Community > Posts By > petenh

petenh's photo
Fri 09/07/18 11:51 AM
I know MY taxes went up under the "Trump Tax Cut". I will be paying close to $6000 more

But then again, I am middle class, the vanishing fulcrum the rich and politicians always balance the tax burden on

petenh's photo
Fri 09/07/18 11:47 AM

Interesting piece of OPINION states how the 25th amendment might be another tool used by Trump opponents

"Under the 25th Amendment, if a majority of the Cabinet, along with the vice president, were to conclude in writing that the president is physically or mentally “unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office,” he or she can be removed and replaced by the vice president. Were the president to challenge such a designation, Congress could still uphold the removal if two-thirds of both the House and Senate vote to do so."

With the strong speculation that VP Pence might have been the "senior WH official" who penned the recent Op-Ed piece, and if Bob Woodward releases the interview tapes proving the comments in his book are in fact true, the 25th could be used for the first time since being penned 51 years ago

The article continues "But Raskin, a former constitutional law professor who is a member of the House Judiciary Committee, noticed that, in additional to empowering a majority of the Cabinet to make the initial designation of incapacity, the 25th Amendment authorizes “such other body as Congress may by law provide” to do so. Yet in the 51 years since the 25th Amendment took effect, Congress has never set up such a body."

This "such other body as Congress may by law provide" might be a preferable route by the Republicans to remove Trump and get a more stable executive in the White House. This could be a move right out of "House of Cards", with Pence driving it.

Later, the Article states "[Raskin] said that one of the more disturbing indications of presidential incapacity is Trump’s penchant for “picking fights with individual citizens; picking fights with leaders of foreign countries; name calling; the insulting, impetuous abuse of people; constant provocations leveled at other people. That strikes me as completely bizarre and deranged behavior.”

I dont know. As unpopular as it is to say, the document we call the constitution was written to be amended and changed, and loyalty to party has long replaced loyalty to the citizens. Im not sure of any VP that would break that 'party loyalty' mandate to oppose the POTUS. I actually heard a congressman talking about considering bringing charges against those who had said anything against the President in his administration, because they work for POTUS, that says it all.

Ms, I believe that Pence might want to get started on his presidency sooner, so that he is a strong incumbent for the 2020 election. The anonymous op-ed piece last weekend was a big torpedo in the water, and as I mentioned, if they push Woodward to defend his book by releasing the interview tapes as proof, the only one used to DC politics is Pence.

Remember that the Republicans were force-fed Trump as a candidate. I believe that many Republicans, if asked candidly and answered as such, would say they too are embarrassed by this buffoon-in-chief

petenh's photo
Fri 09/07/18 11:38 AM

Lol...CNN and MSNBC have you guys wrapped around their fingers... you'll believe any lie they want to say, and not only believe it, but live it and dream it too...laugh

Actually, you could not be more WRONG. I have not watched CNN or MSNBC in years, because I cut the cord a long time ago.

I get my news and opinions by READING. Then analyzing what I read, comparing it with opposing opinion, RESEARCHING, and looking for bias. I also rely on my education in things like US civics.

I don't allow any news outlets or orange-haired phonies to spin me.

For instance, this original post was about the US Constitution, the document Trump never read before his 3rd month in office. Remember when he promised in his first 100 days to reverse EVERY unconstitutional EO Obama signed in? Since all of Obama's EOs WERE constitutional (and Dear Leader would have known that if he had ever READ the Constitution), none got reversed.

I doubt Trump even read the book that was ghost-written for him.

petenh's photo
Fri 09/07/18 06:51 AM

The democrat's aren't investigating Russiagate. They aren't investigating foreign interference in our elections. They are investigating every aspect of Donald Trump's life in a coordinated effort to take him down! This is a political and news media witch hunt.

Oh, A story that the media is hiding from us: President Trump, quietly, lent the McCain family one of the presidential planes to bring the casket to the funeral in Washington.

It sounds to me like he had to be shamed into it. He didn't do it just out of doing the right thing without having to be prodded into it.

In part,

The announcement comes from POTUS himself, after heavy criticism for his apparent failure to address McCain’s death publicly.

From here,

trump is so petty that he even had to be shamed into lowering the flag at the white house to half mast in honor of McCain.

but,considering we are talking about Donald trump,i guess that we should just be happy that we still HAVE an AMERICAN flag flying at the white house,and not a Russian one!

Dave, When he raises the Russian flag over the White House, he will tell all the ostriches "What? It is red, white, and blue, it is just an ALTERNATIVE style of red, white, and blue!" And all the Trumpanzees will say "Ooh, you are right, Dear Leader! And this one is much easier to color!"

petenh's photo
Fri 09/07/18 06:45 AM

CNN is the modern Onion....only brainwashed liberals believe anything CNN says...

except this piece is not what "CNN said", but what an actual military vet did and his interaction with Colin Kaepernick.

not really, it was more about Trump saying McCain wasn't a hero...

Well, now that you mention it, do you believe Trump was wrong in criticizing John McCain as "not a hero"?

Trump has a right to his opinion, just like you do ... Opinions aren't right or wrong, they're just opinions

Yes, I know that everyone is entitled to an opinion. I asked for YOURS, not a parroting of your president's party line.

Oh, and there IS a difference between your and my opinion, and the president's opinion. As the occupant of the office he sits in, he is supposed to represent ALL of us. How can he claim he is FOR veterans and the flag when he is spouting off about the NFL, but then he makes fun of ANY POW?

petenh's photo
Fri 09/07/18 06:31 AM
Basha, thanks for the Wiki URL.

petenh's photo
Fri 09/07/18 06:25 AM

The world stage matters. Trump has in many ways tried and is still trying to make us like some other country we've all heard of, North Korea. Where the people only know what he says. Believe it without question. Very little to no news. Except for whatever the government wants the people to know.

It matters all over the world how the president here carries himself and or conducts himself. When you "act" and "do" like Trump does with one bad thing after the other coming out in public almost on a daily basis, not only does it make the president look bad. It makes the whole country look bad. When the president looks bad, other countries pull away. They lose confidence in our countries leadership.

Trump is an alienator. His actions here is alienating us from the rest of the world. But most of all our allies. And that's a bad thing.

I grew up believing that the US President was the "Leader of the Free World". This guy has indeed alienated us from the rest of our allies. The country itself is radically divided. History can teach us that, when a country is divided and distracted, it emboldens our enemies to try something. With ticked-off allies, we lose the strength to ask for help when or if we need it.

We know that this clown cannot be called "the leader of the free world", because he has picked fights with most of our allies, and cozied up with our enemies. He has put us in serious trouble

petenh's photo
Fri 09/07/18 06:11 AM

he was not married to Marilu Henner.

Oops, thanks for the correction!

petenh's photo
Fri 09/07/18 06:08 AM
Edited by petenh on Fri 09/07/18 06:32 AM
Interesting piece of OPINION states how the 25th amendment might be another tool used by Trump opponents

"Under the 25th Amendment, if a majority of the Cabinet, along with the vice president, were to conclude in writing that the president is physically or mentally “unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office,” he or she can be removed and replaced by the vice president. Were the president to challenge such a designation, Congress could still uphold the removal if two-thirds of both the House and Senate vote to do so."

With the strong speculation that VP Pence might have been the "senior WH official" who penned the recent Op-Ed piece, and if Bob Woodward releases the interview tapes proving the comments in his book are in fact true, the 25th could be used for the first time since being penned 51 years ago

The article continues "But Raskin, a former constitutional law professor who is a member of the House Judiciary Committee, noticed that, in additional to empowering a majority of the Cabinet to make the initial designation of incapacity, the 25th Amendment authorizes “such other body as Congress may by law provide” to do so. Yet in the 51 years since the 25th Amendment took effect, Congress has never set up such a body."

This "such other body as Congress may by law provide" might be a preferable route by the Republicans to remove Trump and get a more stable executive in the White House. This could be a move right out of "House of Cards", with Pence driving it.

Later, the Article states "[Raskin] said that one of the more disturbing indications of presidential incapacity is Trump’s penchant for “picking fights with individual citizens; picking fights with leaders of foreign countries; name calling; the insulting, impetuous abuse of people; constant provocations leveled at other people. That strikes me as completely bizarre and deranged behavior.”

petenh's photo
Fri 09/07/18 05:48 AM

So presenting FACTS is now "conservative bashing"? And showing the inherent bias of a cited piece is "bashing"?
no, it's called bashing when you can't read what the topic is about....hint - it's not about any way

And if you will look REAL CLOSELY, I didn't mention Trump in my original reply, just stated that you are attempting in the OP to bash Obama with something that is normal for ALL ex-presidents to do.

See how YOUR biased media source is leading you around?

petenh's photo
Thu 09/06/18 06:21 PM

Obama is a lifelong oxygen thief.

Like Dub said, Obama is also ancient history. But all you Trump fanatics can't let him go. Even your Fearless Leader carries a torch for him, always bringing him up. When Obama was in the office, talk about W died out after Obama actually got stuff DONE in his first 100 days. But since our current Pervert in Chief can't get crap done, he has to keep bringing up Obama and the Clintons!

Do you guys all still call Obama's number, then hang up when he answers the phone? It is SO SWEET you all miss him.

Actually, I'll admit, I miss having a president I can be proud of too.

Obama spent his eight years as POTUS,
blaming Dubya, for every misstep he took.

Yet, you guys love bringing up Obama.... like I say, it sounds like folks who are still not over their ex. Really, it is OK to miss him. Trump misses him too.

petenh's photo
Thu 09/06/18 05:24 PM

CNN is the modern Onion....only brainwashed liberals believe anything CNN says...

except this piece is not what "CNN said", but what an actual military vet did and his interaction with Colin Kaepernick.

not really, it was more about Trump saying McCain wasn't a hero...

Well, now that you mention it, do you believe Trump was wrong in criticizing John McCain as "not a hero"?

petenh's photo
Thu 09/06/18 04:58 PM

My point being, since the eruption of the internet and the fact that it seems every kid is connected. Things that were not happening pre internet. Are happening now.
Kids are talking to other kids 100's or 1,000,s miles away and "fades" are spreading out of control to them. Dangerous fades.
Kids are being bullied by others kids far from them. something not possible before
Even with parent controls you never really know who they are talking to or what they are learning
Scary stuff

I agree. The internet is a powerful tool, putting the knowledge of millions of books at your fingertips, decreasing the size of the world to near nothing, allowing you to keep touch with family and friends virtually wherever they might be, and allowing us to control our world in ways that would mystify folks 100 years ago.

But there is also a trade off. We now have bad guys who can get at our kids with ease, even though we send them to the right schools, live in the right areas, and try to keep an eye on them.

The bad guys can subvert whole communities by spreading lies, and repeating it often enough that people think it "must be true"

We may not see the damage done to our society until long after it is too late.

petenh's photo
Thu 09/06/18 04:44 PM

Most people are sick of pc politicians. He definitely has your attention. So, he must be doing something right.

Actually, it is more like "I can't believe this guy can't pull off at least ONE thing right yet" I mean, even a blind squirrel finds a nut occasionally. Let's see:
- whiffed on "straightening out Obamacare"
- got laughed at by Mexico(!) when he told them to pay for the wall
- still can't find his taxes to show the American people, as promised.
- whiffed on finding any damning dirt on Hillary
- couldn't find a single unconstitutional EO signed by Obama
- was made a laughing stock by a tinpot obese dictator
- has been called "moron" and "crazy" by members of his staff
- never read the Constitution, must have bought his way out of HS civics class
- Had to be taught flag etiquette by his foreign-born wife
- Makes W look intelligent
- Sells out our intelligence services to a foreign government and doesn't even realize they got the best of him
- Looks like a petulant child with the other G7 leaders.
- publicly disrespects American former POWs, when he didn't have the balls to serve

I mean, if he wasn't trashing my country, it might actually be "must see TV". But I simply find myself wishing he would do SOMETHING, ANYTHING not totally self-surving

petenh's photo
Thu 09/06/18 04:24 PM
The Longest Yard was a great movie, and it was perfect for him. Who could not believe that he was a pro football star?

I also loved him in the Cannonball Run movies, riding with Dom Delouise (Captain Chaos)

Wasn't he the first Cosmo centerfold too?

I was a great admirer of his taste in women too. Married to Loni Anderson, and Marilu Henner, as I recall.

What was that movie he did a few years back, about the old coot bad guys who pulled off a heist?

RIP Burt!

petenh's photo
Thu 09/06/18 04:15 PM

Obama is a lifelong oxygen thief.

Like Dub said, Obama is also ancient history. But all you Trump fanatics can't let him go. Even your Fearless Leader carries a torch for him, always bringing him up. When Obama was in the office, talk about W died out after Obama actually got stuff DONE in his first 100 days. But since our current Pervert in Chief can't get crap done, he has to keep bringing up Obama and the Clintons!

Do you guys all still call Obama's number, then hang up when he answers the phone? It is SO SWEET you all miss him.

Actually, I'll admit, I miss having a president I can be proud of too.

petenh's photo
Thu 09/06/18 10:07 AM

So presenting FACTS is now "conservative bashing"? And showing the inherent bias of a cited piece is "bashing"?

petenh's photo
Thu 09/06/18 09:32 AM
Very well said.

petenh's photo
Thu 09/06/18 09:29 AM
"Comment: The Clinton's have taught him well. "

Yes, and so have the Reagans, the Bushes, the Fords, the Carters, the Nixons... what's your point?

Hell, the only president in the past 60 years to NOT cash in on these type of speaking arrangements is JFK. Reagan was known to be the highest-priced of the contemporary ex-presidents.

And what they talk about during the event is THEIR business. No "secrets"

petenh's photo
Thu 09/06/18 08:08 AM

what can you expect out of a generation of kids who have been raised by an underfunded public school system instead of by their parents,and by the media to think 'REALITY' shows are REALLY reality?

I am not going to blame bad schools, bad parents, drugs, videogames, or even flouride in the water.

Kids do STUPID things. When I was a kid, we did stupid, dangerous things. I am guessing that kids throughout time did stupid things. I mean, who found out that if you licked the back of a certain type of frog, you started tripping? (

The kid brain is constantly developing, questioning and rationalizing. But the kid is also constantly trying to fit in, wondering where they are going, falling in love, rebelling against their parents...

The internet, with forums (similar to this one) and videos, certainly fuels the fire, because new ideas (some maybe launched as cruel jokes or offhanded comments), but it is also the medium that can be used to extinguish bad ideas quickly (Rob Gronkowski doing the PSA calling eating TidePods stupid).

The internet and the 24-hour news cycle causes us to HEAR of these things kids are doing a lot quicker. 50 years ago, we had to wait for something to hit the newspaper or Time magazine before it got around. Now, some idiot kid tries something on one coast, and we know about it immediately on the opposite coast.

What can we do? Communication with kids is big, but kids don't always listen. Teach common sense? It might help, but the power of peer pressure is huge. Ground kids/ discipline kids/ take away internet? Nope.

Try to be open and honest with kids, tell them you love them, and ask them to think before they act....