Community > Posts By > JustJosh

JustJosh's photo
Sun 06/02/24 03:12 PM
Paradise lost is an excellent poem by Milton
The fictional character satan gets all the best lines
I bet the fictional character god didn’t like it too much

JustJosh's photo
Sun 06/02/24 03:09 PM
I used to love sugar babies
Used to have them all of the time
Then one of them pulled out one of my teeth and from then on,
No more sugar babies for me!

JustJosh's photo
Sun 06/02/24 03:06 PM
Oh science is perfect Bart
Medicine is not
But science itself is perfect in its purity and consistency
Testing a valid hypothesis in a reliable and repeatable manner has never failed humans
And don’t say that one can prove anything with science because it just doesn’t work that way
Science doesn’t have political agendas and science does not try to change anyone’s mind
Science exists only to sift through the enormous amounts of data which humans have access to and to show which data can reliably lead to certain outcomes
And the politicians are not scientists and the scientists are not politicians

Now, in my opinion, the scientists SHOULD be in charge. If scientists ruled the earth we wouldn’t have ANY of the problems we have
The ideal world order, in my opinion, is well represented in George Orwell’s “a brave new world “
It’s a good movie too

JustJosh's photo
Sun 06/02/24 02:18 PM

Massaging the dead?

JustJosh's photo
Sun 06/02/24 02:17 PM
So you’re saying that unless something is 100% reliable then there’s no point in doing it?

So much for medical science then, because nothing is 100%

You better stop taking any medication you’re on, and no more Tylenol either, Bart

For that matter you might as well stop brushing your teeth, washing, or rinsing off the food you eat.

And there’s no need to sleep anymore since it’s not 100%reliable in helping us feel refreshed

JustJosh's photo
Sun 06/02/24 12:55 PM
You should watch a good lovecraft movie

I’m working on “the dunwich horror” from 1970

It’s very good. It follows to the letter lovecraft imagery, language and themes.
I highly recommend this movie for anyone who enjoys horror

JustJosh's photo
Sun 06/02/24 12:52 PM
An NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll, conducted during the trial and released before Thursday’s verdict, found 67% of registered voters predicting that a guilty verdict would make no difference to their vote. Fifteen percent said they’d be more likely to vote for Trump and 17% that they’d be less likely to do so. Among Trump’s current supporters, 7% predicted they would be less likely to vote for him if he were convicted.

JustJosh's photo
Sun 06/02/24 12:51 PM
Bart if you can point me towards any respectable peer-reviewed medical journals which support any of the claims you made about Covid then I’ll change my opinion

And I’m not talking about the national inquirer or fox network news or any other right wing news sources

I’m talking about real science journals

JustJosh's photo
Sun 06/02/24 10:56 AM
Absolutely fascinating
So I suppose you never got the Covid , eh mr “good” guy?
And you don’t know anyone else who got Covid?
And you didn’t know anyone who DIED from Covid, did you?
It was all a big democratic lie, huh?

Or perhaps you know better than the scientists? Maybe your ph.d. Is in cellular biology? That might explain your callous reply. You’ve obviously did research on covid proving that it was all just a big conspiracy hoax, am I right?

Personally I think it’s incredibly cruel to suggest that it wasn’t real. Tell that to my second cousin who died in a respiratory. You’re probably happy about that aren’t you?

In my opinion you need to change your profile name. There’s nothing “good” about making light of a disease which recently killed millions of good decent people. Calling face masks “diapers” only corroborates my impression that you are, in fact, “Mr.CallousGuy”
I hope that someday you begin to grow as a human and develop some measure of sympathy for others

JustJosh's photo
Sun 06/02/24 08:59 AM
Dire straits
Sultans of swing

We don’t give a damn
‘Bout any trumpet playin’ band

JustJosh's photo
Sun 06/02/24 08:25 AM
Oh arr
Oh arr
Your profile is like a cold pint of ale over a fine bar meal
But I would lose that picture of you with a triangle on your noggin
Makes you look like a barmpot

JustJosh's photo
Sun 06/02/24 08:21 AM
Okay you can be as selfish as you like
Go ahead and try to convince yourself that global warming isn’t real or that all your favorite animals won’t be effected by the world’s growing temperature
Just don’t expect to convince anyone who understands the science
Science doesn’t lie, folks

And chew on this while you’re trying to swallow down the bitter taste of self-denial…

An NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll, conducted during the trial and released before Thursday’s verdict, found 67% of registered voters predicting that a guilty verdict would make no difference to their vote. Fifteen percent said they’d be more likely to vote for Trump and 17% that they’d be less likely to do so. Among Trump’s current supporters, 7% predicted they would be less likely to vote for him if he were convicted.

JustJosh's photo
Sun 06/02/24 08:17 AM
Canned heat
Let’s work together

JustJosh's photo
Sun 06/02/24 08:16 AM
An NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll, conducted during the trial and released before Thursday’s verdict, found 67% of registered voters predicting that a guilty verdict would make no difference to their vote. Fifteen percent said they’d be more likely to vote for Trump and 17% that they’d be less likely to do so. Among Trump’s current supporters, 7% predicted they would be less likely to vote for him if he were convicted.

This is important
17% of trump supporters are less likely to vote for him because of the conviction

JustJosh's photo
Sun 06/02/24 06:43 AM
Thanks Gia
I appreciate that

JustJosh's photo
Sun 06/02/24 06:41 AM
It may not be hurting you
You have to consider other forms of life though
Caring about only the human species, in my opinion, is one of the cruelest and most dangerous forms of selfishness.
Millions of different animal species are suffering from the changing weather patterns Bart.
Are we really so selfish as to let them disappear? Have you considered how painful it is for these innocent animals to die slowly from starvation?
And what about your favorite animal, besides people? Do you really think that those bass and trout will survive in twenty or thirty years from now, when the planet is roughly five degrees warmer than it is now?
We have to consider what we are leaving behind for the future

JustJosh's photo
Sun 06/02/24 06:34 AM
When I was younger I would often take great risks

Perhaps the single most dangerous thing I ever did was to wander through an abandoned railway tunnel which led me past the Lebanon/israel border and into no man’s land in Lebanon. When I looked up I saw half a dozen Israeli soldiers pointing their uzi’s at me. I turned around and went back.

JustJosh's photo
Sun 06/02/24 06:28 AM
I was walking through a lovely garden once, all sweet smelling of herbs and lilac, when the ghost of Robin Hood came to approach me and entered into my mind, filling my heart with courage and bravery like some kind of wonderful magical frosting over the tired spoiled cake that is me.


JustJosh's photo
Sun 06/02/24 06:20 AM
I’m just here wondering why nobody has answer to my last post here

It’s not good debating if your opponent can’t respond to your point but instead simply tries to change the subject

JustJosh's photo
Sun 06/02/24 03:32 AM
Begin the beguine
Benny Goodman

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