Topic: Spiritual Warfare...?
SkaRebel's photo
Sun 07/22/12 10:30 PM
The wars in the heavenlies are a subject in which I have some interest. Does anyone here have any experience in this field...beyond reading a couple of Peretti novels, I mean?

oldhippie1952's photo
Sun 07/22/12 10:34 PM
Hmmm, God cast Satan out and he can't return so how is there wars?

Ladywind7's photo
Mon 07/23/12 01:48 AM
Why do you ask and what do you want to know? :-)

no photo
Mon 07/23/12 08:22 AM
Edited by CeriseRose on Mon 07/23/12 08:24 AM

The wars in the heavenlies are a subject in which I have some interest. Does anyone here have any experience in this field...beyond reading a couple of Peretti novels, I mean?

Here is a topical question & answer that may shed light on your request.


"Is the war in heaven in Revelation 12 describing Satan's original fall or an end times angelic battle?"

The last great angelic battle and Satan’s ultimate expulsion from heaven is described in Revelation 12:7-12.

In this passage,
John sees a great war between Michael and the angels of God and the dragon (Satan) and his fallen angels or demons
that will take place in the end times.

Satan, in his great pride and delusion that he can be like God, will lead a final rebellion against God.
It will be a cosmic mismatch.
Thus, the dragon and his demons will lose the battle and be thrown out of Heaven forever.

A common misconception is
that Satan and his demons were locked away in hell after the fall of Satan.

It is clear from many Bible passages that Satan was not barred from heaven or the earth after his first rebellion,
which predated the creation.

In Job 1:1–2:8,
he appears before God to accuse Job of ulterior motives in his worship of God.

In Zechariah 3,
he again appears before God to accuse Joshua, the High Priest. Indeed, the name Satan means accuser.

In Genesis,
he visited the Garden of Eden and tempted Eve.
He tempted Jesus in the wilderness before Jesus began His ministry, which is recorded in Matthew 4:1-11.

The question arises
that if Satan had already rebelled and been cast from heaven before the world was created,
why is he free to be in heaven and on earth?

In 2 Corinthians 12:2-3,
the apostle Paul provides a major revelation that there are three heavens.
In this passage,
he seemingly talks about himself being taken up to the “third heaven” where God the Father and Jesus dwell.

The second heaven is the universe, outer space, and our atmosphere or air.
The Bible indicates that Satan and some of his demons are allowed to move in this space (Ephesians 2:1-2, 6:12).

In this age,
Satan and his highest ranking angels can still oppose the work of God and hinder the angels of God (Daniel 10:10-14)
within the boundaries of the middle or second heaven.

The battle recorded in Revelation 12
removes Satan and his minions from this realm.

When Satan is expelled from the middle heaven,
there will be great rejoicing in heaven, since the age-old accuser will be forever banned from his mission
of accusation and slander against the elect.

Satan’s power and freedom will be seriously curtailed.

the inhabitants of the earth will suffer terribly after this event,
because Satan will be enraged.

He will also be aware that he only has three and a half more years
until he is bound and cast into the bottomless pit.

This will usher in a period of intensified suffering on earth (Great Tribulation)
during which the Antichrist violates his peace treaty with Israel, desecrates their temple,
declares himself as god, and begins to systematically murder all those who refuse to worship him.


no photo
Mon 07/23/12 08:48 AM
its all connected

they control your food and water

your money

and religious institutions

there prepping for the coming anti x

SkaRebel's photo
Mon 07/23/12 12:11 PM
Thanks....insightful and edifying.

SkaRebel's photo
Mon 07/23/12 12:17 PM
You know...powers, principalities, thrones, dominions and all. The war for our souls. Seems to me the Bible wouldn't tell me to put on the full armor of God if I weren't going to get in a scrap with old sloughfoot's crew now and again.

Ladywind7's photo
Mon 07/23/12 12:20 PM
Did CerisRose answer what you are looking for or is there more you would like to know?

SkaRebel's photo
Mon 07/23/12 12:25 PM
My best friend and long-time bandmate killed himself a few years ago...he got strung out on opiates and was drinking heavily, but he told me more than once believed he had demons..."hellhound's on his trail". I didn't know anything at all about deliverance ministry then, but I think he might have been a good candidate...

SkaRebel's photo
Mon 07/23/12 12:31 PM
Just wondering if anyone has any actual hands-on experience here. I hated standing by helpless while my bud destroyed himself. Wish I'd known what to do.

Ladywind7's photo
Mon 07/23/12 12:35 PM
My best friend used to actually manifest when around the Holy Spirit, especially in church. Was tragic and heartrending that noone had the faith or knowledge to set her free. I personally have been set free from approx 14. I used to be a rebel.blushing

no photo
Mon 07/23/12 02:49 PM

The wars in the heavenlies are a subject in which I have some interest. Does anyone here have any experience in this field...beyond reading a couple of Peretti novels, I mean?

All believers have experience in this warfare whether we understand it or not.

"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood,
but against principalities, against powers,
against the rulers of the darkness of this world,
against spiritual wickedness in high places."
Ephesians 6:12

Here is a sermon on "Spiritual Warfare"

Very informative!

no photo
Tue 07/24/12 12:27 AM
"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood,
but against principalities, against powers,
against the rulers of the darkness of this world,
against spiritual wickedness in high places."


Aquarius - The Age Of Evil (Full Movie)

no photo
Wed 07/25/12 01:38 AM

You know...powers, principalities, thrones, dominions and all. The war for our souls. Seems to me the Bible wouldn't tell me to put on the full armor of God if I weren't going to get in a scrap with old sloughfoot's crew now and again.