Community > Posts By > nickb275

nickb275's photo
Thu 06/30/11 05:42 PM
I must admit, a bit of spite sex IS cool!!

nickb275's photo
Thu 06/30/11 05:40 PM
My advice is to make the father a part of your kids lives.!!

nickb275's photo
Thu 06/30/11 05:37 PM
Don't know, hasn't happened yet, I think I rationalized most of em.

nickb275's photo
Thu 06/30/11 05:28 PM
Lately I have been having feelings and a need to go for a change in my life. I am tired of being single, but very scared of dating and meeting women with a goal oriented mind set. Before I would meet women and pretty much spell it out up front that I wanted no more than a casual encounter and fun..

My life has been taking several turns for the better of late. I am secure in employment and not strapped for cash as before, my lodgings are appropriate and stable. I have taken care to secure stability in regards to my son. I feel that I can finally bring to a relationship something other than need. I have something to give. I feel this in my heart. I want to share it.

The thing is, I can't share this with a one night stand. I can't share this with a buddy. I can't share this with my sister or mom. I feel really alone. The alone feeling is actually normal and comforting, as I have been alone for the past 4 years. Alone in the sense of no stable relationship.

I have been having thoughts of maybe starting a relationship with a girl. I don't have one in line right now. But I am looking for advice on how I can respect myself. And for those who know. I would appreciate you input.

Under no circumstances do I want to get involved with a girl and move in with her or be a daddy to her kids. I want my independence 100%. But I do want a steady thing, and not just sex. But a good home cooked meal, prepared by me or her, and other things like this once or twice a week, that I can count on, such as a movie and stuff like that, and not feel obliged to oblige her. Etcetera. You know, a comfy night together after a hard days work.

Am I being unreasonable?

I thought I still need time, but I really think I HAVE given myself more than enough time.

Confusion for me is bad. I deal horribly with indecision.

I am feeling this way right now, and my defense mechanisms will embark and I will probably be out looking for a girl tonight for a small comfort session. I am sick of it.

I have alot to offer. Where to begin?

Thanx for any advice.

I am laughing right now, but I know, I will be longing for a bit oh comfort soon. Is this wrong?

nickb275's photo
Sun 01/23/11 06:36 PM
posted that one in my odds and ends thread coupla days ago, but my call came from Utah.

nickb275's photo
Sun 01/23/11 02:33 PM
I'm thinking -50°celcius is mighty cold. For you americans, thats -58°f.

nickb275's photo
Sun 01/23/11 02:26 PM
Anybody ever been to Honest Ed's in Toronto? Was told to check it out once, literally had to run for the exit and even that was confusing, kept running into more stairs and corners and cheap asian goods. I felt assaulted when I got out of there. Someone should do the Torontonians a favor and torch that place to the ground, after hours of course.explode

nickb275's photo
Sat 01/22/11 07:19 PM
Edited by nickb275 on Sat 01/22/11 07:21 PM

And I have bought underwear for men; if you can find "undies" for $5, even at Walmart, I bow to you.

I am mistaken, 4 pack for 8$

nickb275's photo
Sat 01/22/11 07:12 PM

Under bunders
Banana hammocks
Budgie Smugglers
flavor savors

To name a few, I just thought undies was more appropriate for a dating site, I guess I stand corrected.frustrated that is more sexy laugh laugh

Gotta love google!!
Grundies-Bog Catchers-Budgie Smugglers-Skidy Scrapers-The Incubators-Foundation Wear—Boggle Pants—Wedges—Bum Baggers—Tightie Whities—Egg-cups—Fun Daks—Buttbags—Scungies—Dakkers—Bum Floss—Potato Sack—Duds-Fundies—Butt Huggers—Jewel Cases—Skid Pans—Tackle Bag—Skidmark Holders—Dag Catchers—Scruts Jokies—Bum Warmers—Mooshies—Skiddies—Fundies—Jean Savers—Fire Breakz—Underdacks—Tackle Box Covers—Nut Hut (I prefer “Under-the-Butt Nut Hut”)—Scruds—Clacker Covers—Bumderdaks—Dakes—Geeto Bobblies—Mr. Happy Pants—Scungeys—Snag Slingers—Ninnies—Skid Markers—Bum Socks—John Brumbies—Fudgeamudge

nickb275's photo
Sat 01/22/11 06:57 PM
Under bunders
Banana hammocks
Budgie Smugglers
flavor savors

To name a few, I just thought undies was more appropriate for a dating site, I guess I stand corrected.frustrated

nickb275's photo
Sat 01/22/11 06:37 PM
Also, where I come from, we call em' "bobettes". :banana:

nickb275's photo
Sat 01/22/11 06:33 PM
@lilblackmagic, that was a sexist generalization on my part, and I don't wear boxers, so what would you call em so I don't get mistaken in the wrong department again!

nickb275's photo
Sat 01/22/11 06:29 PM
@Ruth, sounds like fun, that's what I came to this site for. So, I want to play! What you need me to do?

nickb275's photo
Sat 01/22/11 06:04 PM

I know the general impression (for good reason) is that women love to shop but in my case it was my late husband who loved it. Thanks to him I have nice things now. Like a Bose radio and a good tv.

Sounds like your late husband knew about quality.. Bose will last a lifetime.

nickb275's photo
Sat 01/22/11 05:55 PM
On the other hand, went shopping for books for my 7 yr old boy, that was more fun, ended up buying a historical pop open book about the Titanic, can't wait to check it out with him. Also Rippleys beleive it or not 2010, lots of crazy pictures in there that will get him curious to want to read. So shopping for my son is way more fun. Who would of thought!!

nickb275's photo
Sat 01/22/11 05:42 PM

Might I smell a huge sexist generalization in this posters question??

You may smell away!

nickb275's photo
Sat 01/22/11 05:21 PM
I especially hate shopping with girls, I think in general guys hate shopping cuz most malls are not geared for men. If I could find a mall that had my levi's 501's and a small array of good solid work shirts in two different colors, and they served me in a drive by counter, I could get most of my clothes shopping done in about 3 minutes. I don't want or need to spend six hours trying on under wear and a buddy with me to ask if they make me look sexy!! When my undies are full of holes, I know I am due for another six pack of fruit of the loom at my local Wal Mart, in and out. Mission accomplished and good for another six years with me undies and only cost me 5$. Now that is smart shopping and sound investment logic.
Whats your take?
Ladies, please chime in and inform me why we are not on the same page as you when it comes to this shopping phenomenon.

nickb275's photo
Sat 01/22/11 10:58 AM
Whatever you give a woman, she will make greater. If you give her sperm, she'll give you a baby. If you give her a house, she'll give you a home. If you give her groceries, she'll give you a meal. If you give her a smile, she'll give you her heart. She multiplies and enlarges what is given to her. So, if you give her any crap, be ready to receive a ton of ****."

nickb275's photo
Sat 01/22/11 10:54 AM
Ok, me skates is sharp!! Who's takin' me out? I will buy the first hot

nickb275's photo
Sat 01/22/11 10:51 AM
Ten Reasons Men Prefer Guns over Women

#10. You can trade an old 44 for a new 22.

#9. You can keep one gun at home and have another for when you're on the road.

#8. If you admire a friend's gun and tell him so, he will probably let you try it out a few times.

#7. Your primary gun doesn't mind if you keep another gun for a backup.

#6.. Your gun will stay with you even if you run out of ammo.

#5.. A gun doesn't take up a lot of closet space.

#4. Guns function normally every day of the month.

#3. A gun doesn't ask, "Do these new grips make me look fat?"

#2. A gun doesn't mind if you go to sleep after you use it..

And the number one reason a gun is favored over a woman....

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