Topic: Pagan easter is Man made for to deceive Many
Toodygirl5's photo
Sat 03/30/24 05:43 PM
Edited by Toodygirl5 on Sat 03/30/24 05:45 PM
The easter egg hunts, easter baskets, easter rabbits, easter candy, easter cakes all Worldly easter celebrations. All this is Paganism.

Real is
Message of the Cross Jesus and Him Crucified.

Christians celebrate Jesus Christ every day. His resurrection from the grave by the Power of Jehovah God.
Jesus Paid the price for All of mankinds sins, when he suffered punishment and died on the Cross.

Jesus is not dead! He has Risen and with God Almighty in Heaven!

Don's photo
Mon 04/01/24 03:06 AM
The idea that one man should be tortured to death as punishment for the supposed wrongs of others is obscene.

Slimme's photo
Mon 04/01/24 09:45 AM
Well others had a different take on the matter:

And one of them, named Caiaphas, being the high priest that same year, said unto them, Ye know nothing at all,
50 Nor consider that it is expedient for us, that one man should die for the people, and that the whole nation perish not.
51 And this spake he not of himself: but being high priest that year, he prophesied that Jesus should die for that nation; John 11:49-51

Outside of that, Jesus Christ was not a just a man. He was God in the flesh with it limitations who identified himself as the Son of God during his earthly ministry.

Crimes are natural problems that are address by natural solutions

Sin is a spiritual problem that needs a spiritual solution.

Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:
Romans 5:12

God is a just and Holy God. Without the robe of righteousness, no one cannot stand in his presence. As a Judge the penalty of sin must be carried out – spiritual and eternal death. As a Loving Father he has an obligation to the humans he created. If he forgives sin without addressing the crime of sin that would make him a good father but a poor judge. On the other hand, if God pay the fine of sin because we humans beings cannot, that makes him a good father and a good judge. He has showed both mercy and justice.

In this way, God is just to punish sin, but then he is also the justifier of sinful at a great cost to Himself. Jesus’ death pays for sin because he pays a penalty which he did not deserve for those who did not deserve his generosity and love.

For Christian believers, the Bible is the guide to understanding God's view of the world, and what He expects us to know about Him in order to have a real relationship with Him. The greatest obstacle in that, is human nature - which is born with a basic distrust of God and an unwillingness to listen to or obey him. Which is refer to as sin nature or sin in the scriptures.

Salvation through Christ is available to all for the forgiveness of sin and the receiving of eternal life through repentence.

Crucifixtion was a barbaric form of punishment which the Romans perfected and used as their death sentence.

It was not the cross or torture that killed Jesus but the weight of our sins that crushed him until he give himself over to death.


Toodygirl5's photo
Mon 04/01/24 01:08 PM

The idea that one man should be tortured to death as punishment for the supposed wrongs of others is obscene.

It is Your Personal Choice to Choose Jesus Christ .

One day You will have to answer to God.

Atheists as well.