Topic: Marriage and Trust
theenchantedstar's photo
Mon 06/22/15 03:48 PM
Its true that the internet has been bombarded with so many falsehoods and lies, people claiming to be what they are not there by, luring individuals, innocents to become victims. The truth still remains that there are people out there who are true and noble. People who know the values of life and important things like marriage, love and trust.

Datwasntme's photo
Mon 06/22/15 04:03 PM
correct on both

ahmedali5883's photo
Tue 06/23/15 02:48 AM
i agree with you but there a lot of fakes girls too here all they care about is how to get money from this not searching for serious relationship or true love

Rock's photo
Tue 06/23/15 04:24 AM
Marriage is the leading cause of divorce.

metalwing's photo
Tue 06/23/15 05:01 AM
As you know, there is a mix of good and bad. The bad tend to be more visible but they are easy to recognize. Be careful. Take your time and pay attention.

Good luck on your search.

no photo
Tue 06/23/15 10:12 AM
Its true that the internet has been bombarded with so many falsehoods and lies, people claiming to be what they are not there by, luring individuals, innocents to become victims

Let me fix this for you.

It's true that the internet has been bombarded with so many people.

There you go.

The truth still remains that there are people out there who are true and noble.

Just being true and noble doesn't mean you don't victimize someone.

Can you name any non myth historical figure who was a paragon of "true and noble" that victimized no one?

People who know the values of life

Value or values?
Because "values" are subjective. You come up with your own, that you then have to defend your entire life.

...Well, so is "value" really.
You're responsible for valuing your own life, not those of others.

At best you can simply assume other life has the same value as your own.
It's when you have mental or emotional issues do you start valuing the lives of others as greater, or lesser, than your own (assuming you live a normal 1st world life, rather than like you have one kid and you're trying to escape secret russian-chinese-african slave mine death camps or something).

important things like marriage, love and trust.

I don't think those mean what you think they mean.

Marriage is important...why and what do you mean?
Are you referring to the pair bonding through naturally occurring chemicals?
Or are you talking about the social ceremony meant to convey to your community that you've pair bonded?

Is marriage important just for the sake of living up to the commitment?
Because people that do things they don't really want to do...will always make the lives of those around them miserable in some way in order to communicate their misery of feeling caged or owned.

Marriage is important...but nowhere near as important as the people as individuals that make up the marriage.

Love. Why is this important?
It's a process of bonding to stabilize a relationship in order to provide security for any children that occur during the first lust steps.

I agree it's important to that extent.

But what happens when people place too much importance on it or their own subjective definition?
Treating it like a reward system or system of control?
Of feeling entitled? "I love can't leave. If you loved me, you'd stay, or stop peeing around the toilet."

And trust? This is important if your security is dependent upon another person.
Can you vote? Can you get a job to support yourself? Do you have freedom to go anywhere, do anything? Are you stoned if you are a single parent, have sex out of wedlock, or are caught outside alone after 9 p.m.?
If you aren't dependent upon another person for your own security...there's no real reason to trust them.

Trust then becomes arbitrary and only about your own emotional gratification.

Trust is only important when there is a need for dependence or interdependence.

Do you need to trust your employer? No, you have a legal contract.

Trust is automatically grown by consistent interaction, people simply presenting themselves in consistent ways with consistent behavior. Of things going how they've always gone.

People get into routines. And they don't like change.

Building trust is mostly YOUR responsibility to pay attention to what behavior they are presenting to you on a continuing, ongoing, consistent basis.

It's not their responsibility to jump through "trust" hoops you set up to judge them on their trustworthiness.

So, let me once again fix this
there are people out there who are true and noble. People who know the values of life and important things like marriage, love and trust.

there are people out there who will live up to my idea and evaluative judgments like being true and noble. People who know the value(s) of life and what I personally find important; marriage, love, and trust. But it's up to them to prove themselves to me, that they live up to my ideals. Because it's their responsibility to provide me with what I want. I don't want to take responsibility.

Sure, there are tons of people that will do that for you.
But there are going to be faaaaaaar more people who will offer only the illusion of doing so while getting what they want from you.

One thing you might want to realize, is what you ultimately said (how I translated) is extremely common with the internet and dating sites.

People looking for others to take responsibility for them rather than take it themselves, to be chased, and valued, and have a guarantee without having to make any type of commitment or accept risk before hand.

Good luck with that.