Topic: Euro Sceptics.. I love It
InvictusV's photo
Fri 12/09/11 06:33 PM
UK eurosceptic press jubilant at EU treaty veto.

Britain's eurosceptic press on Saturday hailed David Cameron's decision to veto a new EU treaty to tackle the eurozone debt crisis, but other commentators warned London was now dangerously isolated.

"The Day He Put Britain First" cheered the mass-selling Daily Mail, after the British prime minister blocked Franco-German attempts to enshrine new budget rules into a modified EU treaty during an all-night summit in Brussels.

"Mr Cameron?s courage and leadership yesterday show that, while desiring a strong relationship with our EU partners, Britain can still control her own destiny," it said in an editorial.

Warning that "the battle is only just beginning", it said: "There is now a wonderful opportunity for Britain gradually to loosen itself from the shackles of a statist, over-regulated, anti-democratic, corrupt EU."

The Daily Express, which has long been campaigning for Britain to leave the European Union, was also jubilant, splashing with: "Britain Close to EU Exit".

Lancelot68's photo
Sat 12/10/11 10:12 AM
3 Cheers for Dave and the Express! :)