Community > Posts By > oldkid46

oldkid46's photo
Wed 06/17/20 07:55 PM
Don't mix up minimum wage and living wage. They are often very different things. The other part of reality is when minimum wage increases, wages for skilled workers will also go up. Yes inflation is often the end result.

oldkid46's photo
Wed 06/17/20 05:48 PM

I agree. We also acknowledge what it costs in a region to pay for basic living expenses like rent/mortgage, gas, electric, internet, phone, food, and whether pay in that region is enough to sustain it. And we need to acknowledge which jobs are actually open in a region and how much competition there is for those jobs. That acknowledgment, I think, would follow with the acknowledgment that it is not so simple to just 'get a job', if the purpose of working is to have basic living expenses.

Unfortunately what you say is all too real. In many parts of the country there is a severe disconnect between the wage base and the cost of living. In some areas a $12-15/hr full time will provide for one person and maybe a dependent. In other areas that basic wage needs to be in the $20-25/hr to survive. It really isn't fair to the low wage worker trying the best they can. I've supported an adjustable minimum wage that is adjusted for median wage and cost of living for an area. In some areas people would be shocked by what the minimum wage needs to be!

oldkid46's photo
Wed 06/17/20 04:27 PM

It seems that the new rule for the police is never shoot anyone who isn't an immediate mortal danger to you or someone in the immediate vicinity. What the criminal did in the past or may do in the future is not relevant. Now we need legislation to protect the police from liability when they let someone who resists arrest run away.

For instance the Friday night death in Atlanta. The police could have just given him a summons for DUI and let him go. Had he stumbled into the street and gotten killed by a car, the police would be sued. Had he went home angry and beat up his wife, the police would have been sued. Had he hijacked a car and then killed someone on the road, the police would have been responsible. Why did he resist arrest when it became obvious they were going to take him in and book him? Was there an arrest warrant out for him? Was he not who he claimed to be? It seems that most black men that have been killed by police were either fighting with the officers or running away. What were they trying to hide? Normal people do not resist arrest for most crimes.
I've seen the quietest people you could meet resist arrest before. Doesn't mean they deserve to be killed, or shot though for doing so. People react differently, to things. If what you said here is what you really believe, then you really have a strange way of viewing the World. Compassion and common sense, are sorely lacking in your mindset, believe me!
Compassion is for people who befall something bad or devastating beyond their control such as natural disasters; compassion is not for people who befall hard times because of poor choices or stupidity!
Funny how I stay in the UK and the Police don't carry guns, but they can deal with people armed, or not that resist arrest, without shooting them, or killing them. Is it not just the case that a some of the Police in the States are going about with the attitude that they're above the law and can do whatever they want while on the job, to whoever they want? Seems like it to me!

I think it is a different cultural mentality. I think violence begets violence mostly. Less violence begets less violence, like a cycle. Treat people as a threat, and they start expecting to be seen as a threat, and making poor choices to defend themselves from that. I think also that the UK is much more whitewashed in many places than America, making it easy to see the bad apples as still 'one of us', than here in the US where there are more types of minorities that can be seen as 'them'.

These are just thoughts, of course. But I find many countries that have policies that would be decried as 'socialist' here do seem to have more regard for human life and caring about the community and not just the self.

America was founded on the concept of caring for oneself and being able to be self reliant. For most of it's existence it has been very rural with a very small segment of the population living in crowded cities. Europe has been the opposite of that for centuries with large concentrations of populations requiring more mutual cooperation among people. The 2 environments and expectations are very different.

Here in the US today, we have those 2 extremes: large urban areas and small rural areas. The people who live there have very different perspectives on life especially when it comes to self sufficiency. There is also much less racial conflict in small cities as there are very few minorities especially African-American. Those that are in the area tend to meld in and be part of the community. Kids all go to the same schools and have the same opportunities and teachers. When you are in the same class, have lunch together, and all support the same sports team for many years you don't recognize that many differences. There is also a much more uniform exposure to role models and people in the community. The larger the cities, the more social and racial dysfunction that exists.

I don't know if that is true. Slavery wasnt exactly 'self reliance' and 'caring for oneself' A lot of knowing how to exploit others for the benefit of oneself was involved in that founding, and is still involved in maintaining the status quo, IMHO.

I think, when push comes to shove, the difference is the skin color and being able to relate to "us vs "them".
Slavery was about someone getting free labor from someone else. It went on for decades around the world. Sometimes it was called slavery and at other times, indentured servants. Still exists in some parts of the world. I don't see the comparison of slavery with maintaining the status quo of today. Obviously there are still African Americans who consider themselves slaves and there are employers who consider themselves masters. Both are at fault and need to change their perception in our world today.

Making profits off of the work of others is the comparison. That is a bit more complex than merely 'self reliance' or 'caring for oneself'. Self reliance is great, but rarely the simple absolute that the cliche implies. People rely on people. No one lives in a bubble.

Making profits off the labor of someone else is not in any way comparable as long as they are paid the prevailing wage for their skill set. You are right that no one lives in a bubble and we all need others who possess skills we do not. In today's society that level of what we need varies considerably. No one who is physically and mentally capable should rely on others to do what they could do for themselves. This is where one of the great debates of today's society exists between different people.

It is when that wage is set by the masters and not by living standards.I agree though that people will always disagree on their subjective views about what people 'should' be able to do and what they 'could' do for themself.

The wage is always set by the "master" or employer. If it is below minimum wage, the government will intervene. If it is below what others are paying, there will be a shortage of employees. The problem will always be solved. What we can or should expect others to do will always be open to debate. We need to acknowledge that a lot of people just aren't very capable of doing lots of things. You would think that with the Utube videos, most people could do most common tasks.

oldkid46's photo
Wed 06/17/20 04:19 PM
Always a few smartazzes on here!!

oldkid46's photo
Tue 06/16/20 06:33 PM

It seems that the new rule for the police is never shoot anyone who isn't an immediate mortal danger to you or someone in the immediate vicinity. What the criminal did in the past or may do in the future is not relevant. Now we need legislation to protect the police from liability when they let someone who resists arrest run away.

For instance the Friday night death in Atlanta. The police could have just given him a summons for DUI and let him go. Had he stumbled into the street and gotten killed by a car, the police would be sued. Had he went home angry and beat up his wife, the police would have been sued. Had he hijacked a car and then killed someone on the road, the police would have been responsible. Why did he resist arrest when it became obvious they were going to take him in and book him? Was there an arrest warrant out for him? Was he not who he claimed to be? It seems that most black men that have been killed by police were either fighting with the officers or running away. What were they trying to hide? Normal people do not resist arrest for most crimes.
I've seen the quietest people you could meet resist arrest before. Doesn't mean they deserve to be killed, or shot though for doing so. People react differently, to things. If what you said here is what you really believe, then you really have a strange way of viewing the World. Compassion and common sense, are sorely lacking in your mindset, believe me!
Compassion is for people who befall something bad or devastating beyond their control such as natural disasters; compassion is not for people who befall hard times because of poor choices or stupidity!
Funny how I stay in the UK and the Police don't carry guns, but they can deal with people armed, or not that resist arrest, without shooting them, or killing them. Is it not just the case that a some of the Police in the States are going about with the attitude that they're above the law and can do whatever they want while on the job, to whoever they want? Seems like it to me!

I think it is a different cultural mentality. I think violence begets violence mostly. Less violence begets less violence, like a cycle. Treat people as a threat, and they start expecting to be seen as a threat, and making poor choices to defend themselves from that. I think also that the UK is much more whitewashed in many places than America, making it easy to see the bad apples as still 'one of us', than here in the US where there are more types of minorities that can be seen as 'them'.

These are just thoughts, of course. But I find many countries that have policies that would be decried as 'socialist' here do seem to have more regard for human life and caring about the community and not just the self.

America was founded on the concept of caring for oneself and being able to be self reliant. For most of it's existence it has been very rural with a very small segment of the population living in crowded cities. Europe has been the opposite of that for centuries with large concentrations of populations requiring more mutual cooperation among people. The 2 environments and expectations are very different.

Here in the US today, we have those 2 extremes: large urban areas and small rural areas. The people who live there have very different perspectives on life especially when it comes to self sufficiency. There is also much less racial conflict in small cities as there are very few minorities especially African-American. Those that are in the area tend to meld in and be part of the community. Kids all go to the same schools and have the same opportunities and teachers. When you are in the same class, have lunch together, and all support the same sports team for many years you don't recognize that many differences. There is also a much more uniform exposure to role models and people in the community. The larger the cities, the more social and racial dysfunction that exists.

I don't know if that is true. Slavery wasnt exactly 'self reliance' and 'caring for oneself' A lot of knowing how to exploit others for the benefit of oneself was involved in that founding, and is still involved in maintaining the status quo, IMHO.

I think, when push comes to shove, the difference is the skin color and being able to relate to "us vs "them".
Slavery was about someone getting free labor from someone else. It went on for decades around the world. Sometimes it was called slavery and at other times, indentured servants. Still exists in some parts of the world. I don't see the comparison of slavery with maintaining the status quo of today. Obviously there are still African Americans who consider themselves slaves and there are employers who consider themselves masters. Both are at fault and need to change their perception in our world today.

Making profits off of the work of others is the comparison. That is a bit more complex than merely 'self reliance' or 'caring for oneself'. Self reliance is great, but rarely the simple absolute that the cliche implies. People rely on people. No one lives in a bubble.

Making profits off the labor of someone else is not in any way comparable as long as they are paid the prevailing wage for their skill set. You are right that no one lives in a bubble and we all need others who possess skills we do not. In today's society that level of what we need varies considerably. No one who is physically and mentally capable should rely on others to do what they could do for themselves. This is where one of the great debates of today's society exists between different people.

oldkid46's photo
Tue 06/16/20 05:24 PM

It seems that the new rule for the police is never shoot anyone who isn't an immediate mortal danger to you or someone in the immediate vicinity. What the criminal did in the past or may do in the future is not relevant. Now we need legislation to protect the police from liability when they let someone who resists arrest run away.

For instance the Friday night death in Atlanta. The police could have just given him a summons for DUI and let him go. Had he stumbled into the street and gotten killed by a car, the police would be sued. Had he went home angry and beat up his wife, the police would have been sued. Had he hijacked a car and then killed someone on the road, the police would have been responsible. Why did he resist arrest when it became obvious they were going to take him in and book him? Was there an arrest warrant out for him? Was he not who he claimed to be? It seems that most black men that have been killed by police were either fighting with the officers or running away. What were they trying to hide? Normal people do not resist arrest for most crimes.
I've seen the quietest people you could meet resist arrest before. Doesn't mean they deserve to be killed, or shot though for doing so. People react differently, to things. If what you said here is what you really believe, then you really have a strange way of viewing the World. Compassion and common sense, are sorely lacking in your mindset, believe me!
Compassion is for people who befall something bad or devastating beyond their control such as natural disasters; compassion is not for people who befall hard times because of poor choices or stupidity!
Funny how I stay in the UK and the Police don't carry guns, but they can deal with people armed, or not that resist arrest, without shooting them, or killing them. Is it not just the case that a some of the Police in the States are going about with the attitude that they're above the law and can do whatever they want while on the job, to whoever they want? Seems like it to me!

I think it is a different cultural mentality. I think violence begets violence mostly. Less violence begets less violence, like a cycle. Treat people as a threat, and they start expecting to be seen as a threat, and making poor choices to defend themselves from that. I think also that the UK is much more whitewashed in many places than America, making it easy to see the bad apples as still 'one of us', than here in the US where there are more types of minorities that can be seen as 'them'.

These are just thoughts, of course. But I find many countries that have policies that would be decried as 'socialist' here do seem to have more regard for human life and caring about the community and not just the self.

America was founded on the concept of caring for oneself and being able to be self reliant. For most of it's existence it has been very rural with a very small segment of the population living in crowded cities. Europe has been the opposite of that for centuries with large concentrations of populations requiring more mutual cooperation among people. The 2 environments and expectations are very different.

Here in the US today, we have those 2 extremes: large urban areas and small rural areas. The people who live there have very different perspectives on life especially when it comes to self sufficiency. There is also much less racial conflict in small cities as there are very few minorities especially African-American. Those that are in the area tend to meld in and be part of the community. Kids all go to the same schools and have the same opportunities and teachers. When you are in the same class, have lunch together, and all support the same sports team for many years you don't recognize that many differences. There is also a much more uniform exposure to role models and people in the community. The larger the cities, the more social and racial dysfunction that exists.

I don't know if that is true. Slavery wasnt exactly 'self reliance' and 'caring for oneself' A lot of knowing how to exploit others for the benefit of oneself was involved in that founding, and is still involved in maintaining the status quo, IMHO.

I think, when push comes to shove, the difference is the skin color and being able to relate to "us vs "them".
Slavery was about someone getting free labor from someone else. It went on for decades around the world. Sometimes it was called slavery and at other times, indentured servants. Still exists in some parts of the world. I don't see the comparison of slavery with maintaining the status quo of today. Obviously there are still African Americans who consider themselves slaves and there are employers who consider themselves masters. Both are at fault and need to change their perception in our world today.

oldkid46's photo
Tue 06/16/20 04:32 PM

It seems that the new rule for the police is never shoot anyone who isn't an immediate mortal danger to you or someone in the immediate vicinity. What the criminal did in the past or may do in the future is not relevant. Now we need legislation to protect the police from liability when they let someone who resists arrest run away.

For instance the Friday night death in Atlanta. The police could have just given him a summons for DUI and let him go. Had he stumbled into the street and gotten killed by a car, the police would be sued. Had he went home angry and beat up his wife, the police would have been sued. Had he hijacked a car and then killed someone on the road, the police would have been responsible. Why did he resist arrest when it became obvious they were going to take him in and book him? Was there an arrest warrant out for him? Was he not who he claimed to be? It seems that most black men that have been killed by police were either fighting with the officers or running away. What were they trying to hide? Normal people do not resist arrest for most crimes.
I've seen the quietest people you could meet resist arrest before. Doesn't mean they deserve to be killed, or shot though for doing so. People react differently, to things. If what you said here is what you really believe, then you really have a strange way of viewing the World. Compassion and common sense, are sorely lacking in your mindset, believe me!
Compassion is for people who befall something bad or devastating beyond their control such as natural disasters; compassion is not for people who befall hard times because of poor choices or stupidity!
Funny how I stay in the UK and the Police don't carry guns, but they can deal with people armed, or not that resist arrest, without shooting them, or killing them. Is it not just the case that a some of the Police in the States are going about with the attitude that they're above the law and can do whatever they want while on the job, to whoever they want? Seems like it to me!

I think it is a different cultural mentality. I think violence begets violence mostly. Less violence begets less violence, like a cycle. Treat people as a threat, and they start expecting to be seen as a threat, and making poor choices to defend themselves from that. I think also that the UK is much more whitewashed in many places than America, making it easy to see the bad apples as still 'one of us', than here in the US where there are more types of minorities that can be seen as 'them'.

These are just thoughts, of course. But I find many countries that have policies that would be decried as 'socialist' here do seem to have more regard for human life and caring about the community and not just the self.

America was founded on the concept of caring for oneself and being able to be self reliant. For most of it's existence it has been very rural with a very small segment of the population living in crowded cities. Europe has been the opposite of that for centuries with large concentrations of populations requiring more mutual cooperation among people. The 2 environments and expectations are very different.

Here in the US today, we have those 2 extremes: large urban areas and small rural areas. The people who live there have very different perspectives on life especially when it comes to self sufficiency. There is also much less racial conflict in small cities as there are very few minorities especially African-American. Those that are in the area tend to meld in and be part of the community. Kids all go to the same schools and have the same opportunities and teachers. When you are in the same class, have lunch together, and all support the same sports team for many years you don't recognize that many differences. There is also a much more uniform exposure to role models and people in the community. The larger the cities, the more social and racial dysfunction that exists.

oldkid46's photo
Mon 06/15/20 07:52 PM

It seems that the new rule for the police is never shoot anyone who isn't an immediate mortal danger to you or someone in the immediate vicinity. What the criminal did in the past or may do in the future is not relevant. Now we need legislation to protect the police from liability when they let someone who resists arrest run away.

For instance the Friday night death in Atlanta. The police could have just given him a summons for DUI and let him go. Had he stumbled into the street and gotten killed by a car, the police would be sued. Had he went home angry and beat up his wife, the police would have been sued. Had he hijacked a car and then killed someone on the road, the police would have been responsible. Why did he resist arrest when it became obvious they were going to take him in and book him? Was there an arrest warrant out for him? Was he not who he claimed to be? It seems that most black men that have been killed by police were either fighting with the officers or running away. What were they trying to hide? Normal people do not resist arrest for most crimes.
I've seen the quietest people you could meet resist arrest before. Doesn't mean they deserve to be killed, or shot though for doing so. People react differently, to things. If what you said here is what you really believe, then you really have a strange way of viewing the World. Compassion and common sense, are sorely lacking in your mindset, believe me!

I have personally not heard of such lawsuits being waged or won either.

People, in the end, get held responsible for their own crimes. The answer is not death to avoid lawsuits that would try to argue differently, especially not one that would argue they should kill a person rather than let them run away and 'possibly' cause a car accident or commit some other crime. AS long as they make reasonable effort to DETAIN, (not kill) there is no liability.

It is not that they should kill the suspect so there won't be a lawsuit!! The issue is preventing a lawsuit or holding the police responsible if they do let someone free and someone gets injured or killed. Why do police, when they discover a DUI, arrest the person, take them in and book them in jail, and then have their vehicle impounded? In order to get them out of jail, someone has to come, show they are not intoxicated, and then sign an agreement to take responsibility for the DUI recipient. At least that is the way Minnesota operates.

In the Atlanta case, why didn't they just issue a citation and a summons; take his drivers license, take his car keys, and then let him go wherever he wanted to? Probably not what the law allows them to do.

That seems like a difference between intentionally letting someone go and perform something that is a threat to others, and losing someone who is only 'possibly' going to perform something. Big difference. I am sure the law has plenty of discretion on what a cop 'can' do.
I suspect that discretion is mostly non-existent. When I was young (yes, once upon a time long, long ago) if the cops caught you drinking when you were underage, they took your beer/booze and then called your parents. There where times when an adult had too much to drink and the cops made sure they got home safely. We have gotten away from the idea that the purpose of the police is to ensure everyone's safety and now to the only way to make the general population safe, is arrest and book into jail. Maybe the idea is how much can they collect for the city coffers!! I see no real reason to arrest and book someone who is not an imminent threat to the public; issue the citation and the summons, then let them go!! If they fail to show for their summons, then deal with them!!

oldkid46's photo
Mon 06/15/20 07:36 PM

It seems that the new rule for the police is never shoot anyone who isn't an immediate mortal danger to you or someone in the immediate vicinity. What the criminal did in the past or may do in the future is not relevant. Now we need legislation to protect the police from liability when they let someone who resists arrest run away.

For instance the Friday night death in Atlanta. The police could have just given him a summons for DUI and let him go. Had he stumbled into the street and gotten killed by a car, the police would be sued. Had he went home angry and beat up his wife, the police would have been sued. Had he hijacked a car and then killed someone on the road, the police would have been responsible. Why did he resist arrest when it became obvious they were going to take him in and book him? Was there an arrest warrant out for him? Was he not who he claimed to be? It seems that most black men that have been killed by police were either fighting with the officers or running away. What were they trying to hide? Normal people do not resist arrest for most crimes.
I've seen the quietest people you could meet resist arrest before. Doesn't mean they deserve to be killed, or shot though for doing so. People react differently, to things. If what you said here is what you really believe, then you really have a strange way of viewing the World. Compassion and common sense, are sorely lacking in your mindset, believe me!
Compassion is for people who befall something bad or devastating beyond their control such as natural disasters; compassion is not for people who befall hard times because of poor choices or stupidity!

My compassion even falls for poor choices and stupidity, when it comes to death. I have not been free from poor choices or stupid things myself. And I did not and should not expect the death penalty for it. IMHO. When it comes to poor choices and poverty, that is not a call I have the ego to make for strangers. For me, if the effort is being made, help is the human way to respond, especially if it involves children who don't get the choice.

Children are a very different situation. No child should ever be relegated to severe poverty or forced to live in a dysfunctional home. Unfortunately, society has not yet demanded the necessary changes to parental custody laws to end those atrocities!!

oldkid46's photo
Mon 06/15/20 07:26 PM
Sorry but empathy is an emotion that is a waste of time and solves no problem. To solve a problem it is necessary to clearly define the problem and then identify the underlying causes for that problem. Only then can you seek plausible solutions to those causes.

I will say I have spent more time attempting to understand the racial issues in America. I find it very difficult to find honest information devoid of people's personal agendas. There seem to be many facets of racism that are challenging to understand and impossible when facts and honest communication are impossible to find. I keep hoping that positive solutions will be found but until we get past where we are today, I do not see it as possible. I guess giving some prayers are the best we currently have!

oldkid46's photo
Mon 06/15/20 06:44 PM

It seems that the new rule for the police is never shoot anyone who isn't an immediate mortal danger to you or someone in the immediate vicinity. What the criminal did in the past or may do in the future is not relevant. Now we need legislation to protect the police from liability when they let someone who resists arrest run away.

For instance the Friday night death in Atlanta. The police could have just given him a summons for DUI and let him go. Had he stumbled into the street and gotten killed by a car, the police would be sued. Had he went home angry and beat up his wife, the police would have been sued. Had he hijacked a car and then killed someone on the road, the police would have been responsible. Why did he resist arrest when it became obvious they were going to take him in and book him? Was there an arrest warrant out for him? Was he not who he claimed to be? It seems that most black men that have been killed by police were either fighting with the officers or running away. What were they trying to hide? Normal people do not resist arrest for most crimes.
I've seen the quietest people you could meet resist arrest before. Doesn't mean they deserve to be killed, or shot though for doing so. People react differently, to things. If what you said here is what you really believe, then you really have a strange way of viewing the World. Compassion and common sense, are sorely lacking in your mindset, believe me!
Compassion is for people who befall something bad or devastating beyond their control such as natural disasters; compassion is not for people who befall hard times because of poor choices or stupidity!

oldkid46's photo
Mon 06/15/20 06:37 PM

It seems that the new rule for the police is never shoot anyone who isn't an immediate mortal danger to you or someone in the immediate vicinity. What the criminal did in the past or may do in the future is not relevant. Now we need legislation to protect the police from liability when they let someone who resists arrest run away.

For instance the Friday night death in Atlanta. The police could have just given him a summons for DUI and let him go. Had he stumbled into the street and gotten killed by a car, the police would be sued. Had he went home angry and beat up his wife, the police would have been sued. Had he hijacked a car and then killed someone on the road, the police would have been responsible. Why did he resist arrest when it became obvious they were going to take him in and book him? Was there an arrest warrant out for him? Was he not who he claimed to be? It seems that most black men that have been killed by police were either fighting with the officers or running away. What were they trying to hide? Normal people do not resist arrest for most crimes.
I've seen the quietest people you could meet resist arrest before. Doesn't mean they deserve to be killed, or shot though for doing so. People react differently, to things. If what you said here is what you really believe, then you really have a strange way of viewing the World. Compassion and common sense, are sorely lacking in your mindset, believe me!

I have personally not heard of such lawsuits being waged or won either.

People, in the end, get held responsible for their own crimes. The answer is not death to avoid lawsuits that would try to argue differently, especially not one that would argue they should kill a person rather than let them run away and 'possibly' cause a car accident or commit some other crime. AS long as they make reasonable effort to DETAIN, (not kill) there is no liability.

It is not that they should kill the suspect so there won't be a lawsuit!! The issue is preventing a lawsuit or holding the police responsible if they do let someone free and someone gets injured or killed. Why do police, when they discover a DUI, arrest the person, take them in and book them in jail, and then have their vehicle impounded? In order to get them out of jail, someone has to come, show they are not intoxicated, and then sign an agreement to take responsibility for the DUI recipient. At least that is the way Minnesota operates.

In the Atlanta case, why didn't they just issue a citation and a summons; take his drivers license, take his car keys, and then let him go wherever he wanted to? Probably not what the law allows them to do.

oldkid46's photo
Mon 06/15/20 05:58 AM
It seems that the new rule for the police is never shoot anyone who isn't an immediate mortal danger to you or someone in the immediate vicinity. What the criminal did in the past or may do in the future is not relevant. Now we need legislation to protect the police from liability when they let someone who resists arrest run away.

For instance the Friday night death in Atlanta. The police could have just given him a summons for DUI and let him go. Had he stumbled into the street and gotten killed by a car, the police would be sued. Had he went home angry and beat up his wife, the police would have been sued. Had he hijacked a car and then killed someone on the road, the police would have been responsible. Why did he resist arrest when it became obvious they were going to take him in and book him? Was there an arrest warrant out for him? Was he not who he claimed to be? It seems that most black men that have been killed by police were either fighting with the officers or running away. What were they trying to hide? Normal people do not resist arrest for most crimes.

oldkid46's photo
Sun 06/14/20 02:13 PM
It is like the same no matter who is on each side. Those who are innocent and just trying to make their way through life pay the biggest price. Conflict, be it ethnic, racial, or religious, can not be resolved until both sides are willing to find a mutually beneficial solution. Killing and mutual destruction benefits no one other than a few warring political leaders.

oldkid46's photo
Sat 06/13/20 07:36 AM
How would you define each of the following:

1. Racial justice

2. Social justice

3. Economic justice

oldkid46's photo
Thu 06/11/20 08:48 PM

Let me ask this: If cities and states ban police from using certain physical restraints that could cause death and an officer is dealing with someone physically superior resisting arrest, what action do you expect the officer to take? Please be specific!
I agree with harmony ... I expect the officer to

Be trained in risk assessment , conflict resolution and to safely engage in challenging situations .

To recognise when they do not have control of a situation .. to back down if safety is compromised or call for backup .

To use appropriate deescalation techniques and culturally safe communication.

To know how to safely defend themselves when there is a physiological difference or threat .

To React professionally and ethically .

George Floyd complained of feeling claustrophobic ...( a condition often associated with panic and fear ...) he was “pulled “ from the vehicle ... I would expect the risk assessment of that situation to consider the consequence of his state of mind and functioning at that point .

He did not have a weapon .. he was not combative or aggressive . Why they felt the need to restrain him in the manner they did is not clear . I am sure their rationale and motivation will come out in the legal proceedings .

It seems that there is more to this story than just a cop and an attempt to arrest Floyd. Should be interesting when all the investigation is done and the real story comes out.

oldkid46's photo
Wed 06/10/20 07:07 PM
Let me ask this: If cities and states ban police from using certain physical restraints that could cause death and an officer is dealing with someone physically superior resisting arrest, what action do you expect the officer to take? Please be specific!

oldkid46's photo
Sun 06/07/20 10:58 AM
It will not! As long as there are people who want to fight with others or injure others, there will be people who will try to kill them. Break into someone's home who is armed, and the chances are the police will find a dead body after they are called. Attack a policeman or fight during an arrest and something bad might happen to you.

oldkid46's photo
Sun 06/07/20 06:38 AM
Defunding the police will be great for gun sales and conceal/carry training!

oldkid46's photo
Fri 06/05/20 06:10 AM

Laughing at trump holding up a bible in front of the church (after the area was gassed ). It was like a scene from omen pitchfork
Oh, you mean that church the protesters tried to burn down? I thought we had federal laws about burning churches? Something about religious discrimination?

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