Community > Posts By > Starhawk69

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Sat 05/06/17 08:53 AM
When I was in love, I became a better man than before I was in love. My love for my late wife, and the love she gave back, matured me in way I have never even thought of. Today I cherish who I am because of her. :blush:

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Fri 05/05/17 06:56 AM

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Fri 05/05/17 06:39 AM
I have done the bungee jumping, it was great, I would do it again.

I also have been cliff diving, and hang gliding, and loved it,

My next goal is to Sky dive, wanted to do that on my 50the birthday, oh well, still on my bucket list, cheers :blush:

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Fri 05/05/17 06:09 AM

If I have to admit, then the weirdest thing about me is I like peanut butter on my burgers, hotdogs, and egg cheese sandwich with mayo and ketchup, :blush:

My friend keeps telling me about trying peanut butter on my burger. She loves it.

It certainly adds that extra flavour, I have been doing this for ages, :blush:

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Thu 05/04/17 10:07 PM
If I have to admit, then the weirdest thing about me is I like peanut butter on my burgers, hotdogs, and egg cheese sandwich with mayo and ketchup, :blush:

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Thu 05/04/17 05:15 PM
Both is the desirable answer, but if I have to choose, brains, ( intelligence), is my first choice. :blush:

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Sun 04/30/17 10:44 PM

another question would be if girls initiate contact would guys think less of them?

Sceptical, in my past, if a woman make the first move, I probably would have had more possible relationships.

I can relate to the courage it takes being shy and all,.

I sometimes think, this woman is to beautiful to be interested in Me, or she already has suitors that would be more interesting than me.

Follow your heart, Scepticalsoulmate, u will be surprised by the outcome, or walk away knowing u tried :blush:

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Sun 04/30/17 09:50 AM
Someone has to make the first move eventually, or lose out on finding that one true love.

I have lost out on alot of possible relationships because I was to shy to approach my attended lady. I often wonder what would have happened if only I stepped up to the plate.

So now I focus on just being myself and if I am attracted to someone I approach with a smile and say hi, if she shows interest then let's see what happens after. No harm, no foul.

I also would like to add that this is 2017, and its time the ladies also take the initiative and make the first move. Why do us men have to do all the work. Lol. :sunglasses:

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Sat 04/29/17 11:22 AM

I wish I knew an actual gardener. Plants seem to dislike me so much, the minute they finally pop up out of the ground, they decide life isn't worth it after all.

Just try pull up a chair, talk to them, give them a bath, give them a make over if u find them looking frail, trim the undesirable features,. Remember, plants want tender loving care, just like us humans, cheers :blush:

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Sat 04/29/17 09:07 AM

Let us be grateful to people who make us happy, they are the charming gardeners who make our days greater.

As a Gardner for 16yrs, I thank you for your comment. :thumbsup: I believe that at least in my little corner of the world, I maintain a sense of beauty in a concrete jungle.

As for friends, yes they do give us a path to finding happiness. Furthermore, the act of just being friendly in itself goes a long way, even to strangers,.

So have a HAPPY day, cheers :sunglasses:

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Sat 04/29/17 08:48 AM
I would and I have, it all depends on the circumstances. If there has been an ongoing attraction and even flirtatous dialogue before the first date, and mutual agreement and respect, then why not. Sex is not an evil act. :blush:

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Sat 04/29/17 07:13 AM
Happy birthday Pisces, :birthday::balloon::rose::blush:

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Thu 04/27/17 03:48 PM
You have raised a very interesting topic, one that I have struggled with in my past..... First, all religion is man made, and therefore flawed.... It really does not matter which religion, there is hypocrisy, dictatorship, and incomplete or misleading doctrine.

As far as us humble humans, of course we r flawed and imperfect and yes, therefore we r equal in that sense... One thing I have tried to achieve is to understand my flaws and work on changing them....a life long process in this change.... However, by talking about my flaws is a way to own them and not let it hinder my ability to have a good life.... Furthermore if I am unaware of these flaws, life still moves forward, and if I have someone to point out my flaws, it will be easier to work on them.

We were all born with sin and imperfections, so I don't sweat the small stuff. Cheers :blush:

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Tue 04/25/17 04:12 PM
There is a difference between being childish, and childlike.

Childish is one acting selfish, tantrums, pouts, and just plain immature.

Now childlike is more my field of expertise, I am very goofy at times, I can see things through a child's eyes and look at things in an innocent light, I love playing tricks, jokes, and my humor is very much like a child.

So in one sense, I am a boy in a man's body, and I believe we should all strive to have some childlike qualities. :sunglasses:

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Tue 04/25/17 03:44 PM
Keeping my coffee hot and wet makes it very delicious :sunglasses:

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Mon 04/24/17 06:33 AM
I really don't mind just doing the email texting here. I may be slow at typing, I'm a 1 finger pecker, lol,. I find that once I feel more comfortable with the person I am chatting with it may be possible to go off site, but I will not phone anyone unless I am actually going to meet in person. I also will not contact someone if it's going to cost me money.

So to sum up, everyone is different in what they want, but if I want the real deal, texting is a great way to play it safe until I feel comfortable with who I am taking to, cheers :sunglasses:

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Sun 04/23/17 08:09 AM
With all that is happening in the world right now, North Korea, Iraq, Syria, etc..... Peace should be in all our prayers :sunglasses:

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Sun 04/23/17 07:38 AM
All I hero say is, " tell your boobs to stop staring me in the eyes, " :sunglasses:

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Sun 04/23/17 07:35 AM

A t shirt I got from my late wife, " tell your boobs to stop staring me in the eyes." :sunglasses:

That would go well in the 'tall men and big boob thread!

U r right, forgot about that,,,, rushing now to post :sunglasses:

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Sun 04/23/17 07:24 AM
A t shirt I got from my late wife, " tell your boobs to stop staring me in the eyes." :sunglasses: