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Topic: Do you believe in long distance relationships😍
Chaunte10's photo
Mon 05/15/17 01:08 AM
what is the farthest youve experienced?

2469nascar's photo
Mon 05/15/17 01:37 AM
No thay just don't work. Or very rarly do.maybe 1in a 100 at best.

Echo4226's photo
Mon 05/15/17 10:12 PM
I do and I believe that no matter the distance is you and the person you love are willing to fight for each other over however many miles, then do it, if you want it go for it

hidinganime's photo
Fri 05/19/17 03:58 AM
I believe in long distance relations, because honestely they are like any regular relation beside the contact the couple can have for the time they are far away, still it can strengthen the love or dispel it. But love is like that even if you live next door. Sometimes lets you down and brings you ip. I say, if someome wants to date long distance, do ir, take a chance. You never know

no photo
Fri 05/19/17 06:49 AM
Hi my relationship she was in Kenya and me in England Dorset lasted for a couple of months and it was worth it :blush:.

no photo
Fri 05/19/17 11:48 AM
Of works I believe..

no photo
Fri 05/19/17 11:50 AM
outocorrect of course it works I believe.

silverlife8's photo
Fri 05/19/17 12:23 PM
Yeah, because true love is from the heart and not by seeing, missing the present of the person you love, makes your love grow stronger.

silverlife8's photo
Fri 05/19/17 12:23 PM
Yeah, because true love is from the heart and not by seeing, missing the present of the person you love, makes your love grow stronger.

no photo
Fri 05/19/17 01:12 PM

Chiragchandra's photo
Fri 05/19/17 03:04 PM

doctorpuss's photo
Fri 05/19/17 03:12 PM
R u in relationship??

no photo
Fri 05/19/17 07:44 PM
Every kind of relationship is the best relationship until the two have a good understanding, faith and they are loyal to their love. I have been seeing my friends were in long distance relationship and their bonds got strengthened everyday.
It's like bond strength is inversely proportional to distance while the loyalty and faith remains a constant but this constant can be negative or positive.

no photo
Sat 05/20/17 04:38 AM
I do believe in long-distance relationship.

no photo
Sat 05/20/17 03:34 PM
Long distance relationship sounds great but in reality it doesn't work

karen3014's photo
Sat 05/20/17 06:32 PM

Skyy's photo
Sat 05/20/17 09:05 PM
Well, I live in FL and I had a significant other that lived in Toronto, Canada. ~Skyy~

mzrosie's photo
Sat 05/20/17 10:19 PM

Topic: Do you believe in long distance relationships
what is the farthest youve experienced?

LDR did not work for me, but I know some couples who made it work for them and are now living happily ever after.

So good luck

bobbyblueeyes3's photo
Sat 05/20/17 11:02 PM
These days due to social media such as Facebook, instagram, and Snapchat I don't believe that a long distance relationship is possible to withhold. I believe that people become lonely and may not go searching but end up finding someone for the night or more on one of these.

steve102030's photo
Sun 05/21/17 04:15 AM
i do believe in it

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