Community > Posts By > love4life

love4life's photo
Mon 11/21/16 03:41 PM
Edited by love4life on Mon 11/21/16 03:45 PM
Is God a loving God? First of all, let's go back to the beginning:
Either the Bible is true, or evolution is true. Fair enough?

1. Evolution states that rain fell on rocks, washed the mud into the sea and after time the first amino acids were created. Oops. The ocean is alkaline and any acid that enters an alkaline solution gets turned to salt. Therefore, acids cannot exist in the sea. Is the ocean salty? Yes, of course it is. So much for evolution.

2. Is the Bible true? It cannot be disproved like evolution. That does not automatically mean that it is true, however. Nevertheless, I have found that the greatest critics of the Bible are those who haven't read it cover to cover, as any book is meant to be read. You certainly could not read War and Peace by jumping around and selecting the sentences that you want out of context and gain any semblance of understanding of the plot. Neither can you do so in the Bible.

3. My time is limited, so I will only address the Noah question:
The earth was filled with violence and every intention of men's hearts was only evil continuously. THAT is why the earth was destroyed. Nevertheless, Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord. He and his 3 sons and their wives were spared because out of the entire earth, they alone still loved and worshiped God.

4. The Bible says that, "Greater love has no man other than to give his life for his friend", yet Jesus (God the Son) gave His life for us while we were yet His enemies. And never forget that "the little ones belong to the Lord" so if they die before coming to the age of accountability they go immediately to Heaven.

5. Lucifer was one of the 3 Archangels in the beginning. He tried to asset himself above God and was thrown out of Heaven because of it. He took 1/3 of the angels with him (now, demons). It was Satan (previously Lucifer) that cause the fall of mankind. He tempted Eve and she was beguiled, but Adam KNEW what he was doing and ate anyway. The sin nature, therefore, is passed down through the male seed. If you want secular proof of this, look at the prison populations. Most inmates are men. Very few women are inmates, and most of them are there because they were following a man.

6. The bottom line? If you accept Jesus as your Savior, you will go to Heaven, because Jesus has already paid the sin debt that you owe. He is now our advocate (attorney) standing before God the Father defending us against Satan the accuser. I can think of no better advocate.

love4life's photo
Mon 11/21/16 02:42 PM
beware of scams

love4life's photo
Sat 03/12/16 12:28 AM
Edited by love4life on Sat 03/12/16 12:31 AM
When the sex is over, you have to like whom you are laying next to. When a couple starts having sex (outside of marriage), they stop learning about each other and dates become just about sex. Eventually they lose respect for one another and break up, because they know in their hearts that it is wrong. That is one major reason why the divorce rate is so high (50% or more).
No sex before marriage. God's way is the best way. He is, after all, the designer of the human species. Who knows more about us than He?

love4life's photo
Sat 08/15/15 04:37 PM
Maybe it would be better to use the plain, old fashioned, TELEPHONE!! Besides, on the phone you can hear the inflections in a person's voice. You can discern humor, satire, and sarcasm. Just sayin'.

love4life's photo
Tue 08/05/08 08:14 PM
Hi Enya, Sure I'll chat

love4life's photo
Fri 06/27/08 02:28 AM
I played along with one of these scams and have compiled a package of documents over an inch thick on someone "named" Nuru Imam. I tried to get the L.A. County Sheriff, the FBI, the CIA, and the U.S Embassy to take over the package in order to make some arrests, but they were either too busy or claimed it was not their jurisdiction. Thanks a lot! (Government FOR the people my ass)

love4life's photo
Thu 05/17/07 02:22 AM
Isn't "HOLY SIRIT" supposed to have a "P" in it? Like Holy Spirit?
After all the painstaking care that the scribes, scholars, and
translators used (such as bathing and praying before and praying after
writing God's name, only writing that one word all day, and even using a
special pen that was thrown away after one use), one would think that
folks could get God's name right.

love4life's photo
Wed 09/20/06 10:45 AM
Many people use an "e" instead of the first "a". This little crutch
will help: I smell a "rat" in "separate".
Get it? sep a rat e.