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Topic: Any Left-Hand Path people?
FedMan's photo
Sun 03/11/07 10:22 PM
GhostWhisperer I must say you are a very beautiful lady, but I find
everyone's thinking of christians trying to convert others wrong, for
their religion teaches them this and I believe the rewards the bible
tells about are very true, we (christians) are supposed to try to help
the lost find their way, but by no means, do I think we should be pushy,
just maybe persuasive. Now for Satanism, here is a description but I
truly do not believe this bs for the fact I believe in Satan, demons
and heaven and hell.

Religious Satanism:
This religion recognizes Satan, generally as a life principle. Followers
are usually serious adults, although a few are mature teenagers. Of the
many main traditions which exist, the Church of Satan is by far the
largest. Other Satanic groups currently exist and have existed in the
recent past. Many are short-lived; their web sites often come and go
within a few months. According to Statistic Canada, the 1991 census
found only 335 Canadians who identified themselves as Satanists. This
would imply that there may be on the order of 3,500 Satanists in the
U.S. The actual number is probably significantly larger. A US Department
of the Army pamphlet #165-13 estimated that there were 10 to 20 thousand
members of the Church of Satan in the US during the late 1970's. 1,2
Accurate data for this movement is impossible to estimate, since the
largest group (the Church of Satan) does not release its membership
It is important to realize that the Satan that they recognize has few if
any points of similarity with the historical Muslim or Christian concept
of Satan. The Satanists' concept of Satan is pre-Christian, and derived
from the Pagan image of power, virility, sexuality and sensuality. To
almost religious Satanists, Satan is a force of nature, not a living
quasi-deity. Their Satan has nothing to do with Hell, demons,
pitchforks, sadistic torture, buying people's souls, demonic possession,
performing miracles, human sacrifices, cannibalism, and profoundly evil


no photo
Sun 03/11/07 10:34 PM
and i see that i was wrong in my impression that 'devil worshiping' was
the more traditional interpretation of satanism. thanks fedman.

(i know ghost is mostly looking for other likeminded people, but i so
love having these tangential discussions...)

DANE1973's photo
Sun 03/11/07 10:43 PM
There are actually quite a few Wiccans and like myself, Asatruar, on
this site.

Gryphyn's photo
Sun 03/11/07 10:50 PM
Call me a Laymen in terms of this Philosophy "Satanism". I ask this not
just for me but for others here that may read this post. Why would a
Philosophical belief/religion/living be called "Satanism" and not
believe in Satan? Or practice/worship satan? Why would a group of
intelligent people Call themselves "Satanist" if they Don't
believe/worship Satan?

It is a simple question, and it is fairly basic in its meaning. By
definition according to most dictionaries "Satanism" implies an evil or
demonic path.
Like you and many others I follow the beliefs in accepting
responsibility for ones actions. I accept the path that is before me and
walk it with my eyes on this path. I have many other beliefs in regards
to self preservation and self indulgence.
Since I do believe in Christ I am a christian. I have many other beliefs
about the earth and the magic gained from within and as a result some
may say I am a pagan to a certain extent.

The words I write in prose are a gift from someone greater than myself.
All these beliefs as I see it could be considered Left handed when they
are applied together, however I am not nor would I ever Consider Myself
to be a "Satanist" simply due to the definition of the word, and public

I ask to be enlightened on this subject, and in no way am I pointing


no photo
Sun 03/11/07 10:56 PM
Gryph, I think you are getting at the same thing i was getting at, from
a different angle. Ghost has said that her interest here is in finding
other like-minded people, not to answer everyone's questions and dispell
myths. But since she's the only self-described satanist to speak up
here, you may have to do your own research or leave your questions

Gryphyn's photo
Sun 03/11/07 11:10 PM
Massage, I like to think "Out of the Box" hence my questions.
Philosophies are what I enjoy the most in discussions. They allow people
who think "Outside of the Box" to engage in a healthy conversation. As
for reading up on a religion I have no interest in? Maybe someday but
today I have many other things that are Far more important.

Did you know the Likelyhood of someone who plays games or solves puzzles
is far less likely to have Alzheimers in the latter years of life? Think
about it, thinking is healthy for us.

bigsmile bigsmile


no photo
Sun 03/11/07 11:23 PM
Gryph, Are you saying i come across as being opposed to out of the box
thinking? Not at all. But did you read all the posts for this thread?
I'm hoping someone will step in and address your question. I'm looking
at wikipedia to see if it helps...

Gryphyn's photo
Sun 03/11/07 11:33 PM
On the contrary I only like to make the box Bigger. By doing so it
brings out the best in all of us.

Yes I did read all of the posts. You will find I enjoy expanding my
education and at the same time allowing others to show me their point of
view. If I did a search on different types of "Satanism" it would be a
missmash of beliefs. It would not be a constuctive discussion with
someone with knowledge of it. Now do you understand?



no photo
Sun 03/11/07 11:46 PM
So we can hope that a knowledgeable person will step in here and have a
constructive conversation - which would be great for me, since I have
the same question.

Any takers?

Gryphyn's photo
Sun 03/11/07 11:52 PM
:wink: happy

GhostWhisperer's photo
Mon 03/12/07 06:06 AM
First, I would like to thank everyone for their input on this subject.
Even though it was definitely not my intent to begin such an intense
discussion. This only solidifies my theory of why so many people who
have chosen the same path as myself remain behind closed doors. Too many
preconceived ideas of what Satanism is. Some of which will never be
modified to include the facts. The "description" given is fairly
accurate, but not exclusive to all that follow a Satanic path, as we are
all individuals.

Although I am sure there are many Christians who do not actively seek to
convert others, there are just as many that do. Those who are
non-Christian are not "lost", nor do they nessisarily need to be

Many people are not of one "religion", but rather a combination of many
in their person beliefs. That would be logical, as we are individuals &
no one path could possibly encompass everything we desire or feel the
need for in our lives. I incorporate many philosophies within the core
of my beliefs.

As for stating what I am, I do not find being a Satanist any more or any
less than what it truly is TO ME. Not what it means to anyone else,
including other Satanists. I live what I believe. I am proud to be who &
what I am & do not feel the need to explain or rationalize what I am.

I must get out & do the work thing. I will do my best to answer any
questions you may have or have posted since I logged out last night. I
hope everyone has an incredible day. Thank you again to all who have
posted their thoughts & feelings on this subject. I appreciate your
input, intellegence & honesty.

no photo
Sun 03/18/07 06:40 AM
People who read this thread may also be interested in ShadowEagle's
"truth about the church of satan".


(do you feel like you're browsing amazon.com?)

rsaylors's photo
Tue 03/20/07 11:32 AM
There is beauty out there. Some people see it, some people don't. But
some people do, so that means it's there.

Isn't hedonism like smoking? The first time it's nauseating, the next
time it's great and every time their after it's just a steady decline of
the enjoyable t'll it becomes little more than a continuation of the
personal-enslavement brought by that first enjoyable experience.

kojack's photo
Tue 03/20/07 11:43 AM
Left handed here also

TastyBaum's photo
Thu 03/22/07 12:20 AM
Wow, GhostWhisperer, when I first started reading all of this I was very
confused. I had never heard of Satanism and Satanists having nothing to
do with worshipping Satan. I thought that's what all that meant. But I
don't like to judge, so I researched a little online and I found out
that you aren't about worshipping Satan. I guess I learn something new
every day. Thanks for that. :) Wikipedia had a lot about it, if anyone
else is interested in reading about it. :)

GhostWhisperer's photo
Thu 03/22/07 03:29 PM
You are very welcome & it is great when people learn. flowerforyou

prussia's photo
Thu 03/22/07 04:14 PM
I'm just curious here ... if, as you say, do not worship "Flame Guy"
then why do you call your religion satanic and yourself satanists?

GhostWhisperer's photo
Thu 03/22/07 06:34 PM
Asked & answered.

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