Community > Posts By > oldkid46

oldkid46's photo
Sat 03/12/22 08:59 PM
Just suggesting that you would give a "gift" in exchange for some level of sexual activity is ILLEGAL!! Some communities spend many dollars trying to apprehend men and women looking for consensual pleasure.

oldkid46's photo
Sun 03/06/22 10:44 AM
Edited by oldkid46 on Sun 03/06/22 10:53 AM

My last divorce, less than 10 years ago, cost me over $250k including part of my assets obtained prior to that marriage. When divorce settlements become based on what you brought into a marriage and what each earned during the marriage, then we will have a level playing field and a man can afford to take a chance on marriage.

Equal risk for a woman. Did you think of that? The way you present it is as if only a man ever brings stuff & money into a relationship. Women do the exact same thing so it's THEIR risk just the same. Yet, they still do it.

And men can screw their ex over big time. My mom is a good example of that. She was owed half of the house they'd had built, some $150.000, and some $2-3000 a month in alimony. Never seen a cent! He was living in luxury with it, my mother in poverty.
She couldn't do a thing as he lived abroad and still does to date.

If you don't want that risk you can go for a prenup. That's what it's for. Problem sorted.

Yes, in some cases women should have the same concerns IF they have assets. One of the problems with international forums are the difference in laws. What you describe from your mom, could never happen in the US assuming her ex actually had assets. Most men that were behind in child support or alimony didn't get any stimulus checks; they went to the ex! Can cost you any business license you may hold, any sportsman license, and your drivers license. In my state your employer now pays child support directly from your paycheck!! The universal problem is those who don't work or have anything worth taking!!

oldkid46's photo
Sun 03/06/22 08:33 AM
My last divorce, less than 10 years ago, cost me over $250k including part of my assets obtained prior to that marriage. When divorce settlements become based on what you brought into a marriage and what each earned during the marriage, then we will have a level playing field and a man can afford to take a chance on marriage.

oldkid46's photo
Sun 03/06/22 08:25 AM
If man's goal is mostly to use women for sex, then why not end that issue by legalizing prostitution? That would completely change the man-woman dynamic and men would spend time with women based on personalities and not sexuality! Probably would also destroy the careers of many female celebrities!

oldkid46's photo
Sat 02/26/22 08:23 AM
The laws are slowly changing to be gender neutral but will always penalize the more productive one of a marriage and reward the unproductive one. With our social welfare system, it is to the benefit of the state to make sure the unproductive one has some level of support or resources so that the state doesn't have to support them.

oldkid46's photo
Fri 02/25/22 03:40 PM
Home base is in Minnesota. It is winter so I'm a little further south near Branson, MO, All in the USA.

oldkid46's photo
Sat 02/19/22 06:38 AM
Edited by oldkid46 on Sat 02/19/22 06:39 AM
This is why some will never get married again!!!!

oldkid46's photo
Wed 02/16/22 03:11 PM
It seems that single women seldom put themselves out there in public where others can meet them. Usually when they do it is part of a larger group. If you are part of that larger group, most others are not going to attempt to get to meet you! If you are looking for a man with certain characteristics, you need to be visiting where he will most likely be.

oldkid46's photo
Wed 02/16/22 02:54 PM
The more confident a man is with meeting his domestic needs, the bigger the challenge for a woman to show her qualities that he will appreciate.

oldkid46's photo
Fri 02/04/22 02:07 PM
I suspect most of us just live our lives as we choose and do not waste the time feeling sorry for ourselves. The difference may be where our lifestyles differ and the geographic area we call home or areas where we visit. Those who live close to a large metro area have a much better opportunity to meet possible interests than those of us where the supply is significantly constrained.

oldkid46's photo
Fri 02/04/22 08:51 AM
Not afraid of the commitment but of the divorce if it comes!

oldkid46's photo
Wed 02/02/22 04:46 PM
Don't think it is just you!! What you describe is a common affliction of older men. It seems that many of us are destined to spend our last years seeking but not finding.

oldkid46's photo
Sun 07/26/20 06:00 AM
I need to get my other 2 voter registrations done before the deadline!

oldkid46's photo
Sun 07/12/20 09:03 PM
The only things different when fall gets here is that it will be cooler and the leaves will change color. The rest of the **** is just going to get deeper until we, as people, change the direction.

oldkid46's photo
Sat 07/04/20 08:51 AM
Yes, we all get some useless mail and there are some filters although they do not work very well for some folks. Just remember when you set those filters that you may be eliminating a number of potentials by setting your filters too tight. Sometimes people have a perception of what they are not willing to accept based on some negative experience and apply that perception to all who fall within a similar demographic. For instance, he/she is too far away. What you may not know is that he/she is moving in your direction or just happens to have family living in your area and visits regularly. Same goes for age limits, not everyone of a given age is the same in appearance or attitude. Better to cast a wider net and throw back a few rejects.

oldkid46's photo
Wed 07/01/20 09:07 AM
Being safe and practicing good Covid mitigation are the most important things for the weekend. I'm very concerned there will be a spike in cases over the next couple weeks. Gov is considering shutting down all the bars again; if he does, it probably would be effective on Friday. Thankfully, the liquor stores will still be open!!!

oldkid46's photo
Sat 06/27/20 02:16 PM

I wanted to put this out before I forget ... laugh

I was listening to one of my shows I like ... and never thought about it this way ... there have been 3 black hangings and they are saying it is suicide...

really they expect those to believe that ... being all the violence with the police ... sounds like to me it is the white supremacists groups ... reverting to their old ways ... but what I heard was ... could be a serial killer ...
found that interesting ... and if it is ... that group is across the united states ... and not ashamed of who they are ... or what they do to blacks ... they might be able to prove it but will be hard ... since their are some raciest cops ...they might have had a hand in it ... becouse of the charges brought about the police in those ...killings... of the innocent black men ...
and yes slavery still is going on now ... along with female & men sex trafficking... wonder if Jeffrey Epstein used young black women or girls ... and how many rich use different nationality's to work for them almost for free ... or even kidnapping ...I heard goes on with some...

I did not look at anchamima syrup as being racist ... I just thought it was a very good syrup ... but they have to do what they need to do ... with all the food names ...

Thank you so much mystical. There have been so many things brought up here to address in this thread.

First, I am saddened by the 'some people have it worse' argument. BEing beaten AND raped my be worse than just being beaten, but that has nothing to do with whether being beaten is bad. Immmigrants do have it worse for very hard work, which means that should ALSO be addressed. IT is an additional issue, not one that somehow negates other issues.

Second, about the hangings, I can at least understand that suicides do happen this way, and that current times may make some folks suicidal. I do not believe that is the case with ALL of these hangings, but I understand the tendency to rather think they were than to think they were homicides.

Third. I hate to hear people talk about employment and wages as if it's like going outside to pick your favorite weed. As I have stated before, there are many factors, like region one lives in and what employment is available IN that region, and what qualifications and/or numbers are competing for the job opening, and whether pay is commiserate with the expenses to go to a job, like potential child care and transportation and wardrobe costs, et cetera. It is not just a simple 'just get a job' equation. And the assumption of whether those needing or receiving assistance are just 'sitting' on welfare. Welfare does not even allow people to 'sit' on it anymore. The stereotypes must stop. The wages MUST keep up regionally with the costs of living. I personally think the subjective standard of the 'value' of work should be set at a minimum in all regions, based on the minimum cost of living for an individual residing there.

AS to the racist brand names, I feel honestly that people are too soft and triggered by too many things. The names are based upon the names that were founded, and as brands, and understanding the context of their founding, I am not personally upset or in need of them to change their brand names. I feel like, with retail items, market will determine whether something is wanted or not. I buy Aunt Jemima because it tastes good and it is the name I know, not because I don't like the particular image of a black woman they chose.

However, each brand or company should be able to decide if they want to change branding or image. The market will direct them along the way.

Finding a job is almost as easy as going out and picking your favorite weed, and a single person should be able to survive on something close to minimum wage. The issue becomes when a single woman with 3 illegitimate kids gets a job they have to find someone to watch those kids and they have 4 mouths to feed and shelter instead of just 1 and generally they have no skills or experience to bring to the table to make them worth a higher wage, even people with college degrees often have to start at a low wage until they have experience in the field. And if a guy has child support to pay he's in basically the same position as the single mom just without the daycare responsibility. I've been thru the 4 simple steps to keep a job that many cannot fallow. 1. Show up on time. up everyday. your work while you are at work. 4. Act professional while you are at work. Millions are able to do this everyday, however many are not able to preform these tasks often because they just don't have respect. Life choices at a young age can affect not only you but possibly generations to come. There are good jobs out there in construction and production and they are willing to train the right people, but these people need to fallow the 4 rules.
I haven't really been following the hangings but I will say when a loser like Floyd becomes a hero some people who are just not right may see this as a way to make a name for themselves. While others may have been supremacists who feel the blacks are gaining too much power at this time. However I don't believe there is any kind of police conspiracy going on. With all the video being taken in this day n age its hard to believe at least something would not be picked up somewhere. There may be a rouge officer here or there, but for the most part not only blacks, but also other nationalities are getting killed by cops because of their fighting, fleeing, and going for the officers weapons. These cops are making life and death decisions not only of the suspects, but also their own lives and public safety. I think many have been pushed so hard so many times that it becomes only a matter of time before something happens. In a lot of ways these officers go thru things similarly to soldiers in some of the crime infested neighborhoods and yet are still expected to function as an ordinary person on a daily basis even though we've become all too familiar with the difficulty many returning soldiers have adapting back to civilian life.

This seems very judgmental and misogynist. What does it matter if a child is 'legitimate' and how is any child not? Life spans over many years, and many things can and do happen that leave people as single parents besides just some 'illegitimate' situation.

Here in Vegas, minimum wage is about 8.50. That means, if you get 40 hours, 340 a week, before tax, before any kind of insurance. If one does not mind living amongst roaches and drugs and crime, they may get a one bedroom for 750 dollars. IF we do not consider taxes or insurance, that leaves roughly 500 a month for their gas, electric, telephone, grocery, and transportation, that is IF they do not mind living with roaches, drug and crime. And then, as I said before, you do not just go out and 'get' a job. In such areas, the competition for even low wage will be high, and employers paying those wages do not want seasoned workers who are not as easily moldable or trainable, and possibly more skilled or wise than they are.

I do not know what type of jobs you have competed for as an adult, but I believe the outlook expressed here to be idealistic and narcissistic. Many people have many various situations. You being able to do something, does not make those who can or do not do it any less or more 'lazy' or disrespectful than you.

As for Floyd, I do not know who says he is a hero or why he needs to be for his impact upon societal views and possibly societal change to be recognized.

It isn't what the minimum wage is but what the prevailing wage is for minimal skilled workers. In my area, most places must offer $14-15 to get someone to work in fast food or a convenience store as a starting wage. A decent place to live will run in the $600-900/ month. It is all back to what the local situation is someplace.

oldkid46's photo
Thu 06/18/20 06:26 PM
You might try putting your post in the Minnesota forums, might be some Minnesota men there!

oldkid46's photo
Thu 06/18/20 06:09 AM

masks won't stop you from getting sick...that is the first hoax they need to debunk
I don't think any reputable source has suggested wearing one will protect you from others. You wearing your mask is to protect me and others around you from getting the virus from YOU!!!! Hmmm.... I wonder if you not wearing a mask when you are infected and infecting me would be considered a crime or the basis for a lawsuit??

If you are at risk (or scared), then don't go out. You quarantine the sick, not the healthy. (Although you get an A+ in modern thinking. SUE!! SUE!!! SUE!!!!!!)
If you were healthy, you would not be a risk to others. Your excuse will be "but I didn't know". It is like requiring you to have insurance on your car; it isn't to protect you but to force you to take responsibility for your actions that affect others.

oldkid46's photo
Thu 06/18/20 06:00 AM

Until people smarten themselves and care about humanity and vote out the idiots in office the better off we will be.

People always whine about the ones in office, but you mustn't forget that those were chosen by a majority of people who see things the same way.
Change has to start with the people. So that's slightly different, it's not about voting them out, it's about people having to change.

The US has a helluva lot of problems, one of which is the B & W issue that's been going on for as long as American has been founded. Lord knows how to change that. There's always a lot of good people on both sides, unfortunately the ones that aren't so nice to the other party are more powerful.
Both B & W would have to change and become willing and open towards the other party. Black people discriminate just the same, there's even whole areas where white people cannot go for their own safety. That chit has to change.

Another HUGE problem in the US, probably mostly in the southern states, is religion.

Then there's other major problems, like healthcare, proper housing for everyone so people don't live on the streets, in shambles, or caravans anymore.
Good minimum wages, automatically getting days off when you work etc etc. All arranged by law.

None of these are easy things to sort as everyone is use to how it is, feels entitled, is resistant to change, and so on and so forth.
I'm glad I'm not the one who has to sort it out.
But it's like I said before on here: the world won't get stable until the US sorts its chit out. Not because you are überpowerful like many Americans think, but because you are part of a whole, a cog. The whole cannot work properly if a cog is still stuck or broken.

Let's hope it'll work itself out, sooner rather than later.
And none of this btw is meant to be offensive. Just reality.
In many ways you are correct. It is the people and their unwillingness to even talk and understand what the others believe. It takes strong, confident, and intelligent people to actually engage in discussion and problem solving. Unfortunately I think America is going to let these problems fester until they explode in nearly another civil war. I expect instead of north vs south it will be the 2 coasts against the middle of the country and instead of being over slavery it will be over socialism and taxes.

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