Topic: Underappreciated Holiday Songs
Dodo_David's photo
Mon 12/02/19 06:31 PM
Edited by Dodo_David on Mon 12/02/19 06:43 PM
Starting each year in November, the public gets bombarded by so-called "traditional" holiday songs. Sadly, certain holiday songs don't get heard much because they are underappreciated. In order to correct the situation, here are some holiday songs that you may not have heard of before.

So, without further ado . . .

"Deck The Stalls (with oats and barley)"
The link to this song is accessible by clicking here.

"Angus We Have Heard on High"

If you haven't before herd bovine moo-sic, then it be-hooves you to do so now.

If you prefer music by and for humans, then listen to . . .

Santa Claus Is Watchin' You

Leroy The Redneck Reindeer

Redneck Christmas

Credit Card Christmas

Redneck 12 Days Of Christmas