JustFriendlyFlirts's photo
Mon 12/19/16 06:21 AM
Things in our reality can be explained, we just say they are unexplainable because most of humanity has forgotten. We are simply souls experiencing human life, with life lessons and destinies, in other words "paths". I'm sure most of you reading this is religious, I respect that. However, I am someone you call an Omnist (someone that doesn't claim any practice, nor belief system but finds truth in them all.) Your religion is one reason why your suppressed into this guiltiness that keeps you from discovering your true selves, our true selves. We are Humanoid Sapien Sapiens, mulnipulated by the overlord ENNKI (Lucifer). Our 12 strand DNA was cut down to 2 strand DNA because the overlords didn't want us to be our true potential they wanted us to be their slaves. Ennki has the Extraterrestrial race called Reptilian/Draconians to suppress us here with darkness because Lucifer said we will evovle faster, but ENNLIL (Archangel Michael , NeNertha) disagreed with him ! I see many people are also curious about life after death. Honestly, death actually doesnt exist it's only an human belief because we think the body is associated with our soul when in fact the body only dies but our consciousness can and does exist without our body. We just need our body to experience human life. Recently scientist "discovered" a new theory saying. Death didn't exist, after we die we simply awaken in another parallel universe as if the previous life was a dream. In addition to a good spiritual friend of mine name is Jeron. His discoveries about death was once we die we have to collect our "oversoul" in the void in order to return all to The Source (Prime Creator, Divine, All That Is, Collective consciousness of all that is together as one). I can say I agree with them both because in all reality they go hand and hand, let me explain MY theory. I do believe in infinite parallel universes, first we have to look at how they are created and the answer to that is with every uncertain decision we make, for example you ask the person your interested in on a date, and they arent sure rather to say yes or no, they created two different parallel universes , one saying yes and one saying no. Imagine how many different versions we create from birth to senior age! Just say if your consciousness is aware in the yes universe and lets say you "die", according to scientist you then shift into the No universe. But what happens when you die in both? There is my reason to and Jerons high intuitive findings as my answer. When we experience these universes , we have also collected parts of ourselves that was scattered into the universe and return to prime creator. I hope you go discover things on your own and not depend totally on my research alone. What I have shared with you is through years of research on my own through different sources and experiences. The purpose isn't to discredit anyone nor their religion or beliefs. Love and Light.

JustFriendlyFlirts's photo
Mon 12/19/16 04:10 AM
They have already been here for thousands of years back and fourth. More specifically Greys, reptilian, draconians, pleiadians. Etc. Ask under the teachings of Mardik and Ennki