Community > Posts By > Toks86freeman

Toks86freeman's photo
Thu 06/11/20 01:44 AM

Toks86freeman's photo
Thu 06/11/20 01:43 AM

Toks86freeman's photo
Thu 06/11/20 01:43 AM

Toks86freeman's photo
Thu 06/11/20 01:42 AM

Good morning everyone waving

Toks86freeman's photo
Wed 06/10/20 11:18 PM

"And they heard the voice of the Lord walking in the garden in the cool of the day; and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God among the trees of the garden." - Gen. 3:8.

Following from our previous discussion on the great need for the ability of seeing, hearing, and understanding what God says and does, we will proceed to study the crucial place of the voice of God in dealing and relating to His people in His redeeming program on the earth.

Here, in this scripture, we have the divine key factor that carries God's presence whereby He brings men into His community, communication, and communion of fellowship with Him. This divine factor is "The Voice of the Lord." The voice of the Lord can be rephrased "The Word of the Lord" to establish the identicality of the two in the scriptures. In God's creative work, the voice of the Lord is the same as "And God Said..."

In Psa. 29 we are given some enumeration of God's mighty power that flows through His voice. This factor establishes the spiritual principle of the divine truth that the voice of the Lord takes precedence for God to have anything to do with any of His creation or creative work. This is very evident during the creation week in Genesis chapter one, and in the scripture verse from Genesis chapter three quoted above.

The voice of the Lord always goes before Him both to create and to establish fellowship with His creation. His voice went before Him before He stooped down to earth to fashion man in His image and likeness. His voice went before Him to warn the man of the enemy when He commanded the man and said, "Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat; but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it; for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die." - Gen. 2:15-17.

This is the voice that was always coming to the first man and his wife for communication and communion until the bond between them and the voice was broken, and the man and his wife fell from the platform of fellowship with God's divinity. That platform is "The Voice of the Lord."

This was when sin, guilt and fear entered in and the voice of the Lord became a scaring experience to the fallen man and the woman that they began to run from it. The voice of the Lord carries His presence and the power of endless life to create and to sustain. When we run from that voice, we run from that which brought us into existence, and which only will sustain our lives and existence. Compare Jonah 1:1-3.

The voice of the Lord is the key of revelation of Himself, His thoughts, and His ways to us. It is the primary key of His kingdom; the primary key of revealing His true knowledge, wisdom, and understanding, thus bringing to us as His people, knowledge of His truth, righteousness and holiness so we may be saved and preserved for His eternal kingdom in heaven.
(to be continued)

Toks86freeman's photo
Wed 06/10/20 05:53 PM
900 bigsmile waving

Toks86freeman's photo
Tue 06/09/20 08:44 PM

Toks86freeman's photo
Tue 06/09/20 08:42 PM
You're smart.flowerforyou waving


Toks86freeman's photo
Tue 06/09/20 03:50 PM

"Hear, ye deaf; and look, ye blind, that ye may see. Who is blind, but my servant? Or deaf, as my messenger that I sent? Who is blind as he that is perfect? Seeing many things, but thou observeth not; opening the ears, but he heareth not." - Isa. 42:18-20.

"The Son can do nothing of Himself, but what He seeth the Father do; for whatever things He doeth, these also doeth the Son in the same manner. For the Father loveth the Son, and showeth Him all things that He Himself doeth; and He will show Him greater works than these, that ye may marvel." - Jn. 5:19-20.

These scriptures reveal to us the fundamentals of the Christian faith, the Christian living, and the Christian ministry which are:
1. Spiritual ability to see what God is doing and in the manner He does it.
2. Spiritual ability to hear what God is saying and in the words and language He says it.
3. And spiritual ability to understand what has been seen and heard that God is saying and doing.

These are the bedrocks of spiritual and moral growth and maturity in the believer's life and ministry. The true Christianity is where the believer does what he sees and hears the Lord say and do; he does not say or do something because he sees and hears others say and do the same thing. Our Lord Jesus Christ is our perfect role model; what He said and did was what He saw and heard the Father say and do. That was where He drew His ability for all that He said and did that marvelled the world of His time on earth. The Father loved Him for this and showed Him more greater works that He performed that shook the world of His day.

God's lamentation over His servants is that they are failing to measure up to this spiritual dimension of receiving the ability to see, hear and understand what He is saying and doing in His redeeming program among His people. This is the basic cause of the spiritual and moral problems of the ministry in today's churches. Accordingly to His lamentation, the most blind and deaf people are His servants and messengers who seem to be coming close to Him and are considered by others as perfect or more spiritual than them.

The servant or messenger of God who goes to the left when God is going to the right, or remain stagnant when God is moving forward will terribly mislead those who are looking at him for instruction and direction, thereby jeopardizing their temporal and eternal purpose and destiny. Such ministers go from deception to deception, and so they lead those who look up to them and so much believe in their calling and ministry. This is why leaders and pastors will receive greater judgment for everything they say and do.

Through Moses the Lord warned Aaron when his two sons were burned to death before His presence for offering strange fire on His holy altar and said, "I will be sanctified in them that come near me, and before all the people I will be glorified." Lev. 10:1-3. On them who draw near unto the holy and awesome God, He sanctifies Himself, so that before all the people who are watching and observing them, He will glorify Himself.

This implies that those who draw near to God to minister in His presence stand a big risk that they must have to do that with utmost soberness, reverence and fear of Him who is a consuming fire. But today we see ministers talking carelessly and cracking dirty jokes on His altar without any sign of fear or reverence for Him, taking His grace for granted. These callous behavior will proceed no more further in this time of cleansing judgment to make the Bride ready for the Bridegroom.
(to be continued)

Toks86freeman's photo
Mon 06/08/20 01:20 PM

"Associate yourselves, O ye peoples, and ye shall be broken in pieces; and give ear, all ye of far countries; guard yourselves, and ye shall be broken in pieces; guard yourselves, and ye shall be broken in pieces. Take counsel together, and it shall come to naught; speak the word, and it shall not stand; for God is with us." - Isa. 8:9-10.

This is the divine war court marshal language and verdict over God's enemies who breathe out war threats against His covenant people. This same divine war language and verdict must become the language of those who have tied their faith to that which is infallible and impregnable, and which cannot change...God and His Word.

There is no doubt that we are now living in a time of war whose scale is described as "End Time Final Showdown" between the kingdom of light and the kingdom of darkness. The above scripture passage is the war language the Lord has given His believing remnants for times of war threats coming from the camps of their enemies. In very strong terms the Lord is warning His people not to walk in the way of the unbelieving and compromising people among them, nor speak the same language they speak. In the light of the above divine war language, we decree and declare that "Bill Gates" evil vaccine and those who sponsor, advocate, and propagate it shall sink with it, in Jesus' mighty Name!

God's believing people must not follow the compromising and unbelieving among them to seek help from wrong sources around them; we must not tie our faith to any human personality, denomination or organization. We must not fear what they fear, nor dread what they dread. Our only focus must always be to sanctify the Lord our God Himself, whose name is "THE LORD OF HOSTS"...meaning, the Lord of battles or warriors. We must sanctify Him as the only ONE who is our fear and dread; then He will be to us a "SANCTUARY" of life and light, protection and provision, when others will be grumbling, stumbling and offending at Him and what He is saying. Compare Isa. 30:25-18; 45:22-25.

This negative attitude will become the enemy trap and snare to the compromising and unbelieving. This is the time when the believing and uncompromising remnants must preserve the law of truth of God's Word and entrust His instructions and teachings to those who truly follow Him; this is the time we must wait on God, who is hiding His face from His people, and seek His face as never before and as our only trust where we tie our faith.

This aggressive waiting and seeking of God's face must begin from our families with our children, so that together the Lord will make us and the children He has given us to be for His signs and wonders and warning to the unbelieving world around us. This signs and wonders will serve as warning proof that He, the Lord of battles, has taken over His church and is dwelling among us. We must, as a matter of urgency, embrace God's standard of truth, righteousness, and holiness, and always look to Him for our help.

Those who contradict His word of instructions and teachings are completely in the dark. These people will go from one place to another weary and hungry, raging and cursing their leaders as the cause of their problems, and will not turn to God for His help. They will look up to heaven, and down to the earth; all they will see will be trouble, anguish, and despair. May this never be our portion! Read Isa. 8:9-22.
(to be continued)

Toks86freeman's photo
Sat 06/06/20 11:20 AM

Avocados have no flavor at all.

I enjoy eating it with sliced bread. It serves as butter and the taste is great.🥑waving

Toks86freeman's photo
Fri 06/05/20 06:02 PM
Just passing by

Toks86freeman's photo
Fri 06/05/20 06:00 PM

Toks86freeman's photo
Fri 06/05/20 05:59 PM

Toks86freeman's photo
Fri 06/05/20 05:58 PM

Toks86freeman's photo
Fri 06/05/20 05:57 PM

Toks86freeman's photo
Fri 06/05/20 05:55 PM
Just On National Assignment To Heal American Navy JONATHANlaugh

Toks86freeman's photo
Fri 06/05/20 05:50 PM
699waving happy

Toks86freeman's photo
Fri 06/05/20 08:01 AM

Toks86freeman's photo
Fri 06/05/20 07:38 AM
Ha ha halaugh

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