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feralcatlady's photo
Thu 12/11/08 03:48 PM
Edited by feralcatlady on Thu 12/11/08 04:02 PM
With your host feralcatlady (Debbie)

& her wonder sidekick and co-host A64WOODY (Jim)

The first show on "In Your Face"

Rate Me Vs. Get over your big bad ugly self.

Some of the upcoming shows

1. How to make an on-line love last

2. Big & Beautiful and the Men that love them

3. WHY LIE!!!!!

4. MEN why they don't "THINK like you

5. Intelligent Beautiful Women why your intimidated

6. Why does funny only go so far

7. The Beardy Men and the Women that Love them

I will be having guests and the whole bit...and of course no good talk show without audience participation.

I would now like to introduce my co-host A64WOODY

Riding_Dubz's photo
Thu 12/11/08 03:51 PM
Grabs bucket of popcorn,

and pulls up a seat drinker

bad_girl's photo
Thu 12/11/08 03:51 PM
Can I sit beside youdrinks

Grabs bucket of popcorn,

and pulls up a seat drinker

Riding_Dubz's photo
Thu 12/11/08 03:52 PM
Hell ya, i even grabbed the only two seats with cusions on them, drinks :wink:

bad_girl's photo
Thu 12/11/08 03:53 PM
Great and I got the beerdrinks

Hell ya, i even grabbed the only two seats with cusions on them, drinks :wink:

feralcatlady's photo
Thu 12/11/08 03:53 PM
Lots of comfy furniture and I might have you as future guests you too....what do you think...

bad_girl's photo
Thu 12/11/08 03:54 PM
Okay with me

Lots of comfy furniture and I might have you as future guests you too....what do you think...

Riding_Dubz's photo
Thu 12/11/08 03:54 PM
maybe we could all chip in get one them leather wrap arounds,

laugh laugh laugh :wink: drinker

awolf1010's photo
Thu 12/11/08 03:54 PM
ooohh!!!! this is gonna be way better than jerry springer!!!!

bad_girl's photo
Thu 12/11/08 03:55 PM
Debbie, did you get my email?

feralcatlady's photo
Thu 12/11/08 03:56 PM
The topic for today

Rate me threads.......

Tell me your thoughts people.....

I don't mind come rate me on my profile....

The ones that personally annoy me are the attention seekers looking for oogles from men..


A64WOODY's photo
Thu 12/11/08 03:56 PM

With your host feralcatlady (Debbie)

& her wonder sidekick and co-host A64WOODY (Jim)

The first show on "In Your Face"

Rate Me Vs. Get over your big bad ugly self.

Some of the upcoming shows

1. How to make an on-line love last

2. Big & Beautiful and the Men that love them

3. WHY LIE!!!!!

4. MEN why they don't think like you and why

5. Intelligent Beautiful Women why your intimdated

6. Why does funny only go so far

7. The Beardy Men and the Women that Love them

I will be having guests and the whole bit...and of course no good talk show without audience participation.

I would now like to introduce my co-host A64WOODY
Helllloooooo! Fellow Minglers!!! Yes this promises to be an exciting thing here and has promise to go into multiple parts!!! Great guests and commentary. and I think we can even take some questions, huh Deb?

Fade2Black's photo
Thu 12/11/08 03:58 PM

Hell ya, i even grabbed the only two seats with cusions on them, drinks :wink:

what about me tears

feralcatlady's photo
Thu 12/11/08 03:58 PM

maybe we could all chip in get one them leather wrap arounds,

laugh laugh laugh :wink: drinker

Theres 4 of them doll......hands you some glasses

awolf1010's photo
Thu 12/11/08 03:59 PM

Hell ya, i even grabbed the only two seats with cusions on them, drinks :wink:

what about me tears
just kick my ol' horse leroy out of the way...and you can sit here!!!!

A64WOODY's photo
Thu 12/11/08 03:59 PM

The topic for today

Rate me threads.......

Tell me your thoughts people.....

I don't mind come rate me on my profile....

The ones that personally annoy me are the attention seekers looking for oogles from men..

I agree, Deb! "OH!!! LOOK AT ME!!!! I'M HOT AND WANT YOU TO KNOW IT!!"...I don't just don't do it for me!

feralcatlady's photo
Thu 12/11/08 04:00 PM

With your host feralcatlady (Debbie)

& her wonder sidekick and co-host A64WOODY (Jim)

The first show on "In Your Face"

Rate Me Vs. Get over your big bad ugly self.

Some of the upcoming shows

1. How to make an on-line love last

2. Big & Beautiful and the Men that love them

3. WHY LIE!!!!!

4. MEN why they don't think like you and why

5. Intelligent Beautiful Women why your intimdated

6. Why does funny only go so far

7. The Beardy Men and the Women that Love them

I will be having guests and the whole bit...and of course no good talk show without audience participation.

I would now like to introduce my co-host A64WOODY
Helllloooooo! Fellow Minglers!!! Yes this promises to be an exciting thing here and has promise to go into multiple parts!!! Great guests and commentary. and I think we can even take some questions, huh Deb?

Oh yea big time questions Jim.....

give me your views Jim on the rate me her on mingle?

feralcatlady's photo
Thu 12/11/08 04:01 PM

ooohh!!!! this is gonna be way better than jerry springer!!!!

You bet your sweet bipee.....and I want you on

The Men who flirt and why we love them? laugh laugh

feralcatlady's photo
Thu 12/11/08 04:05 PM

Debbie, did you get my email?

Whaaaaa I didn't going to come and be a guest on my talk show merle.....

How to make an on-line love work

markc48's photo
Thu 12/11/08 04:05 PM
Rate your profile: errrrr Maried 0

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