Community > Posts By > oldkid46

oldkid46's photo
Mon 05/11/20 04:55 PM
It's not what women and men want, you have to choose among what is available if you want anything. When you want a steak sandwich at a hog dog stand, you get a tube steak or nothing!!

oldkid46's photo
Mon 05/11/20 04:52 PM
Forgive the older ladies, they think all men should be formally dressed to be out in public!

oldkid46's photo
Mon 05/11/20 11:14 AM
self confident

oldkid46's photo
Sun 05/10/20 08:02 AM

I'm working on a cloth one just to meet the requirements when I don't think a face covering is necessary. When the risk is more significant, I wear an N95 or when really concerned, a half face respirator with cartridges and filters like I would when painting or spraying chemicals. I'm rather concerned with protecting myself as I am at significant risk of a really bad outcome from the virus!
are you reusing the n95 mask ?? Do you know how to test fit it and safely remove it oldkid ?

I watched a video ....using vacuum filters to make a mask ... possibly it would trap particles more effectively than cloth .. nothing to back that up but will see what I can find .

Are you somewhere high risk ???
Yes, I reuse the N95 and am very familiar with how to put one on and take it off. There really is no way to check for a perfect seal, you can get a good idea by a forceful exhale and making sure it is not leaking around the seal. With a half face you can do a negative pressure check by covering the cartridges with your palm and inhaling. CDC reuse guidance on the N95s discusses how to sanitize the mask.

Some of the home made cloth designs provide for a pocket to put a filter between the fabric layers and some have the nose wire to fit better. It is my understanding that such a designed mask that fits decently is around 50% effective at protecting you and nearly 100% effective in protecting others around you. I recently watched some tests with forceful exhale and a good cloth face mask showing most of the moisture from the breath was either captured or exited from the seal area and only traveled a short distance. If I recall correctly, the 6' social distance was cut down to 18-24".

Thanks for your concern and Yes, I'm in a low risk location. I'll probably stay here until I see the infection rate where I need to go significantly reduced. FYI my career was in nuclear power often times working in a contaminated area. You learn a lot about protecting yourself. Radioactive contamination isn't that much different than viral contamination.

oldkid46's photo
Sat 05/09/20 08:36 PM
Edited by oldkid46 on Sat 05/09/20 08:39 PM
I'm working on a cloth one just to meet the requirements when I don't think a face covering is necessary. When the risk is more significant, I wear an N95 or when really concerned, a half face respirator with cartridges and filters like I would when painting or spraying chemicals. I'm rather concerned with protecting myself as I am at significant risk of a really bad outcome from the virus!

oldkid46's photo
Fri 05/08/20 03:03 PM

My naive reply is to always be honest. If the other person is not willing then you have to move on. I agree that many men won't be up for this, even though they may lie and say it's OK. On the other hand as long as you are honest and say it is not an exclusive relationship, then it is up to the men to decide what they want.

When dating, honesty always leads to the least stress and heartache.

Now, in marriage....

Just kidding

Why oh why don't I live in Missouri? :smile:

I know that's a joke, but don't even think about moving to Missouri.
I wish I hadn't, and won't be staying. Now that I'm single, this is not the right place for me.
Southern MO and northern AR can be beautiful areas but that all depends on what your desired lifestyle is. It certainly isn't a big city urban lifestyle but much more outdoors yet has some good entertainment. I've visited here for many years and find it suits me fine. Good Luck with finding your place in life for it is too short to waste.

oldkid46's photo
Fri 05/08/20 08:52 AM
It very much depends on what a man is looking for too. You will find those who have the same idea as you where they are more interested in social dating than a relationship. You will also find those with the opposite outlook and they will be angry that you wasted their time when you are not serious. It is best to be honest before more than 1 or 2 dates. Hopefully most people are clear on their profile where they hope something will go.

oldkid46's photo
Wed 05/06/20 08:45 PM

I am watching a rerun that was showing in April... but I just learned ...
the all about if it wasn't for me the country would have never shut down the airlines when it did ... OMG right... we where the last to close them...
not the first ... does make me sad to think... those workers in the meat factory's and Tyson had to have that safety net for them selves ... so no one could sue ... I thought I heard the Meat factory's where owned by china ... maybe that is why it is a order to get back to work ... don't care about those that have already died and are still ill ... loose their jobs... no unemployment ... know cleaning of these places ...know gear to keep the meat safe let alone the workers ... heard the other day someone wanted to get into a store ... guess they made masks essential for shopping in the store which personally they should be able to give out masks for people to shop in their stores ... but I think to much frustrated let me get to the point they would not let the person in ... they left and 2 men came back and shot the person at the door ... for not letting the lady in before which was a family member ... of course they where arrested charge with attempted murder and for a illegal fire arm ... guess you have to be a elite to get away with walking down the street and shoot someone ...
I don't know but this came to mind ...Bad Hat Harry sad2
there has to be a better test ... for people ... not what we have now ... when so many can even get that ... I still call covid disease ... a silent killer :>(
noway slaphead

oldkid46's photo
Wed 05/06/20 04:22 PM
It is my understanding that there are several vaccines undergoing phase 1 testing. I think the plan is to go to phase 2 testing in June or July. There are also plans to start mass production even before the testing is complete.

The virus has mutated. The strain that initially invaded the US west coast was the same strain as from China. The strain that invaded the US east coast was different and came via Europe. It is easier to transmit.

oldkid46's photo
Mon 05/04/20 04:41 PM
Here in the states most main stream media and state governments have failed us. They have failed to educate the populace about this virus, how to control the spread, and how to protect themselves. They have made proclamations in an attempt to slow the spread without educating the why. Now after 6+ weeks we are seeing more protests and blatant refusal to follow their mandates. We are even seeing more violence because of trying to enforce some level of social distancing. A security officer at a store was shot and killed for refusing to let some woman and her kid in the store without face coverings in Detroit. It is starting to look like a total failure in parts of the country and our only recourse is self protection from the virus. Maybe when the virus deaths get up over 500,000 here, people will start to wake up!!! HOW I HATE STUPID PEOPLE!!!!

oldkid46's photo
Mon 05/04/20 04:27 PM

Today no big changes from what I can see. We have 445 new cases, Belgium and Germany still improving too.
No change in the USA at all, and oddly enough the UK has 2 days on end with very high numbers again.

The figures for UK now include deaths in the community, such as in care homes. Before, the figure was coronavirus deaths in hospitals only. That’s probably why it looks like there’s been a surge when in actuality, the figures are on a downward trend.

They started to do that here too a few weeks back. But I'm not looking at death numbers but new cases. I assume the numbers from homes have always been included?

No, the numbers from care homes were never included until very recently.

I was curious about that, and I don't mean to argue, but it says that now the death numbers of care homes are included, not the number of new cases?
What is see is that the death rate shot up on April 28th so I guess that's due to that new rule concerning death numbers. But I'm not really looking at death rate. I'm more interested in the amount of new cases because that says whether the virus has run its course or not.

My mistake Crystal, I was answering about deaths when in fact you were questioning new cases slaphead

I think we see an increase of new cases because more people are now being tested. The government had a target of 100,000 to reach by the end of April which they in fact exceeded by testing over 122,000. This may be why there is a sudden surge in new cases this past week.

The best way to look at more testing and cases is to look at the positivity rate of tests. That will give you an actual indication of containing the virus. If you are successful and the increase in testing results in some more infections but a decrease in the positivity rate, you are making good progress.

oldkid46's photo
Mon 05/04/20 06:34 AM

I would normally agree. But with world leaders, it is a different ballgame. Their position REQUIRES a certain personality, or demeanor, to 'represent' the American people when Networking with leaders around the world. It is as important as the professional demeanor in any other job.

What is especially important is demeanor while in the public eye and carrying out their duties in their position. That, to me, is significant.

I also care about character, in so much as the integrity one shows in carrying out their duties. Most of the time, when someone is caught in a lie on their resume, the hiring officials quickly pass them over. When someone has a resume that shows a lack of competence or experience for the duties, or when they come into an interview behaving in certain manners, they are passed over for more 'professional' candidates.

A past trend of fraud and/or incompetence, or an unprofessional demeanor are significant personal flaws that I consider when considering the office of POTUS.

Now, if one goes home and kicks their dog and cheats on their spouse, that is irrelevant to the job. But in any job, demeanor ON the job does absolutely matter. And POTUS has no set work schedule. But certainly, any time they are representing US interests, or addressing US citizens, they are 'on the job', where their demeanor should matter as much as any one else when they go to their job.

"A past trend of fraud and/or incompetence, or an unprofessional demeanor are significant personal flaws that I consider when considering the office of POTUS." With that statement you are describing most people who have ran for POTUS in the last 30 years not to mention a sizable quantity of Congress!

I disagree. I have not seen the trend of fraud, incompetence, or unprofessional demeanor in my fifty years on this Earth in the White House. Even with those I did not agree with, they were professional in their demeanor and not completely incompetent in the position.
Therein lies the difference between government and private enterprise. The many failures we have seen within the government would result in job loss or demotion had they been in private industry. How many do you think in the CDC or FDA will face disciplinary action for the corona virus testing failures? How many where terminated over the botched roll out of the ACA website? I bet the answer is 0!!!

ACA website was contracted to 'private' entities. People are people, political or civilian, and some mistakes will be made because none are perfect. Yet, perfect is the other EXTREME from total incompetence. And I would not want someone in any position that admits to just talking out the side of their neck when they do not know something, and then proceeds to constantly claim they know everything.

It was put out on bids based on the specifications HHS created; probably the lowest bidder was hired. After that, a team from HHS had the responsibility of oversight. If I remember correctly, HHS kept making changes to the requirements throughout the development process.

oldkid46's photo
Mon 05/04/20 06:30 AM

In America, he sucks in his leadership of the country.


To the Democrats maybe but Biden is Way worse in leadership of anything!

Biden can listen, that is a first step, being that no person truly knows everything about everything. Biden can disagree without it being personal, which is another big step forward in my book. Biden has not had six bankruptcies in his 'impressive' career following his daddy's footsteps and growing daddy's business with daddyy's name. To me, he is far more of a leader than Trump who seems more like a senile spoiled child used to having those around him kiss his but because of the dollar signs.

If you think he is a great leader, what leadership accomplishments has he had outside the political arena? I have heard of none. I want a leader that has the desire and strength to tackle the mess of the federal government. Biden and Obama had 8 years and I saw no significant accomplishments on the performance of government in that time. There are a number of better leaders than Trump but they are also smart enough to avoid politics so far. Joining the political circus will only result in hatred toward them and a destruction of their legacy. Unfortunately politics is not about leadership but being a highly partisan A-hole!!

the POTUS is in the political arena. The question is like asking why I think a doctor should be over a medical department if he has not done anything outside the medical field.

As for your Doctor example, if all a medical professional knows is medicine he/she is not qualified to be in a position of high management. Same goes for POTUS if all he/she knows is politics.

Why is it not a qualification? It is a high qualification, to me, to manage that which you have experience doing, not that a POTUS is the same as a manager, since the government nor the states are business entities.

There is a huge difference between doing a task you know how to do and managing other people doing something. If you know how to do something well, you are qualified to teach others how to do the task and to judge their ability to perform that task. You are not qualified to provide motivation for them or solve the many other obstacles that may be hindering their performance. It is like saying I have a total recall of American History, therefore I am qualified to be a teacher when I don't know anything about teaching. Most politicians know very little about managing an organization the size of the federal government; most even fail at managing a state or local government! Give me an accomplished manager over a politician any day! I believe the democratic party had only 1 POTUS candidate who had an accomplished management background.

SO, where do teachers come from when they START teaching? The analogy is misplaced because history teacher would be within the 'educational' industry, not the 'history' industry. The analogy escapes me. Again POTUS Is not the manager of the government or the people. The government is a structure WITHIN which a POTUS Must do their OWN PART. They do not manage the other politicians. THey do not manage the citizens.

For this reason, knowledge of their 'constitutional duties' within that framework, (in this case, no framework existed beyond the limits of his daddy's or his own pockets for him to learn how to do that) not the private framework, is important. And experience within that framework is the best way to gain that knowledge.That should not be 'starting' knowledge, IMHO.

The lower political offices is where experience should be acquired before EVER reaching the WHITE HOUSE.

IF POTUS is not the top management person in the federal government, who is? Why then would the administration appoint leadership over each department of the government? This is exactly where the problem is in government - a lack of leadership with authority to resolve the bloated bureaucracy!!

oldkid46's photo
Sun 05/03/20 08:08 PM
We can always picnic and drink beer just everyone keeping 6' apart!

oldkid46's photo
Sun 05/03/20 10:29 AM

In America, he sucks in his leadership of the country.


To the Democrats maybe but Biden is Way worse in leadership of anything!

Biden can listen, that is a first step, being that no person truly knows everything about everything. Biden can disagree without it being personal, which is another big step forward in my book. Biden has not had six bankruptcies in his 'impressive' career following his daddy's footsteps and growing daddy's business with daddyy's name. To me, he is far more of a leader than Trump who seems more like a senile spoiled child used to having those around him kiss his but because of the dollar signs.

If you think he is a great leader, what leadership accomplishments has he had outside the political arena? I have heard of none. I want a leader that has the desire and strength to tackle the mess of the federal government. Biden and Obama had 8 years and I saw no significant accomplishments on the performance of government in that time. There are a number of better leaders than Trump but they are also smart enough to avoid politics so far. Joining the political circus will only result in hatred toward them and a destruction of their legacy. Unfortunately politics is not about leadership but being a highly partisan A-hole!!

the POTUS is in the political arena. The question is like asking why I think a doctor should be over a medical department if he has not done anything outside the medical field.

As for your Doctor example, if all a medical professional knows is medicine he/she is not qualified to be in a position of high management. Same goes for POTUS if all he/she knows is politics.

Why is it not a qualification? It is a high qualification, to me, to manage that which you have experience doing, not that a POTUS is the same as a manager, since the government nor the states are business entities.

There is a huge difference between doing a task you know how to do and managing other people doing something. If you know how to do something well, you are qualified to teach others how to do the task and to judge their ability to perform that task. You are not qualified to provide motivation for them or solve the many other obstacles that may be hindering their performance. It is like saying I have a total recall of American History, therefore I am qualified to be a teacher when I don't know anything about teaching. Most politicians know very little about managing an organization the size of the federal government; most even fail at managing a state or local government! Give me an accomplished manager over a politician any day! I believe the democratic party had only 1 POTUS candidate who had an accomplished management background.

oldkid46's photo
Sun 05/03/20 09:52 AM

In America, he sucks in his leadership of the country.


To the Democrats maybe but Biden is Way worse in leadership of anything!

Biden can listen, that is a first step, being that no person truly knows everything about everything. Biden can disagree without it being personal, which is another big step forward in my book. Biden has not had six bankruptcies in his 'impressive' career following his daddy's footsteps and growing daddy's business with daddyy's name. To me, he is far more of a leader than Trump who seems more like a senile spoiled child used to having those around him kiss his but because of the dollar signs.

If you think he is a great leader, what leadership accomplishments has he had outside the political arena? I have heard of none. I want a leader that has the desire and strength to tackle the mess of the federal government. Biden and Obama had 8 years and I saw no significant accomplishments on the performance of government in that time. There are a number of better leaders than Trump but they are also smart enough to avoid politics so far. Joining the political circus will only result in hatred toward them and a destruction of their legacy. Unfortunately politics is not about leadership but being a highly partisan A-hole!!

the POTUS is in the political arena. The question is like asking why I think a doctor should be over a medical department if he has not done anything outside the medical field.

As for your Doctor example, if all a medical professional knows is medicine he/she is not qualified to be in a position of high management. Same goes for POTUS if all he/she knows is politics.

oldkid46's photo
Sun 05/03/20 07:14 AM

In America, he sucks in his leadership of the country.


To the Democrats maybe but Biden is Way worse in leadership of anything!

Biden can listen, that is a first step, being that no person truly knows everything about everything. Biden can disagree without it being personal, which is another big step forward in my book. Biden has not had six bankruptcies in his 'impressive' career following his daddy's footsteps and growing daddy's business with daddyy's name. To me, he is far more of a leader than Trump who seems more like a senile spoiled child used to having those around him kiss his but because of the dollar signs.

If you think he is a great leader, what leadership accomplishments has he had outside the political arena? I have heard of none. I want a leader that has the desire and strength to tackle the mess of the federal government. Biden and Obama had 8 years and I saw no significant accomplishments on the performance of government in that time. There are a number of better leaders than Trump but they are also smart enough to avoid politics so far. Joining the political circus will only result in hatred toward them and a destruction of their legacy. Unfortunately politics is not about leadership but being a highly partisan A-hole!!

oldkid46's photo
Sun 05/03/20 06:57 AM

I would normally agree. But with world leaders, it is a different ballgame. Their position REQUIRES a certain personality, or demeanor, to 'represent' the American people when Networking with leaders around the world. It is as important as the professional demeanor in any other job.

What is especially important is demeanor while in the public eye and carrying out their duties in their position. That, to me, is significant.

I also care about character, in so much as the integrity one shows in carrying out their duties. Most of the time, when someone is caught in a lie on their resume, the hiring officials quickly pass them over. When someone has a resume that shows a lack of competence or experience for the duties, or when they come into an interview behaving in certain manners, they are passed over for more 'professional' candidates.

A past trend of fraud and/or incompetence, or an unprofessional demeanor are significant personal flaws that I consider when considering the office of POTUS.

Now, if one goes home and kicks their dog and cheats on their spouse, that is irrelevant to the job. But in any job, demeanor ON the job does absolutely matter. And POTUS has no set work schedule. But certainly, any time they are representing US interests, or addressing US citizens, they are 'on the job', where their demeanor should matter as much as any one else when they go to their job.

"A past trend of fraud and/or incompetence, or an unprofessional demeanor are significant personal flaws that I consider when considering the office of POTUS." With that statement you are describing most people who have ran for POTUS in the last 30 years not to mention a sizable quantity of Congress!

I disagree. I have not seen the trend of fraud, incompetence, or unprofessional demeanor in my fifty years on this Earth in the White House. Even with those I did not agree with, they were professional in their demeanor and not completely incompetent in the position.
Therein lies the difference between government and private enterprise. The many failures we have seen within the government would result in job loss or demotion had they been in private industry. How many do you think in the CDC or FDA will face disciplinary action for the corona virus testing failures? How many where terminated over the botched roll out of the ACA website? I bet the answer is 0!!!

oldkid46's photo
Sat 05/02/20 04:55 PM

I would normally agree. But with world leaders, it is a different ballgame. Their position REQUIRES a certain personality, or demeanor, to 'represent' the American people when Networking with leaders around the world. It is as important as the professional demeanor in any other job.

What is especially important is demeanor while in the public eye and carrying out their duties in their position. That, to me, is significant.

I also care about character, in so much as the integrity one shows in carrying out their duties. Most of the time, when someone is caught in a lie on their resume, the hiring officials quickly pass them over. When someone has a resume that shows a lack of competence or experience for the duties, or when they come into an interview behaving in certain manners, they are passed over for more 'professional' candidates.

A past trend of fraud and/or incompetence, or an unprofessional demeanor are significant personal flaws that I consider when considering the office of POTUS.

Now, if one goes home and kicks their dog and cheats on their spouse, that is irrelevant to the job. But in any job, demeanor ON the job does absolutely matter. And POTUS has no set work schedule. But certainly, any time they are representing US interests, or addressing US citizens, they are 'on the job', where their demeanor should matter as much as any one else when they go to their job.

"A past trend of fraud and/or incompetence, or an unprofessional demeanor are significant personal flaws that I consider when considering the office of POTUS." With that statement you are describing most people who have ran for POTUS in the last 30 years not to mention a sizable quantity of Congress!

so you're justifying it and condoning it?
do you also support it, or should we endeavor to be better?

also, could you elucidate us with actual names and whatever transgressions you're referring to?
I'm not justifying it or condoning it only pointing it out. IF we ever want government to do better, we must do better as the electorate to choose competent decision makers. I won't accuse any of fraud as that determination is usually based on a difference of beliefs or priorities. I will say the incompetence is rampant and revolves around the inability to reform or correct the multitude of failures within the federal bureaucracy. It seems that every administration has had failures by the federal workforce. Congress does not help and none of them have really dealt with the problem. I can look back and think of the "weapons of mass destruction", several botched military rescue missions, Hurricane Katrina, ACA roll out, and now the Covid testing. I'm sure there are many more I'm just not thinking of at the moment. There appears to be no job performance standards or evaluations along with a lax career management team more interested in protecting their turf than doing the taxpayer's work! Until Congress changes the working rules and management structure, changing administrations and appointed political appointees will not fix the underlying bureaucratic rot!!

oldkid46's photo
Sat 05/02/20 08:04 AM
When the outbreak started, most state governments imposed stay at home or lock down orders. While this may have been necessary to immediately get social distancing started, after a period of time, people are going to get fed up with it. For governments, it was the easy way out and most have not figured out how to change from that initial order to actual rules to maintain social distancing while allowing life to somewhat return. That is now the challenge as people are fed up with the mandates and are starting to disregard those mandates. A few states never imposed that level of control but did shut down a number of businesses and social gatherings. They have used that time to develop rules to allow resumption of business and activities while still requiring social distancing and improved hygiene.

Here in Arkansas, beauty shops, barbershops, gyms, and such will be allowed to reopen next Wednesday with a whole new set of restrictions. In restaurant dining reopens on May 11th again with a whole new set of restrictions. Eventually many of those restrictions will be lifted but some may become permanent. Many of those new restrictions will make for a healthier public in the long run despite causing additional inconvenience and additional costs.

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