Community > Posts By > josh3110

josh3110's photo
Sun 04/06/08 10:59 PM
People like that tick me off..explode
I mean COME ON! YES pray for healing for her but give her the meds she needed and then down the road God could have healed her if it was his will.
My grandmother who is a pastor has a whole host of things that God has tested her with {Diabetes, MGS for starters} her body is shutting down and she is going to Die because the Doctors failed to inform her about things they wanted to do to try and help her.
The point is this, my grandmother is one of the most faith filled people ever I would say and God hasn't healed her because through it all she by all rights should have died before my mom was even born.
Just because God doesn't heal someone right away {and sometimes never} people think they "don't have enough faith" and yet it was said in the Bible that all the faith you need is the faith of a mustard seed!!! so Unless they had no faith at all I don't see what the problem with getting her the meds while they waited for God to heal.
I swear the stupidity of people sometimes astounds me!!!mad

josh3110's photo
Sun 04/06/08 09:52 PM
Well it's been a long time since I got on here but here's a little about me...LOL
I am writing a Novel,I am producing a cd with my own music, I am doing a stop motion animation series that I'm probably going to put on youtube when I'm done, I'm making my vlog on youtube, I'm trying to develop and publish 2 games, I work a full time Job, I've been trying to find a different Job also try to fit in time with my Family and friends and then on top of that I'm trying to find a intelligent Girl to go out with but to no avail I might add...LOL
I do Impressions of alot of different people/Muppets, I learn for fun and like to travel go on road trips when I can afford it, love spicy food {as spicy as my personality}.
I am naturally loud {vocal wise} and tend to overwhelm people when I talk to them.
I am a Genius according to Mensa but try not to show off but it's sometimes hard when it seems like the world keeps getting dumbed down.
My favorite food place is QDoba.
Favorite Books are both Alice in wonderland and The Myth Series By Robert Asprin.
I have way too many fav movies to list and I like different Genre's of music.
I don't have a Favorite color really because it changes from time to time so I'll go with Blue for now because that's the color shirt I have on...LOL
I have a Tattoo on my right arm also.bigsmile
I can't really think of what else to put so if there is a woman out there like myself mail me on here I would love to chat with you.

josh3110's photo
Sun 04/06/08 09:28 PM
This would be more fun if more people would come on here...LOL
It's nice to see people are using it though laugh

josh3110's photo
Sun 04/06/08 09:15 PM
I tell you what, I added it to my rare musicals I actually LIKE....LOL
1.Little shop of Horrors
2.Robin and the Seven hoods

Sweeny Todd is now my number one pick for this type of genre but it is one of my top movie favs of all time also.bigsmile

josh3110's photo
Sun 04/06/08 09:03 PM

God has a plan and you can't always see it and most of the time people are blind to it even so there shouldn't ever be a reason to question God when he has the Best interest for everyone in mind because it all works out in the end. {Unless you become bitter and curse God then that is a different story}

What part of raping a child is good for that child? It happens far to much, I don't give a FU*K what god does or doesnt do. Quit defending a no good vouyer, This is hell. You can tell me how good it was for you when it happens to you.

When Something Bad as rape DOES happen God can turn the evil into something Good, he doesn't cause evil but he can take something meant for evil and make something Beautiful.

Even if someone gives into their lust in such a Horrible way and the woman gets preg. God could use that Child to find a cure for something or do something great for humankind, if the child doesn't get aborted.

If a child is deformed That child can still be used to do something GREAT for God.

Take Nick Vujicic for instance he was Born with no arms and no legs and he is doing great things for God.
Google his name and watch his videos maybe you'll get something out of it.

josh3110's photo
Fri 03/28/08 11:14 PM
Sure would.bigsmile

josh3110's photo
Fri 03/28/08 10:04 PM
There's a new series I just got into and it beautifly done, it has awesome artwork.
It's called Mushi-shi by Funimation.
It's not the most action packed show but has very cool episodes and it's well done, now it's Just a question of buying all the dvd's LOL
I found the second and 3rd dvd's for $11 a piece at bestbuy and thought it was a great deal since normally anime run @ $20 or more a piece usually.
I never saw them before, I took a risk and I was plesently surprised. bigsmile
of course there's always Cowboy Bebop that's always been my fave show and I just bought the complete remix for $30 so that makes it even better...LOL

josh3110's photo
Fri 03/28/08 09:40 PM
God gave us free will and the choice to follow God's Will but just because you have free will doesn't mean that you'll follow God's will.
God has a plan but it is up to us to follow that plan.
So in a way yes it can be both.bigsmile

josh3110's photo
Fri 03/28/08 09:32 PM
Shouldn't that be WRATH?
I've never heard of rath before....LOL
There is more to the story than people look at and no one even want's to see What God's purpose's in all of it was.
First of all do you even know what the son's of Job were doing when they were crushed by the house?
PARTYING!!!! The might have been wicked people and they more then likely were disobeying God anyway so it was like 2 birds.
Yes there are things that get passed down from the father BUT it is our choice in the long run and WE have to break that curse our father gave us.
Another thing you guys over looked is that the Pharoh wasn't going to change his mind anyway so God did something that was going to happen reguardless anyway.
God has a plan and you can't always see it and most of the time people are blind to it even so there shouldn't ever be a reason to question God when he has the Best interest for everyone in mind because it all works out in the end. {Unless you become bitter and curse God then that is a different story}

josh3110's photo
Mon 03/24/08 06:14 PM
This one is better but I still can't seem to find the right woman still.

josh3110's photo
Mon 01/14/08 11:26 PM
No matter what answer we give to this man remember that he will accept no answer but his own...
You can never please a fool such as him because no matter if he saw God for himself he still will never Believe his own eyes, even if he heard God with his own ears he will not believe his own ears, even if God did everything this man asked he will never believe in any way at any time because of the fact that he has already made his mind up and has chosen what he want's to believe, and they call US narrow minded.

josh3110's photo
Mon 01/14/08 11:15 PM
I'm going to see it but I'll say it now....BOOOOOOO
I don't like the way the Joker is played from the Trailer not crazy insane enough for me, I would like a more portryed Joker like Mark Hamill did when he did the Joker in Batman the Animated Series... Perfect
was serious and then insane too He had the right formula and thats the way I would play him because I can do that voice and then I would let my own madness/insanity just flat out explode.

josh3110's photo
Mon 01/14/08 11:06 PM
I saw it when it first came out and loved every bit of it Im buying it on dvd when it comes out right away.

josh3110's photo
Mon 01/14/08 11:05 PM
one of the few "chickflix" I actually admit I fully love.

josh3110's photo
Wed 11/28/07 03:43 PM
Just me it's not just
I mean I'm 27 and I love those cartoons still, I don't know why all the good ones go away but with the way cartoons look today kids have no hope for fond memorys although you can always buy the dvds and smile.

josh3110's photo
Mon 11/26/07 10:29 PM
bigsmile I couldn't because I don't live in Brazil. LOL laugh

josh3110's photo
Mon 11/26/07 10:11 PM
Edited by josh3110 on Mon 11/26/07 10:13 PM
making my youtube
I made a video for ST. Jude childrens Hospital because it was something I have been feeling strongly about, they didn't ask me to do it but it was something I felt like it was something I had to do because of all the people who treat it like I asked them if they wanted dessert at tgifridays or something, they all just say "no thank you".
just brush it off like nothing, they don't want to give at least a measly dollar bill to help save kids with CANCER!!
I wish I could slap {or punch} them but then I would be fired and I wouldn't be able to pay my bills.
makes me so mad to see greedy people with no heart!

josh3110's photo
Sun 11/25/07 10:02 PM
Why do so many people like the Bourne Movies??
They stink soooo badly, Not so much the script but my problem I have is with the camera angles and shakyness, why didn't these people invest in a steadycam???noway
I get Naugia just thinking about it, sooo shakey , I think I'll go throw up now. sick

josh3110's photo
Sun 11/25/07 09:58 PM
LOL your a funny one Lantz. laugh
I don't disagree with fast Zombies it's just a matter of logic what I said for different resons.
you can have both types depending on how you approtch the subject, if your a newer Zombie {freshly dead} then you'll move faster but if you've been around awhile then you'll move slower I think we can all agree with the no talking rule which is part of why house of the dead sucked so much but that's another story entirely though.
I like the slower more rampint horeds more then faster because that's more freaky to me then anything else.
now what I would like to see is more kid zombies like they had in Res Evil because that would be truly bigsmile

josh3110's photo
Sun 11/25/07 10:32 AM

THE MIST!!! I was literally on the edge of my seat the whole time I was watching this movie. Its got action and gore. But the gore is just enough to creep you out but not over do it. And the characters are so well developed that you will hate a few of them. My audience cheered when one of them died. If you have the chance to see this movie, do it. You will not be disappointed.

I hate to burst your bubble but I don't know how a rip off of the movie "The FOG" could be any better then that lame concept?!

I didn't want to see either movie, it's a lame concept that shouldn't even be watched let alone made into a movie, there's nothing scary about a myst/fog that would make me scream in the least or creep me out.
I know every movie has it's doppleganger such as armageddon & deep impact or Volcaino & Dante's peak and the Myst and the Fog.

They are all the same movie with different actors and I abhore them in every way, as a matter of fact it is LITTEREALY insane because by definition Insanity is when you do something over and over and expect different results and when they keep making the same movies with different actors & different titles that is insane!

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