Community > Posts By > Terri720

Terri720's photo
Fri 08/13/10 08:56 PM
Why is it that most of the men I find on dating sites are looking for just a friend with benefits? Is that what this world is turning into?

Terri720's photo
Fri 08/13/10 07:26 PM
I'm knew here... just joined today, popping in to say Hi

Terri720's photo
Fri 08/13/10 07:22 PM
tushes where????blushing

Terri720's photo
Fri 08/13/10 07:21 PM
smooched smooched

Terri720's photo
Fri 08/13/10 07:18 PM

Will show up at your work with a surprise picnic.

Thats a sweet one.

Terri720's photo
Fri 08/13/10 07:04 PM
are we really talking about anything?

Terri720's photo
Fri 08/13/10 07:02 PM
why not

Terri720's photo
Fri 08/13/10 07:01 PM

Terri720's photo
Fri 08/13/10 06:58 PM
uh huh

Terri720's photo
Fri 08/13/10 06:57 PM

Terri720's photo
Fri 08/13/10 04:39 PM

If gay people can't go to heaven, neither can any of you who've had premarital sex, who've had a divorce, anyone who's eaten pork or any other hoofed animal.

Women who haven't had any children will also go to hell. If you have tattoos or piercings god hates you "for defiling what he gave to you." You can't plant mixed seeds in a field or wear mixed wool. SIN SIN SIN

Oh, and jerking off... "It is better to spill your seed in the belly of a whore than on the ground" or something like that.

Eating fat is prohibited forever.

You cannot round the corners of your beard or the hair on your temples.

Also you can be punished for your parents sins. If you're a bastard, you're f***ed.

If you are disabled in any way your presence will profane his sanctuary.

Ever worked on a Sunday? Anyone working on the Sabbath is to be killed. (Ex 35:2) So long NFL. (also, the player should be killed for touching the ball (a dead pig))

I hope none of you have ever touched anything a menstruating woman has touched because it's unclean. (careful on public transportation and at your jobs!!) You're not necessarily damned if you do this, a priest can kill two pigeons to cure the uncleanliness. No sex during the period. The couple should be cut off from their people.

Ever worked on a Sunday? Anyone working on the Sabbath is to be killed. (Ex 35:2) So long NFL. (also, the player should be killed for touching the ball (a dead pig))

This is from old testament and is why it says they are to be killed, people were judged on earth for their sins. There was no judge, no Jesus in the form we know of him.

But nevertheless we are to keep the Sabath holy still. And we will be judged by our Lord Jesus when we pass away on this earth for the actions we take in our lives, working on the sabath, denying the Lord thy God, and so on. We will be judged for ALL our actions we took though our lives.

My issue with all of this is basically that EVERYONE does sin. EVERYDAY. Many don't feel guilty for any of them, yet they're so quick to judge others (mainly gays).

These days Christians follow the bible to the point that it's convenient for them. The second that a scripture doesn't fit their lifestyle, they're quick to dismiss.

I'm not a religious person. Not because I want to round my hair around my temples, but because I'm sickened by the double standards that all other religious people place.

No arguement on most of that man. Bible specifically tells us not to judge others. Matthew 7:1 - Judge not, that ye be not judged.

We shouldn't judge anyone, we should treat EVERYONE the same, weather they are homosexual, stealer, murderer, liar, or any other. WE ALL sins and fall short in the glory of God, no need to point fingers cause there are 3 fingers pointing right back at you.

And with the last part of your post, this is very true all the time. These days you can go and have a great time getting horribly drunk with your preacher, and the next day on Sunday/sabbath the preacher will be up there preaching to repent from sinful actions or you'll go to hell and so on and son on.

BUT!!! does not make it any more right, they will have to face this in judgement when their time has come.

Cowboy as Christians we think alike most of the time but this is not one of them.Jesus was talking about judgment with out facts or going off of assumptions of what you think a person is just by looking at them.I honestly don't know why Christians are afraid to stand up and tell people when they are doing wrong.If someone admits that they are a thief,murderer,or homosexual then by their own admission they are.We are not to associate with these people if they have no intentions to change and we should not be bringing them into the church if all they have is bad intentions for us.Christianity is all about change for the better.So why on earth would you be hanging out with people who are not interested in changing for the better and who God and Jesus specifically told us to stay away from.

You ever wonder why Jesus choose John the baptist to baptize him?You couldn't have met a more fire and ice bible preacher than John the baptist.He knew what kind of people he was dealing with because he saw how they were acting.He shouted to the queen telling her she was a adulterers and how she had to repent.Was he wrong?Was this judgment? es it was judgment and it was rightfully so as he knew the truth and the facts.

Do you think it was right for all those Catholic bishops who knew there was homosexual priests abusing young boys in their church but said nothing because they would be judging them?

The church and the bible is for everyone.But people who are not interested in the church and work to destroy it should be avoided.Because they are doing Satan's will not Gods.Murders,thieves,homosexuals,prostitutes,etc are no friends of mine.The only reason I will have anything to do with them if they are coming to me asking me for biblical knowledge or if they are coming to church to lead a new life.I will pray for them as Jesus told us to but if I am going to hang out with people it is going to be Christian people as the bible told us to.

"Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgment." (John 7:24)

Yes, very true. And you will be judged on the same level as you judged others.

Do you think it was right for all those Catholic bishops who knew there was homosexual priests abusing young boys in their church but said nothing because they would be judging them?

That's not judging someone. Judging someone would be like telling someone they aren't going to go heaven because they did such and such. And yes i think it was right. Because those priests will have to answere up for what they did when they pass away on this earth. It is not our place to judge anyone. They will have their rightful judgement.

The Catholic priests in question are not homosexual, they are pedophiles, because they went after both boys and girls.

Terri720's photo
Fri 08/13/10 04:04 PM

I've decided to write a book about my brothers...I've got 5 and they're all so messed laugh It'd be a great book.

Plus, my family would stop talking to me if I did that, and then stop nagging me...Win win I'd say.

I have 5 brothers myself, so I can totally relate! Would make for a great book laugh

Terri720's photo
Fri 08/13/10 04:03 PM
your banging your head against the wall, silly :wink:

Terri720's photo
Fri 08/13/10 03:52 PM


your making my head hurt.

Terri720's photo
Fri 08/13/10 03:50 PM
Edited by Terri720 on Fri 08/13/10 03:50 PM

Meat Bag Factory!

Now Extra Phallic!

Now for the Five Shot model!

Naw, just kidding, these are the workers peeling the freshly made gloves from their hands!

LOL thanks for the laugh

Terri720's photo
Fri 08/13/10 03:38 PM
Trailerhood - Toby Keith

Terri720's photo
Fri 08/13/10 03:37 PM
I had been 80% deaf in both ears, but had surgery in 1 and now can hear 90% out of that ear!biggrin

Terri720's photo
Fri 08/13/10 03:30 PM
welcome! :smile:

Terri720's photo
Fri 08/13/10 12:43 PM
Nope don't have one

Terri720's photo
Fri 08/13/10 12:31 PM
LOL give me time.... been too busy reading the forums.... so much to do... so little time!