Topic: God's will
Morrie99999's photo
Wed 10/02/13 11:02 AM
It's a common belief that when someone dies people always say it's God's will . Why???

mightymoe's photo
Wed 10/02/13 11:09 AM

It's a common belief that when someone dies people always say it's God's will . Why???

what else they gunna say? death is just as natural as being born, but people are kind of loopy when it comes to death... we are all going to die, gods will or not...

Morrie99999's photo
Wed 10/02/13 11:44 AM
That certainly is what happened to humans right down to our day , isn't
it? But notice this wonderful promise made by God at Revelation
21:3,4. It's say , with that I heard a loud voice from the throne
say: " look ! The tent of God is with mankind , and he will reside with
them, and they will be his peoples. And God himself will wipe out
every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more , neither will
mooring nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things has passed

mightymoe's photo
Wed 10/02/13 11:45 AM

That certainly is what happened to humans right down to our day , isn't
it? But notice this wonderful promise made by God at Revelation
21:3,4. It's say , with that I heard a loud voice from the throne
say: " look ! The tent of God is with mankind , and he will reside with
them, and they will be his peoples. And God himself will wipe out
every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more , neither will
mooring nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things has passed

preachers say anything to keep their flock giving them money...

KinBarrie's photo
Wed 10/02/13 12:04 PM
My guess is it basically means that God has decided that
It's our time to go. Nobody knows where. Nobody knows

Morrie99999's photo
Wed 10/02/13 04:00 PM
No not everybody do

Morrie99999's photo
Wed 10/02/13 04:10 PM
Many people feel that way you do. Did you know that many of the
ancient Greeks held that same view?? For example A piece of concrete
may break off from a building and fall on a pedestrian. Did God cause it??
If so , is it fair to fair to charge the building owner with negligence?

The bible says , for the pedestrian , it was an unplanned and unforeseen
occurrence that he was right there when the concret fell.

bibarnes's photo
Sat 10/19/13 08:30 AM
"It is appointed for a man to die once and then face judgement." Only two people mentioned in the bible who didn't die. They will in time and then face judgement as commanded. That is not he point here.

"To die in the flesh is to live in the spirit." Or so Paul said more than once. God allows ALL of us our free will. There is God's active will and passive will. Sometimes God will directly command you to do something and other times allow you to do something. Sometimes he will place obstacles in your way to prevent you from doing something He is not in favor of.

I attended a medium sized church of about 450 members. We had a K-12 school which struggled because of the small base of support. Class rooms were haphazard and our basketball team had to use the local High School gym. The leadership decided that a Gym "must be built." A campaign was mounted and was thwarted at every turn as the money just did not come in. "Let's get a loan from the bank," was declared. The question was then asked if we were not pushing God to do things our way rather than be lead by Him. We were basically told we were out of order. A new principal was hired who had experience in fund raising and a loan was obtained. The principal turned out to be a pervert and let go. 1/3 of the church left and the land where the gym was completed was sold and the school shut down. The pastor left under less than amicable circumstances. Good honest people were hurt and wrongly villified.

Did God cause this to happen? Absolutely not. It was a simple question of a pastor surronding himself with yes men rather than with honorable men who would question when something wasn't right. The folks that were villified and hurt survived and are now doing God's work in other churches. The original church still stands. Of course in the shadow of the "Gymnasium that was God's will."

I realize this sounds convoluted and besides the point. I used this to illustrate that when we try to force God to do things our way there are consequences and the rain will fall on the just and the unjust. Just like the fish that swallowed Jonah was used to force Jonah to be where God wanted him to be, He will use the bad choices of others to get us to where He wants us to be.

RKISIT's photo
Sun 10/20/13 07:39 AM
Edited by RKISIT on Sun 10/20/13 07:40 AM

"It is appointed for a man to die once and then face judgement." Only two people mentioned in the bible who didn't die. They will in time and then face judgement as commanded. That is not he point here.

"To die in the flesh is to live in the spirit." Or so Paul said more than once. God allows ALL of us our free will. There is God's active will and passive will. Sometimes God will directly command you to do something and other times allow you to do something. Sometimes he will place obstacles in your way to prevent you from doing something He is not in favor of.

I attended a medium sized church of about 450 members. We had a K-12 school which struggled because of the small base of support. Class rooms were haphazard and our basketball team had to use the local High School gym. The leadership decided that a Gym "must be built." A campaign was mounted and was thwarted at every turn as the money just did not come in. "Let's get a loan from the bank," was declared. The question was then asked if we were not pushing God to do things our way rather than be lead by Him. We were basically told we were out of order. A new principal was hired who had experience in fund raising and a loan was obtained. The principal turned out to be a pervert and let go. 1/3 of the church left and the land where the gym was completed was sold and the school shut down. The pastor left under less than amicable circumstances. Good honest people were hurt and wrongly villified.

Did God cause this to happen? Absolutely not. It was a simple question of a pastor surronding himself with yes men rather than with honorable men who would question when something wasn't right. The folks that were villified and hurt survived and are now doing God's work in other churches. The original church still stands. Of course in the shadow of the "Gymnasium that was God's will."

I realize this sounds convoluted and besides the point. I used this to illustrate that when we try to force God to do things our way there are consequences and the rain will fall on the just and the unjust. Just like the fish that swallowed Jonah was used to force Jonah to be where God wanted him to be, He will use the bad choices of others to get us to where He wants us to be.

^This is exhibit A used for evidence to show cognitive dissonance.

This theological ideology that bad things happen to everyone because of one bad apple do to gods will is dogma.This is fideism at it's finest.Your invisible puppet god that desert dwellers created is just that a invisible puppet used to show that it's the invisible puppets will is why bad things happen to good people.When in fact it's a simple answer "live and learn" because "s h i t happens".

bibarnes's photo
Sun 10/20/13 09:31 AM
I was not clear in the point I was trying to make. In other posts I have tried to explain that God gave us free will. He gave Adam and then Eve free will and they disobeyed a simple command. Thus sin entered the world. We are are all sinful. Remember the word ALL. The saving grace is that Jesus Christ paid the price for ALL our sins it is just a matter of accepting that fact.

Now let me ask you a question. If you are right and I am wrong, what have I lost upon my physical death? Nothing at all. Now let us suppose that I am right and you are wrong. What do you lose at your physical death?

bibarnes's photo
Sun 10/20/13 09:37 AM

That certainly is what happened to humans right down to our day , isn't
it? But notice this wonderful promise made by God at Revelation
21:3,4. It's say , with that I heard a loud voice from the throne
say: " look ! The tent of God is with mankind , and he will reside with
them, and they will be his peoples. And God himself will wipe out
every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more , neither will
mooring nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things has passed

preachers say anything to keep their flock giving them money...

I am not a preacher and get no money for what I am saying. So what is my reason?

RKISIT's photo
Sun 10/20/13 03:47 PM
Edited by RKISIT on Sun 10/20/13 03:59 PM

I was not clear in the point I was trying to make. In other posts I have tried to explain that God gave us free will. He gave Adam and then Eve free will and they disobeyed a simple command. Thus sin entered the world. We are are all sinful. Remember the word ALL. The saving grace is that Jesus Christ paid the price for ALL our sins it is just a matter of accepting that fact.

Now let me ask you a question. If you are right and I am wrong, what have I lost upon my physical death? Nothing at all. Now let us suppose that I am right and you are wrong. What do you lose at your physical death?

Ah the infamous Pascals Wager.Who forgot to mention that if you end up in front of another god,then what?
So to answer your question i'd simply say "ooops i guess you are real".
Still a scare tatic of an imaginary god punishing me for not believing in it is childish and irrational.
I'm not concerned with a invisible roguish fictional man made character sending me to the land of make believe for being good or bad.
I'm concerned about adults force feeding this crap into kids minds that imaginary supernatural beings will punish you if you don't obey what an ancient book tells you to obey.

Please don't start with the free will crap.Telling your child that if you don't obey god or the renegade jew(jesus)you'll suffer eternal damnation or you won't have eternal life is not free will.

mightymoe's photo
Sun 10/20/13 04:55 PM

I was not clear in the point I was trying to make. In other posts I have tried to explain that God gave us free will. He gave Adam and then Eve free will and they disobeyed a simple command. Thus sin entered the world. We are are all sinful. Remember the word ALL. The saving grace is that Jesus Christ paid the price for ALL our sins it is just a matter of accepting that fact.

Now let me ask you a question. If you are right and I am wrong, what have I lost upon my physical death? Nothing at all. Now let us suppose that I am right and you are wrong. What do you lose at your physical death?

how do you know that god is a he?

mightymoe's photo
Sun 10/20/13 04:57 PM

That certainly is what happened to humans right down to our day , isn't
it? But notice this wonderful promise made by God at Revelation
21:3,4. It's say , with that I heard a loud voice from the throne
say: " look ! The tent of God is with mankind , and he will reside with
them, and they will be his peoples. And God himself will wipe out
every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more , neither will
mooring nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things has passed

preachers say anything to keep their flock giving them money...

I am not a preacher and get no money for what I am saying. So what is my reason?

my first guess would be lack of any science education, an unfounded blind faith in something that may or may not be there, and a lot of hope on your end...