Community > Posts By > noblenan

noblenan's photo
Thu 12/25/08 10:51 AM
Ok, yes, I think it is very strange that Christmas would be made a national holiday in a predominantly Muslin country! Where did you read that so I can read more?


noblenan's photo
Wed 12/24/08 06:51 PM
See, your not alone! happy Your here with all of us. Merry Christmas! flowerforyou

Nan glasses

noblenan's photo
Wed 12/24/08 05:20 PM

noblenan's photo
Wed 12/24/08 04:39 PM

That is what I do not understand. Why should a lesbian rape victim be treated differently than a heterosexual rape victim?

Or to look at this from another perspective, what if the story ends up being slightly different.

Let us pretend for a moment that two guys led this rape, and actually did the physical crime.

Guy 1 raped her because he hates lesbians.

Guy 2 raped her because he lusts for the victim.

Should these two guys get the same sentence, or should they receive different punishments for the crime?

NEVER is rape about lust! All of the men did this because they are violent sociopaths. It's unbelievable that there are still people who think it's in any way about the sex! slaphead noway


noblenan's photo
Wed 12/24/08 03:05 PM

An invasion wont be needed for the fall of this country, it will come from within, from its own people without violence, in the form of a tax revolt!!

More like a bankruptcy, Imo! spock

noblenan's photo
Wed 12/24/08 02:43 PM

ummmm, hasn't America ALREADY been invaded? and didn't they burn the White House?


I just don't get that video at all! Can someone please explain to me why those people do that?


noblenan's photo
Wed 12/24/08 12:57 PM
That was so sweet! And very nicely done! It was too cool seeing people's actual names with their faces. I got a little tear in my eye! Thank you, Mr Music, and lilbug too, for talking him into it!

Nan glasses

noblenan's photo
Wed 12/24/08 12:37 PM

How do you know when you've run out of invisible ink ?

Does that stuff really exist? spock


noblenan's photo
Tue 12/23/08 09:57 PM

ya wanna see something really scary

google northwood

yep kennedy was a democrat as was truman (the prez that used atomic weapons on another country)


Quick, decisive action, slow agonizing misery. what You make the call. indifferent


well there are those that feel truman prolonged the war (refused peace talks with japan) so he could use the bomb. in doing so they say his idea was to keep the soviets in line.

so which was it really

I say both! What you say?

what i say is the united states needs to go back to isolationism as much as possible. i know complete isolation is impossible but the federal govt is suposed to be run on tarriffs and excise taxes. and they are abolishing those forms of income and charging the people directly. that is a clear violation of the constitution.

what do i say

the federal govt needs a complete overhaul

Agreed on overhaul. Isolationism is next to impossible in this day and time and, Imo, is what got us into this predicament. We, as a people, have come to expect more money to be available than tariffs and excise tax would bring in.
That would be enough to run a government for the people, minus the worlds largest and most expensive military

And, minus all the entitlements we have come to expect.

noblenan's photo
Tue 12/23/08 09:17 PM

ya wanna see something really scary

google northwood

yep kennedy was a democrat as was truman (the prez that used atomic weapons on another country)


Quick, decisive action, slow agonizing misery. what You make the call. indifferent


well there are those that feel truman prolonged the war (refused peace talks with japan) so he could use the bomb. in doing so they say his idea was to keep the soviets in line.

so which was it really

I say both! What you say?

what i say is the united states needs to go back to isolationism as much as possible. i know complete isolation is impossible but the federal govt is suposed to be run on tarriffs and excise taxes. and they are abolishing those forms of income and charging the people directly. that is a clear violation of the constitution.

what do i say

the federal govt needs a complete overhaul

Agreed on overhaul. Isolationism is next to impossible in this day and time and, Imo, is what got us into this predicament. We, as a people, have come to expect more money to be available than tariffs and excise tax would bring in.

noblenan's photo
Tue 12/23/08 09:06 PM

Useing the Nurenburg laws as a gage I would say the atomic bombing of japan was a war crime. It is illegal to knowingly bomb civilian targets. Good thing we won the war. Lets face it war is a last option not a first. That is were Bush screwed up he was hell bent on war, he misled congress and the american people. In my book he is a war criminal.

Agreed! How many innocent people do your stats there say have been killed in Iraq or Afghanistan?
Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered In US War And Occupation Of Iraq "1,284,105"

The number is shocking and sobering.

It is at least 10 times greater than most estimates cited in the US media, yet it is based on a scientific study of violent Iraqi deaths caused by the U.S.-led invasion of March 2003.

That study, published in prestigious medical journal The Lancet, estimated that over 600,000 Iraqis had been killed as a result of the invasion as of July 2006. Iraqis have continued to be killed since then. The graphic above provides a rough daily update of this number based on a rate of increase derived from the Iraq Body Count. (See the complete explanation.)

The estimate that over a million Iraqis have died received independent confirmation from a prestigious British polling agency in September 2007. Opinion Research Business estimated that 1.2 million Iraqis have been killed violently since the US-led invasion.

This devastating human toll demands greater recognition. It eclipses the Rwandan genocide and our leaders are directly responsible. Little wonder they do not publicly cite it. Here is simple HTML code to post the counter to your website and help spread the word.

Ding, ding, ding! Give the boy a prize! flowers
I only except Euros

Ok, ok, but ya gotta send instructions on how to convert a a dime store stuffed animal! :banana:

noblenan's photo
Tue 12/23/08 08:31 PM

Useing the Nurenburg laws as a gage I would say the atomic bombing of japan was a war crime. It is illegal to knowingly bomb civilian targets. Good thing we won the war. Lets face it war is a last option not a first. That is were Bush screwed up he was hell bent on war, he misled congress and the american people. In my book he is a war criminal.

Agreed! How many innocent people do your stats there say have been killed in Iraq or Afghanistan?
Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered In US War And Occupation Of Iraq "1,284,105"

The number is shocking and sobering.

It is at least 10 times greater than most estimates cited in the US media, yet it is based on a scientific study of violent Iraqi deaths caused by the U.S.-led invasion of March 2003.

That study, published in prestigious medical journal The Lancet, estimated that over 600,000 Iraqis had been killed as a result of the invasion as of July 2006. Iraqis have continued to be killed since then. The graphic above provides a rough daily update of this number based on a rate of increase derived from the Iraq Body Count. (See the complete explanation.)

The estimate that over a million Iraqis have died received independent confirmation from a prestigious British polling agency in September 2007. Opinion Research Business estimated that 1.2 million Iraqis have been killed violently since the US-led invasion.

This devastating human toll demands greater recognition. It eclipses the Rwandan genocide and our leaders are directly responsible. Little wonder they do not publicly cite it. Here is simple HTML code to post the counter to your website and help spread the word.

Ding, ding, ding! Give the boy a prize! flowers

noblenan's photo
Tue 12/23/08 08:29 PM

ya wanna see something really scary

google northwood

yep kennedy was a democrat as was truman (the prez that used atomic weapons on another country)


Quick, decisive action, slow agonizing misery. what You make the call. indifferent


well there are those that feel truman prolonged the war (refused peace talks with japan) so he could use the bomb. in doing so they say his idea was to keep the soviets in line.

so which was it really

I say both! What you say?

noblenan's photo
Tue 12/23/08 08:20 PM

Useing the Nurenburg laws as a gage I would say the atomic bombing of japan was a war crime. It is illegal to knowingly bomb civilian targets. Good thing we won the war. Lets face it war is a last option not a first. That is were Bush screwed up he was hell bent on war, he misled congress and the american people. In my book he is a war criminal.

Agreed! How many innocent people do your stats there say have been killed in Iraq or Afghanistan?

noblenan's photo
Tue 12/23/08 07:55 PM

ya wanna see something really scary

google northwood

yep kennedy was a democrat as was truman (the prez that used atomic weapons on another country)


Quick, decisive action, slow agonizing misery. what You make the call. indifferent


noblenan's photo
Tue 12/23/08 07:49 PM

It's seems their government is no better at self control than their last one. The beating is overkill in my opinion if it happened and stupid frankly if they ever want peace in that country, all they succeeded in doing it rialing up the crowds, not very smart.

Democracy at work! spock


This Bud is for you Mr shoe thrower man.

noblenan's photo
Tue 12/23/08 07:17 PM

haha I always wondered about that.

My only thought is that the heat sensory if on one side not the center. When my next toaster pukes I will take it apart and look

Me, too! I figured it was some kind of weight sensor thingy. Let me know what you find out! :laughing:

noblenan's photo
Tue 12/23/08 07:11 PM

This is something Obama will have to decide. Better to stop the threat to Israel and Pakistan now than after Iran starts screaming again that Israel should be removed from the map. It's so obvious that Iran is just buying time while preparing to put warheads together. They also threaten the West as well. Destroying their capability now will bring about regime change. I do not mean that we should invade.

Don't forget, Iran, like Iraq is now in violation of IAEC (International Atomic Energy Commission; i.e. United Nations)
Also, last year several tons of yellow-cake (Uranium sulfate) were found in Iraq and sent to Canada for processing into reactor fuel).

How many innocent people will suffer and die when a nuclear weapon is used ? And where will it end ?

The report on Snopes says it was all still stored materials from before 1991, before the first invasion, from nuclear reactors that were destroyed in the 1980's

I may be missing something here, but haven't we had nuclear weapons for years? Why would we be so arrogant to think that we are the only ones who should? Oh, yeah, our allies can have them, too, right? No intimidation there! whoa


you left out

the united states is the only country to ever use atomic weapons at a time of war, on another country.

interesting, very interesting

Not to mention a little crisis back in October 1962. We've lost sight of the fact that we should not want to destroy our enemy, but to avoid destroying one another. Why would we think these other countries are not as cautious as us about possession of these weapons?

noblenan's photo
Tue 12/23/08 03:31 PM

We were until my parents passed. Now me and my 5 sibs are fairly dysfunctional.

Same here! sad2


noblenan's photo
Tue 12/23/08 03:24 PM
Merry Christmas! Happy New Year!!


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