Topic: Can we Vent
Loves2Please's photo
Tue 03/06/12 12:13 AM
My god what a day, now its morning and still up, great, I feel more powerfull, ((YEA-NO)), more like lack of power. So I came here to get it on for a min, ok now get yalls heads out the gutter, I mean get my venting on, lol, well they say ex's are ex's for a reason, till they need your help some how or give you the line they want to talk, well why is that, why do ex's like trying to keep you traped in a web that they cant seem to spin right, there are problems I dont like hearing and others I really didnt care to know about, but I sit there and hear it out, does that make me lees of a person over my own power, or is it that I care to damn much to be evil, ok so I have a daughter by her, and im also a full time dad,but does it mean I have to listen to every damn thing the Ex brings up, or can I just be No No No, im done we been done, done is done. Ok so I sound like a total *** now, but im just not that drama type person, I like good,the respect of enjoying life, and having a talk over postive things, not stress stress and ummm more stress, and it dont have nothing to do with me ever, but I hear it, and feel it and just want to Runn Forest Runn away from her when she comes around,Errrr like what the hell.. How do most deal with there ex its not like this is new hell its been 7 year since married, like MOOOOOOVE on well lil harsh I know, but really. Well enough said I hope everyone here has a blessed day or night which ever you wanna call it,,,lmao Love to everyone Here....