Community > Posts By > oldkid46

oldkid46's photo
Thu 07/21/22 08:42 AM
Mingle is good for some humor and a few interesting topics in the forums. It is useless as a dating site!!

oldkid46's photo
Mon 07/18/22 03:50 PM
Rocker here, especially metal and hair bands!

oldkid46's photo
Sat 07/09/22 08:19 PM
It's called "being on a river" such as the Mississippi.

oldkid46's photo
Tue 07/05/22 10:44 AM
If you are looking for a long term, serious relationship, you probably want a narrower age range. This should be expanded as we get older when health issues effect their lifestyle. If you are looking for a casual friendship/relationship, then the age range is less important as each may provide what the other is looking for at the moment.

oldkid46's photo
Sat 07/02/22 08:09 AM
There is a section in the forums dedicated to each state, you might want to visit or post in the one for Iowa.

oldkid46's photo
Thu 06/30/22 03:59 PM
Marriage was created centuries ago in an attempt by the church to force men to support their offspring and their mother.

oldkid46's photo
Tue 06/28/22 08:15 PM
I just did a search on here for ladies 50-70 within 25 miles. I got 5 returns but only 1 has been on here in the last month. When I open up the age group to include 30 and above, I find many more ladies on Mingle. I doubt most 30 and 40 yer olds have much of an honest interest in someone twice their age! Geographic area and population have a lot to do with who is out there.

oldkid46's photo
Sun 06/26/22 09:36 AM
Statistically, men die before women as we all age. That means there are more women than men as we get into older age groups. Where do all these older women disappear to as you don't find them on dating sites and you don't generally find them out socializing?? Do they just stay at home and let the world pass them by? Are they just anti-social as they age?

oldkid46's photo
Sun 06/12/22 07:59 AM
Thousands of protesters are gathering across the US to call for stricter gun laws in the wake of last month's mass shooting in Texas.

Gun safety group March For Our Lives - founded by survivors of the 2018 Parkland school shooting - said some 450 rallies were planned for Saturday.

It said it would not let politicians "sit back" as people continue to die.

US President Joe Biden backed the protests, calling on Congress to "pass common sense gun safety legislation".

Nineteen children and two adults were killed in the 24 May shooting at Robb Elementary in Uvalde, Texas.

That attack, and another days earlier in Buffalo, New York, in which 10 people were killed, has led to renewed calls for action on gun control in the US.

Girls at March For Our Lives demonstration in Washington

March For Our Lives (MFOL) said political leaders' inaction was killing Americans.

"We will no longer allow you to sit back while people continue to die," Trevon Bosley, a MFOL board member, said in a statement.

Speaking to protesters in Washington DC, one of the survivors of the Parkland shooting, David Hogg, said the killings of children in Uvalde "should fill us with rage and demands for change, not endless debate, but demands for change, now."

Garnell Whitfield, whose 86-year-old mother was killed in the racially-motivated shooting in Buffalo, New York on 14 May, told crowds in Washington: "We are here to demand justice.

"We are here to stand with those who are bold enough to demand sensible gun legislation."

Among other policies, MFOL has called for an assault weapons ban, universal background checks for those trying to purchase guns and a national licensing system, which would register gun owners.

Rallies are being held in cities including Washington, New York, Los Angeles and Chicago.

Your "sensible" gun rules are not sensible and should be discarded. When will the anti-guns be willing to engage in actual discussions with the opposing viewpoint?

oldkid46's photo
Sun 06/05/22 09:55 AM
Hi Bill, I too am in a similar situation. I guess my COPD isn't yet as bad as yours although I continue to have heart issues. Work closely with your medical providers and actively participate in your care. There are some drugs that can significantly improve your quality of life. I expect another 10-15 years living as best I can. It is far from hopeless!!! I also live alone and expect to spend the rest of my life alone other than friends and children.

oldkid46's photo
Mon 05/30/22 10:48 AM
Does anyone know of a dating site where honest women actually are interested in dating?

oldkid46's photo
Sat 05/28/22 07:48 AM
This is what we need to improve the senior life!!

oldkid46's photo
Fri 05/20/22 06:37 PM
In my experience, there are very few over 50 women available either on dating sites or in local social settings. They either aren't interested in meeting anyone or are not sociable.

oldkid46's photo
Thu 05/12/22 09:19 AM
There seems to be a significant misunderstanding of SCOTUS and abortion! SCOTUS is not deciding if abortions should be legal or not but if the US constitution protects the right to have an abortion or if government has the right to pass regulations about abortions. As I understand, the original basis for Roe was based on the concept of privacy guaranteed by the constitution making the choice of getting an abortion a decision between the woman and her doctor without government interference.

The real question comes down to that personal privacy vs government's right to invade your privacy and when or for what purpose by which level of government. We currently allow even local units of government to invade our privacy in certain ways supposedly under the guise of "for the public good".

When does the constitutional protections of privacy override the government's "for the public good"?

oldkid46's photo
Sun 04/24/22 06:08 PM
Now if it ever becomes tolerable outside (there WILL be a few decent days yet before fall) it would be nice to find a new friend or 2, especially female, to share those few days with. I'm starting to see a few outdoor concerts, outdoor dinners, and some theater; even a Twins game where they win!!

oldkid46's photo
Sun 04/17/22 06:48 PM
I'm fine with it as long as she can afford her lifestyle and not living on a shoestring!

oldkid46's photo
Wed 04/13/22 07:18 PM
Hopefully winter is about over, maybe this is the last spell of it. Hate to think I came back north way too early in the spring. Mostly hibernate for Easter weekend and then maybe we can find some life outdoors.

oldkid46's photo
Sat 04/02/22 05:24 PM
While it seems that some of you had creative, artistic youthful experiences, mine were significantly different. It was based much more on the skills necessary to become a self-sufficient person. That doesn't mean not being creative or artistic but the difference between visualizing something and the ability to create that something. Some of the first experiences where with the Tinker toys and erector sets. I remember building a simple robot to collect my Valentines cards in grade school. Simply several boxes fastened together along with legs and covered in decorative paper. It had several Christmas light bulbs powered by a battery but didn't do anything else. Today there are very few everyday projects that I don't know how to do. I think my step-son got his first real set of tools around 10 or 12. While he isn't a mechanic, he still has his set of tools and uses them regularly. We can never have too many skills and we never know when the situation will require us to make use of those skills. Continue to learn for your entire life for it is impossible to know everything. A desire to learn is the greatest gift you can pass on to your children!!

oldkid46's photo
Sun 03/27/22 08:20 AM
Maybe Biden spoke what he truly believes about any leader of any country he sees as non-democratic! Given enough time, he will start more of a war than we are already in!!!

oldkid46's photo
Tue 03/15/22 04:00 PM
For some, especially when younger, having sex is the most important thing in their life. While this may wain as they age, it probably will never go away. For some, there can be no relationship that doesn't include an adequate sex life.

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