Community > Posts By > bluenit64

bluenit64's photo
Sun 09/05/10 05:52 PM
Grieving over neglected flowers, seeds we plant to get us threw the hours, trying to understand plans we have no chance to or ability to comprehend, our fields burn ablaze how we count our endless numbered days. being seen threw closed eyes even though somehow we've noticed and expected non the less. we fight as each candle burns out the mess it brings fear without, so we press on drifting through oceans forever more never seeing the obvious gold that lyes upon the abraisive shores, that of wich we are...

bluenit64's photo
Wed 09/01/10 09:08 AM
Edited by bluenit64 on Wed 09/01/10 09:10 AM
my friend the best things in life are the hardest to get, it takes blood sweat and tears to do it right but once you do, you get a huge feeling of accomplishment knowing that you did it yourself putting in a honest days work, for example my father and I built a huge deck together in the summer of 2007 at the time I was living with him and he had just got out of back surgery, we decided we wanted a deck so we laid down the foundation built the frame and finished all of it within a month just me and him. during that time the heat index was a record high but we didn't take any shortcuts and it eventually added another 10 grand to the value of the house, and when we had a family party there was no loose boards or splits we ended building a 10 thousand dollar deck for 4 grand. it was sized at 24-20 and almost indistructable. if we would have taken shortcuts the deck that we put all the work into could have turned into a eyesore rather then a wonderful addiction to the house that it turned out to be.

bluenit64's photo
Wed 09/01/10 08:16 AM

lol honestley man, I feel cheaters never prosper and usually do so for the rush of being caught and I feel bad for them, I really do, because one day they are going to wake up shriveled up in some quiet hospital room alone regretting never being with the one that got away. so naieve? maybe alittle, realistic yes.

bluenit64's photo
Wed 09/01/10 08:11 AM
heres what I look for in a woman,

Sharing of Hobbies,
Respect and Understanding,
Not Overcontrolling,
A Sense of humor,
Compassion for people and herself,

bluenit64's photo
Wed 09/01/10 07:52 AM
Thank you yellow :)

also about your other post I think a cheater is a confused person who doesn't really know what they want, I myself have never cheated but I've been cheated on and it burns like when you play with fire as a kid. I think honestley cheaters see it as keeping thier options open which in my mind is absurd I feel like we were put on this earth to love and be loved. without that, life itself loses its meaning.

bluenit64's photo
Wed 09/01/10 07:36 AM
I completeley agree with you, I feel like if somone wants to be upfront about it and say look I'm not looking for anything serious they should say so but if they say they are looking for a commited relationship yet cheat 2-3 months into it, it doesn't make sense it just makes the other member feel like they waisted thier time.

bluenit64's photo
Thu 08/26/10 07:49 AM
Lets not forget justice league unlimited, courage the cowardley dog, darkwing duck, beast wars, and last but not least the streetfighter animated series.

bluenit64's photo
Tue 08/17/10 05:20 PM

bluenit64's photo
Tue 08/17/10 05:18 PM
lol I remember when I was working in the fast food industry, I didn't want to spend money at the resturant I was at so I would go to the store get me some cheese and quaso dip and just have at it. Pass the hotsauce!

bluenit64's photo
Tue 08/17/10 05:12 PM



bluenit64's photo
Wed 08/11/10 08:47 PM
Hi Tammy!

bluenit64's photo
Wed 08/11/10 08:40 AM

bluenit64's photo
Wed 08/11/10 08:33 AM
Thank you KLC,

also I love your icon I looked for that picture for awhile I couldn't find it but I did find one of dogs in old 1930's clothing playing pool.

bluenit64's photo
Tue 08/10/10 08:26 PM
Thank you :)

bluenit64's photo
Tue 08/10/10 08:24 PM
Hey folks I was wondering if perhaps I could get alittle feedback on my profile and was wondering if there was anything that you think I should take out or add. I look forward to hearing from you.

bluenit64's photo
Tue 08/10/10 08:11 PM
while thinking about how to answer this question I origionally thought my father but then I thought well we all have to live without our parents eventually... so I guess what I can't live without is hope, its what drives our society and gives us the strength to get out of bed in the morning and fill our lungs with air as we stay our course in life or make a new course in the process.

bluenit64's photo
Tue 08/10/10 08:04 PM
I don't like it when somone is selfish all the time

I don't like it when people complain without taking action to fix thing that they are complaining about.

I don't like it when somone steals from somone that is close to them.

but most of all I don't like it if anyone cheats or lies.

granted we've all complained and been selfish from time to time as well as told a lie every now and then but when its on a continual basis, these are my peeves.

bluenit64's photo
Mon 08/02/10 11:33 AM
Sure they do I've played with acouple of them myself MMO's have alot of them btw to the lady who said she played spore earlier.. that game was awesome up till it went into space. My personal favorite level was the stage after cell, I felt it was amazing either enteracting with the other factions or uniting with your allies to attack the factions that were your enemies.


bluenit64's photo
Mon 08/02/10 11:27 AM
woot nevermind found it online at


bluenit64's photo
Mon 08/02/10 11:21 AM
sweet man I'll definatley give it a shot, do you think I could get the channel down in louisville?


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