peace.


Michael's photo
Sun 08/15/21 04:37 PM
Yes, photo backgrounds need to be neutral stand in front of a wall or with sky in the background or trees. Any time you've got something that's got angular lines it's a distraction. Also whatever camera you using the focus isn't that good. May want to make sure you're shooting your pictures with the highest quality settings and make sure there's no fingerprints on your lens.




Michael's photo
Sun 08/15/21 04:33 PM
I'm aware that my hairstyle is definitely not a style but it works. Just curious. I know I speak too much, but sometimes I just want to be me, and that's kind of sort of how I am. I've had some interesting conversations but unfortunately, nobody in this area to date. Literally.


Michael's photo
Sun 08/15/21 04:29 PM
...And it would be on a beautiful evening like this, when I would take the old Camaro out and remove the t-tops and just drive. Those were good times; those were excellent times. I doubt I'll ever feel that way again, but I do  feel good knowing that I remember how it felt to be alive then. So good, so happy, so calm and peaceful and full of joy.

I hope every single one of you has a fantastic week ahead of you. If you're a religious person, pray for the people in Afghanistan, and pray for the families of the American and Coalition soldiers, whose lives were thrown away in those past 20 years.


Michael's photo
Fri 06/04/21 08:24 PM
Believe me, there must be honest people out there.

There are. Trust but verify.

Michael's photo
Thu 06/03/21 09:09 AM
So you are avoiding those with incontinence issues???

It Depends...

Michael's photo
Tue 06/01/21 06:01 AM
Sometimes I am embarrassed to be a male. Pathetic are so many profiles. And it's not gender specific!
After a while you can weed out the slackers, smokers and skeazy-dripppy sad-sacks just by looking at the focus, composition and pose in the photograph, and not even have to click for more information...
Sad but true; what you show is what you get.

Michael's photo
Sun 05/30/21 03:37 PM
Wow. Thank you for that. A moment in time, remembered.

Michael's photo
Sun 05/30/21 03:36 PM
Can't read the full title (Android phone issue?)
But well whatever, nevermind.