Community > Posts By > JaJM

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Sat 07/06/13 12:50 PM

I don't like the sound of that. You will NEVER have the necessary National Unity to save your country if you exclude ANYONE, because excluding anyone from your social group is what started the mess in the first place!

Remember "United We Stand; Divided We Fall!"

If you want to save the country, don't count anyone out, or everyone is going to go down for the count!

Quit falling for anti-Islamic propaganda!

Well said. Too many people are incapable of living without an 'us vs them' mentality, its a mentality thats no different to that held by the islamist fundamentalists. its childish, simplistic, incorrect and dangerous and the sooner people improve their thinking of other people the better.

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Thu 04/11/13 06:22 AM
News just in: Hell has now been privatised.

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Thu 04/11/13 06:20 AM
Horrible case. No reason to think this is a beginning of a trend among gay adopters though.

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Tue 11/20/12 06:17 AM

im actually hoping isreal goes in and takes care of business. push them idiots back into the stone age. let eat rocks and dirt for a few thousand yrs!

im so over hearing about these little rogue countries and factions. just send them to hell- either their hell or ours, i dont care which!

Advocating genocide? Of course you were joking and in no way serious

no photo
Thu 11/15/12 07:56 AM

And so the fighting, retaliatory strikes and counter-retaliatory strikes begin again. I'm not going to come out and demonize on side or the other, though I'm sure there will be plenty of that on this forum very soon. Israeli or Palestinian, its people and families on both sides who will suffer until both governments can start getting their act together for peace. But that is far of yet

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Tue 09/18/12 10:08 AM

One question.
If there truly are muslims who don't support their radical brethren, why don't they fight to stop them?

You may have to rethink your idea of all muslims being identical clones who all think and act alike.

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Wed 08/15/12 01:28 PM
Yeah, they'll allow it, they wouldn't have much choice in the matter. As for who keeps how much of what and splitting out the oil and debts and military and so on will need to be discussed and agreed upon first, divorces are very rarely mess free, after all. England will get to keep the Welsh tho

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Wed 08/15/12 01:00 PM
The Native Americans had to learn english, did they not?

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Wed 08/15/12 12:32 PM
I doubt this is big news anywhere outside the UK but Scotland is thinking of breaking of from Great Britain and going it alone as an independent country. Some within the UK think this is a terrible idea while others think its a reat idea (and not ll of thos in favour are Braveheart fans...)

I was just curious to see the oppinions of those outside the UK. Is it wise for a wee country to try and make it alone in all the ecenomic mess? Should it stick with the UK to keep its power? (however slight tha actually is). or is it a good idea to take all those risks and challenges if it meant a more representative democracy?

any thoughts? just curious

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Wed 08/15/12 08:22 AM
And do you know the real scary horror in all this? ... genetically altered humans are SOCIALISTS! We are doomed.


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Wed 08/15/12 05:53 AM

Violence has been done in the name of both religion and secular ideoligies. Religion is not special, it is just more widely available to be used to justify violent actions. If there was no religion people would just look for other sources to justify violence

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Sun 05/06/12 12:37 PM
Obama's secret is out ... he is a commie. The red revolution is starting ...

get your hammer and sickles out folks ... :P

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Thu 05/03/12 06:42 AM
its true, as much as its 'trendy' to blame america in europe the fact is europe, UK especially are largely responsible for a lot of problems ... but hey, we spread the english language so its not all bad ... ...

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Thu 03/29/12 09:19 AM
quite a few, I'd think

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Fri 03/02/12 02:24 PM

Well, like it was said in the movie Goodfellas, "Believe me, when we hit them, they know they are down." America needs to be a bit more tough. You get respect that way.

that is the exact playground bully mentality. the last thing the world needs is a super power acting like some playground bully

no photo
Wed 02/29/12 01:24 PM

Bomb, Bomb, Bomb, Bomb, Bomn Iran!

The Iranian regime, actually all Islamic extremists would love you and your sentiments. They would wish all americans and westerners would speak just like you, seriously they would. You validate their veiw that the 'west' hates them and wants to destroy them.


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Fri 02/24/12 08:17 AM
If Iran did start something stupid and Russia got involved then i'm sure Iran would be Putin its place ... Putin, put in? ...


no photo
Fri 02/24/12 04:09 AM
you speak as if all muslims are one closely knit group of people rather than a vast and diverse population. you also speak as if the minority extremists are somehow indicative of the entire population of muslims ... i mean, really??

the westboro baptist church are christians ... so all christians all over the world pickit funerals of dead soldiers and spout hateful homophobic rhetoric ... every single christian the world over are all the same ... if all muslims the world over are identical in their worldview and outlook ... right?

no photo
Fri 02/24/12 03:53 AM

If there were an Afghan military base in our country burning bibles, it wouldn't be pretty.

The reaction is as it should be.

That's horse ****, Christians would piss and moan for a while then go home and pray for those who burned them, muslims just live like animals.

this attitude of your towards muslims, a people numbering over a billion, is validating the argument of the extremists. they claim the west hates islam and muslims and here you are, proving them right.

long, slow applause ...

no photo
Thu 02/23/12 03:33 PM

If a vastly more powerful invading force occupies your country for years and kills of thousands of your people and then stamps down on your right to free speech for example, how far would you go to get your right to free speech back? or would you simply do nothing and take it?

every culture holds something important that might not neccesarily be important to other cultures, but it must be respected just the same, especially if you are occupying the country of said culture
Free Speech in the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan under the Taliban?

Are you kidding us?

totally missed my point.
1, the koran is more important to muslims in their faith than the bible is to christians. the koran itself is sacred to muslims, while to christians the book is not as important as the message within.

2, most afghans are illiterate and uneducated, one of the downsides of which is an inability to accept attacks on their belief from opposing points of view (some which never happens on this thread, i might add)

3, say hypothetically america was invaded and occupied for 10 years by a foreign power, during which time americans suffered thousands of deaths and chaos. and then after all that the invaders then attack something most americans hold very important, free speech for example. would most americans simply accept an attack on their right to free speech at the hands of occupiers or would some get a little angry and start causing some ruckuss to show how angry they are?

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