Community > Posts By > Pondhopper1

Pondhopper1's photo
Fri 04/19/19 05:42 AM

If you like Trump than you see the Mueller report as a end to a which hunt, if you don't like Trump than you see this as a dagger in your heart, so you hang on to a last ditch effort to build support for a possible impeachment, Could this be a blessing in disguise to revenge a twenty year old scar ( the impeachment of Bill Clinton). It is well known that this is not a important topic for voters. It will not influence the voters choice for president.The democrats have invested two years worth of stating false narritives of having seen evidence of collusion,it's not easy to just let it go after being wrong time and time again. Who thinks that it is time to get on with the important problems we face? #1 the crisis at the border.

By definition, I believe 'important' problems should always be addressed. By practicality, they cant all be addressed all at once, but can be addressed several at a time. I don't believe the border should be priority of those problems.

Priorities, to me, are things like poverty and drugs, which are claiming many more lives than any immigrants at the border.

I believe, as Trump himself nailed it, that he could MURDER someone and his supporters would not bat an eye in support. The investigation was into Russian interference, a TANGENT and relevant off shoot of that would be if a POTUS was involved. The investigation happened as it should. I understand the reasons for it and I believe any honest POTUS would welcome and understand it as well. They neither cleared nor charged the POTUS. I still feel, as is rightly assumed, that he is a sneaky con man and much of what is in the report points to how sneaky he is.

In offices of political power, even an appearance of impropriety gets investigated. Ask Hilary about her emails, or Clinton about his affair. it comes with the territory. If there is nothing to find, so be it. But no one knows what there is to find without trying to look first.

Congress will decide its next steps and more will come. I never believed he would be impeached, although I do personally believe his dealings are much more dangerous than a POTUS having an affair or lying about it. I didn't believe Clinton should be impeached, nor do I believe there is enough to impeach Trump. I just would like someone to replace him sooner than later, and hope enough educated voters turn out to make that happen at the polls.

I agree with you. I never really believed he would be impeached. But, it's already crystal clear that he's dirty. One proof of that is how he was running the Trump charity. He and family treating it like it was there own personal piggy bank. As far as I know, at least at this point, the New York AG is waiting his turn at Trump. It's not like we don't already know he's crooked.

I think Mueller knows it. Back in the day when I was a cop, sometimes we knew someone was dirty. But they always seemed to fly just under the radar. Just enough that it made it hard to make a good case against them. But sooner or later they would finally screw up and leave one small speck of evidence. And that small speck was enough to put them away forever.

They know Trump is dirty. But is it dirty enough? That's the question. That's why Mueller left it the way he did. Now, it's up to the Democrats in the house to find that dirt. That dirt that they can add to what they already know. The dirt that will make a prosecutable case that will stick. Dirt that Trump can't talk his way out of. It remains to be seen.

It ain't over yet. Today was just the beginning.

some folks never learn. Everybody knows Trump did nothing wrong as the report says, written by known TRUMP haters ( how's that for a justice system that is supposed to be non- bias.) That's how democrats roll though. If the democrats continue to promote this fake notion and spend the next two years wasting time with investigations it will be to their detriment and another four years of success for our country. I fill relieved knowing my president is using his time in office to, make this country greater instead of a president using his time in office to sexually assault interns.

Pondhopper1's photo
Thu 04/18/19 06:05 PM
If you like Trump than you see the Mueller report as a end to a which hunt, if you don't like Trump than you see this as a dagger in your heart, so you hang on to a last ditch effort to build support for a possible impeachment, Could this be a blessing in disguise to revenge a twenty year old scar ( the impeachment of Bill Clinton). It is well known that this is not a important topic for voters. It will not influence the voters choice for president.The democrats have invested two years worth of stating false narritives of having seen evidence of collusion,it's not easy to just let it go after being wrong time and time again. Who thinks that it is time to get on with the important problems we face? #1 the crisis at the border.

Pondhopper1's photo
Tue 04/16/19 06:23 PM

How unpopular is Donald Trump?

52.3% disaproval. 42.1 approval.

With a disapproval rating this bad, how could he ever get another election handed to him?

President Trump's Base May Be Starting to Abandon Him, According to a New Poll

"President Donald Trump is losing support among voters, including members of his base, as the 2020 presidential election cycle approaches. A new poll from PBS NewsHour, NPR, and Marist found that 57% of registered voters said they would vote against the president in the next election, PBS reported".
I remember in 2016 Trump was behind in the polls and guess what, the polls were very wrong. Why would you put any real faith in the polls now. I don't think his base has cracked very much if any at all. With the Latino vote increasing for Trump. I see a repeat in 2020.

Pondhopper1's photo
Sun 04/14/19 04:38 PM

I look for non-bias and intelligence. We have had that combination only rarely. President Trump is one of those rare moments.
True statement. If Trump can keep his momentum of success for the good of all americans( legal) than he should be a shoo in for 2020. I don't see any serious opponent on the left that can trip up our president in any debate. If the democrats campaign plan is like the 2016 plan( BASH TRUMP).Than they can count them out now! And at this close to the 2020 election I would speculate they have waited to late.they should start planning now how to win in 2024, I think that is next time they have a real shot to win, they have stained their image with some of their sick and dangerous ideas and policies they like to see come to will take a while to cleanse themselves of their hatred for opposing views.

Pondhopper1's photo
Fri 03/29/19 05:52 PM

As they do those with awfully LOW I.Qs ..but that's ok..I have worked with special needs people before...spock

If anyone has committed a crime and they stand a FAIR trial,and I don't care who they are.. and they are found guilty,then they should pay the price..plain and simple..NO ONE is above the LAW..NO ONE!
[/qu well with the exception of a few elites in Chicago and LA and a few other places run by democrats.

Pondhopper1's photo
Wed 03/27/19 08:24 PM

Im no t sure where to find that quote bu t it was the one you mentioned w/blackface( I can't remember his name) but he did say they could resesitate, make the infant comfortable then discuss w/ what would be done.

yes. that makes more sense. Doctors do discuss care with patients and parents.

you missed the point msh.if the infant is resusitated, than make comfortable, the danger of injury to mother is over, than what is there to discuss?

the treatment for the child.

[/quote Very true, treatment for the child. But the discussion they were talking about was to let the baby live or do nothing to keep baby alive. That's how it was portrayed anyway.

Pondhopper1's photo
Wed 03/27/19 07:55 PM

Im no t sure where to find that quote bu t it was the one you mentioned w/blackface( I can't remember his name) but he did say they could resesitate, make the infant comfortable then discuss w/ what would be done.

yes. that makes more sense. Doctors do discuss care with patients and parents.

you missed the point msh.if the infant is resusitated, than make comfortable, the danger of injury to mother is over, than what is there to discuss?

Pondhopper1's photo
Wed 03/27/19 07:40 PM
Im no t sure where to find that quote bu t it was the one you mentioned w/blackface( I can't remember his name) but he did say they could resesitate, make the infant comfortable then discuss w/ what would be done.

Pondhopper1's photo
Wed 03/27/19 06:14 PM
How many "gotcha now"'s has there been on Trump,but to no avail he keeps on going strong. Are the democrats blind,deaf,and dumb ? Of course not, there just good at the art of being pain in the ***. It might take a while but despite how it's looking now in Congress it won't last. Now it the other sides time for investigations. TIC TOC.

Pondhopper1's photo
Wed 03/27/19 05:47 PM
Beto wants to tear down the wall . Also The same moron that admitted to dressing in blackface before he denied it has proposed a law that would allow a doctor to perform a birth ,resesitate the infant then make a decision with the mother to chose life or death for that infant, if that's not infanticide than what is.? You can see these reports that aren't about slamming Trump ( Fox news) but instead sheads light on the way the liberal democrats are doing anything for power, no matter how low they go.

Pondhopper1's photo
Tue 03/26/19 07:21 PM
I havnt heard any democrat denounce the idea of abortion up until the time of birth as supported by some democrats , tearing down border walls like hero wants and all of them want more taxes. To me that sounds like democrats would be fine with all the examples I gave.

Pondhopper1's photo
Tue 03/26/19 06:54 PM
Today in Trump land was another good day for America because any day that proves to show how dispicable and delusional the democrats are is a good day for a victory for Trump in 2020

Pondhopper1's photo
Tue 03/26/19 06:26 PM
Hmmm, tough question. So many good choices like infanticide, open borders,stifling free speech, taxes out the wazoo. No thanks, I'll stick with President Trump again.