Community > Posts By > oldkid46

oldkid46's photo
Tue 04/14/20 05:36 PM
It is somewhat different. Even though I am a Minnesota resident, I winter in Arkansas and am still here. Arkansas is one of the few states that does not have a shelter in place or stay at home order from the Governor. Basically we can come and go as we choose. Don't take this to mean there are no restrictions. Groups are limited to 10 people and businesses that people would congregate at such as bars, restaurants, and health clubs are closed. Places of short term lodging are restricted to essential personnel such as doctors and nurses. State parks and campgrounds are day use only and the national parks are closed. Even if we are a tourism state, tourists are currently NOT WELCOME! There are other restrictions designed to limit spreading the virus but we can still mostly go on living and a number of places of employment are still working. Common sense seems to prevail!!

oldkid46's photo
Tue 04/14/20 08:56 AM

Its the Media that pushes the gloom and doom.

The media report the statistics.
Ignoring the statistics doesn't make them go away.

Sure, Mankind as a whole will eventually be healed of COVID-19, but such healing has not happened yet.
IF the media only reported the statistics without opining the doom and gloom, many people would be less fearful.

oldkid46's photo
Tue 04/14/20 06:07 AM
When I trusted the other person would accept whatever I shared without any consequences. The other situation would be where I would be totally anonymous.

oldkid46's photo
Sun 04/12/20 05:11 PM
There will be major changes in the US!! We can give guidance to people but we do not force them to follow that guidance. In time, the virus will kill people or they will learn how to deal with it. Self reliance and common sense will come back to those who survive, those who can not will perish. We have put social distancing in effect across the country, yet we read news stories of people with total disregard for the idea - the virus will educate them!. We will learn how to adjust our lives until science comes to our rescue and even when there is a vaccine, people are still going to have a more conservative stance on close socializing.

oldkid46's photo
Sat 04/11/20 09:43 AM

I was quite surprised to see that the US has much less new cases today? How is that possible when you were later than us to have it exploding and chitloads of affected people?

Over here it seems Germany is starting to do better, Belgium and the UK are still getting many new cases, UK peaked tremendously yesterday!
Over here also still a stable approx 1300 new cases a day.
Some are thinking that April 28 we get to live normally again, as this was the next date they'd set to re-evaluate. I'm thinking they're nuts. That ain't gonna happen, way to soon. We should be lucky to see a slowing down by then. WAY too soon to turn things back to normal, even a few things.
I think it won't be until July before we can think about that. And even that is wait and see.

Apparently supermarket were busier, so much so that you couldn't keep the required distance. Here it's okay, but in cities apparently not.
We did have more people yesterday, I wonder if they can and will stop the tourists.
I was told the police were stopping and sending back Germans and they refused to go?!
They're SO effing selfish and rude.
A couple things on this: Walmart has established a maximum occupancy in their stores, 5 people per 1000 square feet. Shopping carts are disinfected prior to each use. The state I'm in has stopped all short term rentals (hotels, motels, campgrounds and such) to discourage visitors. They have also closed most attractions. Significantly discourages out of state visitors!! Bars are closed and food is take out only. It all equals nothing to do, no place to stay, and eating in your car or along the roadside!

oldkid46's photo
Fri 04/10/20 06:12 PM

let's face it !
we expecting for someone who runs his mouth and bash or argue with Trump , but based in my experience , I'll preferred some that is smart and don't run his mouth as Trump does .
I think the key is ignore whatever Trump says or do and show to the voters a real leadership and offer what we waiting for all this 4 years a REAL PRESIDENT .
We have been waiting for a real President much longer than 4 years. The elder Bush was decent but probably the last great President was Regan, the greatest before him was probably JFK who we lost to an assassination. There is no great Presidential material running in 2020 or in the wings for future years.

oldkid46's photo
Fri 04/10/20 05:04 PM
For POTUS, I would much prefer someone else. While both have some capabilities and both are intelligent, both are also deeply flawed but in different ways. Neither will bring to the US government what it so desperately needs which is a major realignment and removal of around 50% of the bureaucratic incompetents. We have been through numerous administrations and our government is still incapable of actually functioning. The idea of replacing the entire management level team every few years and expecting departments to operate efficiently is ridiculous!!

oldkid46's photo
Thu 04/09/20 10:33 AM
Summer will come and we all will find ways to enjoy it even if not to the extent or ways we would consider normal. Some activities just won't happen and we will have to find other ways to enjoy.

oldkid46's photo
Thu 04/09/20 10:26 AM
The only 100% safe area from the virus is outside in an area where no person who has been exposed to the virus has ever been. Anyplace where others have been in the last 6-9 months is suspect. In reality, there are ways to enjoy the better weather and be outside without much risk of catching the virus. Be someplace where others have not been in recent days such as your back yard or on a lake. Do all the protective things to get there and back safely. Be suspicious of anything that someone else may have touched in the last few days. If you need to get or use something that someone else may have touched, spray it or wipe it with disinfectant. The studies I have seen indicate that the lifespan of the virus outside of an infected person varies with the material the virus is on. Some are as short as a couple hours and some are several weeks. We can enjoy life to some extent and still be safe but you have to understand what you need to do to protect yourself and others around you.

oldkid46's photo
Thu 04/09/20 06:38 AM
I think that even after we have gotten past this corona virus pandemic, some level of social distancing will continue. Perhaps not the 6' idea but still more spacing than in the past. That will help reduce the transmission of the common cold and seasonal flu along with the Covid-19 making all of us have a healthier life.

oldkid46's photo
Sun 04/05/20 07:07 AM


China claim they have made a vaccine and a very small clinical trial is underway . That said ., it is just the beginning .. the vaccine needs to be tested on large clinical trials which represents all age groups /demographIcs . They also needs to study the immune response short and long term . They cannot just unleash a vaccine which is not approved and safety /efficacy validated .

Approved vaccines will likely still be a year plus away .... they can however test the vaccine experimentally . China are in a good position to fast track a vaccine . They have considerable experience with SARS and other corona viruses .
The link above lists some of the other countries working on a vaccine ready or close to ready for testing .

Still a waiting game waving

At least actual science is being used to fight the coronavirus.
There is already too much quackery being promoted as a cure.

Idiots are burning down 5G towers in Birmingham and elsewhere because of the ridiculous idea that " they are causing/spreading coronavirus ".slaphead
Sorry, but you can't fix stupid!!

oldkid46's photo
Sat 04/04/20 08:09 AM
I have been having difficulty finding the new case trends easily, seems like it is getting harder to locate. I do see in the states where some areas are starting to level off while others are rapidly increasing. The social distancing only is as good as the weak links (people)! Trying to protect ourselves is the best we can do, can't fix stupid people!!

oldkid46's photo
Thu 04/02/20 11:22 AM

A human being touching their own face is a spontaneous habit often done without realizing it. Its extremely difficult for anyone to change a natural habit.

If you think you have it mastered, put some ink or grease on your hands and fingers and wait a bit while watching TV, then go look in a mirror.
And that is why it is important to clean your hands after you have touched something in public. Use a foot or arm to push open that door when you can. When you wash your hands in a public restroom, use the paper towel to open the door. Gloves are only useful if you don't touch your face with them and then remove them properly. Trying to keep your hands clean however you can will help!

oldkid46's photo
Thu 04/02/20 07:19 AM

Personally I think there is no telling where you contract the virus because you could have it and not know it till you exhibit symptoms or get tested.

This means even if you don't feel sick you might be spreading it.
Plus there is the whole surface contamination.
Someone contaminated but not sick touches a door knob and later you touch the same door knob.

Perhaps I'm wrong. Perhaps there is a way to trace transmission but to do that ya gotta be paying attention to fine details and have access to video or traffic details.

If someone is sick on a plane, and transmits the virus by surface exposure only the people on the plane could be infected.
But, if someone sick touches a door handle at a store, you have to track down each person who might have touched that same handle.
If you are in a city and someone sick touches a post on a sidewalk, there's no telling who might have touched that post over the duration of time the virus remains infective.

With AIDS, for example, there are only so many ways you can contract the disease. AIDS is a blood-borne pathogen, you don't get it by surface exposure.

This spreads more like the common cold than AIDS.

Shelter-in-place has multiple levels of prevention.
It not only helps prevent person to person direct infection it prevents surface infection by limiting the number of people coming in contact with infected surfaces.
It also limits the number of infected people from infecting common surfaces.

Hopefully I understand this correctly, perhaps a chime in from someone in the know (blondey111?) can clarify.
I think you mostly have it correct. The social distance (6 foot) mostly will stop the actual transmission between 2 people. The common surface transmission is a method but not as often. With the surface transmission you both need to pick up the virus on your hands or other ways and transmit it to your mouth, nose or eyes. If the virus is not transmitted to your eyes, nose or mouth, you will not get the virus. That is why the hand washing and not touching your face are important.

oldkid46's photo
Thu 04/02/20 07:05 AM
A lot of responsibility that others put on us are caused by their failure to take the responsibility that should be theirs. It is up to each of us if we want to carry their responsibility. Your failures are NOT my responsibility!! When you are strong enough to allow others to suffer through their responsibility failures, you will no longer be emotionally stressed by the responsibility you have left. Those that remain are controlled by you and you can resolve those problems.

oldkid46's photo
Thu 04/02/20 06:50 AM
The problem isn't just finding the right tool, you have to know what the job is to begin with. Using that screwdriver to mix a cake doesn't work very well!

oldkid46's photo
Wed 04/01/20 08:10 PM

Has anyone noticed ... that you hear the stories of the areas... say in the US ...that have the Virus ... but is their anyone once they say someone has or had it ... how or when and where ...did they get it ... more like a specific person and are they contacting those that might have been around those people ... or should you try to get tested if you where near those places ...

Kinda like if someone has aids try and tell the partners of that person ... who find they have it ... just wondering if that is the case ... with this virus ... I am talking mainly about visits to public places ...
you may go to ...

For health privacy they cannot publicly identify the people tested. They also won't identify any contacts or specifically where the infected person is located, again, privacy. They do publicly identify the location by county. When the number of cases in an area is small, they do attempt contract tracing to identify people who may have been exposed. They then want those people in a 14 day quarantine starting from the contact day. When you get a higher case load, it just isn't feasible.

oldkid46's photo
Wed 04/01/20 09:16 AM
Not as bad as it was a couple weeks ago. Still shortages of eggs, bread, paper products, and some canned stuff. Plenty of fruit, veggies, meat, and seafood. It is getting better.

oldkid46's photo
Tue 03/31/20 07:08 PM
Tom, that's different than here in NW Arkansas. Went to Walmart Thursday and they had associates sanitizing carts. Not much yet for social distancing. I do understand they are making changes to their check out lanes. They also are providing PPE for check outs who want them; also considering making some of the aisles one-way. Locally here, the local grocery has had disinfectant wipes for carts for months. They have removed some of the entry displays to make more space. Today I noticed they had removed one of the checkout lanes and closed another to make more distance. Signs all over the store reminding people about the 6 foot social distancing. All the churches are closed as well as bars and restaurants. The public seems to be taking it serious here.

oldkid46's photo
Tue 03/31/20 06:56 PM
self confidence and the ability to back it up

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