Community > Posts By > skanktricil

skanktricil's photo
Sat 11/28/09 08:47 PM
so many people talking about "going either way" it just doesn't sound right. i mean, c'mon, am i the only one who thinks it's weird to hear a guy say "well i go either way" or "i go both ways"? hahahahaha


skanktricil's photo
Sat 11/28/09 08:18 PM

can i leave out the chicken?

leave out the chicken sure. the recipe doesn't call for chicken. i mentioned adding chicken as an afterthought. the soup is as it says in the title. corn and poblano chiles roasted. you can garnish with cilantro, sour cream, tortilla chips, avocado, mentioned one could add chicken if they like. but no u don't have to put chicken in it. it's ur soup if u decide to make it. i may get around to hammering out the recipe on this tiny little netbook keyboard at some point. palmtop, netbook, whatever they are called... the really tiny laptops, u kno? teeny tiny

skanktricil's photo
Sat 11/28/09 07:48 PM

skanktricil's photo
Sat 11/28/09 07:45 PM
Edited by skanktricil on Sat 11/28/09 07:46 PM
yeah... mebbe i share the recipe for the holidays. but not with any cops. no cops allowed! hahahaha

bein this is my last thread n all...

skanktricil's photo
Sat 11/28/09 07:38 PM
with tortilla strips, avocado and sour cream... mebbe some chicken? mebbe...

skanktricil's photo
Sat 11/28/09 07:31 PM

yes, please forgive me, i think sometimes the thoughts i am having don't fully develop into words that i can express and so certain things that i mean to be saying are left off and what actually results may sound or be interpreted as off... i recognize this and i am quick to apologize and assume responsibility for my lack of consideration, not fully reading what i have written and considering how someone may interpret what i am saying. in my mind i mean one thing, yet when someone else reads it, they see something else.

i guess, what i meant is that, i don't follow how he will make a difference working from the jail. i know what goes on in jails. been in a few... just a few though.

i apologize for the misunderstanding, i failed to consider how u might interpret what i said. i didn't mean to be disrespectful to you. please know this. i do not mean any disrespect to you or your son at all.

skanktricil's photo
Sat 11/28/09 07:21 PM
Edited by skanktricil on Sat 11/28/09 07:26 PM

Did you just want us all to agree with you and hate on cops? You're really not interested in or respectful of others opinion? Not being rude, just curious.

no i didn't start this thread as a rally for everyone who posts to hate on police. i started it because of a discussion on another thread that became more or less this, so this thread is for people who like to share their love for, or contempt of police.

i think i may have offended or upset yellowrose. for this i am sorry. i guess it really caught me when she said something about her son becoming a jailer to "make a difference". what difference he will make starting out as a jailer and does he really believe that or does she really believe that, i dunno, i guess because i've seen what goes on there. but i didn't mean to be disrespectful to yellowrose. please forgive me if that was the way it was interpreted.

my interest in and respect of other people's opinions has been called into question now. my interest in other people's opinion on this matter lies with developing conversation and whatnot. my respect of people's opinions... with the exception of the aforementioned instance, where i suppose i must have come off as disrespectful, please note that it was not my intent to do so. but if there is some other instance where i have been disrespectful of someone's opinion please bring this to my attention. i don't feel that i have attacked anyone for stating their opinion. in spite of being attacked personally for stating mine. but in hindsight i can see how this happened and how it was my fault. i wasn't clear and something i meant in a way different from the way it was interpreted was taken as an insult or as disrespect and it was returned in kind. so i understand it.

and ledi, sciawwy, i didn't understand why u said something about being rude versus curious.

skanktricil's photo
Sat 11/28/09 07:08 PM


skanktricil's photo
Sat 11/28/09 06:53 PM

I was married to a "cop" for 17 yrs who later (after we divorced) became a sheriff.. He was a very nice man and a wonderful father but became obcessed with his work and didn't have time for me anymore so I got out..he died in office.. end of story...

i'm sorry for your loss. my condolences.

flowers :cry:

skanktricil's photo
Sat 11/28/09 06:49 PM

I completely agree with this. There are good and bad in all professions....but that doesn't make them all bad. I have family and friends that are cops....and they are good cops too. They get blamed for doing their job by those that won't own up. My son wants to be a cop. He wants to start out as a jailer while getting his criminal law degree. I assure you he is not on power trips or anything like that. He wants to at least try to make a difference

yellowrose, i'm very sorry to hear. my sympathy.

skanktricil's photo
Sat 11/28/09 06:40 PM

i don't know needing to chat so much as i need a job

i hate my life.

take my word for whore is an open market. There is money to be made bro. Just lower your standards and all the world can be yours......but, only when you get to the point that you are actually willing to gnaw the bunions off of 85 year old ladies feet and do it with a smile. The money is good.

u gonna be my pimp then?

skanktricil's photo
Sat 11/28/09 06:36 PM
Fear it's unfortunate that you've had some not so pleasant experiences...

That being said, I agree with Kristi and the others that usually a person has to be doing something and admit to being wrong to understand why they were pulled over or questioned.. In some cases it can be that a person is in the wrong place at the wrong time, that maybe something one doesn't know is going on like there is a call out and they're being very careful b/c it's a dangerous person so they are being a bit over zealous.. All in all they have a very dangerous job.. And while some do let it go to their heads, I think the majority are in it to protect and serve b/c they sure aren't getting rich doing it... It's like our military, without them how safe would we really be? They deserve respect and gratitude for what they do... As for the azzhole one's, well there are azzholes in all walks of life and the majority aren't cops... They're usually the one's in jail and for good reason but that's another thread... bigsmile

and so i think you have spawned a new thread then.

Sorry funny how some want to put the blame on others for their right to bare arms be taking away from them. When they actually had those rights taken away due to their own actions.

I've got nothing but respect for those that choose to be Police Officers. The laws are there sure there will be a few bad ones in the bunch a few times no different then any other profession.

All I can say if one actually follows the law themselves then they should not end up on the wrong side of the law.

Sure I've had tickets ect no one can be blamed but me for them I was in the wrong. But many times I have talked my way out of a ticket as well.

Police Officers are not perfect at times they come up against a situation that they have to make a split minute judgment on the actions they take at times I'm sure the choices could have been different. But then unless one is there at that very moment then how does one know it was not the right one for the moment?

with respect to ur post, yes txsgal, u have cause for apologizing. apology accepted.

ur right police officers aren't perfect, but u shouldn't apologize for them. they are sorry all on their own. sorry sorry sorry worthless excuses for human beings with either underdeveloped or a total lack of morality. they do what they do because someone else told them to do it. not because it's the right thing, not because of their sense of right and wrong. they are dependent on someone else to tell them what's right and wrong.

the sorry cops i've had the misfortune of dealing with have for the most part been abusive types who have let their authority swell their heads. in one instance i was pulled over for riding a bike without a headlite on at nitetime. the guy turns me around has me interlace my fingers and cranks my arms upwards as he searches me, then considers asking me my permission if it's ok to search me. i tell him no it isn't he continues with his search anyway. then he calls in my license to his department to check for warrants and whatnot, this happened in california, i live in texas... the only things that came back were my texas warrants the california system was down for some reason that particular nite so he couldn't pull up any info on me. he's among the more pleasant types i meet whenever i'm accosted by the police. such a cheery fellow, and then he wanted to make small talk about the marine corps and why i was wearing a hat with the marine corps logo. askin me questions about the marines n all that. i told him i am a marine. he asks me where i was stationed etc. and seemed to know something or another about my duty station and then i guess he thought he would try to "test" me like to see if i was telling the truth about the unit i said i was attached to, like i have reason to lie about something like that. and then he wanted to talk to me like we were buddies or something. no police is my friend. especially not that guy.

skanktricil's photo
Sat 11/28/09 06:16 PM

like i said, i'm hereflowerforyou

ok, sure i'd like to chat. you wanna IM me thru this site or mebbe yahoo IM or AIM?

skanktricil's photo
Sat 11/28/09 06:00 PM
i don't know needing to chat so much as i need a job

i hate my life.

skanktricil's photo
Sat 11/28/09 05:35 PM

i drew a penalty... i am lame. i suck. i'm a loser. :(

skanktricil's photo
Sat 11/28/09 04:44 PM

i LOVE pepsi cola! buuuuuut, there's no denying sweet tea is the best.

skanktricil's photo
Sat 11/28/09 04:33 PM
Edited by skanktricil on Sat 11/28/09 05:30 PM

I want them skinny, crack addicted, money stealer and just will ruin my life.laugh

deleted by poster due to "wadding" and bad form


skanktricil's photo
Fri 11/27/09 03:08 PM
yeah, same way in nature there are two headed turtles and albino alligators n whatnot... it's rare but it happens, and it's usually a mistake... and most definitely a mistake on the part of the person who is actually a decent person and decides to put on a police uniform. but yeah, i avoid police as much as possible. like i said, i don't really have anything nice to say about them. they dress alike, they act alike. can't tell 'em apart from one another.

so best bet is to just avoid them whenever possible. no need to make friends with them.

skanktricil's photo
Fri 11/27/09 02:47 PM

skanktricil's photo
Fri 11/27/09 02:45 PM

If lifes a fantasy, i gotta start imagining harder.

imagine ur sailing a sea of cheese

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