Community > Posts By > europeanimport7

europeanimport7's photo
Sun 01/09/22 03:25 AM

Ahh! Still another MSM graduate! How many times did you vote for biden in the last election?

Oh, British Columbia. My question still stands, how many times did you vote for biden in the last election?

Ahh! Another big lie believer, I feel bad for you but trust me, you will get over the fact that it was a fair election. Not even an insurrection could change it for the liar and (ex) chief.
Biden is making life's easier, I am sure many of the believers enjoyed all the financial help Joe provided and still will provide, even the GOP Senate has nothing better to do than throwing stones. That's what it has come to, so sad.


Not sure what you are talking about Joe providing financial help? Much more stimulus was given out while Trump was in office than when since Joe stepped in. Trump also cut taxes and increased the child tax credit, Trump also did away with the Obama care socialist penalty for not having health care. The cost of all energy sources has gone up under Biden, inflation is the highest it's ever been, how is that making my life easier? Maybe you should just MYOB or quit falling for these allusions that the media is trying to feed the people.

europeanimport7's photo
Sat 01/08/22 02:56 PM

Ahh! Still another MSM graduate! How many times did you vote for biden in the last election?

Oh, British Columbia. My question still stands, how many times did you vote for biden in the last election?

Ahh! Another big lie believer, I feel bad for you but trust me, you will get over the fact that it was a fair election. Not even an insurrection could change it for the liar and (ex) chief.
Biden is making life's easier, I am sure many of the believers enjoyed all the financial help Joe provided and still will provide, even the GOP Senate has nothing better to do than throwing stones. That's what it has come to, so sad.

europeanimport7's photo
Sat 01/08/22 09:06 AM

I am astonished that roughly HALF of this country can support a party that believes:

1. Go easy on criminals, the police are the primary problem

2. Let anyone from any country come into the USA with no vetting and that will help our country

3. Shut down our oil pipelines so we are not a self-sufficient country and must rely on others

4. Looting, burning down buildings, stealing merchandise because a criminal is accidentally or mistakenly killed in the process of their crime (with maybe one exception) should be the norm and get a pass

5. Multiple genders, safe spaces, welfare without work (with a few exceptions), socialism, free stuff, others pay off my student loans for me, and woke nonsense makes a productive society.

Honestly, I find it impossible to believe that this many people in my country can be this stupid. Like it or not, if you voted/vote Democrat, this is what you are voting for.

I love this country but am finding it harder and harder to live amongst folks who feel this way after working hard my whole life and doing things right all along the way.

Surely I can't be the only one perplexed at how people can support the above.

I’m in N. Carolina, a rural area outside large city. Of all the people I encounter and I deal with blacks, whites, Latin. all different financial brackets. 80% of them are not shy about their disdain for joe Biden. I believe a lot of these opinions are because 99% of these folks are middle class working family’s. So this is something I only see on the news or discuss with other conservatives ( friends and family). So there are still large parts of this country that are not subscribing to all the immoral, Divisive ideology put forth by these sickos. I’m not convinced they will win, I see more and more folks are starting to wake up and see the liberal democrats for who the really are and what they really stand for. I believe another red wave is approaching maybe a tsunami.

That's so cool, wow, let's cheer with a cup of bleach when the Tsunami is arriving, lol. It's on me!

europeanimport7's photo
Sat 01/01/22 10:20 AM

It’s hard to believe with all the turmoil of partisan politics in 2021 that 2022 wouldn’t be better. Than you look at the reality of the times we find ourselves living in and you might think it will not get better. We have a president that doesn’t have a concept of how to preside over a country. The people around him and advising him are just as clueless. With this being a year for mid-term elections we get to decide the path we want our country to proceed on. Hopefully we have all noticed the hate and deception that the current administration has chosen to be their mantra and the republicans and independents and many moderate democrats will flock to the polls in droves and send a message to these progressive and liberal democrats that their agenda is not for America.

Sure, lol. Joe is trying the very best to get some of the skunky ring kissers from the so called "Good Old Party" to see what's real, and repair the damage the Orange Troll Dump has left behind.

2022 will probably (historically) flip the house majority but by 2024 all will be back to normal and either Joe is going into his second term or someone else liberal will replace him. No second Dump term for sure, he will be in prison by then and some of his ring kissers will accompany him. The orange jump suite will match his skin tone.
On a side not, I am not a liberal voter, we have a liberal government here in Canada and a clown at the throne. Same character as his Dad.
Just my observation and opinion, don't hate me, lol.

europeanimport7's photo
Wed 12/29/21 02:35 PM
Prairie Oysters

europeanimport7's photo
Sun 12/12/21 11:19 AM

Sallam to all Muslim fellows, I m here for searching 2 ND wife anybody interested text

Make your first one happy to start with, then you can look for a second one.

europeanimport7's photo
Tue 11/16/21 10:03 AM
I am very curious whether users who are putting fake locations in their profile will be expelled when reported?
Good examples would be users living somewhere in the world but put in a fake locations
in order to get attention from users in that area, just to lure them offline one or two messages later.
Is there a policy in place at Mingle?

europeanimport7's photo
Mon 11/15/21 04:44 PM

Soon government intends to implement the QR code for supermarket access.
So much for free choice...

And your evidence supporting this claim is . . .

I guess there is no evidence!

europeanimport7's photo
Fri 11/12/21 08:31 AM
I wish the world has only problems like you describe. OMG, my lipstick is smearing, lol. My glasses are fogging up, it's an emergency, lol.
Be a good citizen my friend. The mask wearing is nothing to be worried about.
Worry about your loved ones if you don't mask up.

europeanimport7's photo
Sun 11/07/21 10:34 AM

Really? My ex said, "I will always think you are the most beautiful lady I'd let get away."

He didn't mean it Cat, he just wanted to comfort you.

europeanimport7's photo
Sun 10/10/21 04:48 PM
I was wondering whether there are any decent, normal, humble single Asian women on here who do live in the greater Vancouver/Lower Mainland or Fraser Valley area?
Let's connect and see where it goes.
Don't be shy, direct message me or keep it in the forums, your choice.
Looking forward to chat!

europeanimport7's photo
Fri 09/24/21 05:24 PM
Ha ha, I don't think there is nobody in your area, I think there is nobody interested in your high demands.
You have to calm down, take it easy and be a bit more compassionate.
It's not all about you, lol.
Good luck anyway!

europeanimport7's photo
Mon 09/20/21 04:15 PM
Thank you Soufie, I did that and yes, I have set that up.
Still not getting notifications.
Thank you for your help.

europeanimport7's photo
Sun 09/19/21 05:30 PM

Not sure whether it's just me, but I do not get any e-mail notification when I get a message.
I did sign up for that.
Is it a temporary bug or is it just happening to me?

europeanimport7's photo
Fri 08/20/21 08:44 AM

Your full profile can be seen on both the fullsite version and the app.

Thank you delight. I am still wondering why they can't open it.

europeanimport7's photo
Fri 08/20/21 05:45 AM

lately I was chatting with some nice people in Asia. When I asked them whether they checked my profile, the response was that it is not visible, or better said they can't open it.
All they see is my main picture, my age and my religion.
I heard that from two people in different regions and both were on their mobile for accessing the app. I know these two are not scammers so that's out of question.
What could be the issue and what could we do to fix it?
Thank you for your suggestions.

europeanimport7's photo
Sat 08/07/21 05:18 PM

sikandar is a global leader in this world :crown:

You misspelled, it's Sick Andar

europeanimport7's photo
Wed 07/28/21 08:59 AM

I respectfully disagree. As the other member mentioned, most of the pictures are fake and now even more people will put up fake pictures to be visible. Your philosophy is wrong, you are creating more scammer profiles and discourage real members to post their (well written) profiles without a picture.
Something to think about.

First of all it is the Owners that changed the platform..

Second of all it is pretty obvious when members post fake pictures and can be checked by members if they feel they are.. Then there is a way to Report those profiles when they feel that they need to be checked and which the Admins that deals with the Reports will check and deal with them as needed.

Those of us that Admin/Mod the forums Do Not Deal with Profiles. We are here to make sure Members follow the guidelines within the forums and to answer questions or direct you to Support for them to help you.

If members do not want to post a picture that is their choice but if they don't then their Profile will not show up in Who's Online..

It does not keep you from seeing those profiles if you use the Search Feature..

For one that has Modded these forums for a long time I will stand behind the program in place..

At this time they have no intentions of taking this program out.

Link for Support~~~

Forum Admin

Kristi, I did not say that the mods of this site are not doing a good job. Of course you have to stand up to these rules since the owners did implement them.
My point is, "honest" and "normal" members cannot be seen when they are online because they do not have a picture posted. They have wonderful written profiles, put in a lot of effort and time to do that.
In my humble opinion it is discriminating to those members, to allow anyone who has a picture up (real or not) but otherwise an empty profile and most of the time with wicked intentions while the others are not allowed.
The search feature does not allow to see "online only" people. Connections are made when two people are online at the same time, no matter of location.
Again, something to think about for the owners!
Thank you for moderating Kristi!

europeanimport7's photo
Wed 07/28/21 07:48 AM

Since you already know this is a new feature then your question has already been answered..

The site put this feature in due to many scammers tend to use pictures off the internet that are pretty easy to spot.

The Online feature is one of those things that if members do not follow the picture guidelines then they will not have their accounts seen first..

The site provides a way to Report all Scammers through either clicking report this user from their profile or through email..

At this time we feel making members post a picture that follows the picture guidelines in order to show up on Who's Online is an asset to the site.

Forum Admin

I respectfully disagree. As the other member mentioned, most of the pictures are fake and now even more people will put up fake pictures to be visible. Your philosophy is wrong, you are creating more scammer profiles and discourage real members to post their (well written) profiles without a picture.
Something to think about.

europeanimport7's photo
Mon 07/26/21 10:42 AM

Hi guys,
I don't know the if text in my profile is 'too strong' or even in danger to get blocked by an administrator.
What do you think, check it out!
I'm 100% serious about what I publish there.
Please do me the favor and don't turn hash on me.
I'm known to become vulgar quick ;)

My suggestion, get a job, make money and you will be able to get a Sado Maso Hooker, that's what you need. Maybe a Therapist?
Otherwise your profile is very good, lol, don't be harsh on me.