Topic: TODAY IN TRUMPLAND. PART 2. - part 3
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Thu 08/01/19 02:46 PM
Trump Addresses the Possibility of ‘Send Her Back’ Chants Ahead of Rally

"Hours before his Thursday night campaign rally in Ohio, President Trump addressed the possibility of the crowd taking part in another racist chant directed at Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN). The president was non-committal about whether he’d try to stop it.

During a rally earlier this month, the president basked in chants of “Send Her Back!” after he railed against Omar. The chants came on the heels of the president’s repeated bigoted attacks on Omar and other progressive congresswomen of color—including calling on them to “go back” to where “they came” from".

“I don’t know that you can stop people,” he declared. “I don’t know that you can. We will see what we can do. I would prefer they don’t but if they do it, but if they do it, we’ll have to make a decision then. Kudos & great knowing we have such a great planner as President - foreign policy is similar - "let's just see what happens"

If he was just half the president and just a third of the man Obama is, he wouldn't stand for it. He would be letting people know now not to do that. He would publically condemn it. But he isn't, so he won't. He enjoys his racism and feeds off the racism of others. They feed off of each other. It's like a sickness that Trump doesn't want to go away.

no photo
Thu 08/01/19 06:35 PM
Edited by Charles1962150 on Thu 08/01/19 06:40 PM
Majority of House Democrats Now Back Trump Impeachment Inquiry

"The majority of the House Democratic caucus now supports an impeachment inquiry against President Donald Trump, with Rep. Ted Deutch (D-FL) becoming the 118th Democrat in the chamber to support moving to such proceedings.

“ Trump] seems to think that Mueller’s performance wasn’t enough to trigger an impeachment inquiry,” the congressman wrote in an op-ed in the South Florida Sun Sentinel. Sorry, Mr. President, the question is no longer whether the House should vote to proceed with a formal impeachment inquiry. The inquiry has already begun".

No more debate. Impeachment inquiry is underway | Ted Deutch

"Although Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s testimony may not have been a summer blockbuster, it confirmed the damning conclusions of his report. The investigation revealed substantial evidence that President Trump obstructed justice. And that the Special Counsel did not exonerate him."

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Thu 08/01/19 06:43 PM
There Is Constant Battling’: Nadler and Pelosi Are on a Collision Course

"Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY) finds himself at the most delicate point of his tenure atop the House Judiciary Committee.

With his star witness, Robert Mueller, having testified to less-than-stellar reviews, the longtime New York Democrat is pinched between a growing pro-impeachment chorus and a House Speaker hell-bent on pumping the brakes on such talk".

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Thu 08/01/19 06:46 PM
Nadler: We’re Pursuing a De Facto Impeachment Inquiry

"House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.) said on Friday that his committee was “in effect” conducting an impeachment inquiry, even as he shied away from using that exact phrase.

“The committee is exercising its authority to investigate all of these scandals and to decide what to do about them, which could include articles of impeachment,” said Nadler at a press conference. “Whether you call that an inquiry, or whatever you want to call that, that’s what we’ve been doing, and are doing, and will continue to do".

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Thu 08/01/19 06:50 PM
Donald Trump 'richly deserves' to be impeached, says top Democrat on House committee

"Donald Trump "richly deserves" to be impeached, the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee which can unilaterally launch proceedings to remove the president from office has said.

Rep. Jerrold Nadler has previously said that Mr Trump was guilty of committing "high crimes and misdemeanors" - the benchmark for impeachment - but these were his strongest comments yet".

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Fri 08/02/19 03:02 PM
Edited by Charles1962150 on Fri 08/02/19 03:06 PM

Trump rally: Man charged with repeatedly punching protester, 61, in the face after shouting 'You want some?'

"A man has been charged with repeatedly punching a 61-year-old protester in the face outside Donald Trump’s latest rally.

Dallas Frazier was arrested outside the US Bank Arena in Cincinnati, Ohio, last night.

Police say the 29-year-old from Kentucky was sitting in a car outside the venue when he saw the protesters.

He allegedly jumped out of his vehicle shouting “You want some?” before repeatedly punching one of the protesters in the face".

First look: Dems crush GOP in party registration

"A first look for Axios readers: Larry Sabato's Crystal Ball at the University of Virginia has a detailed map of where Democrats and Republicans are ahead in party registration among voters.

Why it matters, from Rhodes Cook: "The Democrats approach this fall’s midterm elections with an advantage in one key aspect of the political process — their strength in states where voters register by party."

Key numbers: Among the 31 states (plus D.C.) with party registration, there are nearly 12 million more registered Democrats than Republicans".

So, when you get right down to it, Republicans are already a minority. More Democrats than Republicans. And for some reason, the Republican party seems to think that the only way they can win, at least this time, is by pandering to racist and red neck thugs. They are desperate. The Republican party that once was no longer is. And as long as they choose to let Trump take them down this path, the more the party will die.

Trump and people like them, they no longer build up the Republican party. They continue to tear it down. And the more they do to kill the party, the more people will defect to either the Democrats or Independent. This is another one of those things that the Republicans can't blame anyone but themselves for.

Trump's tariffs are bad news for back-to-school shoppers

Can't prove it. But this sounds like something Trump would have his finger in one way or the other. Maybe paid someone to do this. Just so he could say, "I told you so". It's just too convenient. Kinda like how Trump was carrying on about the huge caravan that was headed to our border. But as soon as the midterms were over all that just went away.

'Too bad!': Trump jokes about 3 a.m. break-in at Elijah Cummings's home

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Fri 08/02/19 05:27 PM
Fans removed from Baltimore Orioles game after unfurling Donald Trump banner

"A handful of fans at Thursday’s Orioles-Blue Jays games in Baltimore made a public display of their support for President Donald Trump, unfurling a “Keep America Great, Trump 2020” banner from the second deck at Camden Yards.

The banner reportedly drew ire from the crowd, inspiring a “take it down” chant from fans in the city that has been under public attack from Trump".

More proof that this state is lost to Trump. We know for absolute that at least 2 states are lost to Trump. California & Maryland, And he is hanging on by a thread in Ohio.

President Donald Trump trails former Vice President Joe Biden in Ohio, new poll says

"WASHINGTON, D. C. - Former Vice President Joe Biden has an eight-point lead over current President Donald Trump in Ohio, while several other Democratic contenders are virtually tied with Trump in a state that Trump won by eight points in 2016, according to a new poll from Connecticut’s Quinnipiac University.

Trump’s job approval rating was underwater, 43 to 52 percent among the 1,431 Ohio voters who were surveyed, although 58 percent said they are better off financially than they were in 2016".

oldkid46's photo
Fri 08/02/19 05:58 PM

First look: Dems crush GOP in party registration

"A first look for Axios readers: Larry Sabato's Crystal Ball at the University of Virginia has a detailed map of where Democrats and Republicans are ahead in party registration among voters.

Why it matters, from Rhodes Cook: "The Democrats approach this fall’s midterm elections with an advantage in one key aspect of the political process — their strength in states where voters register by party."

Key numbers: Among the 31 states (plus D.C.) with party registration, there are nearly 12 million more registered Democrats than Republicans".

So, when you get right down to it, Republicans are already a minority. More Democrats than Republicans. And for some reason, the Republican party seems to think that the only way they can win, at least this time, is by pandering to racist and red neck thugs. They are desperate. The Republican party that once was no longer is. And as long as they choose to let Trump take them down this path, the more the party will die.

Trump and people like them, they no longer build up the Republican party. They continue to tear it down. And the more they do to kill the party, the more people will defect to either the Democrats or Independent. This is another one of those things that the Republicans can't blame anyone but themselves for.

To help keep Charles honest!! 31 states + DC require political party registration. Several of these are strongly democrat controlled such as OR, CA, NV, NY, PA, and DC. These are also high population density states and should be strongly democrat registered. I think it is a conclusion that Trump will not receive many popular votes or electoral college votes from these states in 2020, he probably didn't get many in 2016 either. Same outcome, new election!!!

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Fri 08/02/19 07:41 PM
Indiana doesn't. I can go in and vote for a dem during the primary.

HMMM! Now who, do I think is very rotten, so I can screw up the possible winner??? So far Debozio. Or. maybe Maryann Williamson! Oh yes! the smartest candidate who is also oprah's spiritual adviser.

A Steller choice.

no photo
Fri 08/02/19 08:35 PM
Edited by Charles1962150 on Fri 08/02/19 08:45 PM

First look: Dems crush GOP in party registration

"A first look for Axios readers: Larry Sabato's Crystal Ball at the University of Virginia has a detailed map of where Democrats and Republicans are ahead in party registration among voters.

Why it matters, from Rhodes Cook: "The Democrats approach this fall’s midterm elections with an advantage in one key aspect of the political process — their strength in states where voters register by party."

Key numbers: Among the 31 states (plus D.C.) with party registration, there are nearly 12 million more registered Democrats than Republicans".

So, when you get right down to it, Republicans are already a minority. More Democrats than Republicans. And for some reason, the Republican party seems to think that the only way they can win, at least this time, is by pandering to racist and red neck thugs. They are desperate. The Republican party that once was no longer is. And as long as they choose to let Trump take them down this path, the more the party will die.

Trump and people like them, they no longer build up the Republican party. They continue to tear it down. And the more they do to kill the party, the more people will defect to either the Democrats or Independent. This is another one of those things that the Republicans can't blame anyone but themselves for.

To help keep Charles honest!! 31 states + DC require political party registration. Several of these are strongly democrat controlled such as OR, CA, NV, NY, PA, and DC. These are also high population density states and should be strongly democrat registered. I think it is a conclusion that Trump will not receive many popular votes or electoral college votes from these states in 2020, he probably didn't get many in 2016 either. Same outcome, new election!!!

Except one thing. The last election Trump "won" (and I use that term very loosely. It's more like he was "placed". But, anyway, it was by such a narrow margin. It will not be that way again. I don't believe people will stand for it. Clinton had him beat by 3 million votes. And whether the right likes it or not, that's what most of the nation thinks and feels. Most of the nation was outraged when they found out that their vote didn't count. And now that we know even more dirt on Trump, we've had to put up with his mouth, his lies and corruption these past years, people will be pissed off if their vote doesn't count again. We will see in the long run.

How Trump won the presidency with razor-thin margins in swing states

It's official: Clinton swamps Trump in popular vote

"More Americans voted for Hillary Clinton than any other losing presidential candidate in US history.

The Democrat outpaced President-elect Donald Trump by almost 2.9 million votes, with 65,844,954 (48.2%) to his 62,979,879 (46.1%), according to revised and certified final election results from all 50 states and the District of Columbia".

On to Trumps next lie.

"President Donald Trump appeared to sarcastically call out a break-in at Rep. Elijah Cummings' Baltimore home after a week of attacking the prominent African American lawmaker over the conditions of his Baltimore district -- even comparing the city's murder rate to third world countries."

"Really bad news! The Baltimore house of Elijah Cummings was robbed. Too bad!" the President tweeted on Friday morning.

That's a lie right out of Trump's mouth. The truth,

Elijah Cummings scares off would-be intruder at his home

"Democratic Rep. Elijah Cummings thwarted an attempted break-in at his home in the middle of the night last weekend, he said Friday. The 68-year-old congressman, who was home at the time, said that he scared off the early-morning intruder by yelling".

As I've said before, the right, they seem to like making up lies to spread across social media. This was posted on FB today. It has since been removed by FB. I'm not allowed to say here who posted it. But I can share what was said.

After Cumming went to Europe with Pelosi on Taxpayer money...? He is a public servant and yet his house was robbed for more than 10 Mil worth of Art paintings...! Demand investigation into Cumming...!

This whole statement is a made-up lie. This person posted this for nothing more than to rile up Trump's base. Which it did. For about an hour before FB deleted it. It proved again how easy it is to lead Trump followers around. They will believe a lie before they will believe the truth.

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Fri 08/02/19 09:00 PM
Disgusted by Trump,’ Baltimore Jews Defend Longtime Ally Elijah Cummings

"WASHINGTON — On Thursday, two days before U.S. President Donald Trump viciously attacked veteran Democratic Congressman Elijah Cummings in a series of tweets, a group of teenagers from Cummings’ district landed back in the United States after a month-long visit to Israel. The teens’ trip was organized by the Elijah Cummings Youth Program, an educational organization that has been sending students from the Baltimore area on visits to Israel for the past two decades".

As I've already said, This state is already a loss for Trump come 2020. Right along with California and 2 or three others. Not a very smart thing for candidate Trump to do. He "won" by such a narrow margin the last time. He will need every state he can get this time.

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Sat 08/03/19 01:50 PM
A little more reality. This article is from last month. It's still relevant now.

Gallup chief says most Americans are dissatisfied with the state of the nation

"Gallup editor-in-chief Mohamed Younis said on Hill.TV's "What America's Thinking" on Wednesday that the majority of the U.S. public are dissatisfied with the state of the nation.

"The way I would say the public is describing the state of the union right now is dissatisfied," Younis told Hill.TV's Krystal Ball the day after President Trump's annual State of the Union address.

"Twenty-six percent of people in this country right now say they're satisfied with how things are going in the U.S. generally," he continued, referring to a Gallup poll conducted last month.

The same survey found that 72 percent of respondents were dissatisfied with the state of the U.S".

no photo
Sat 08/03/19 02:24 PM
Edited by Charles1962150 on Sat 08/03/19 02:25 PM
Fox News Host Neil Cavuto Tells Viewers Trump Is Wrong: ‘China Isn’t Paying These Tariffs. You Are.’

"Immediately after President Donald Trump boasted to White House reporters that the United States rakes in billions of dollars from China because of his tariffs, Fox News anchor Neil Cavuto issued an on-air fact-check of the president’s remarks, directly telling his viewers that Trump is wrong.

While taking questions on the White House lawn Friday afternoon, the president insisted Americans farmers are fully behind his trade war and support his latest tariffs on $300 billion worth of goods from China.

“Remember this, our country is taking in billions and billions of dollars from China,” Trump exclaimed. “We never took in ten cents from China. Out of that many billions of dollars, we’re taking a part of it and giving it to the farmers because they’ve been targeted by China. The farmers, they come out totally whole".

Most of us already know this. What I use to buy for 8 bucks, now cost me 10. I buy lots of auto body parts from different vendors. What I was getting shipped to me for 25 bucks, now costs me 50. Some of the people I had lined up for paintwork ahead of time, has now backed out.

Because parts for the cars they want to be built, in many cases have doubled. For example, Before Trump came in, Let's say I do the car for 20 thousand. Now, that same car I can't do it for that. It may cost upward of 40 grand for the same work. Trump and his tariffs have hurt my business. I had business lined up all the way into next year.

A little over half of it has backed out. They decided to put their cars back into mothballs and wait to get their cars done. Hopefully after Trump is gone. Hopefully, somebody with some sense will be in the office that will put an immediate stop to all this so they won't have to pay a double price for what they want. Without Trump taking a huge bite out of their pockets to pay for his tariffs.

oldkid46's photo
Sat 08/03/19 02:26 PM

First look: Dems crush GOP in party registration

"A first look for Axios readers: Larry Sabato's Crystal Ball at the University of Virginia has a detailed map of where Democrats and Republicans are ahead in party registration among voters.

Why it matters, from Rhodes Cook: "The Democrats approach this fall’s midterm elections with an advantage in one key aspect of the political process — their strength in states where voters register by party."

Key numbers: Among the 31 states (plus D.C.) with party registration, there are nearly 12 million more registered Democrats than Republicans".

So, when you get right down to it, Republicans are already a minority. More Democrats than Republicans. And for some reason, the Republican party seems to think that the only way they can win, at least this time, is by pandering to racist and red neck thugs. They are desperate. The Republican party that once was no longer is. And as long as they choose to let Trump take them down this path, the more the party will die.

Trump and people like them, they no longer build up the Republican party. They continue to tear it down. And the more they do to kill the party, the more people will defect to either the Democrats or Independent. This is another one of those things that the Republicans can't blame anyone but themselves for.

To help keep Charles honest!! 31 states + DC require political party registration. Several of these are strongly democrat controlled such as OR, CA, NV, NY, PA, and DC. These are also high population density states and should be strongly democrat registered. I think it is a conclusion that Trump will not receive many popular votes or electoral college votes from these states in 2020, he probably didn't get many in 2016 either. Same outcome, new election!!!

Except one thing. The last election Trump "won" (and I use that term very loosely. It's more like he was "placed". But, anyway, it was by such a narrow margin. It will not be that way again. I don't believe people will stand for it. Clinton had him beat by 3 million votes. And whether the right likes it or not, that's what most of the nation thinks and feels. Most of the nation was outraged when they found out that their vote didn't count. And now that we know even more dirt on Trump, we've had to put up with his mouth, his lies and corruption these past years, people will be pissed off if their vote doesn't count again. We will see in the long run.

How Trump won the presidency with razor-thin margins in swing states

It's official: Clinton swamps Trump in popular vote

"More Americans voted for Hillary Clinton than any other losing presidential candidate in US history.

The Democrat outpaced President-elect Donald Trump by almost 2.9 million votes, with 65,844,954 (48.2%) to his 62,979,879 (46.1%), according to revised and certified final election results from all 50 states and the District of Columbia".

On to Trumps next lie.

"President Donald Trump appeared to sarcastically call out a break-in at Rep. Elijah Cummings' Baltimore home after a week of attacking the prominent African American lawmaker over the conditions of his Baltimore district -- even comparing the city's murder rate to third world countries."

"Really bad news! The Baltimore house of Elijah Cummings was robbed. Too bad!" the President tweeted on Friday morning.

That's a lie right out of Trump's mouth. The truth,

Elijah Cummings scares off would-be intruder at his home

"Democratic Rep. Elijah Cummings thwarted an attempted break-in at his home in the middle of the night last weekend, he said Friday. The 68-year-old congressman, who was home at the time, said that he scared off the early-morning intruder by yelling".

As I've said before, the right, they seem to like making up lies to spread across social media. This was posted on FB today. It has since been removed by FB. I'm not allowed to say here who posted it. But I can share what was said.

After Cumming went to Europe with Pelosi on Taxpayer money...? He is a public servant and yet his house was robbed for more than 10 Mil worth of Art paintings...! Demand investigation into Cumming...!

This whole statement is a made-up lie. This person posted this for nothing more than to rile up Trump's base. Which it did. For about an hour before FB deleted it. It proved again how easy it is to lead Trump followers around. They will believe a lie before they will believe the truth.
Sounds like Russia or China has been busy again!!

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Sun 08/04/19 12:04 AM
Trump: We will be taxing China until there is a trade deal

"President Trump addresses trade with China while speaking to reporters at the White House".

Trump will be taxing US citizens until there is a deal, there fixed it for you.

Republicans fear backlash from voters over Trump’s dismissal of climate change

"When election time comes next year, Will Galloway, a student and Republican youth leader at Clemson University, will look for candidates who are strong on the mainstream conservative causes he cares about most, including gun rights and opposing abortion.

But there is another issue high on his list of urgent concerns that are not on his party’s agenda: climate change".

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Sun 08/04/19 12:40 AM
Edited by Charles1962150 on Sun 08/04/19 12:44 AM

First look: Dems crush GOP in party registration

"A first look for Axios readers: Larry Sabato's Crystal Ball at the University of Virginia has a detailed map of where Democrats and Republicans are ahead in party registration among voters.

Why it matters, from Rhodes Cook: "The Democrats approach this fall’s midterm elections with an advantage in one key aspect of the political process — their strength in states where voters register by party."

Key numbers: Among the 31 states (plus D.C.) with party registration, there are nearly 12 million more registered Democrats than Republicans".

So, when you get right down to it, Republicans are already a minority. More Democrats than Republicans. And for some reason, the Republican party seems to think that the only way they can win, at least this time, is by pandering to racist and red neck thugs. They are desperate. The Republican party that once was no longer is. And as long as they choose to let Trump take them down this path, the more the party will die.

Trump and people like them, they no longer build up the Republican party. They continue to tear it down. And the more they do to kill the party, the more people will defect to either the Democrats or Independent. This is another one of those things that the Republicans can't blame anyone but themselves for.

To help keep Charles honest!! 31 states + DC require political party registration. Several of these are strongly democrat controlled such as OR, CA, NV, NY, PA, and DC. These are also high population density states and should be strongly democrat registered. I think it is a conclusion that Trump will not receive many popular votes or electoral college votes from these states in 2020, he probably didn't get many in 2016 either. Same outcome, new election!!!

Except one thing. The last election Trump "won" (and I use that term very loosely. It's more like he was "placed". But, anyway, it was by such a narrow margin. It will not be that way again. I don't believe people will stand for it. Clinton had him beat by 3 million votes. And whether the right likes it or not, that's what most of the nation thinks and feels. Most of the nation was outraged when they found out that their vote didn't count. And now that we know even more dirt on Trump, we've had to put up with his mouth, his lies and corruption these past years, people will be pissed off if their vote doesn't count again. We will see in the long run.

How Trump won the presidency with razor-thin margins in swing states

It's official: Clinton swamps Trump in popular vote

"More Americans voted for Hillary Clinton than any other losing presidential candidate in US history.

The Democrat outpaced President-elect Donald Trump by almost 2.9 million votes, with 65,844,954 (48.2%) to his 62,979,879 (46.1%), according to revised and certified final election results from all 50 states and the District of Columbia".

On to Trumps next lie.

"President Donald Trump appeared to sarcastically call out a break-in at Rep. Elijah Cummings' Baltimore home after a week of attacking the prominent African American lawmaker over the conditions of his Baltimore district -- even comparing the city's murder rate to third world countries."

"Really bad news! The Baltimore house of Elijah Cummings was robbed. Too bad!" the President tweeted on Friday morning.

That's a lie right out of Trump's mouth. The truth,

Elijah Cummings scares off would-be intruder at his home

"Democratic Rep. Elijah Cummings thwarted an attempted break-in at his home in the middle of the night last weekend, he said Friday. The 68-year-old congressman, who was home at the time, said that he scared off the early-morning intruder by yelling".

As I've said before, the right, they seem to like making up lies to spread across social media. This was posted on FB today. It has since been removed by FB. I'm not allowed to say here who posted it. But I can share what was said.

After Cumming went to Europe with Pelosi on Taxpayer money...? He is a public servant and yet his house was robbed for more than 10 Mil worth of Art paintings...! Demand investigation into Cumming...!

This whole statement is a made-up lie. This person posted this for nothing more than to rile up Trump's base. Which it did. For about an hour before FB deleted it. It proved again how easy it is to lead Trump followers around. They will believe a lie before they will believe the truth.
Sounds like Russia or China has been busy again!!

I can partly agree with you. It's possible. But here is what hurts that theory.

McConnell Dubbed 'Moscow Mitch' for Blocking Debate on Election Security Bill Just As Senate Report Details 2016 Russian Interference

"Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell earned the nickname "Moscow Mitch" Friday after blocking lawmakers from taking action to prevent foreign interference in U.S. elections just as the legislature he leads concluded that Russians meddled in the 2016 elections in all 50 states".

This was a dumb move by McConnel. The Mueller report fully stated that the Russians interfered in our election. Trump didn't know at the start. But when he found out he was more than glad to accept the help. He never offered to let the FBI or CIA or anyone in law enforcement know about it. That's bad enough. That's enough in its self to impeach Trump.

Now, we have Moscow Mitch blocking measures to keep it from happening again. This doesn't help the Republican parties image at all. Trump has brought the Republican party to a new low. Moscow Mitch only made it look worse. The way Trump acts as he would rather be a dictator than a president. With that in mind, it seems that Trump and McConnel are trying to swing the US government from a democracy to a communist dictatorship.

If Trump had a moral compass, he wouldn't have accepted the Russia help. If McConnel was doing his job he would be making sure it never happens again. But neither one seems to really give a damn. The American taxpayer is footing the bill.

oldkid46's photo
Sun 08/04/19 06:57 AM
This thread needs a new, more honest title: DEMOCRAT PROPAGANDA TALKING POINTS

There is no discussion, nothing of fact, and little to actually solve the problems of our great nation. It is all about calling attention to certain biased media opinions disguised as "news".

no photo
Sun 08/04/19 01:43 PM
Edited by Charles1962150 on Sun 08/04/19 02:20 PM

"A manifesto tied to the alleged El Paso, Texas, shooter included ranting about Hispanic immigrants "replacing" European-American culture and pre-emptively defended President Donald Trump from media criticism.

Patrick Crusius, 21, of Allen, Texas, was arrested Saturday without law enforcement firing a single shot after he allegedly gunned down dozens of people, killing at least 20. The manifesto was posted to the website 8chan about an hour-and-a-half before the El Paso Walmart shooting began. Authorities have not yet definitively said whether the manifesto was written by Crusius and said they were still investigating the hateful screed. The manifesto has been published in its entirety by a conservative website, Drudge Report, and rails against Hispanics, immigrants and Republican Party "inaction" against the country's so-called destruction".

Minutes Before El Paso Killing, Hate-Filled Manifesto Appears Online

"Social media accounts which appear to belong to the shooter shared right-wing content and expressed support for President Trump and his anti-immigrant agenda".

no photo
Sun 08/04/19 02:15 PM

This thread needs a new, more honest title: DEMOCRAT PROPAGANDA TALKING POINTS

There is no discussion, nothing of fact, and little to actually solve the problems of our great nation. It is all about calling attention to certain biased media opinions disguised as "news".

You could always start another thread titled: "REPUBLICAN PROPAGANDA TALKING POINTS". It would make an interesting comparison with this thread. I would enjoy reading both threads.

no photo
Sun 08/04/19 02:16 PM
What’s inside the hate-filled manifesto linked to the alleged El Paso shooter

"Shortly before a gunman opened fire outside a Walmart in El Paso, Texas, killing 20 people and injured dozens more, a manifesto believed to be linked to him was posted online. It railed against a “Hispanic invasion” and laid out a plan to divide the United States into territories based on race.

Authorities believe 21-year-old Patrick Crusius wrote the document, though they are still gathering evidence.

It begins by praising the manifesto of the gunman who killed 51 Muslims at two mosques in New Zealand earlier this year. That document cited a white supremacist theory known as “The Great Replacement,” which postulates that a secret group of elites is working to destroy the white race by replacing them with immigrants and refugees.

“This attack is a response to the Hispanic invasion of Texas,” the manifesto says".

As world reels from violence in El Paso, some point to Trump’s rhetoric

"Two mass shootings that left 29 dead in the United States this weekend have prompted condemnation across the world and drawn comparisons between suspected racist motives behind one of the shootings and President Trump’s anti-immigrant rhetoric.

On Saturday, 20 people were killed in El Paso when a shooter opened fire at a shopping center in what investigators are calling a case of domestic terrorism. Federal authorities are “seriously considering” bringing hate crime charges against the suspected gunman.

Investigators delving into the background of the suspect have found a manifesto online, thought to be posted by the suspect, railing against the threat of a “Hispanic invasion".