Community > Posts By > urbanexchange

urbanexchange's photo
Sat 04/18/15 07:48 AM
I know this is a crazy question. I'm not a philosophical genius or a scientist so be gentle with me.

In order to go back in time, you have to destroy everything in the present time; including people.


The reason why I asked is because of The Terminator. Technically, the future was destroyed and every thing in it. John Connor stated "the future is not set."

The same episodes regarding the future happened in X-men: The animated series.

Seems like whatever movie wins an academy award, is the agenda the super rich wants to accomplish. The Terminator II won 4 Oscars. Unfortunately, humans have no choice. Humans one by one are being replaced by computers. There are 7 billion people in the world. That's enough to fill up the entire state of Alabama. But yet sooo much land.

An ideal Utopia for the rich is all humans dead and are replaced by computers.

So in order to go back In time where there wasn't an abundance of humans, the present has to be destroyed.

urbanexchange's photo
Tue 04/07/15 04:14 PM
Monogamy aids in population control

urbanexchange's photo
Sun 04/05/15 03:00 AM

The superbowl and AFC. Championship games were fixed. Pretty obviously. I think this ball is a little underinflated, oooh! A bag of Skittles!

God must be a Seattle Seahawks fan. Look at what happened to Boston.

I sincerely hope you mean all the snow.

Boston was hit with 40 feet of snow. It's the worst blizzard that Boston has ever seen.

urbanexchange's photo
Sun 04/05/15 01:52 AM

The superbowl and AFC. Championship games were fixed. Pretty obviously. I think this ball is a little underinflated, oooh! A bag of Skittles!

God must be a Seattle Seahawks fan. Look at what happened to Boston.

urbanexchange's photo
Sat 04/04/15 10:01 PM

noway Kentucky lost, Wisconsin won... but i think Duke is a better team, regardless of political "prowess"
UK lost?! Damn.....Ashley Judd will now turn Republican....

Ashley Judd will side with any political party that is filling her pockets so she can get acting roles. And thus far, the democrats has been feeding her well. Because let's be honest: she's not that great of an actress.

urbanexchange's photo
Sat 04/04/15 09:56 PM

noway Kentucky lost, Wisconsin won... but i think Duke is a better team, regardless of political "prowess"

Wisconsin will beat Duke

they looked good tonight, but duke is a powerhouse... we'll see monday...

Wisconsin beat out the best defensive team in the nation. Wisconsin will win

urbanexchange's photo
Sat 04/04/15 09:50 PM

noway Kentucky lost, Wisconsin won... but i think Duke is a better team, regardless of political "prowess"

Wisconsin will beat Duke

urbanexchange's photo
Sat 04/04/15 09:46 PM
How much money I'm going to owe in NYS taxes :0(

urbanexchange's photo
Sat 04/04/15 09:27 PM
This is all political.

Wisconsin is a "swing state." Scott Walker at one point attempted to conspire with other Governors in other states to bust unions. Scott Walker received a lot of money from the Koch brothers. Paul Ryan is a U.S representative from Wisconsin who instructed all his interns to read Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand. He too has received influence from the Koch Brothers. Hey Wisconsin may just vote Democratic...or Republican. That's why it's a swing state.

You all may think I'm crazy but everything in America is always politically motivated: sports, food, BigPharma, schools.

Is there anyone out there who shares my sentiments??

Again, congrats Wisconsin.

urbanexchange's photo
Sun 03/29/15 08:10 AM

But now, he's endorsing Chuck Schumer. Nothing will change if chuck Schumer wins senate majority.

You mean the Minority........ Schumer doesn't have the skills Harry Reid has to bend rules.

I forgot. Republicans control the Senate. Not that it matters. Chuck Schumer is biggest Wall Street prostitute since the 80s. He's been sucking on the governments breast ever since he became elected. Harry Reid has always been a puppet for Chucky. If Chuckie becomes democratic leader, nothing will change...probably will get much worse

urbanexchange's photo
Sat 03/28/15 06:56 PM
The same thing happened last year at a East Harlem building . Residence were saying that it Sounded like a bomb went off. CNN was covering the story. Personally, I believe that the real estate developers, insurance companies, and the banks are behind all these recent fire and explosion in an attempt to displace long-time low-income residences.

urbanexchange's photo
Sat 03/28/15 06:50 PM
Google, FaceTime, Facebook, Yahoo, Aol. All of these companies require telephone numbers. Look at google maps. How in the world was Google able to get photos of the front of people's houses?? You can even see their car. J. Edgar Hoover must be rolling in his grave

urbanexchange's photo
Sat 03/28/15 06:45 PM
But now, he's endorsing Chuck Schumer. Nothing will change if chuck Schumer wins senate majority.

urbanexchange's photo
Tue 03/10/15 06:07 PM
If you've studied dialectics, you will see how persons in position of power utilize dialectics to control the masses mind.

urbanexchange's photo
Sun 03/08/15 11:20 PM
What Jim Jones did to those people were horrible. These people were so marginalized by society that they thought they had no other option. I listened to the tapes. You can hear children and babies crying. There was one lady who spoke out against Jim Jones on the tape but she was murdered. Jim Jones was a brilliant articulate sociopath (which is now called by the DSM as Antisocial personality). He knew these people were broken down by society. Sociopaths are cunning and smart. Jim Jones had plenty of help from the government. How else was he able to purchase pounds of cyanide? You needed a jewelers license to purchase that much cyanide. How else was he able to get those people social security checks? I feel horrible about what happened to those people because at some point, we have came to point were we have questioned our existence. But these people were not only isolated from society, but also psychologically stripped by people who they thought had their best interest. This is why I would never vote; because nobody in political office have your best interest. We're all brainwashed; socially engineered.

urbanexchange's photo
Sun 03/08/15 10:21 PM
I've always been metabolically challenged; and so has my mother, grandmother, and practically all my aunts. Even when I eat less, I gain weight. I exercise like a horse and will only lose 5lbs in a month. The smallest I've ever been was a size 10. Now, I'm an 18:weary:. At least I'm flexible. I can put my knees to both ears, can easily touch my toes without bending my legs, I can do handstands (on walls)...just always been overweight/obese. It sucks being overweight/obese because being overweight/obese isn't socially accepted. People tend to distance themselves away from obese people. I always think skinny people are lucky (or is that what society wants me to believe so obese people don't reproduce)?

urbanexchange's photo
Sun 03/01/15 09:06 PM

Here's another example: why isn't marijuana legalized? There are more positive than negative benefits to smoking marijuana. Why do people have to go to jail for selling or buying marihuana if the main concept of capitalism involves no government involvement and acknowledgement of personal freedoms?? Why must I fear government intervention for wanting to purchase 100.00 dollars worth of marihuana for my menstrual cramps?? High fructose corn syrup which is in 99% percent of our food, is linked to weight gain; diabetes, high blood pressure, abnormal distribution of fats. High Fructose Corn Syrup is banned in many countries. And in parts of Europe, the company has to put a HFCS label on the food. The pharmaceutical and food corporations in United States are a multi-billion dollar industry. The pharmaceutical and food corporations have enlisted the services of our elected officials to not only put forth their product; but to regulate laws aimed at people who do want to practice free market capitalism such as selling marihuana. Herion turns into morphine in the brain. Herion amc morphine is from the same opium plant. Why is herion illegal? Because those pharmaceuticals companies who manufacture morphine, dilaudid, Vicodin, Percocet would lose billions of dollArs. The pharmAceutical corporations have enlisted the help of the DEA to ensure that Capitalism such as an individual selling heroin doesn't occur.

All arguments in favor of free market capitalism, and not the cronyism that you're referring to. You're citing examples of people buying the rules. If they are truly interested free markets, they don't need to bribe those in power to make rules that favor them. It's the buying and selling of influence and power, not the buying and selling of goods and services that is the problem. Anyone can win at a game if they buy the rules they like. A truly free market capitalist system is a level playing field because everyone has an equal opportunity.

For the record...I never said I didn't like capitalism. I just simply implied that it would never work. I think we have a better chance of seeing a unicorn than seeing capitalism in America. The shirt you are wearing in your default was probably made in some factory that pays its worker $3.10 cents a day for 10 hours. Because if that worker was getting paid $10.00 an hour for 10 hours a day, your shirt would probably cost about $310.00 dollars.
Also in some of these factories, workers are forced to take birth control. Your self-interest needs are being met by violation of individual basic rights of another. Are you able to sew your own clothes and make your own sneakers?? Again, do you think 320 million people will suppress their self interest needs? This is a question that you fail to answer. No need to. It's a very complex answer. This is why capitalism will never work. Capitalism ideology involves the human element. Human element is complex. Cronyism is part of the human element. It is rooted in self interest.

urbanexchange's photo
Sun 03/01/15 08:17 PM
Never accused you of being a sexist but the fact remains that United States has an extremely low birth rate. For a developed nation, we have twice as many 60-80 year old than we have 0-5 year old. You are totally correct. You have a right to be attracted to whomever you want but guess what? Depopulation in the United States is at full speed because of us being un-attracted and isolated from one another. The average size in United States for a woman is 14. Is size 14 advertised in our entertainment industry? Women who are deemed unattractive by societal standards have to become feminist.

urbanexchange's photo
Sun 03/01/15 07:32 PM

Here's another example: why isn't marijuana legalized? There are more positive than negative benefits to smoking marijuana. Why do people have to go to jail for selling or buying marihuana if the main concept of capitalism involves no government involvement and acknowledgement of personal freedoms?? Why must I fear government intervention for wanting to purchase 100.00 dollars worth of marihuana for my menstrual cramps?? High fructose corn syrup which is in 99% percent of our food, is linked to weight gain; diabetes, high blood pressure, abnormal distribution of fats. High Fructose Corn Syrup is banned in many countries. And in parts of Europe, the company has to put a HFCS label on the food. The pharmaceutical and food corporations in United States are a multi-billion dollar industry. The pharmaceutical and food corporations have enlisted the services of our elected officials to not only put forth their product; but to regulate laws aimed at people who do want to practice free market capitalism such as selling marihuana. Herion turns into morphine in the brain. Herion amc morphine is from the same opium plant. Why is herion illegal? Because those pharmaceuticals companies who manufacture morphine, dilaudid, Vicodin, Percocet would lose billions of dollArs. The pharmAceutical corporations have enlisted the help of the DEA to ensure that Capitalism such as an individual selling heroin doesn't occur.

All arguments in favor of free market capitalism, and not the cronyism that you're referring to. You're citing examples of people buying the rules. If they are truly interested free markets, they don't need to bribe those in power to make rules that favor them. It's the buying and selling of influence and power, not the buying and selling of goods and services that is the problem. Anyone can win at a game if they buy the rules they like. A truly free market capitalist system is a level playing field because everyone has an equal opportunity.

urbanexchange's photo
Sun 03/01/15 07:08 PM

All I said was that she seemed to be asking a general question to those who hate feminists. And that those who hate feminists tend to be more conservative (think Rush Limbaugh and fans). I didn't see her accusing you, or anyone else of hating feminists.

The problem with this statement is it assumes disagreement and hatred are the same thing.

It was initially a question that you failed to answer. Instead, you circumvented the answer by FIRST stating that those women were older enough to be your mother. When I brought up the fact that Gaborney Sidibe (Oscar nominee for Precious) is 31 years old, you once again deflected the question by stating "I don't know who she is" and also by stating "even if I don't find her unattractive." Which proves my point. If Janet Reno and Hillary Clinton are deemed by society's standard as being "too old" for Men to date them, and if women are deemed by society's standard as being "unattractive" then they have to become a phrase that most extreme-right wing men hate "feminist." If the men won't take care of them, then how are they suppose to take care of themselves?? Personally, I believe "feminism" is a depopulation tactic created by the "elite" to weed the undesirables: societal eugenics. It has worked marvelous. The birth rate in the United States in 1957 was 3.65 Per 1000. Now, it's 1.8 per 1000.