Cant see likes visit my profile "Can't see likes unless visit to profile"
41 year old man from London, Ontario      Looking for dating, activity partner, friendship, relationship Last seen within the last four days
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About Cant see likes visit my profile
Greetings, mysterious seeker of hidden truths and captivating adventures. . It seems that 99%+ of the profiles on this site are fake, Bots, and massive overseas scammer operations. . . If you are but a mere illusion concealed behind a veil of deception don't waste your time as I will not send money or give much details about myself until I know you are real using a few methods I learned from the Intel community. Which would include tracking IP addresses even through VPN's and Tor browser jumps. On that note, if you have nothing in your profile I will assume you are one of the many fake posts on here and will ignore your message and profile. . .::: . Now on to reality I'm LifelongSeeker, and I'm on this dating site with the sincere intention of finding a lifetime match. I've never been married, and I believe that everything happens for a reason, leading me to this point in my life where I'm ready to embark on a meaningful and lasting relationship. • Never Married: I've been patiently waiting for the right person to come into my life, and I believe that patience pays off. • Clean Lifestyle: I lead a healthy and drug-free lifestyle. I prioritize my well-being and strive for balance in all aspects of life. • Light Drinker: While I occasionally enjoy a drink, I'm not someone who relies on alcohol to have a good time. I appreciate meaningful connections and engaging conversations that don't depend on substances. • Nature Enthusiast: Camping, picnics, and exploring the outdoors are among my favorite activities. There's something truly magical about immersing myself in nature's beauty and finding peace in its tranquility. • Curious Observer: Studying human behavior and people-watching fascinates me. Whether it's in a crowded city street or across a room, I find joy in deciphering the intricacies of human interactions and the stories that lie beneath the surface. Dating Approach: I want to be upfront and honest about my intentions—I'm not interested in serial dating or casual flings. Instead, I'm seeking a genuine, long-term connection with someone who shares similar values and aspirations. I believe in building a strong foundation of trust, friendship, and mutual respect, and I'm excited about the prospect of finding a partner who desires the same. Ideal Match: I'm looking for a woman who is equally excited about building a lifetime partnership. While physical attraction is important, I value inner beauty, intelligence, and emotional maturity above all. A genuine and compassionate soul who appreciates the simple pleasures in life and is open to exploring new adventures together would be an ideal match for me. If you resonate with my profile and believe in the power of genuine connections, I'd love to hear from you. Let's embark on this journey together and discover if we're destined for a lifetime of love, growth, and shared experiences.
Profession: Business & Security Based
Physical Appearance
6' 2"
Body type
White / Caucasian
Marital Status
Never married
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No answer
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