Community > Posts By > oldkid46

oldkid46's photo
Fri 08/23/19 07:14 PM

Why do ladies don't like to chat first, they prefer men to talk to them first.

When it comes to dating and all that goes along with it, many are still stuck in the past with antiquated notions.
That is, it's the man's job to make the first move, it's the man's job to plan the date, it's the man's job to pay for everything, etc.
I have seen similar discussions numerous times on various online dating site forums.
With the same opinions over and over.

I'm a man and glad to be, all the things you just mentioned are things that I
do automatically. I believe that chivalry is not dead and practice it unless she tells me to do otherwise. Very few women ever tell me that! What they do say is they really miss being treated that way or no one has ever treated them like this, they've only heard about it. There's nothing wrong with being "old fashioned" if you want to call it that.

And cat we or speaking for myself, yes we do want to do the pursuit. I think thsat's a primasl thing also.
These behaviors and women's equality are not compatible!! With equality comes responsibility and an expectation they will take their turn to do all the things you mention. It is not solely a man's responsibility today.

oldkid46's photo
Fri 08/23/19 06:54 PM
Assuming 2 people had a mutually enjoyable intimate encounter, which follow up makes the most sense?
Dump them and start over trying to find a new intimate encounter partner
try an become friends so you can have more intimate encounters with that person in the future.

oldkid46's photo
Fri 08/23/19 08:42 AM

Has a serious philanderer with a very shallow interest in women other than to **** them on a no strings attached basis I'm constantly astonsihed how stupidly guulable women are, particularly those women will failed marriages who have some misguided hope that will find love with a complete stranger on a free dating site. Free dating sites see are simply an opportunity for men to shag desperate women seeking adoration. I've unashamendly met and dated women and had sex with the conveyor belt of stupid women from sites like this.... The sad truth is men will want to **** without the baggage and there's plenty of opportunity .

Yeah BUT you don't need to be a lying disrespectful little s*it to date and have sex with multiple women!
It's guys like you that make women think that ALL men can't be trusted like you, you're an embarrassment to our gender!
You'll learn about KARMA someday boy.

pitchfork Grrrrrrrr devil
Unfortunately, many decent, honest men come in last in line. The lesson learned from that is not a positive message. All you have to do is read the forums and you receive that message!!

oldkid46's photo
Thu 08/22/19 07:29 PM

Has a serious philanderer with a very shallow interest in women other than to **** them on a no strings attached basis I'm constantly astonsihed how stupidly guulable women are, particularly those women will failed marriages who have some misguided hope that will find love with a complete stranger on a free dating site. Free dating sites see are simply an opportunity for men to shag desperate women seeking adoration. I've unashamendly met and dated women and had sex with the conveyor belt of stupid women from sites like this.... The sad truth is men will want to **** without the baggage and there's plenty of opportunity .

Your post certainly explains why you’re still single.

Perhaps he enjoys being single, wishes to keep his life that way, and enjoys sex with multiple women?

oldkid46's photo
Mon 08/19/19 05:47 PM
No! Those differences may represent issues each of us can live with and then we could say we are equal. Those differences could also represent issues and behaviors we consider unacceptable and therefor you are not equal in our eyes. Many differences most people can accept and can accept you as an equal; there are some differences most people cannot accept and consider you inferior to them.

oldkid46's photo
Sat 08/17/19 07:26 PM
Yes, I frequently complain about not being able to meet someone for a social companion. That is very much different than looking for a connection or relationship. Not all of us have that goal. When I specify certain criteria for a partner/relationship that is again different than a social companion. If you only are willing to get acquainted with or spend time with someone you view as relationship material, you are probably going to be a lonely, middle aged woman. There are not a lot of quality people out there if that is what you are looking for. Again your choice in life.

oldkid46's photo
Sat 08/17/19 02:03 PM
It depends very much on the area. It is mostly about $$. Bands are expensive and even a DJ runs $300-400. You have to have a good crowd and sell a lot of drinks to cover the cost. Some places you can still hire a couple musicians for a reasonable price; they usually supplement the pay with tips. Tourist area usually have more entertainment because that is what people want and are willing to spend more. Unfortunately, people are no longer willing to pay a cover charge for their music and entertainment. They are use to getting their music and entertainment online for free.

oldkid46's photo
Sat 08/17/19 10:54 AM

IF there are middle aged women who are lonely, then they must have some serious problems. I don't think many older men expect them to be young woman thin or a special beauty. Men do expect a certain level of sanity, take pride in your appearance, and have a basis for the opinions you have. It is also necessary that you be out in society where others can meet you and be receptive when someone tries to start that initial conversation with you. So often it is just like on Mingle, your initial message or greeting is ignored.

"IF there are middle aged women who are lonely, then they must have some serious problems. "


What could someone say about a 72 year old man who is alone/ lonely???
You're saying HE doesn't have "serious problems"?
(since you chosde to go there)

It's sad you think women who are on dating sites because they are single must have some "serious problems"..
Maybe that view you have of women is part of your problem, buddy...

You left out my response. I guess that would take away from the message you are trying to create.

oldkid46's photo
Fri 08/16/19 08:43 AM

I'm a technical person, always have been. Never have been any kind of sales person and find almost all of them are hot air. I don't think a sales person has ever sold me anything that I didn't already know I was buying. I understand a sales person is supposed to appeal to your emotional side not your logic side. That is like most advertisements and sales oriented websites, full of nice feelings but very little fact. Ask a sales person a technical question about the product they are trying to sell and they probably won't know the answer.

If I have to jump through hoops to appeal to the emotional side of some woman, obviously she isn't for me.

Right, a weak one. During my sales years I knew everything possible about my product and relied on facts and proof to sell so your generalization doesn't apply to me but I have known too many salespeople that it does so I get your point but you're missing mine. You often post here that you have trouble with the initial meeting of someone new. In the situations you describe you have about 15 seconds to tell that person what you want and if don't get it right in those first seconds it's very hard to make up for it as time continues to pass. In your case when the distance decreases between you and the person you want to strike up a conversation with, by the time you're within speaking distance you need to know what you're going to say and how you're going to say it. Look pleasant, don't get too close and say what you're going to.
Works for me and has for over 40 years....
I appreciate your advise and I'm well aware of what you are saying. I typically will see a couple people a month that I have some interest in. Probably 1 in 5 will turn into a short conversation and 1 in 20 into a longer conversation. Very seldom does it turn into anything beyond that.

oldkid46's photo
Thu 08/15/19 07:22 PM

IF there are middle aged women who are lonely, then they must have some serious problems. I don't think many older men expect them to be young woman thin or a special beauty. Men do expect a certain level of sanity, take pride in your appearance, and have a basis for the opinions you have. It is also necessary that you be out in society where others can meet you and be receptive when someone tries to start that initial conversation with you. So often it is just like on Mingle, your initial message or greeting is ignored.

"IF there are middle aged women who are lonely, then they must have some serious problems. "


What could someone say about a 72 year old man who is alone/ lonely???
You're saying HE doesn't have "serious problems"?
(since you chosde to go there)

It's sad you think women who are on dating sites because they are single must have some "serious problems"..
Maybe that view you have of women is part of your problem, buddy...

Please do not put words in my mouth!!! I did not say I was lonely. I did not say single woman on dating sites have "serious problems". What I did say is that middle aged women who cannot find a companion either are not putting out effort or have some "serious problems". I'm sorry some people have such a difficult time with the written language.

oldkid46's photo
Thu 08/15/19 03:59 PM
I'm a technical person, always have been. Never have been any kind of sales person and find almost all of them are hot air. I don't think a sales person has ever sold me anything that I didn't already know I was buying. I understand a sales person is supposed to appeal to your emotional side not your logic side. That is like most advertisements and sales oriented websites, full of nice feelings but very little fact. Ask a sales person a technical question about the product they are trying to sell and they probably won't know the answer.

If I have to jump through hoops to appeal to the emotional side of some woman, obviously she isn't for me.

oldkid46's photo
Thu 08/15/19 02:44 PM

So to set the ball rolling I believe the three golden rules are:
1 Be yourself.
2 Be honest.
3 Be truthful.

Congrats on your noble attempt overall.

However, to be more specific, the three "golden" rules for MEN are:

1) Be 6 feet tall.

2) Be a male model, or look like one.

3) Own and drive a $1.4 million Ferrari LaFerrari (only 500 manufactured)

I suspect that men who fit this category seldom, if ever, lack for female companionship.

Or would have much of a problem on a dating site, either.

Well YOUR logic women need to be thin, young, and pretty, and don't ever question a guy/ have an opinion...
If this were not true, then countless middle-aged women wouldn't still be lonely.

IF there are middle aged women who are lonely, then they must have some serious problems. I don't think many older men expect them to be young woman thin or a special beauty. Men do expect a certain level of sanity, take pride in your appearance, and have a basis for the opinions you have. It is also necessary that you be out in society where others can meet you and be receptive when someone tries to start that initial conversation with you. So often it is just like on Mingle, your initial message or greeting is ignored.

oldkid46's photo
Thu 08/15/19 10:11 AM

Unfortunately there is no socially acceptable way to meet women.

Actually, there is. I meet women all of the time.
I'm all eyes to see where this may happen. Doesn't seem to happen much in my life. On rare occasions at a convenience or grocery store and they are often very young or very old.

oldkid46's photo
Wed 08/14/19 07:11 AM

Sure there is, just talk at the store, at the gas pumps, at the coffee shop and anywhere.
Just chat and at some point things will click with someone.
This is just my opinion oldkid but I think you may be overthinking the whole thing......
Sounds so simple. Are you saying you can just start a conversation with someone in the grocery store you have never seen before? I wouldn't expect the culture to be that different between Nebraska and Minnesota although you do live in a much larger community.

oldkid46's photo
Tue 08/13/19 07:57 PM
Unfortunately there is no socially acceptable way to meet women, therefore we are destined to play these silly games until we die or give up.

oldkid46's photo
Mon 08/12/19 08:51 PM
That's fine ladies. You have your bad days and cry in your beer. I'll enjoy my day and simply ignore you as I enjoy life.

oldkid46's photo
Mon 08/12/19 08:05 PM

@celtic and bluegrass: we are all entitled to be alone when we want to be. Put in your ear buds, open a book, start a game on your phone as you wish. Go sit over there away from the crowd, I'm sure most won't even notice your existence and those that do will ignore you.

So be it better time spent with a good book or music than listening to some old fart whining about how women ignore him or that feels so entitled that people have to talk to him rather than enjoy their meal, drink or game in peace. I actually feel sad for you
Don't bother, I'm just fine with who I am.

oldkid46's photo
Mon 08/12/19 07:10 PM

This topic maybe dead already but I just wanted to add my two cents in.

Nowadays we have lots of Hate and Fear Mongering in the news and other media. People start believing in the lies and half truths after awhile. Paranoia is a thing with people. It's best to pleasantly disengage from the conversation and leave them be.

I've noticed a few people get bent out of bent shape when I treated them with common courtesy. Yes, the first couple of times it happened got me angry. Then I decided I'm not going to act any different to appease someone who has a psychosis here they believe I'm up to no good because I'm being pleasant in a social situation.

We can only be who we are unless you choose to be a poser. In that case you've failed yourself.

There is no value in letting it really upset you! It is not your problem but theirs. When I encounter that situation, if there is another area available I will move. Spent too many years with those kind of people to tolerate it anymore - they are not my problem!!

oldkid46's photo
Mon 08/12/19 08:52 AM
@ Blondie: I did look at your video and while there were many instances of harassment, there were also a number of reasonable greetings that were ignored although that video was not of a social setting.

To add some insight: I tend to be a friendly, sociable person.

I am probably very poor at reading body language or social cues. Never was much good at it and many differences between generations and genders.

Their single/married status is irrelevant in most social settings.

I expect people, both men and women, to be socially receptive to appropriate greetings from others. If I say "good morning" to you, I expect a similar response. If we are setting side by side at a sports bar and a game is on, I may make a comment to you about a play that just happened - I expect a response from you. Yes, I do expect some level of social chatter from you in a public social setting. Why would you be in a public social setting if you are unwilling to engage in some level of interaction with others? Just too many rude people in today's world that never learned any manners!! They should just stay home and let the rest of us enjoy life.

When in public areas, your personal space is controlled by the environment around you that you chose to be in. If you are in a place with lots of people, your personal space is going to get very small while if you are in a park with only a few people around, it can be large. If you are uncomfortable with the amount of personal space you have, change the environment you are in.

oldkid46's photo
Sat 08/10/19 09:33 AM
I guess it really comes down to if sex is important to you or not and if it is, what is your availability of a willing sexual partner.

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