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Topic: Am I such a bastard???
Atlantis75's photo
Thu 08/27/09 09:45 PM

Well, so far I have been on mingle for a while now but I have yet to actually meet anyone. What surprises me even more is that I have yet to really get past the luke warm emails or even worst scammers. Now I am really curious, Am I total bastard or what?

I am curious! Now I know I am not advocating driving around squashing little animals or trying to form a group of Manson like nutbags, I am not a cultist or religiously affiliated especially to the extreme where "I love Jesus" or even more extreme a Zealot. I sure have not been spitting on people. I know I am an EOO (Equal Opportunity Offender, I piss everyone off at some time or another without regard to race creed sex etc.).

So what is it going to take to actually begin to meet women here? Wrap myself in $100 bills and tell everyone I am Bill Gates? God for as rich as he is he is still a total CHOAD! I'd rather be poor and have a good personality and get along with people!

So WTF! What exactly am I doing wrong? Who the heck did I piss off?

This has been my morning rant. Thank you for your patronage. IN advance I also thank those of you for playing your tiny violins for me. All sympathy appreciated. All snide comments even more appreciated!


I wrote something similar like a month ago. Now, I just don't care. I don't think the people are here for dating so I don't expect anything, that's all.

xrm's photo
Thu 08/27/09 10:31 PM

Oddly I am clear about my lack of religion because I would vastly prefer to be involved with a woman that was not religious in as much as Spiritual. I get along with Wiccans fine. I got along with people of alternative faith practices better than others of the more established "accepted" faiths mostly because of one issue alone, I will not accept Jesus into my life. I grew up in a Lutheran environment and studied the Bible in detail. Then I went to Catholic High School. Between that and my father becoming a Born Again Christian and not one of the calm sedate ones, he went full on cult 'speaking in tongues' weirdness. I swear given the chance his group would have danced around with rattle snakes too! Then I dated a girl who was Mormon for one month. She wanted me to convert something fierce. I am not saying religion is bad per say, if it makes people happy then it has a positive side as long as they are not out forcing it on others. I honestly could care less if she was a Satanic as long as I get to be ME. I am not out to change anyone. I don't WANT to change anyone.

All I really want is some honesty and a lack of worry and for for a change. Personally I think the one greatest failing of the Family as we understand it is that it takes work to make a happy family. Marriage was supposed to be a life time thing. Now it is just a formality. Family is not paper. It is two people coming together as more than allies in life. Man I could go on about this for days on end and still not sum up how I feel in one sentence let alone a thousand. It makes life easier to take when you are not facing it alone!

I think the greatest sin and I have experienced this is being involved with someone and feeling just as alone as when I really am alone. THAT sucks the worst hands down!

That is what you should say in your profile instead, in not so many words. I am with you on this belief entirely and probably have a totally different faith then you do.

Atlantis75's photo
Thu 08/27/09 10:55 PM

Oddly I am clear about my lack of religion because I would vastly prefer to be involved with a woman that was not religious in as much as Spiritual. I get along with Wiccans fine. I got along with people of alternative faith practices better than others of the more established "accepted" faiths mostly because of one issue alone, I will not accept Jesus into my life. I grew up in a Lutheran environment and studied the Bible in detail. Then I went to Catholic High School. Between that and my father becoming a Born Again Christian and not one of the calm sedate ones, he went full on cult 'speaking in tongues' weirdness. I swear given the chance his group would have danced around with rattle snakes too! Then I dated a girl who was Mormon for one month. She wanted me to convert something fierce. I am not saying religion is bad per say, if it makes people happy then it has a positive side as long as they are not out forcing it on others. I honestly could care less if she was a Satanic as long as I get to be ME. I am not out to change anyone. I don't WANT to change anyone.

All I really want is some honesty and a lack of worry and for for a change. Personally I think the one greatest failing of the Family as we understand it is that it takes work to make a happy family. Marriage was supposed to be a life time thing. Now it is just a formality. Family is not paper. It is two people coming together as more than allies in life. Man I could go on about this for days on end and still not sum up how I feel in one sentence let alone a thousand. It makes life easier to take when you are not facing it alone!

I think the greatest sin and I have experienced this is being involved with someone and feeling just as alone as when I really am alone. THAT sucks the worst hands down!

That is what you should say in your profile instead, in not so many words. I am with you on this belief entirely and probably have a totally different faith then you do.

No I wouldn't do that. It's kinda negative and sad.

xrm's photo
Thu 08/27/09 11:05 PM
Not wanting to have to change for someone is sad?

luv2roknroll's photo
Fri 08/28/09 06:15 PM

Well, I'm sorry but you have to talk to people to ask them out.
What are your mails like? Why are they lukewarm?

I just got one that said I was the most beautiful woman he'd ever seem. My reply? MmmmK.

I'm with you on that, got one today that said "you're drop dead gorgeous" wanna be my LTP...uh hello. It is probably the same guy that hit you up. Sheesh


You mean they dont really mean it when they say that your the most stunning thing to hit the planet!!!surprised

Chit! laugh

I know right! Iceholes:wink:

Maybe its a mans payback for all the faked orgasms.laugh

Me, fake an orgasm...laugh

Ive been told alot of woman do...

although it makes no sense to me at all.

Its like"Hey baby, keep doing that thing that your doing, that really isn't getting me off!".


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