Topic: the real election meddler...and is at it again
mightymoe's photo
Thu 02/15/18 10:22 AM
You could hardly make this up. American-Hungarian billionaire George Soros is openly funneling money into overturning the Brexit referendum result.

He's even declaring the aim to crash the British government and trigger a new referendum that he hopes will result in a new vote for Britain to remain part of the European Union. That's tantamount to regime change.

Yet somehow, this foreign entity is not accused of "meddling" in British democracy. Oh, that accusation is solely reserved for Russia which has been wildly vilified for trying to subvert British, European and American elections - on the basis of no evidence whatsoever.
Recall British premier Theresa May's shrill speech delivered at a City of London banquet at the end of last year in which she provocatively asserted that Russia was "sowing division" and eroding Britain's democracy.

This is a classic example of "doublethink" - the phrase coined by the great political essayist George Orwell to denote a mental condition of espousing absurd contradictions due to brainwashing.

Last week it was reported in the British media that billionaire speculative investor George Soros had donated nearly $550,000 to the Best for Britain campaign. That campaign is openly advocating for a reversal of the British referendum result which was cast in June 2016 for Britain to leave the European Union.

In other words, the Best for Britain campaign wants to overturn the democratic mandate for so-called Brexit. There's no beating around the bush either. The campaign is transparently aiming to push the British parliament to axe Britain's historic decision to quit the EU over the next two years.

Following the furore over Soros's funding of the campaign to reverse the referendum, the 87-year-old financier was far from chastened by the reports. Indeed, he defiantly doubled down on his intervention in British politics. He has now pugnaciously revealed that he will donate a further £100,000 ($140,000) to the anti-Brexit movement.

Soros is to be sure a controversial global figure. Raised as a child in Nazi-occupied Hungary, he is described as a philanthropist who has donated billions of dollars to set up an institution under his personal guidance called the Open Society Foundations. The OSF operate in many countries across the world promoting various so-called liberal causes and pro-Western "color revolutions".

His OSF has been banned in Russia where it is accused of trying to promote pro-Western political interests by destabilizing the government of President Vladimir Putin. It is evident from his own public statements that Soros is deeply antagonistic to Putin.

In defending his advocacy against Brexit, Soros wrote in a British newspaper article this week: "I am a proud supporter of Best For Britain, a group that wants Britain to remain a member of the European Union. I consider Brexit a tragic mistake."

He goes on: "To make matters worse, the [Brexit] divorce process will preoccupy both Britain and Europe for years ahead, when they should be uniting to resist external enemies like Putin's Russia."

Soros, who is ranked by Forbes as the 22nd richest person in the world and who does not have British citizenship, is candidly admitting that part of his desire to see Britain remain in the EU is based on his hostility towards Russia. He is bankrolling a public campaign to overturn a constitutional democratic mandate to satisfy his worldview of antipathy towards the Russian state.

What's more, the multi-billionaire and his pumped-up Best for Britain campaign are brazenly canvassing for de facto regime change in Britain to achieve their objective over Europe. The Best for Britain movement is calling for Conservative lawmakers to rebel against Prime Minister Theresa May, which would then throw her government into further disarray and trigger a general election, or a second referendum on the issue of Brexit.

Soros, without a hint of shame, calls for "the reversal of the 52:48 majority for Brexit". In self-congratulatory tone, he says of the anti-Brexit campaign that he is bankrolling: "The trend is moving in the right direction. The question is how its momentum can be accelerated so that it reaches a tipping point in the next six to nine months... the electorate needs to push their MPs to give them the courage to rebel against the [Conservative] party leadership."

Some senior Conservative party figures are accusing Soros of illegal meddling in British politics. Norman Lamont, a former chancellor and now member of the upper House of Lords, said Soros was abusing Britain's electoral laws forbidding foreigners from funding one side or another in a referendum vote.

Soros' interference in British politics has a long history. He made his wealth on Black Wednesday back in 1992 when the capitalist speculator "broke the Bank of England" by betting on the currency market to undermine British sterling in relation to European regulations.

Since then Soros has gone on to place ever-more political hedges in several countries. In the 2016 American presidential elections, it is estimated that he donated up to $25 million promoting Democrat candidate Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump. Due to his American citizenship, the Hungarian émigré can legally spend such money in US politics, even though that should raise deep concerns over democratic principles.

Soros' role in Britain, however, is a different legal matter. It is arguable that his massive monetary influence to scuttle the Brexit referendum is an audacious attack on British democracy.

Whichever way one may view the decision for Britain to quit the EU, whether good or bad, the fact is that the decision was made through a democratic vote. For Soros and sections of the British establishment (City of London financiers, for example) to mount a rearguard campaign to reverse the Brexit is a violation of democracy.

The laugh about all this is that Soros' flagrant meddling in British politics and elsewhere is somehow deemed to be acceptable by large sections of the Western media and commentariat.

Indeed, in the British media in recent days so-called liberal outlets and pundits were decrying critical reports about Soros as being motivated by anti-semitism (Soros is Jewish) or by rightwing conspiracy theorists. One commentary even accused the Kremlin of being behind the anti-Soros backlash. Talk about doubling down on doublethink!

Russia has been excoriated non-stop over the past year by Western politicians, media and think-tanks for allegedly "interfering" in American and European democracies. No evidence has ever been provided to substantiate the frenzied Russophobic allegations.

Some ropey Western media reports claimed that the Kremlin paid $270,000 in sponsoring advertisements on social media which somehow was meant to get Trump elected over Clinton.

British lawmakers have also issued baseless allegations that the Kremlin covertly agitated the British public to vote for Brexit in the 2016 referendum.

It's amazing how such hollow fantasies and scaremongering have elicited so much public condemnations against Russia over the past year in American and European media.

But when a foreign billionaire shovels money into a campaign to sabotage a referendum, well that's somehow all very decent and proper. And if you dare complain about that egregious interference, then you're anti-semitic or a Kremlin stooge.

no photo
Thu 02/15/18 12:26 PM
I hope this doesn’t happen and I doubt there’ll be another vote.

Even the leader off the opposition has stated there can’t be another vote, and he was all for it at one time.

mightymoe's photo
Thu 02/15/18 12:55 PM

I hope this doesn’t happen and I doubt there’ll be another vote.

Even the leader off the opposition has stated there can’t be another vote, and he was all for it at one time.
I thought the vote was a done deal, the second vote...

no photo
Thu 02/15/18 02:33 PM
Let's hope Soros doesn't have many birthdays left.

Argo's photo
Thu 02/15/18 02:38 PM you mean to tell me that billionaires
like this guy and the Koch brothers and the Mercers can
actually throw their money around to try and influence
political policy ?? wow, there ought to be laws against that whoa

no photo
Thu 02/15/18 04:12 PM

On the chess board of life we aren't even a pawn..just an observer...spock

mightymoe's photo
Thu 02/15/18 07:23 PM

On the chess board of life we aren't even a pawn..just an observer...spock
that always spelled revolution in the past...just saying...

mysticalview21's photo
Fri 02/23/18 05:46 AM

RT America ->Lee Camp ->also talks about many subjects ... so does the rest of the shows ... I enjoy watching the truth ... their very good and have all sort of people on ... that inform what the regular news is not giving you ... liked what they said about climate change ... ck them out ... talks about what your saying to moe ...

NEW PROOF: Foreign Internet Company Helped Trump Win

183~ Moral Collapse, Regime Change Propaganda, Voting Machines Usurped

mightymoe's photo
Fri 02/23/18 06:11 AM

RT America ->Lee Camp ->also talks about many subjects ... so does the rest of the shows ... I enjoy watching the truth ... their very good and have all sort of people on ... that inform what the regular news is not giving you ... liked what they said about climate change ... ck them out ... talks about what your saying to moe ...

NEW PROOF: Foreign Internet Company Helped Trump Win

183~ Moral Collapse, Regime Change Propaganda, Voting Machines Usurped

no photo
Fri 02/23/18 10:32 AM
the real election meddler...and is at it again

I thought this was going to be about Putin and the upcoming Russian elections and how much he's done to make sure he's reelected, to interfere with his opponents.

Oh well.
He's kind of a manipulative lefty dck it seems.

mightymoe's photo
Fri 02/23/18 11:19 AM

the real election meddler...and is at it again

I thought this was going to be about Putin and the upcoming Russian elections and how much he's done to make sure he's reelected, to interfere with his opponents.

Oh well.
He's kind of a manipulative lefty dck it seems.

lol, kind of?...huh laugh

no photo
Fri 02/23/18 11:22 AM

Dang I thought it was time for another crooked Hillary know there sure seems to be a lot of people getting involved with breaking up or breaking down governments whether it's from the inside or the outside..

What exactly is going on here ..there seems to be a much bigger picture puzzle here are we just unable to put the pieces together and obtain the bigger picture..

We see the pieces whether it be here or Russia or China or the EU.. there's something bigger going on ..are the globalist making their chess moves in order to capture the queen and put the world in check mate so that they win ..sure seems to be a lot more than that which meets the me a conspiracy theorist ..been called

And when you hear Trump talk about wanting only people from foreign countries that can benefit..that too in kind follows along the line of the Globalist Agenda..When you look at what's going on in California that too makes no sense to it an attempt to breed dissention ..or a pandemic when you see the diseases that will be caused by leaving some of these things unchecked in Cali.

We already hear of hepatitis could that just be the beginning ..Mankind as we see it is slowly but surely becoming obsolete as the bots are becoming more advanced..There are those who would want to thin out mankind in order to preserve the resources for only those they see fit to enjoy them..Could all this be a way of breeding dissention in order to thin out the herd of what they see as over population.

There are those who may think this line of thinking is out of the norm..but keep your heads on a swivel cuz it's going to get worse..jmo

mightymoe's photo
Fri 02/23/18 11:29 AM

Dang I thought it was time for another crooked Hillary know there sure seems to be a lot of people getting involved with breaking up or breaking down governments whether it's from the inside or the outside..

What exactly is going on here ..there seems to be a much bigger picture puzzle here are we just unable to put the pieces together and obtain the bigger picture..

We see the pieces whether it be here or Russia or China or the EU.. there's something bigger going on ..are the globalist making their chess moves in order to capture the queen and put the world in check mate so that they win ..sure seems to be a lot more than that which meets the me a conspiracy theorist ..been called

And when you hear Trump talk about wanting only people from foreign countries that can benefit..that too in kind follows along the line of the Globalist Agenda..When you look at what's going on in California that too makes no sense to it an attempt to breed dissention ..or a pandemic when you see the diseases that will be caused by leaving some of these things unchecked in Cali.

We already hear of hepatitis could that just be the beginning ..Mankind as we see it is slowly but surely becoming obsolete as the bots are becoming more advanced..There are those who would want to thin out mankind in order to preserve the resources for only those they see fit to enjoy them..Could all this be a way of breeding dissention in order to thin out the herd of what they see as over population.

There are those who may think this line of thinking is out of the norm..but keep your heads on a swivel cuz it's going to get worse..jmo
NWO... That's why the Democrats we're so butt hurt about losing to Trump, they lost a lot of power there... But there's still merkle, that socialist Canadian dork trudeu, and the UN & NATO, still wanting to put muslims all over the world...

no photo
Fri 02/23/18 12:17 PM

There is definitely something going on here ..the moves on the board seem to be more pronounced and are going to become even more so.But I don't think that people in general will make the connection as to what it is they're are seeing,even with those who are in power think they are in power may be fooled themselves..There is a deep state but deeper than those who might think they know.

If one was to look up the Globalist's agenda or anything about the globalist you can see where whats going on follows along the line of the globalists line of thinking.

We will start seeing even bigger changes in the world that will leave us scratching our heads,some will want to disregard those who are trying to open eyes as to being some kind of crack pot..EDUCATE..and watch.

Trump may think he's in power but he's just pissing them off ..does he know what he's up against and I'm not talking about that which has been made obvious that there are those who don't want him in office..but does he know why..other than it's the DEMS..

I really don't see it being a war of DEMS and REPS.. those who are known to each other battle in a diversionary war while others creep underground's coming I feel and like I said it's going to get a lot worse..and most will still be scratching their heads

The time to stand is now but most will just write the warnings off as the rambling of some random nut job..Wake Up America the Globalists are here.

And if you don't think so just look up what I"M talking about vs what's going on and see if the pieces of the puzzle don't start to fit...jmo..spock

Rock's photo
Fri 02/23/18 09:00 PM
I guess Soros is still really butthurt,
by his expulsion from the UK.

Say whatcha will.
At least the brits had the common sense
to throw his azz out.


no photo
Fri 02/23/18 10:22 PM

Wouldn't surprise me if the whole democratic party wasn't bought and paid for.No wonder Trump has had so many problems while in office..and Clinton all she seems to do is go for the money no matter what the agenda or whether she has to turn her back on her own long as it's in support of the money.I can see why they threw him out of the UK...this guys idea seems to diversify no matter what happens..does he seriously think that everyone is just going to hold hands around the campfire and share stories..Wow..

It's a good thing that Hillary lost is all I can say because all she does is represent his money no matter who gets harmed in the process..It appears with the DEMs it's all about the money and the agenda no matter who gets hurt..People should educate themselves and realize the ideologies that they're backing before going to the polls ..but they don't .

But even tho the DEMS lost you can still see the impact that their ideologies and their agenda in a a smaller form is impacting us. You would think that if people took the time to read that the DEMS would have never had a chance to put someone like Hillary in office..They have no idea the principles that they're backing by voting for her..spock

no photo
Fri 02/23/18 10:58 PM
Well surprise surprise surprise.
The writing's on the wall, but someone's washed it off. Golly.
$$$$$$$$ who'd a thunk
Seems like we are always headed in another direction kinda like all the stuff I like gets discontinued. rant

mightymoe's photo
Sat 02/24/18 09:23 AM
Edited by mightymoe on Sat 02/24/18 09:24 AM

There is definitely something going on here ..the moves on the board seem to be more pronounced and are going to become even more so.But I don't think that people in general will make the connection as to what it is they're are seeing,even with those who are in power think they are in power may be fooled themselves..There is a deep state but deeper than those who might think they know.

If one was to look up the Globalist's agenda or anything about the globalist you can see where whats going on follows along the line of the globalists line of thinking.

We will start seeing even bigger changes in the world that will leave us scratching our heads,some will want to disregard those who are trying to open eyes as to being some kind of crack pot..EDUCATE..and watch.

Trump may think he's in power but he's just pissing them off ..does he know what he's up against and I'm not talking about that which has been made obvious that there are those who don't want him in office..but does he know why..other than it's the DEMS..

I really don't see it being a war of DEMS and REPS.. those who are known to each other battle in a diversionary war while others creep underground's coming I feel and like I said it's going to get a lot worse..and most will still be scratching their heads

The time to stand is now but most will just write the warnings off as the rambling of some random nut job..Wake Up America the Globalists are here.

And if you don't think so just look up what I"M talking about vs what's going on and see if the pieces of the puzzle don't start to fit...jmo..spock

no photo
Sat 02/24/18 01:20 PM

Thanks Moe ..I never saw that film before...I was just talking off of what I"ve noticed has been going on..You know it doesn't matter and won't matter who is telling it..the majority won't believe it until it's too late,nor will they believe that UFOs crashed because they have been lied to for so long..

By the way have you seen whose to be the Hillary replacement that Soros is going to back..a guy out of Texas who appears to be as crooked as Hillary herself a Robert "beto" Orourke we go again..welcome to the world of conspiracy theorists..but people need to recognize who this guy is and what he is trying to warn them of..they'll just think another nut job,,but we'll see

And if they think about it the leaps and bounds we've made in such a short time that has put the technology in their hands and at their finger tips..spock

mightymoe's photo
Sat 02/24/18 01:30 PM

Thanks Moe ..I never saw that film before...I was just talking off of what I"ve noticed has been going on..You know it doesn't matter and won't matter who is telling it..the majority won't believe it until it's too late,nor will they believe that UFOs crashed because they have been lied to for so long..

By the way have you seen whose to be the Hillary replacement that Soros is going to back..a guy out of Texas who appears to be as crooked as Hillary herself a Robert "beto" Orourke we go again..welcome to the world of conspiracy theorists..but people need to recognize who this guy is and what he is trying to warn them of..they'll just think another nut job,,but we'll see

And if they think about it the leaps and bounds we've made in such a short time that has put the technology in their hands and at their finger tips..spock
don't know much about him, but I don't think he can beat Cruz...