1livemusicfreak1's photo
Thu 06/09/11 06:38 PM

These cats opened for Motley Crue on the Saints of Los Angeles tour. They are from Chicago and RAWK all our faces off. Just saying. The rock and roll is out there...


1livemusicfreak1's photo
Tue 05/24/11 07:53 PM
Cindy Blackman
Nathan Arling
Matt Abts
David J. Russ
Ginger Baker
my dad :)

1livemusicfreak1's photo
Wed 05/11/11 08:19 PM
I used to do these types of photos when I worked at a photo studio. I loved doing them.

I always encouraged the woman to show skin (belly only, we couldn't do topless or nudes and I would never have done those photos anyway).

Wear white or a light colored top...solid color... get something in black and white if possible, those always turned out fantastic in my opinion.

Hope you got what you were looking for in your shoot!

1livemusicfreak1's photo
Wed 05/11/11 08:15 PM
I love well-done tattoos that have meaning to the perso who has the tattoo... I like asking people about theirs. I don't have one because I am afraid of the needle. Simple as that.

So I love tattoos, just not on me.

1livemusicfreak1's photo
Wed 05/11/11 08:09 PM
Lots of interesting opinions on this thread.

I don't drink, never have, made the decision at a young age. I'm 38 now and still have never had any alcohol. But that's just me. I don't pass judgment on others who do drink because my decision was just mine.

I do hang out in the bars sometimes, but it's to see bands and hang out with friends, not to consume alcohol. If I could go see live music without ever setting foot in a bar, I would. But that's where the music typically is, so, that's where I go.

When I tell people I don't drink, they usually say, "Really? NEver? NEVER? Not even on your 21st birthday or a glass of wine with dinner? REally?" And then I say, "Yes, really." And that's the end of the conversation. Or they may ask how come I don't drink. I have my reasons but they are my reasons, so, I just say, "I just don't, that's all." That usually satisfies the curiosity of most people I've encountered.

1livemusicfreak1's photo
Wed 05/11/11 07:53 PM
Old School R&B that I love:

The Temptations
The Four Tops
Smokey Robinson and the Miracles
Luther Vandross
The Commodores
Michael Jackson (anything off Off The Wall in particular)
Stevie Wonder
Marvin Gaye

1livemusicfreak1's photo
Sun 05/08/11 09:26 PM
My favorite movies are:

Stand By Me
Almost Famous
Say Anything

1livemusicfreak1's photo
Thu 05/05/11 10:34 PM
OMFG you guys, I laughed out loud reading all of these! I think I also peed myself.

Fortunately, I was looking for tips on making my profile more attractive. I now have TONS of ideas!!! Thanks for posting these!


1livemusicfreak1's photo
Thu 05/05/11 10:23 PM
I've been told I look like Emily Deschanel from the TV show Bones.

1livemusicfreak1's photo
Thu 05/05/11 10:13 PM
Take your date to your best friend's house for a BBQ. Then, while everyone is lounging in lawn chairs getting to know one another, put your feet up, take off your shoes and socks. Wiggle your toes for effect. Then, take out your toenail clipper and begin to clip your toenails in front of everyone.

This happened to me once.

1livemusicfreak1's photo
Thu 05/05/11 10:06 PM
Favorite songs... mmm... in no particular order and this is not a complete list, it's just what I came up with on the spot here...

The entire "Layla and Other Assorted Love Songs" album by Derek and the Dominoes
A Change is Gonna Come - Sam Cooke
Bring It On Home to Me - Sam Cooke
At Last - Etta James
Tiny Dancer - Elton John
Birds - Neil Young
Tangerine - Zeppelin
Chasing Butterflies - Casey Smith
Suite: Judy Blue Eyes - CSN
Up on Cripple Creek - the Band
anything from Gov't Mule
Are You Gonna Go My Way - Lenny Kravitz
Apologies - Grace Potter and the Nocturnals
Shaky Ground - Jackie Greene
Whatever Gets You Off - The Last Vegas
Josephine - Black Crowes

1livemusicfreak1's photo
Wed 05/04/11 08:00 PM
I chose not to get involved with men who have or want children for many reasons over the years. Although I love kids, I never had any intention of being a parent. When I was younger it seemed the men I knew who had kids also came in a package deal with lots of drama, and that turned me off in a big way. I didn't want to have the awkward conversation that would inevitably come with dating someone who wanted to have kids - when I don't and never did.

For me, the decision not to date men who have or want kids didn't come from my impressions of what men who have/want kids are like, or my fears or preconceived notions about that sort of situation. It just came from my own preferences and lifestyle.

PS Single dads rule (my own brother is a single dad). But I won't date ya. :)

1livemusicfreak1's photo
Wed 05/04/11 07:44 PM
Go, have a blast, rock out, enjoy the tunes. Life is too short. Besides, nobody will notice if you're "older" than the other attendees. They will be too busy rocking out themselves.

So go, and then let us know how it was!

1livemusicfreak1's photo
Wed 05/04/11 07:39 PM
I was once roommates with their old drummer. :)

1livemusicfreak1's photo
Tue 04/26/11 08:33 PM
To quote the movie Waiting to Exhale, "Once you get used to being treated well, you can't go back to ********."

That's my new campaign slogan. Bring it on!

1livemusicfreak1's photo
Tue 04/26/11 08:32 PM
To quote the movie Waiting to Exhale, "Once you get used to being treated well, you can't go back to ********."

That's my new campaign slogan. Bring it on!

1livemusicfreak1's photo
Tue 04/26/11 08:18 PM
Edited by 1livemusicfreak1 on Tue 04/26/11 08:19 PM
Also I buy books faster than I can read them, but, since I fully intend to read everything I buy, I figure I'm good till I retire.

1livemusicfreak1's photo
Tue 04/26/11 08:17 PM
I'm reading an anthology of Lester Bangs writings/rants/tangents.

Typically I read 2 or 3 books at a time. You know, one by my bed, one in the living room and one I take to work to read on breaks. So what I end up reading depends solely on geography a lot of the time.

Love historical fiction about the Tudor dynasty... books on politics... historical biography...anything on music....

...still waiting for Khaled Hosseini's next book (he wrote The Kite Runner and A Thousand Splendid Suns).

1livemusicfreak1's photo
Tue 04/26/11 08:09 PM
by The Casey Smith Project
Words, Music and Arrangements by Casey Smith

Seemed so right that time
Such a beautiful, endless night
I shut the car door and smiled
I'll chase butterflies away from you
I'll chase butterflies away from you

Something behind me said
Somewhere in the back of my head
I just kept insisting I remembered
All that's been said
But I brushed it away for you

And the that speaks
As I come down to do it
You broke me and left me alone to lie

You couldn't understand a word I said
I shoulda just stayed in my bed
The trip made me fall
I just wanna talk
But she can't understand why
I chase butterflies away from you

Take me away from this place
I can't stand to stay here anymore
It's only two quick turns and five miles down
And I'll hide myself away from you
I'll hide myself away from you

And the that speaks
As I come down to do it
You broke me and left me alone to lie

1livemusicfreak1's photo
Tue 04/26/11 06:54 PM
Born in Minneapolis, raised in the suburbs, now I'm back in the city where I belong. :)

Minnesota winters do suck, but, they make us hardy people.

Minnesota summers can't be beat. :) BRING ON THE SUNSHINE!

I'm waiting...

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